157 research outputs found

    ADA-CMM: A Capability Maturity Model for Advanced Data Analytics

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    Despite the rising importance of advanced data analytics, there is limited guidance on how organizations should leverage it. The benefits that an organization can gain through advanced data analytics depends on the organization’s ability to gain and use relevant capabilities. This study introduces a capability maturity model (ADA-CMM) for advanced data analytics to help organizations assess their current state of capabilities for managing advanced data analytics. We used the Delphi method to develop the maturity model and performed a survey to evaluate its validity. The results confirm that the maturity level of the advanced data analytics capabilities of organizations is positively related to the business value that they can capture from their use, which in turn found positively related to organizational performance. ADA-CMM can be used by organizations as a self-assessment tool and to create a roadmap for improving their relevant capabilities

    Business Model Evaluation: A Systematic Review of Methods

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    Background: As a result of factors such as digitization and rapid technology change, organizations are compelled to innovate their business models at an accelerated pace. While the domain of business model innovation has focused on understanding and structuring the process of innovation, it offers limited guidance for evaluating business models during the innovation process. Business model evaluation plays a vital role in supporting decision-making about the performance or viability of new business models and motivating continued investments. Existing literature on methods for business model evaluation and their application is limited and available information is scattered. Furthermore, as the BMI process covers a broad spectrum of activities - from business model initiation to implementation - the evaluation challenges and the effectiveness of evaluation methods vary across the phases of innovation. Thus, there is a need for a better understanding on methods for business model evaluation, and their timing and application for business model innovation. Method: Through a systematic literature review, we have investigated the methods available for business model evaluation and focused on understanding their characteristics and effective timing of application in the business model innovation process. Results: We have identified six groups of methods used for business model evaluation. Additionally, we find that early phase business model evaluation is predominantly qualitative in nature, whereas late phases of business model innovation are generally supported through quantitatively-oriented methods. Moreover, we observe that limited evaluation support is available in the literature to support the initiation phase of business model innovation. Based on our findings, we propose a guiding structure for aligning the available methods with the respective innovation phases. Conclusion: The proposed guiding structure offers guidance for business model evaluation in practice and serves as a basis for future research in developing more effective methods and tools for business model evaluation and development

    Ecosystem and Business Models of the UMOS-MobilitEU Mobility Service Platform

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    This report presents the findings of the detailed analysis of the current state of practice in the Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) landscape, and their reflection on the UMOS/MobilitEU MObility Service Platform business models and their viability. The deliverable provides input to the strategy of the platform as well as to its development. We present a summary of our findings, which are based on the existing literature and our discussions with various parties in the domain. We describe our reflection of these findings on how UMOS business models and relevant revenue channels should be shaped. We believe that the report provides important contributions not only to the UMOS/MobilitEU ecosystem - in terms of deriving the decisions for the operations of the platform, but also beyond to the general MaaS arena. The deliverable has direct influences on the commercialisation strategy in terms of depicting how the cost and benefits can be exchanged between parties and what revenue items and channels shall be activated for the UMOS platform.<br/

    Nonderogatory Directed Webgraph

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    By assigning a certain direction to the webgraphs, which are defined as the Cartesian product of cycles and paths, we prove that they are nonderogatory

    Bridging Business Models and Business Processes: A Systematic Review of Methods

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    Business models are increasingly recognized as a concept to support innovation in organizations. The implementation and operation of a new or altered business model involves the (re-)design of an organization\u27s business processes and their successful execution. However, we currently lack an understanding of how existing research can be used to guide organizations in systematically moving from a business model design to the implementation and operation of the business model through their underlying business processes. Therefore, this study aims at identifying and analyzing methods that relate business models and business processes. For this purpose, we conducted a systematic literature review on methods that bridge business models and business processes. We classified the selected methods according to their characteristics and support during the business model the design, implementation, and operation of business models. The results of our systematic review provide an overview of existing methods that organizations can adopt when moving from business model design into the implementation and operation of their business model using processes. Our work also synthesizes knowledge gaps and identifies future research avenues for relating business models and business processes

    Evaluating the Design of Service-Dominant Business Models: A Qualitative Method

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    Background: Driven by factors such as digitization and rapid technological change, many contemporary organizations adopt a service orientation to sustain competitiveness and to improve their value propositions to customers. In doing so, organizations typically engage in collaborative service ecosystems to co-create value and exchange services, and conceptualize such collaborations using business models. The resulting models should be evaluated to support the development of service ecosystems and their long- term viability. Despite academic efforts on the evaluation of traditional, organization- centric business models, limited research is present supporting the evaluation of service- dominant business models, taking into account their key characteristics, such as service exchange and value co-creation in business networks. Method: Following a design science research methodology, we have iteratively designed a method addressing the qualitative evaluation of service-dominant business models, building on and integrating the theory on service-dominant logic, business model design and business model evaluation. To structure the steps of the design process, we leverage a situational method engineering approach, following a paradigm-based strategy. To evaluate the validity and utility our method, we have applied it to a real-life business case in the mobility domain, involving eight industry stakeholders in the process. Results: The method constitutes a set of guiding questions and a procedural description of their use, addressing the evaluation concerns of feasibility, viability, structural validity and robustness with respect to the service-dominant business model. The results of the evaluation demonstrate that the use of the method facilitates users to reflect qualitatively on design decision with respect the business model design and offers insights on its expected performance. Conclusions: This work contributes to extant research on service systems engineering and the instantiation of service-dominant logic, clarifying how service ecosystems can be evaluated through the business model concept and explicating how business models are impacted through service-dominant logic

    Moguća povezanost gestacijskog dijabetesa s upalom

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is associated with inflammation by comparing serum levels of human chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40), neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR). This case control study included 29 pregnant women with GDM and 29 pregnant women with normal glucose tolerance matched for age (±2 years) and pre-pregnancy body mass index (±2 kg/m2). The YKL-40/CHI3L1 levels were measured, and NLR and PLR investigated. There were no statistically significant differences in maternal age, gestational age, gravidity and parity. Higher YKL-40 levels were recorded in pregnant women with GDM compared to control subjects (203 (65-300) ng/mL vs. 159.2 (14-290) ng/mL, p=0.007). NLR and PLR were significantly higher in GDM compared with control group. In conclusion, GDM is associated with high levels of YKL-40, NLR and PLR, which indicate inflammatory status.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti je li gestacijski dijabetes melitus (GDM) udružen s upalom i to usporedbom serumskih razina humanog hitinazi-3-sličnog proteina 1 (YKL-40) te omjera neutrofila/limfocita (NLR) i omjera trombocita/limfocita (PLR). U ovo istraživanje parova bilo je uključeno 29 trudnica s GDM i 29 trudnica s normalnom tolerancijom glukoze. Dob (± 2 godine) i indeks tjelesne mase prije trudnoće bili su podjednaki u obje skupine. Mjerene su razine humanog hitinazi-3-sličnog proteina 1 (YKL-40/CHI3L1) te ispitani omjeri NLR i PLR. Nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika u dobi, gestacijskoj dobi i gravidnosti. Zabilježene su više razine YKL-40 u trudnica s GDM u usporedbi s kontrolnim trudnicama (203 (65-300) ng/mL prema 159,2 (14-290) ng/mL, p=0,007). NLR i PLR bili su značajno viši u skupini s GDM nego u kontrolnoj skupini. U zaključku, GDM je udružen s visokim razinama YKL-40, NLR i PLR koji ukazuju na upalno stanje