28 research outputs found

    The Changing Landscape of International Migration : Evidence from Rural Households in Bangladesh, 2000-2014

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    Using unique data on rural households in Bangladesh for the period 2000–2014, this study aims to explore whether the socio-economic characteristics of the beneficiary households of international migration have changed over time. Our analysis shows that household education and asset levels are important determinants of international migration, particularly in earlier years. We also find that less educated and less wealthy households did take part in migration, albeit slowly, in recent time. In addition, social network facilitating migration within community is a key contributor to migration, but its predictive power declines over time. These findings suggest that entry barriers to international migration, resulting from paucity of financial, human and social capital endowment, have decreased over time. We also explore possible causes for such changes, including persistent demand for low-skilled workers in major destination countries, increasing domestic demand for educated workers, and increasing access to loans and grants to finance migration.This work was supported by the JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP15J11506.http://www.grips.ac.jp/list/jp/facultyinfo/otsuka_keijiro

    The Changing Landscape of International Migration: Evidence from Rural Households in Bangladesh, 2000-2014

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    While international migration is increasingly recognized as a key driver of development, evidence suggests that the poor cannot readily take part in international migration due to the high placement cost. Using unique data on rural households in Bangladesh for the period 2000–2014, this study explores whether the socio-economic characteristics of the beneficiary households of international migration have changed over time. Our analysis shows that household education and asset levels are important determinants of international migration, particularly in earlier years. We also find that less educated and less wealthy households did take part in migration, albeit slowly, in recent time. In addition, social network facilitating migration within community is a key contributor to migration, but its predictive power declines over time. These findings suggest that entry barriers to international migration, resulting from paucity of financial, human and social capital endowment, have decreased over time. We also explore possible causes for such changes, including persistent demand for low-skilled workers in major destination countries, increasing domestic demand for educated workers, and increasing access to loans and grants to finance migration

    Exploring factors associated with frequency of positive reframing for workers : A longitudinal study

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    本研究では, 労働者の肯定的再解釈コーピングを促進する要因について, 探索的に検討した。中国地方のエネルギー関連会社に勤務する労働者97名を対象に, 2週間の間隔を置いて, 2回の質問紙調査を実施した(T1, T2)。T1時点における各変数間の相関分析の結果, ストレッサーでは仕事の適性度が高いほど, 心理的ストレス反応では抑うつ感が低く, 活気, ポジティブ感情が高いほど, ソーシャルサポートでは配偶者・家族・友人からのサポートが多いほど, 肯定的再解釈が実行されやすいことが明らかになった。T1時点の仕事の適性度, 抑うつ感, ポジティブ感情, 配偶者・家族・友人からのサポートを説明変数, T2時点の肯定的再解釈を基準変数とする共分散構造分析の結果, ポジティブ感情から肯定的再解釈への有意な正の直接効果のみが認められた。以上のことから, 肯定的再解釈の実行には, 特にポジティブ感情が促進的な効果を及ぼしている可能性が示唆された

    Social skills and the number of playmates among elementary school students

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    The relationship between social skills and the number of playmates among elementary school students was investigated. Elementary school students (n = 147) were asked about their social skills and the number of their playmates, as well as about the contents of their play. Social skills were classified into three categories: "empathic and supportive skills," "active and assertive skills," and "teasing and obstructive skills." Structural equation modeling was performed with the three categories of social skills as independent variables and the number of playmates as the dependent variable. Results indicated that empathic and supportive skills, as well as teasing and obstructive skills had a positive relationship, whereas active and assertive skills had a negative relationship with the number of playmates. We conclude that empathic and supportive skills are useful for increasing the number of playmates among elementary school students