3,441 research outputs found

    Cross-lingual Linking on the Multilingual Web of Data (position statement)

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    Recently, the Semantic Web has experienced signi�cant advancements in standards and techniques, as well as in the amount of semantic information available online. Even so, mechanisms are still needed to automatically reconcile semantic information when it is expressed in di�erent natural languages, so that access to Web information across language barriers can be improved. That requires developing techniques for discovering and representing cross-lingual links on the Web of Data. In this paper we explore the different dimensions of such a problem and reflect on possible avenues of research on that topic

    Using Cross-Lingual Explicit Semantic Analysis for Improving Ontology Translation

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    Semantic Web aims to allow machines to make inferences using the explicit conceptualisations contained in ontologies. By pointing to ontologies, Semantic Web-based applications are able to inter-operate and share common information easily. Nevertheless, multilingual semantic applications are still rare, owing to the fact that most online ontologies are monolingual in English. In order to solve this issue, techniques for ontology localisation and translation are needed. However, traditional machine translation is difficult to apply to ontologies, owing to the fact that ontology labels tend to be quite short in length and linguistically different from the free text paradigm. In this paper, we propose an approach to enhance machine translation of ontologies based on exploiting the well-structured concept descriptions contained in the ontology. In particular, our approach leverages the semantics contained in the ontology by using Cross Lingual Explicit Semantic Analysis (CLESA) for context-based disambiguation in phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). The presented work is novel in the sense that application of CLESA in SMT has not been performed earlier to the best of our knowledge

    Preliminary Study of the Psychometric Properties of a Questionnaire to Assess Spanish Canoeists’ Perceptions of the Sport System’s Capacity for Talent Development in Women’s Canoeing

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    Given the importance of sport at a global level, the competitiveness of sport systems is a determining factor in attracting resources from different sectors. Competitiveness is largely measured by the athletes’ level. Therefore, the production of competitive talent is an aspect that occupies the managers of different sports systems. This study analyzed the factor structure and reliability of a questionnaire for the evaluation of the perceptions of actors of a sport (canoeing) on the ability of the national system to produce talent in one of its modalities recently incorporated in the Olympic Games (OG) of Tokyo 2021. The sample consisted of 167 individuals linked to Spanish canoeing, who responded to the questionnaire “Evaluation of the current position in canoeing-sport with regard to talent” of the International Canoe Federation (ICF). Exploratory, confirmatory and reliability factor analyses were performed. The results showed a one-dimensional factor structure composed of seven items, with good and excellent goodness-of-fit values and high reliability (McDonald’s Omega = 0.82). Thus, the ICF questionnaire can be considered a quick and easy to apply tool to analyze the perceptions about the development of talent in canoeing in order to take actions for the recruitment, promotion and development of talent. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Assessment of Risk Factors for Injuries on Beaches

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the risk factors for injuries on a beach. It is important to know all the risk fctors for injuries that can happen in a beach in order to prevent accidents. Risk factors were grouped in four main categories: beach morphology (BM), beach equipment (BE), lifeguard service (LS) and miscellaneous aspects (MA). All of them were evaluated according to their importance using a survey by Spanish and International experts. Descriptive analysis showed that LS is the main mechanism by which to reduce injuries on a beach. Lifeguard service in-service training is very important as are the affluence and activities developed by the beach patrons, the influences of weather and climate on the beach and other infrastructures as risk factors for dangers on beaches

    Análisis de las tendencias en bibliotecología y estudios de la información

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    Library and Information Studies (LIS) are approached as a complex construct, which has several avenues: it is a scientific discipline that brings together a set of theories, methods and techniques supported by a concrete, precise scientific community, it is a paradigm. Likewise, it is a series of professional practices, some classic or consolidated (such as the documentary analyst and the librarian dedicated to information services), others emerging (such as the virtual librarian or the expert in controlled digital lending); also, it is a string of areas of knowledge crystallized in lines of research and in study plans for the training of people (the Librarianship career in its various denominations), developed and supported by academic and professional institutions; all this within the framework of unavoidable issues of the context in which the (LIS) is deployed, such as the applicable legislation, the labor market of the information professional, the history and evolution of nodal topics (such as the book), the advancement of technology and its applications to Library Science, among many others. This construct, to be manageable, in the terms of this proposal, requires handles to generate minimally acceptable results and contain the overflow of ideas; In this investigation, the need to adhere to a structure that would allow the delimitation of the object of study and its technical approach became clear, that is, it was required to draw coordinates that would make it possible

    Cross-lingual Linking on the Multilingual Web of Data (position statement)

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    Recently, the Semantic Web has experienced signi�cant advancements in standards and techniques, as well as in the amount of semantic information available online. Even so, mechanisms are still needed to automatically reconcile semantic information when it is expressed in di�erent natural languages, so that access to Web information across language barriers can be improved. That requires developing techniques for discovering and representing cross-lingual links on the Web of Data. In this paper we explore the different dimensions of such a problem and reflect on possible avenues of research on that topic

