113 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency as a factor of architecture development. Tradition and present

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    The paper explains how climatic conditions and the closely related principle of energy efficiency influence the forms of traditional buildings, as well as presents how to draw on traditional experiences in shaping the contemporary sustainable architecture. The methods of reducing buildings energy consumption are assigned to three main stages of its existence: the stage of construction, operation and decommissioning

    Nowy, wspaniały i dostępny świat

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    Teaching science subjects is most often connoted with the transmission of information, facts and descriptions of phenomena – a well-established knowledge for students to acquire. During classes, there is usually no time for reflection on the nature of these subjects, and thus with their use to prepare the student for a slightly different world in which most of the information can be found on the web. Access to this information is immediate, but the quality varies greatly. Therefore, a young person should be equipped with the skills necessary to function consciously. Focusing attention on critical thinking, the application of the scientific method, or rather an attempt to shape “habitual” thinking according to the rules of this method, discussion of fake news, pseudoscience or scientific uncertainty seems to be extremely important. The publication attempts to indicate which skills can be developed in science classes with the verification and limitation of the content provided.Nauczanie przedmiotów przyrodniczych najczęściej kojarzy się z przekazywaniem informacji, faktów i opisów zjawisk – czyli ugruntowanej wiedzy do przyswojenia przez uczniów. Na zajęciach zwykle brakuje czasu na refleksje związane z naturą tych przedmiotów, a co za tym idzie z ich wykorzystaniem do przygotowania ucznia do trochę innego świata. Świata, w którym większość informacji znajdziemy w sieci. Dostęp do nich jest natychmiastowy, ale jakość bardzo różna. Należy więc wyposażyć młodego człowieka w umiejętności niezbędne do świadomego funkcjonowania. Skupienie uwagi na krytycznym myśleniu, stosowaniu metody naukowej, a właściwie próby ukształtowania „nawykowego” myślenia według reguł tej metody, dyskusji o fake newsach, pseudonauce czy niepewności naukowej wydaje się być niezwykle ważne. W publikacji podjęto próbę zasygnalizowania, które umiejętności można rozwijać na zajęciach z przedmiotów przyrodniczych przy weryfikacji i ograniczeniu przekazywanych treści

    Aberrant promoter methylation may be responsible for the control of CD146 (MCAM) gene expression during breast cancer progression

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    The CD146 (also known as MCAM, MUC-18, Mel-CAM) was initially reported on in 1987, as a protein crucial for melanoma invasion. Recently, it has been confirmed that CD146 is involved in progression and poor overall survival of many other cancers, including breast cancer. Importantly, in independent studies, CD146 was reported to be a trigger of epithelial to mesenchymal transition in breast cancer cells. The goal of our current study was to verify possible involvement of an epigenetic mechanism behind regulation of the CD146 expression in breast cancer cells, as it has been previously reported for prostate cancer. First, we analysed the response of breast cancer cells, varying in the initial CD146 mRNA and protein content, to an epigenetic modifier, 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine, and subsequently the methylation status of CD146 gene promoter was investigated, using direct bisulfite sequencing. We observed that treatment with a demethylating agent led to induction of CD146 expression in all analysed breast cancer cell lines, both at the mRNA and protein levels, which was accompanied by an elevated expression of selected mesenchymal markers. Importantly, CD146 gene promoter analysis showed aberrant CpG island methylation in 2 out of 3 studied breast cancer cells lines, indicating epigenetic regulation of the CD146 gene expression. In conclusion, our study revealed for the first time that aberrant methylation may be involved in expression control of CD146, a very potent EMT inducer in breast cancer cells. Altogether, the data obtained may provide basis for novel therapies, as well as diagnostic approaches enabling sensitive and very accurate detection of breast cancer cells.

    Polimorfizm –A162G genu PON1 jako czynnik ryzyka rozwoju sporadycznej postaci stwardnienia bocznego zanikowego

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    Background and purpose: Sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (sALS) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease, which results from complex genetic and environmental interactions. Recent studies have reported an association between several polymorphisms of the PON1 and PON2 genes and risk of sALS. The aim of the present study was to identify an association between the –A162G polymorphism of the promoter region of the human PON1 gene and the risk of sALS in a Polish population. Material and methods: We included 259 patients with a diagnosis of definite or probable sALS (76 bulbar onset, 183 limb onset) and 694 healthy controls matched for age and sex. The diagnosis of ALS was established according to El Escorial criteria. The polymorphism was studied by Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction analysis. Results: No overall difference in the PON1 –A162G geno - type and allele distribution was seen between cases and controls (all p > 0.05). There was, however, a difference in the A allele frequency when the bulbar onset group was compared to the controls (p = 0.03), but this significance disappeared after the Bonferroni correction. Conclusions: The results did not show that the –A162G polymorphism of the PON1 gene is a risk factor of sALS in a Polish population; it may affect, however, bulbar onset of the disease

