22 research outputs found

    Uso de compuestos macrocíclicos derivados de calixarenos como nanotransportadores de fármacos

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    Los calixarenos son oligómeros cíclicos formados por unidades fenólicas unidas mediante grupos metileno. Estos macrociclos se han convertido en plataformas esenciales para el reconocimiento molecular, la Nanotecnología, la administración de fármacos y la catálisis, debido a su fácil funcionalización tanto en el borde superior como en el inferior de su estructura. La presente Tesis doctoral se centra en mostrar la capacidad de los calixarenos como nanovehículos para transportar material genético y fármacos. Está dividida en seis capítulos. Comienza con una introducción general que cubre varios temas relacionados con el objetivo principal de este trabajo. El Capítulo 2 muestra una descripción amplia sobre los materiales y métodos utilizados para estudiar estos sistemas. Los capítulos 3, 4 y 5 contienen resultados sobre calixarenos de diferentes cargas y propósitos. Finalmente, el Capítulo 6 examina la preparación de liposomas que contienen calixarenos catiónicos anfifílicos y demuestra su potencial uso en terapia génica. En el Capítulo 3, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la interacción que muestran de dos calix[4]arenos neutros con ADN de timo de ternera (ctDNA). Los resultados muestran distintos cambios en la conformación del ADN según el valor de X (X= [calixareno]/[ADN]). Los ensayos de citotoxicidad indican que es crucial controlar el diseño estructural de estos sistemas en relación con su biocompatibilidad. El Capítulo 4 estudia la encapsulación del antibiótico antineoplásico doxorrubicina (DOX) en la estructura de un p-sulfonatocalix[6]areno aniónico. Se ha examinado la capacidad de este calixareno para encapsular las moléculas de DOX en su cavidad interna, así como la capacidad de estas moléculas para unirse al ADN. Los ensayos de citotoxicidad muestran una disminución de la toxicidad de la DOX encapsulada en comparación con la DOX libre en diferentes líneas celulares humanas. En el Capítulo 5, se ha investigado la autoagregación de cuatro calix[4]arenos catiónicos anfifílicos en disolución acuosa. Se ha observado la formación de micelas y vesículas, dependiendo del rango de concentración de los calixarenos estudiados. Se han analizado las interacciones entre los agregados de calixareno formados (micelas y vesículas) y el ct-DNA. Los resultados indican que la mayoría de ellos interaccionan con el polinucleótido, invirtiendo su carga y condensándolo, al menos parcialmente. En este capítulo, también se ha investigado la encapsulación de doxorrubicina en los diferentes agregados de calixareno y la posterior liberación de este antibiótico de dichas estructuras. Los resultados demuestran el potencial que presentan las micelas y las vesículas de calixareno como nanotransportadores de fármacos. Finalmente, en el Capítulo 6, se prepararon los liposomas que contienen los calixarenos catiónicos anfifílicos empleados en el capítulo anterior. Se realizó un estudio de las interacciones entre estos liposomas y el ct-DNA. Los resultados muestran que se produce una inversión de carga del polinucleótido, causando una compactación parcial de las moléculas de ADN. Los ensayos de citotoxicidad confirman que estos liposomas presentan una baja y/o moderada toxicidad en las líneas celulares investigadas, por lo que algunos de ellos pueden usarse como nanovectores biocompatibles en terapia génica

    Preparation and Characterization of New Liposomes. Bactericidal Activity of Cefepime Encapsulated into Cationic Liposomes

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    Cefepime is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. However, this antibiotic has several side effects and a high degradation rate. For this reason, the preparation and characterization of new liposomes that are able to encapsulate this antibiotic seem to be an important research line in the pharmaceutical industry. Anionic and cationic liposomes were prepared and characterized. All cationic structures contained the same cationic surfactant, N,N,N-triethyl-N-(12-naphthoxydodecyl)ammonium. Results showed a better encapsulation-efficiency percentage (EE%) of cefepime in liposomes with phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol than with 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE). The presence of cholesterol and the quantity of egg-yolk phospholipid in the liposome increased the encapsulation percentage. The bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli of cefepime loaded into liposomes with phosphatidylcholine was measured. The inhibitory zone in an agar plate for free cefepime was similar to that obtained for loaded cefepime. The growth-rate constant of E. coli culture was also measured in working conditions. The liposome without any antibiotic exerted no influence in such a rate constant. All obtained results suggest that PC:CH:12NBr liposomes are biocompatible nanocarriers of cefepime that can be used in bacterial infections against Escherichia coli with high inhibitory activity