    Formalismo monumental

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    La convocatoria del concurso para el ensanche de Barcelona, que acababa de perder sus murallas en la década de 1850, otorgó el primer premio al arquitecto Antoni Rovira i Trias y a su propuesta monumental y jerarquizada en torno a un punto de referencia clave: el valor del suelo. Sin embargo, desde el Ministerio de Fomento se ordenó la aplicación del Plan Cerdá, de mayor flexibilidad social

    Voluntad de poder y sociedad: una aproximación al pensamiento nietzscheano

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    TablasLa sociedad centra su atención en la realización del hombre a través de la vivencia de valores que permitan crear e inventar la historia del mismo individuo. Es así como el hombre para esta sociedad debe crearse cada día en su cotidianidad para explotar todas sus capacidades hasta elevarse a ser un superhombre; planteamiento que ya nos lo había expuesto Nietzsche, y que hoy por hoy, lo estamos llevando a la práctica por medio de la voluntad de poder; que es voluntad de vivir, voluntad de progreso, de conservación, de aumento y que el hombre actual está en afán de desarrollar para auto realizarse en medio de una sociedad que lo exige. Por lo anterior el presente estudio hace un abordaje a la obra de Nietzsche y la contextualiza en la sociedad actual a la luz de la idea de voluntad de poder desarrollada por el filósofo.The company focuses on the realization of man through the experience of values ​​that create and invent the story of the same individual. Thus the man for this society to be created every day in their daily lives to exploit its capabilities to rise to be a superman as we approach Nietzsche had exposed him, and today, we are being implemented through of the will to power, that is will to live, the will to progress, conservation, augmentation and modern man is in effort to develop car made ​​in the middle of a society that demands it. Therefore this study provides an approach to the work of Nietzsche and contextualized in contemporary society in light of the idea of ​​will to power developed by the philosopher

    Buenas prácticas Forenses en el manejo de la escena del delito, haciendo uso del principio de colaboración entre la Fiscalía General de la República y la Policía Nacional Civil en el Delito de Violación en Menor.

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    En la actualidad se refleja la necesidad urgente e impostergable de contar con un instrumento que mejore y vuelva más expedita la comunicación entre la Fiscalía General de la República, el Instituto de Medicina Legal, Policía Nacional Civil y la División de la Policía Técnica y Científica, a fin de fortalecer los procedimientos técnicos, científicos y operativos en la investigación de los delitos, especialmente de aquellos que lesionan o atentan contra la Libertad Sexual, con el objeto de volver dicha investigación más eficiente, eficaz, racional, efectiva, económica y rápida. Es así como se evidencia la necesidad de iniciara discernir la transcendencia que posee el principio de colaboración, entre las entidades que intervienen en la investigación del delito de violación en menor, aplicando el uso de la prueba científica, ya que son las que inciden al momento de juzgar, así como la información obtenida mediante la prueba científica, recabada durante la investigación e interpretación delas mismas. El Salvador posee un alto grado de delincuencia, en la que lastimosamente la violación sexual a menores, es uno de los que tiene mayor índice, es por eso que se hace necesaria una verdadera Política Criminal, basada en un Estado de Derecho que proteja a los menores del abuso sexual, que no existan penas basadas en una condena de muerte, sino más bien, que se trabaje en los valores y en la familia, para prevenir esta clase de delitos, es necesario que las madres conozcan el perfil de un violador y que los menores como tales, puedan conocer cuando están siendo víctima, y poder evitar esta clase de delitos, así mismo el Estado como tal, debería de realizar con la ayuda de Alcaldías y el Ministerio de Educación, campañas que fomenten la protección garante del padre en la vida del menor

    Análisis y estimación gráfica del comportamiento del COVID-19 en Colombia, Santa Marta y Cartagena enfocado a la letalidad.

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    This document presents the analysis of the behavior of daily cases of contagion and deaths from COVID-19. This is carried out to demonstrate the advance of the pandemic from its beginnings and to estimate the impact of this soon of so that health entities are prepared to execute mitigation and containment plans in the population. To achieve its realization, the method of Polynomial Regression and Normal Distribution was used. The results obtained are the curve that models the behavior of cases of contagion and death from the beginning and the prediction of how this will proceed until the end of 2020. The estimation charts model the behavior of COVID-19 based on its ideal procedure.En el presente documento se exterioriza el análisis del comportamiento de los casos diarios de contagio y de muertes por COVID - 19. Esto se lleva a cabo para evidenciar el avance de la pandemia desde sus principios y estimar el impacto de esta en un futuro cercano de forma que los entes de salud estén preparados para ejecutar planes de mitigación y contención en la población. Para lograr su realización se utilizó el método de Regresión Polinomial y Distribución Normal. Los resultados obtenidos son la curva que modela el comportamiento de los casos de contagio y de muerte desde un principio y la predicción del proceder de esta hasta finales del 2020. Las gráficas de estimación modelan el comportamiento del COVID-19 en función de su proceder ideal