    Targeting the hypoxia pathway in malignant plasma cells by using 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is characterized as a clonal expansion of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow, which is often associated with pancytopenia and osteolytic bone disease. Interestingly, myeloma-infiltrated bone marrow is considered to be hypoxic, providing selection pressure for a developing tumour. Since HSP90 was shown to participate in stabilization of the subunit of the key transcription factor HIF-1, which controls the hypoxic response, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of a HSP90 inhibitor 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), on MM cells cultured under low oxygenation conditions. We confirmed that 17-AAG inhibits hypoxic induction of the HIF-1 target genes in malignant plasma cells and demonstrate the concentration range of severe hypoxia-specific cytotoxicity. Next, we selected the malignant plasma cells under severe hypoxia/re-oxygenation culture conditions in the presence or absence of 17-AAG and subsequently, the cells which survived were further expanded and analyzed. Interestingly, we have noticed significant changes in the survival and the response to anti-MM drugs between the parental cell lines and those selected in cyclic severe hypoxia in the presence and absence of 17-AAG. Importantly, we also observed that the lack of oxygen itself, irrespectively of HIF-1 inhibition, is the main/pivotal factor driving the selection process in the experiments presented here

    Polimorfizm –A162G genu PON1 jako czynnik ryzyka rozwoju sporadycznej postaci stwardnienia bocznego zanikowego

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    Background and purpose Sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (sALS) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease, which results from complex genetic and environmental interactions. Recent studies have reported an association between several polymorphisms of the PON1 and PON2 genes and risk of sALS. The aim of the present study was to identify an association between the – A162G polymorphism of the promoter region of the human PON1 gene and the risk of sALS in a Polish population. Material and methods We included 259 patients with a diagnosis of definite or probable sALS (76 bulbar onset, 183 limb onset) and 694 healthy controls matched for age and sex. The diagnosis of ALS was established according to El Escorial criteria. The polymorphism was studied by Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction analysis. Results No overall difference in the PONI – A162G genotype and allele distribution was seen between cases and controls (all p > 0.05). There was, however, a difference in the A allele frequency when the bulbar onset group was compared to the controls (p = 0.03), but this significance disappeared after the Bonferroni correction. Conclusions The results did not show that the – A162G polymorphism of the PON1 gene is a risk factor of sALS in a Polish population; it may affect, however, bulbar onset of the disease.Wstęp i cel pracy Sporadyczna postać stwardnienia bocznego zanikowego (sSLA) jest chorobą zwyrodnieniową układu nerwowego, w której etiopatogenezie kluczową rolę odgrywają interakcje między czynnikami genetycznymi i środowiskowymi. Dotychczasowe badania wskazują na istnienie zależności między polimorfizmami genów PON1 i PON2 a ryzykiem wystąpienia sSLA. Celem pracy było zbadanie, czy istnieje związek między polimorfizmem – A162G miejsca promotorowego genu PON1 a ryzykiem wystąpienia sSLA w populacji polskiej. Materiał i metody Badanie przeprowadzono u 259 chorych, uktórych zgodnie z kryteriami El Escorial rozpoznano pewne lub prawdopodobne SLA (76 osób z postacią opuszkową, 183 osoby z postacią kończynową) oraz u 694 zdrowych ochotników, stanowiących grupę kontrolną dobraną pod względem wieku i płci. Polimorfizm genu PON1 był badany za pomocą reakcji łańcuchowej polimerazy DNA z analizą ilości produktu w czasie rzeczywistym. Wyniki Nie stwierdzono istotnych statystycznie różnic w rozkładzie genotypów i alleli genu PON1 między grupą chorych a grupą kontrolną (p > 0,05). Stwierdzono natomiast różnice w częstości występowania allela A między grupą chorych z postacią opuszkową w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną (p = 0,03), jednak po korekcie Bonferroniego wynik ten nie był już istotny statystycznie. Wnioski Wyniki naszego badania nie wykazały, aby polimorfizm – A162G genu PON1 był czynnikiem ryzyka sSLA w populacji polskiej, jednak sugerują, że może mieć znaczenie dla wystąpienia postaci opuszkowej tej choroby

    Is immunosuppressive therapy an effective treatment for COVID-19? – literature review

