5,189 research outputs found

    Thermal constraints on in vivo optogenetic manipulations.

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    A key assumption of optogenetics is that light only affects opsin-expressing neurons. However, illumination invariably heats tissue, and many physiological processes are temperature-sensitive. Commonly used illumination protocols increased the temperature by 0.2-2 °C and suppressed spiking in multiple brain regions. In the striatum, light delivery activated an inwardly rectifying potassium conductance and biased rotational behavior. Thus, careful consideration of light-delivery parameters is required, as even modest intracranial heating can confound interpretation of optogenetic experiments

    Hierarchical Bin Buffering: Online Local Moments for Dynamic External Memory Arrays

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    Local moments are used for local regression, to compute statistical measures such as sums, averages, and standard deviations, and to approximate probability distributions. We consider the case where the data source is a very large I/O array of size n and we want to compute the first N local moments, for some constant N. Without precomputation, this requires O(n) time. We develop a sequence of algorithms of increasing sophistication that use precomputation and additional buffer space to speed up queries. The simpler algorithms partition the I/O array into consecutive ranges called bins, and they are applicable not only to local-moment queries, but also to algebraic queries (MAX, AVERAGE, SUM, etc.). With N buffers of size sqrt{n}, time complexity drops to O(sqrt n). A more sophisticated approach uses hierarchical buffering and has a logarithmic time complexity (O(b log_b n)), when using N hierarchical buffers of size n/b. Using Overlapped Bin Buffering, we show that only a single buffer is needed, as with wavelet-based algorithms, but using much less storage. Applications exist in multidimensional and statistical databases over massive data sets, interactive image processing, and visualization

    Vestibular effects on cerebral blood flow

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    Humans demonstrate a number of unique adaptations that allow the maintenance of blood pressure and brain blood flow after transition to the upright position. While these adaptations maintain heart-level mean arterial pressure similar to supine values, the brain remains ~30 cm above the heart, resulting in a ~25% decrease in perfusion pressure. To maintain brain blood flow, the cerebral vessels must dilate in response to this change in position. While several physiological systems are involved in adaptation to the upright posture, including cerebral autoregulation, the unique role that the vestibular system plays in helping to maintain brain blood flow is just beginning to be elucidated. Since the vestibular system not only assists in balance control and locomotion but provides direct information about the body's position relative to gravity, it can, within milliseconds, detect a change in posture. Thus it is possible that a vestibular signal indicating upright could assist in this necessary cerebral vasodilation. In this work we demonstrate a direct effect of vestibular activation on cerebral blood flow regulation. By stimulating the otoliths, the organs that sense gravity, using sinusoidal translation or tilt in the dark at five frequencies, we found that cerebral blood flow was modulated according to the frequency of stimulation. In addition, changes in cerebral blood flow were in opposition to blood pressure changes, likely indicating a direct effect of otolith activation on cerebral blood flow regulation. We anticipate these findings may lead to new treatment modalities for cerebral hypoperfusion under a variety of circumstances. For example, with aging there is well documented vestibular loss that might contribute to a general age-associated reduction in global cerebral blood flow. Similarly, patients with orthostatic intolerance could have vestibular impairment that exacerbates cerebral hypoperfusion when upright

