78 research outputs found

    Regulatory Instruments for Deployment of Clean Energy Technologies

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    Answering to the formidable challenge of climate change calls for a quick transition to a future economy with a drastic reduction in GHG emissions. And this in turn requires the development and massive deployment of new low-carbon energy technologies as soon as possible. Although many of these technologies have been identified, the critical issue is how to make them happen at the global level, possibly by integrating this effort into a global climate regime. This paper discusses the preferred approaches to foster low-carbon energy technologies from a regulatory point of view. Specific promotion policies for energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy, carbon capture and sequestration, and nuclear power are examined, but the focus is on the regulatory instruments that will be needed for the deployment of enhancements to electricity grids and the associated control systems so that they are able to integrate intelligent demand response, distributed generation and storage in an efficient, reliable & environmentally responsible manner. The paper also comments on the interactions between technology and climate change policies and provides recommendations for policy makers.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research

    A Comprehensive Approach for Computation and Implementation of Efficient Electricity Transmission Network Charges

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    This paper presents a comprehensive design of electricity transmission charges that are meant to recover regulated network costs. In addition, these charges must be able to meet a set of inter-related objectives. Most importantly, they should encourage potential network users to internalize transmission costs in their location decisions, while interfering as least as possible with the short-term behaviour of the agents in the power system, since this should be left to regulatory instruments in the operation time range. The paper also addresses all those implementation issues that are essential for the sound design of a system of transmission network charges: stability and predictability of the charges; fair and efficient split between generation and demand charges; temporary measures to account for the low loading of most new lines; number and definition of the scenarios to be employed for the calculation and format of the final charges to be adopted: capacity, energy or per customer charges. The application of the proposed method is illustrated with a realistic numerical example that is based on a single scenario of the 2006 winter peak in the Spanish power system.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research and the Spanish energy regulatory commission (CNE

    Adaptive clustering algorithm for cooperative spectrum sensing in mobile environments

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    In this work we propose a new adaptive algorithm for cooperative spectrum sensing in dynamic environments where the channels are time varying. We assume a centralized spectrum sensing procedure based on the soft fusion of the signal energy levels measured at the sensors. The detection problem is posed as a composite hypothesis testing problem. The unknown parameters are estimated by means of an adaptive clustering algorithm that operates over the most recent energy estimates reported by the sensors to the fusion center. The algorithm does not require all sensors to report their energy estimates, which makes it suited to be used with any sensor selection strategy (active sensing). Simulation results show the feasibility and efficiency of the method in realistic slow-fading environments.This work has been funded by SODERCAN and Programa Operativo FEDER under grant CAIMAN - 12.JU01.64661, and by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain, and AEI/FEDER funds of the E.U., under grants TEC2017-86921-C2-1-R (CAIMAN), TEC2013-47141-C4-R (RACHEL) and TEC2016-75067- C4-4-R (CARMEN)

    Comparison of the Evolution of Energy Intensity in Spain and in the EU15. Why is Spain Different?

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    Energy intensity in Spain has increased since 1990, while the opposite has happened in the EU15. Decomposition analysis of primary energy intensity ratios has been used to identify which are the key sectors driving the Spanish evolution and those responsible for most of the difference with the EU15 energy intensity levels. It is also a useful tool to quantify which countries and economic sectors have had most influence in the EU15 evolution. The analysis shows that the Spanish economic structure is driving the divergence in energy intensity ratios with the EU15, mainly due to the strong transport growth, but also because of the increase of activities linked to the construction boom, and the convergence to EU levels of household energy demand. The results can be used to pinpoint successful EU strategies for energy efficiency that could be used toMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research

    Regulatory Design for RES-E Support Mechanisms: Learning Curves, Market Structure, and Burden-Sharing

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    Drawing from relevant experiences in power systems around the world, this paper offers a critical review of existing policy support mechanisms for RES-E (renewable energy sources for electricity), with a detailed analysis of their regulatory implications. While recent studies provide an account of current RES-E support systems, in this paper we focus on the impacts these mechanisms have on the overall energy market structure and its performance in the short and long term. Given the rising importance of RES-E in systems everywhere, these impacts can no longer be overlooked.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Researc

    From distribution networks to smart distribution systems : rethinking the regulation of European electricity DSOs