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    Introduction: The disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 is associated with a dysregulated immune response and a generalized inflammatory response. Therefore, during the search for effective therapy, attention was paid to drugs affecting and stabilizing such a response - tocilizumab, sarilumab, siltuximab, anakinra, baricitinib.Purpose of the work: Evaluation of the impact of immunosuppressant therapy on the course of the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.Material and methods: The work was based on a review of available medical publications about immunosuppressive therapy for COVID-19 treatment. The literature in the PubMed and Google Scholar databases was searched based on the following keywords: tocilizumab, sarilumab, siltuximab, baricitinib, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, immunosuppressive therapy.Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the literature, the most effective therapeutic option seems to be tocilizumab. Promising alternatives may be sarilumab and siltuximab as they have the same target point of action. However, it is necessary to conduct further tests on their operation. The use of baricitinib may be useful, but probably only in certain circumstances. Anakinra proved to be much less effective. It should therefore be used with great caution

    Skin aging from the medical point of view, literature review in the aspect of tissue stimulants

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    Introduction and purpose of the work.  Aesthetic medicine currently has many methods to keep our skin in the best possible condition, and one of these methods is the use of tissue stimulators. The purpose of the following paper is to analyze, present and apply tissue stimulators in anti-aging prevention. Review methods. The paper is based on a review of literature about tissue stimulators, aesthetic medicine and anti-aging therapy. Most of the publications used were from Pubmed and Google Scholar electronic databases. State of the art description. Aesthetic medicine is a department that over the past few years has been closely associated with the slowing down of skin aging processes. In humans, over the years, proliferative processes slow down, the rate of collagen and elastin degradation increases, and the intercellular matrix is reduced. Substances known as tissue stimulators used in anti-aging therapies mean that the above processes can be delayed. Conclusion. The expectations of patients visiting aesthetic medicine clinics regarding activities that improve their appearance are increasing. They are unable to accept their own aesthetic defects, which is why they often strive for unnatural effects. Tissue simulator treatments can be a valuable way for patients to maintain healthy and rejuvenated skin

    A bioactive hybrid three-dimensional tissue-engineering construct for cartilage repair

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    The aim was to develop a hybrid three-dimensional-tissue engineering construct for chondrogenesis. The hypothesis was that they support chondrogenesis. A biodegradable, highly porous polycaprolactone-grate was produced by solid freeform fabrication. The polycaprolactone support was coated with a chitosan/polyethylene oxide nanofibre sheet produced by electrospinning. Transforming growth factor-3-induced chondrogenesis was followed using the following markers: sex determining region Y/-box 9, runt-related transcription factor 2 and collagen II and X in quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, histology and immunostaining. A polycaprolactone-grate and an optimized chitosan/polyethylene oxide nanofibre sheet supported cellular aggregation, chondrogenesis and matrix formation. In tissue engineering constructs, the sheets were seeded first with mesenchymal stem cells and then piled up according to the lasagne principle. The advantages of such a construct are (1) the cells do not need to migrate to the tissue engineering construct and therefore pore size and interconnectivity problems are omitted and (2) the cell-tight nanofibre sheet and collagen-fibre network mimic a cell culture platform for mesenchymal stem cells/chondrocytes (preventing escape) and hinders in-growth of fibroblasts and fibrous scarring (preventing capture). This allows time for the slowly progressing, multiphase true cartilage regeneration.Peer reviewe

    Acute appendicitis - One of the causes of peritonitis in newborn - A case report with literature review

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    INTRODUCTION. Acute appendicitis is the most common reason for abdominal surgery in children however in newborn and infants it’s casuistics. It is also the most common surgical emergency in pregnancy. Right lower abdominal pain, abdominal stiffness, and periabdominal pain radiating to the right lower abdomen are the best signs to diagnose acute appendicitis in adults. Absence Or attenuation of intestinal murmurs, positive sternal muscle signs, positive blunt signs, and positive Rovsing's Sign are the most reliable signs for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children. PURPOSE. The aim of the study is to show diagnostic difficulties of acute appendicitis in newborns and infants. It is one of the main differential diagnoses of unclear abdominal conditions. The smaller the child, the less characteristic the symptoms. A CASE REPORT. The study analyzes a male newborn born in the 37th week of pregnancy by caesarean section. Prenatal and family history of siblings' illnesses. In whom, on the 11th day of life, symptoms of food intolerance were found, green deposits were noticed in the stomach probe, and the presence of blood in the stool. Intraoperatively, gangrenous perforated appendix with diffuse peritonitis was found.Acute appendicitis is rarely considered in newborns and infants as the etiological factor of acute peritonitis. However, the presented patient with a genetic defect.CONCLUSION. Acute appendicitis is a common phenomenon in childhood, but this diagnosis is rarely considered in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen in the neonatal period, is more common in premature babies. The clinical picture of neonatal acute appendicitis is unspecific and may lead to delayed diagnosis and misdiagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis, which is a much more common condition in the neonatal period. We would like to present the diagnostic difficulties, course of treatment, and complications associated with neonatal appendicitis