    Cerebral Hypoperfusion Precedes Nausea During Centrifugation

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    Nausea and motion sickness are important operational concerns for aviators and astronauts. Understanding underlying mechanisms associated with motion sickness may lead to new treatments. The goal of this work was to determine if cerebral blood flow changes precede the development of nausea in motion sick susceptible subjects. Cerebral flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery (transcranial Doppler), blood pressure (Finapres) and end-tidal CO2 were measured while subjects were rotated on a centrifuge (250 degrees/sec). Following 5 min of rotation, subjects were translated 0.504 m off-center, creating a +lGx centripetal acceleration in the nasal-occipital plane. Ten subjects completed the protocol without symptoms while 5 developed nausea (4 while 6ff-center and 1 while rotating on-center). Prior to nausea, subjects had significant increases in blood pressure (+13plus or minus 3 mmHg, P less than 0.05) and cerebrovascular resistance (+46 plus or minus 17%, P less than 0.05) and decreases in cerebral flow velocity both in the second (-13 plus or minus 4%) and last minute (-22 plus or minus 5%) before symptoms (P less than 0.05). In comparison, controls demonstrated no change in blood pressure or cerebrovascular resistance in the last minute of off-center rotation and only a 7 plus or minus 2% decrease in cerebral flow velocity. All subjects had significant hypocapnia (-3.8 plus or minus 0.4 mmHg, P less than 0.05), however this hypocapnia could not fully explain the cerebral hypoperfusion associated with the development of nausea. These data indicate that reductions in cerebral blood flow precede the development of nausea. Further work is necessary to determine what role cerebral hypoperfusion plays in motion sickness and whether cerebral hypoperfusion can be used to predict the development of nausea in susceptible individuals

    Effects of Vestibular Loss on Orthostatic Responses to Tilts in the Pitch Plane

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which vestibular loss might impair orthostatic responses to passive tilts in the pitch plane in human subjects. Data were obtained from six subjects having chronic bilateral vestibular loss and six healthy individuals matched for age, gender, and body mass index. Vestibular loss was assessed with a comprehensive battery including dynamic posturography, vestibulo-ocular and optokinetic reflexes, vestibular evoked myogenic potentials, and ocular counterrolling. Head up tilt tests were conducted using a motorized two-axis table that allowed subjects to be tilted in the pitch plane from either a supine or prone body orientation at a slow rate (8 deg/s). The sessions consisted of three tilts, each consisting of20 min rest in a horizontal position, tilt to 80 deg upright for 10 min, and then return to the horizontal position for 5 min. The tilts were performed in darkness (supine and prone) or in light (supine only). Background music was used to mask auditory orientation cues. Autonomic measurements included beat-to-beat recordings of blood pressure (Finapres), heart rate (ECG), cerebral blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery (transcranial Doppler), end tidal CO2, respiratory rate and volume (Respritrace), and stroke volume (impedance cardiography). For both patients and control subjects, cerebral blood flow appeared to exhibit the most rapid adjustment following transient changes in posture. Outside of a greater cerebral hypoperfusion in patients during the later stages of tilt, responses did not differ dramatically between the vestibular loss and control subjects, or between tilts performed in light and dark room conditions. Thus, with the 'exception of cerebrovascular regulation, we conclude that orthostatic responses during slow postural tilts are not substantially impaired in humans following chronic loss of vestibular function, a result that might reflect compensation by nonvisual graviceptor inputs (e.g., somatosensory) or other circulatory reflex mechanisms

    X-Atlas: An Online Archive of Chandra's Stellar High Energy Transmission Gratings Observations

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    The high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy made possible by the 1999 deployment of the Chandra X-ray Observatory has revolutionized our understanding of stellar X-ray emission. Many puzzles remain, though, particularly regarding the mechanisms of X-ray emission from OB stars. Although numerous individual stars have been observed in high-resolution, realizing the full scientific potential of these observations will necessitate studying the high-resolution Chandra dataset as a whole. To facilitate the rapid comparison and characterization of stellar spectra, we have compiled a uniformly processed database of all stars observed with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG). This database, known as X-Atlas, is accessible through a web interface with searching, data retrieval, and interactive plotting capabilities. For each target, X-Atlas also features predictions of the low-resolution ACIS spectra convolved from the HETG data for comparison with stellar sources in archival ACIS images. Preliminary analyses of the hardness ratios, quantiles, and spectral fits derived from the predicted ACIS spectra reveal systematic differences between the high-mass and low-mass stars in the atlas and offer evidence for at least two distinct classes of high-mass stars. A high degree of X-ray variability is also seen in both high and low-mass stars, including Capella, long thought to exhibit minimal variability. X-Atlas contains over 130 observations of approximately 25 high-mass stars and 40 low-mass stars and will be updated as additional stellar HETG observations become public. The atlas has recently expanded to non-stellar point sources, and Low Energy Transmission Grating (LETG) observations are currently being added as well

