13 research outputs found

    A Complete Framework for a Behavioral Planner with Automated Vehicles: A Car-Sharing Fleet Relocation Approach

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    Currently, research on automated vehicles is strongly related to technological advances to achieve a safe, more comfortable driving process in different circumstances. The main achievements are focused mainly on highway and interurban scenarios. The urban environment remains a complex scenario due to the number of decisions to be made in a restrictive context. In this context, one of the main challenges is the automation of the relocation process of car-sharing in urban areas, where the management of the platooning and automatic parking and de-parking maneuvers needs a solution from the decision point of view. In this work, a novel behavioral planner framework based on a Finite State Machine (FSM) is proposed for car-sharing applications in urban environments. The approach considers four basic maneuvers: platoon following, parking, de-parking, and platoon joining. In addition, a basic V2V communication protocol is proposed to manage the platoon. Maneuver execution is achieved by implementing both classical (i.e., PID) and Model-based Predictive Control (i.e., MPC) for the longitudinal and lateral control problems. The proposed behavioral planner was implemented in an urban scenario with several vehicles using the Carla Simulator, demonstrating that the proposed planner can be helpful to solve the car-sharing fleet relocation problem in cities.This research was funded by the Goberment of the Basque Country (funding no. KK-2021/00123 and IT1726-22) and the European SHOW Project from the Horizon 2020 (funding no. 875530)

    Urban Motion Planning Framework Based on N-BĂ©zier Curves Considering Comfort and Safety

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    In last decades, great technology advances have been done related to the automotive sector, especially in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) developed to improve mobility in terms of comfort and safety during driving process; hence, automated driving is presented as an evolution of those systems in the present and upcoming years. The aim of this work is to present a complete framework of motion planning for automated vehicles, considering different constraints with parametric curves for lateral and longitudinal planners. Parametric BĂ©zier curves are used as the core approach for trajectory design in intersections, roundabouts, and lane change maneuvers. Additionally, a speed planner algorithm is presented using the same parametric curve approach, considering comfort and safety. A simulation environment is used for testing the planning method in urban conditions. Finally, tests with the real platform in automated mode have been performed showing goods results.Tis work was partly supported by ECSEL Project ENABLES3 with Grant Agreement no. 692455-2 and the AutoDrive ECSEL Project with Grant Agreement no. 73746

    Intelligent Torque Vectoring Approach For Electric Vehicles With Per-Wheel Motors

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    Transport electrification is currently a priority for authorities, manufacturers, and research centers around the world. The development of electric vehicles and the improvement of their functionalities are key elements in this strategy. As a result, there is a need for further research in emission reduction, efficiency improvement, or dynamic handling approaches. In order to achieve these objectives, the development of suitable Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) is required. Although traditional control techniques have been widely used for ADAS implementation, the complexity of electric multimotor powertrains makes intelligent control approaches appropriate for these cases. In this work, a novel intelligent Torque Vectoring (TV) system, composed of a neuro-fuzzy vertical tire forces estimator and a fuzzy yaw moment controller, is proposed, which allows enhancing the dynamic behaviour of electric multimotor vehicles. The proposed approach is compared with traditional strategies using the high fidelity vehicle dynamics simulator Dynacar. Results show that the proposed intelligent Torque Vectoring system is able to increase the efficiency of the vehicle by 10%, thanks to the optimal torque distribution and the use of a neuro-fuzzy vertical tire forces estimator which provides 3 times more accurate estimations than analytical approaches.The research leading to these results has been supported by the ECSEL Joint Undertaking under Grant agreement no. 662192 (3Ccar). This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the ECSEL member states

    A Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and Applications

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    The last decade has shown an increasing interest on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) based on shared control, where automation is continuously supporting the driver at the control level with an adaptive authority. A first look at the literature offers two main research directions: 1) an ongoing effort to advance the theoretical comprehension of shared control, and 2) a diversity of automotive system applications with an increasing number of works in recent years. Yet, a global synthesis on these efforts is not available. To this end, this article covers the complete field of shared control in automated vehicles with an emphasis on these aspects: 1) concept, 2) categories, 3) algorithms, and 4) status of technology. Articles from the literature are classified in theory- and application-oriented contributions. From these, a clear distinction is found between coupled and uncoupled shared control. Also, model-based and model-free algorithms from these two categories are evaluated separately with a focus on systems using the steering wheel as the control interface. Model-based controllers tested by at least one real driver are tabulated to evaluate the performance of such systems. Results show that the inclusion of a driver model helps to reduce the conflicts at the steering. Also, variables such as driver state, driver effort, and safety indicators have a high impact on the calculation of the authority. Concerning the evaluation, driver-in-the-loop simulators are the most common platforms, with few works performed in real vehicles. Implementation in experimental vehicles is expected in the upcoming years