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    Revised version of Florence School of Regulation; 2013/05; THINK Policy BriefsDistributed energy resources allow for new business models that have the potential to substantially change today's power system functioning paradigm. In particular, these changes pose challenges for distribution system operators (DSOs) and their regulation alike. This article sheds light on missing aspects in current regulation, recognizing DSOs as regulated monopolies, but also as key players along the supply chain. We provide insights on how regulation should be adjusted so that DSOs are incentivized to facilitate the market entry of welfare-enhancing technologies in a timely fashion, and to manage the distribution system efficiently in the presence of distributed energy resources

    Adaptive EM-based algorithm for cooperative spectrum sensing in mobile environments

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    In this work we propose a new adaptive algorithm for cooperative spectrum sensing in dynamic environments where the channels are time varying. We assume a cooperative sensing procedure based on the soft fusion of the signal energy levels measured at the sensors. The detection problem is posed as a composite hypothesis testing problem. Then, we consider the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test approach where the maximum likelihood estimate of the unknown parameters (which are the signal-to-noise ratio under the different hypotheses) are obtained from the most recent energy levels at the sensors by means of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. We derive simple closed-form expressions for both, the E and the M steps. The algorithm can operate even when only a subset of sensors report their energy estimates, which makes it suited to be used with any sensor selection strategy (active sensing). Simulation results show the feasibility and efficiency of the method in realistic slow-fading environments.This work has been funded by SODERCAN and Programa Operativo FEDER under grant CAIMAN - 12.JU01.64661, and by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain, and AEI/FEDER funds of the E.U., under grants TEC2017-86921-C2-1-R (CAIMAN), TEC2013-47141-C4-R (RACHEL) and TEC2016-75067- C4-4-R (CARMEN)

    Code combination for blind channel estimation in general MIMO-STBC systems

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    The problem of blind channel estimation under space-time block coded (STBC) transmissions is addressed. Firstly, a blind channel estimation criterion that generalizes previous works is proposed. The technique is solely based on second-order statistics (SOS) and if the channel is identifiable, the estimate is obtained as the main eigenvector of a generalized eigenvalue problem (GEV). Secondly, a new transmission technique is proposed to solve the indeterminacies associated to the blind channel estimation problem. The technique is based on the combination of different STBCs, and it can be reduced to a nonredundant precoding consisting in the rotation or permutation of the transmit antennas. Unlike other previous approaches, the proposed technique does not imply a penalty in the transmission rate or capacity of the STBC system, while it is able to avoid the ambiguities in many practical cases, which is illustrated by means of some simulation examples

    La gestión de la demanda de electricidad

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    El desarrollo económico español se acompaña de una fuerte demanda de la energía. Sin embargo, hasta cierto punto, es posible desvincular el desarrollo económico con el consumo de energía. El informe se centra en la gestión de la electricidad, el conjunto de acciones que intentan influir sobre el uso de los consumidores para ahorrar energía. Las medidas se pueden agrupar en tres categorías. En primer lugar, acciones que facilitan la respuesta de la demanda a los precios de la electricidad e incorporan progresivamente el coste de las externalidades. En segundo lugar, acciones de promoción del ahorro y la eficiencia energética en el consumo eléctrico. Y, por último, acciones transversales de apoyo a las dos categorías anteriores. Las medidas son de naturaleza muy variadas como la aplicación de incentivos económicos destinados a la puesta en marcha de programas de formación y concienciación o la implantación de procedimientos que hagan posible la participación activa de la demanda

    Performance analysis of SNR-based scheduling policies in asymmetric broadcast ergodic fading channel

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    We analyze the performance of SNR-based scheduling algorithms in broadcast ergodic fading channels where multiuser selection diversity is exploited. At each channel state, the user with the highest weighted signal-to-noise ratio is selected to be transmitted. The use of weights associated to the users allows us to control the degree of fairness among users and to arrange them according to a prescribed quality of service. These weights parametrize the scheduling algorithms so each set of weights corresponds to a specific scheduling algorithm. Assuming Rayleigh fading broadcast channel, we derive a closed-form expression for the achievable user’s rates as a function of the scheduling algorithm, the channel fading statistics of each user, and the transmit power. With the help of this expression, we solve some interesting inverse problems. For example, for a given arbitrary channel statistics we obtain the optimum scheduling algorithm to achieve a prescribed set of users’ rates with minimum transmit power