    Benefits, Barriers and Enablers of Breastfeeding: Factor Analysis of Population Perceptions in Western Australia

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate knowledge and community perceptions of breastfeeding in Western Australia using a factor analysis approach. Methods: Data were pooled from five Nutrition Monitoring Survey Series which included information on breastfeeding from 4,802 Western Australian adults aged 18–64 years. Tetrachoric factor analysis was conducted for data reduction and significant associations identified using logistic, ordinal and poisson regression analyses. Results: Four factors were derived for benefits (it’s natural, good nutrition, good for the baby, and convenience), barriers (breastfeeding problems, poor community acceptability, having to go back to work, and inconvenience) and for enablers (breastfeeding education, community support, family support and not having to work).As assessed by standardized odds ratios the most important covariates across benefit factors were: importance of breastfeeding (ORs range from 1.22–1.44),female gender (ORs range from 0.80 to 1.46), being able to give a time for how long a baby should be breastfed (ORs range from 0.96 to 1.27) and education (less than high school to university completion) (ORs range from 0.95 to 1.23); the most important covariate across barrier factors was being able to give a time for how long a baby should be breastfed (ORs range from 0.89 to 1.93); and the most important covariates across all enabling factors were education (ORs range from 1.14 to1.32) and being able to give a time for how long a baby should be breastfed (ORs range from 1.17 to 1.42).Conclusions: Being female, rating breastfeeding as important, believing that babies should be breastfed for a period of time and education accounted for most of the statistically significant associations. The differences between male and female perceptions require investigation particularly in relation to returning to work

    The World-Trade Web: Topological Properties, Dynamics, and Evolution

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    This paper studies the statistical properties of the web of import-export relationships among world countries using a weighted-network approach. We analyze how the distributions of the most important network statistics measuring connectivity, assortativity, clustering and centrality have co-evolved over time. We show that all node-statistic distributions and their correlation structure have remained surprisingly stable in the last 20 years -- and are likely to do so in the future. Conversely, the distribution of (positive) link weights is slowly moving from a log-normal density towards a power law. We also characterize the autoregressive properties of network-statistics dynamics. We find that network-statistics growth rates are well-proxied by fat-tailed densities like the Laplace or the asymmetric exponential-power. Finally, we find that all our results are reasonably robust to a few alternative, economically-meaningful, weighting schemes.Comment: 44 pages, 39 eps figure

    HI 21cm absorption beyond the epoch of re-ionization

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    We explore the possibility of detecting HI 21cm absorption by the neutral intergalactic medium (IGM) toward very high redshift radio sources. The epoch considered is between the time when the first ionizing sources form and when the bulk of the neutral IGM becomes ionized. Due to the extreme Ly-alpha opacities of the neutral IGM, objects within this 'gray age' can only be observed at wavelengths longer than about 1micron. We use the latest simulations of the evolution of the IGM in the context of LambdaCDM structure formation models constrained by observations of the highest redshift QSOs to predict the optical depth as a function of frequency of the neutral IGM due to the HI 21cm line. We then simulate radio spectra assuming observational parameters for future large area radio telescopes. These spectra show that HI 21cm absorption studies could be a powerful probe of the rich structure of the neutral IGM prior to the epoch of reionization, including 1% absorption by the mean neutral IGM, plus deeper, narrow lines (5% and a few km/s). Most of the variations in transmissivity are due to the mild density inhomogeneities with typical values of the cosmic overdensity of about 10, precisely the structures that at later times give rise to the Ly-alpha forest. We also consider sensitivity limits and the evolution of radio source populations, and conclude that it is reasonable to hypothesize the existence of an adequate number of high-z radio sources against which such absorption studies could be performed.Comment: aas2pp4. to appear in the Astrophysical Journal. rev1: added paragrap
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