Sestre Milosrdnice University hospital and Institute of Clinical Medical Research
The aim of this study was to investigate whether gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is associated with inflammation by comparing serum levels of human chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40), neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR). This case control study included 29 pregnant women with GDM and 29 pregnant women with normal glucose tolerance matched for age (±2 years) and pre-pregnancy body mass index (±2 kg/m2). The
YKL-40/CHI3L1 levels were measured, and NLR and PLR investigated. There were no statistically significant differences in maternal age, gestational age, gravidity and parity. Higher YKL-40 levels were recorded in pregnant women with GDM compared to control subjects (203 (65-300) ng/mL vs. 159.2 (14-290) ng/mL, p=0.007). NLR and PLR were significantly higher in GDM compared with control group. In conclusion, GDM is associated with high levels of YKL-40, NLR and PLR, which indicate inflammatory status.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti je li gestacijski dijabetes melitus (GDM) udružen s upalom i to usporedbom serumskih razina humanog hitinazi-3-sličnog proteina 1 (YKL-40) te omjera neutrofila/limfocita (NLR) i omjera trombocita/limfocita (PLR). U ovo istraživanje parova bilo je uključeno 29 trudnica s GDM i 29 trudnica s normalnom tolerancijom glukoze. Dob (± 2 godine) i indeks tjelesne mase prije trudnoće bili su podjednaki u obje skupine. Mjerene su razine humanog hitinazi-3-sličnog proteina 1 (YKL-40/CHI3L1) te ispitani omjeri NLR i PLR. Nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika u dobi, gestacijskoj dobi i gravidnosti. Zabilježene su više razine YKL-40 u trudnica s GDM u usporedbi s kontrolnim trudnicama (203 (65-300) ng/mL prema 159,2 (14-290) ng/mL, p=0,007). NLR i PLR bili su značajno viši u skupini s GDM nego u kontrolnoj skupini. U zaključku, GDM je udružen s visokim razinama YKL-40, NLR i PLR koji ukazuju na upalno stanje