    Lateral Evasive Maneuver with Shared Control Algorithm: A Simulator Study

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    Shared control algorithms have emerged as a promising approach for enabling real-time driver automated system cooperation in automated vehicles. These algorithms allow human drivers to actively participate in the driving process while receiving continuous assistance from the automated system in specific scenarios. However, despite the theoretical benefits being analyzed in various works, further demonstrations of the effectiveness and user acceptance of these approaches in real-world scenarios are required due to the involvement of the human driver in the control loop. Given this perspective, this paper presents and analyzes the results of a simulator-based study conducted to evaluate a shared control algorithm for a critical lateral maneuver. The maneuver involves the automated system helping to avoid an oncoming motorcycle that enters the vehicle’s lane. The study’s goal is to assess the algorithm’s performance, safety, and user acceptance within this specific scenario. For this purpose, objective measures, such as collision avoidance and lane departure prevention, as well as subjective measures related to the driver’s sense of safety and comfort are studied. In addition, three levels of assistance (gentle, intermediate, and aggressive) are tested in two driver state conditions (focused and distracted). The findings have important implications for the development and execution of shared control algorithms, paving the way for their incorporation into actual vehicles.This research is supported by the EU Commission HADRIAN project. HADRIAN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875597. The publication is supported by the EU Commission Aware2All project, under grant agreement No 97878

    Continuous curvature planning with obstacle avoidance capabilities in urban scenarios

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    International audience— This paper presents a continuous curvature plan-ning algorithm with obstacle avoidance capabilities. The au-tomated system generates a collision free path that considers vehicle's constraints, the road and different obstacles inside the horizon of view. The developed planning module was integrated in the RITS (former IMARA) autonomous vehicle architecture. The goal of this module is to obtain an accurate, continuous and safe path generation, by implementing parametric curves. To this end, a continuous curvature profile when calculating vehicle trajectory is introduced. It also permits to generate different speed profiles, improving the comfort by reducing lateral accelerations in the driving process. These algorithms have been implemented in simulated -ProSiVIC-and real platforms -Cybercars-showing good results in both cases. This approach is currently being implemented in the framework of the EU CityMobil2 project

    Diseño e Implementación de un prototipo para la determinación de perfiles de demanda de oxígeno en especies de interés acuícola

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    La tasa metabólica de un organismo es una parte crucial para entender los mecanismos que sustentan el comportamiento y aptitud frente a ambientes cambiantes. el huayaipe (seriola rivoliana) es un pez con un gran potencial para el desarrollo de la acuicultura nacional, y por tal motivo se requiere que su cultivo alcance los máximos rendimientos sin verse afectado el estado de salud del animal o la supervivencia . a nivel de laboratorio, se determinó la tasa de consumo de oxígeno (co), en ejemplares de diferentes tamaños (peso corporal húmedo), peces grandes (hl: 416-498 g), peces medianos (hm: 320-407 g) y peces pequeños (hs: 291-310 g). se utilizó un respirómetro de 150 l completamente sellado. las mediciones del co fueron realizadas cada 3 min mediante el uso de un oxigenómetro digital. las tasas de consumo de oxigeno obtenidas fueron hl:299,76 ± 26,83 mgo2.kg-1.h-1, hm: 342,52 ± 40,06 mgo2.kg-1.h-1 hs: 459,26 ± 13,99 mgo2.kg-1.h-1.GuayaquilIngeniero Acuícol

    A Fail-Operational Control Architecture Approach and Dead-Reckoning Strategy in Case of Positioning Failures

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    [EN] Presently, in the event of a failure in Automated Driving Systems, control architectures rely on hardware redundancies over software solutions to assure reliability or wait for human interaction in takeover requests to achieve a minimal risk condition. As user confidence and final acceptance of this novel technology are strongly related to enabling safe states, automated fall-back strategies must be assured as a response to failures while the system is performing a dynamic driving task. In this work, a fail-operational control architecture approach and dead-reckoning strategy in case of positioning failures are developed and presented. A fail-operational system is capable of detecting failures in the last available positioning source, warning the decision stage to set up a fall-back strategy and planning a new trajectory in real time. The surrounding objects and road borders are considered during the vehicle motion control after failure, to avoid collisions and lane-keeping purposes. A case study based on a realistic urban scenario is simulated for testing and system verification. It shows that the proposed approach always bears in mind both the passenger’s safety and comfort during the fall-back maneuvering execution.This research was funded by AutoDrive within the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) in collaboration with the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020/2014-2020) and National Authorities, under grant agreement number 737469