    Binding of DNA by a dinitro-diester calix[4]arene: Denaturation and condensation of DNA

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    A study of a dinitro-diester calix[4]arene (5,17-(3-nitrobenzylideneamino)-11,23-di-tert-butyl-25,27-diethoxycarbonyl methyleneoxy-26,28-dihydroxycalix[4]arene) interaction with calf-thymus DNA was carried out using several techniques. The measurements were done at various molar ratios X=[calixarene]/[DNA]. Results show diverse changes in the DNA conformation depending on the X value. Thus, at low macrocycle concentrations, the calixarene binds to the polynucleotide. This interaction, mainly in groove mode, weakens the hydrogen bonds between base pairs of the helix inducing denaturation of the double strands, as well as condensation of the macromolecule, from an extended coil state to a globular state. An opposite effect is observed at X molar ratios higher than 0.07. The de-condensation of DNA happens, that is, the transition from a compact state to a more extended conformation, probably due to the stacking of calixarene molecules in the solution. Results also show the importance of making a proper choice of the system under consideration.Junta de Andalucía P08-FQM-03623, P12-FQM-110

    Assessment of the denaturation of collagen protein concentrates using different techniques

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    The use of collagen and gelatin in the field of regenerative medicine is widely extended. However, most of the studies in this topic are focused on the scaffolds’ properties, but only a few are related to the properties of the raw material used. The raw material analysis not only consists of a study of the composition, but also of the denaturation degree that can influence the processing and properties of the structure of the scaffold. Thus, the denaturation degree analysis of different collagen proteins was performed and assessed by the comparison of four different methods: differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and circular dichroism (CD) spectra and sulfhydryls content analysis. DSC measurements put forward a glass transition between 88°C and 95°C as well as from the FTIR measurements; the characteristic peaks for proteins are evidenced. However, from the sulfur content, only a small proportion of free sulfhydryls are present with respect to their total amount. In addition, CD spectra allow to estimate the secondary structure of the protein by the analysis of the α-helix and β-strand and also quantify the denaturation degree with the ‘positive/negative ratio’ (RPN) from the CD profiles, obtaining values in the range between 25% and 100%.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spanish Government) / MINECO/FEDER (UE) CTQ2015-71164-

    Biocompatible and Thermoresistant Hydrogels Based on Collagen and Chitosan

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    Hydrogels are considered good biomaterials for soft tissue regeneration. In this sense, collagen is the most used raw material to develop hydrogels, due to its high biocompatibility. However, its low mechanical resistance, thermal stability and pH instability have generated the need to look for alternatives to its use. In this sense, the combination of collagen with another raw material (i.e., polysaccharides) can improve the final properties of hydrogels. For this reason, the main objective of this work was the development of hydrogels based on collagen and chitosan. The mechanical, thermal and microstructural properties of the hydrogels formed with different ratios of collagen/chitosan (100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 0/100) were evaluated after being processed by two variants of a protocol consisting in two stages: a pH change towards pH 7 and a temperature drop towards 4 °C. The main results showed that depending on the protocol, the physicochemical and microstructural properties of the hybrid hydrogels were similar to the unitary system depending on the stage carried out in first place, obtaining FTIR peaks with similar intensity or a more porous structure when chitosan was first gelled, instead of collagen. As a conclusion, the synergy between collagen and chitosan improved the properties of the hydrogels, showing good thermomechanical properties and cell viability to be used as potential biomaterials for Tissue Engineering.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RTI2018-097100-B-C2

    Deciphering the quality of SARS-CoV-2 specific T-cell response associated with disease severity, immune memory and heterologous response

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    SARS-CoV-2 specific T-cell response has been associated with disease severity, immune memory and heterologous response to endemic coronaviruses. However, an integrative approach combining a comprehensive analysis of the quality of SARS-CoV-2 specific T-cell response with antibody levels in these three scenarios is needed. In the present study, we found that, in acute infection, while mild disease was associated with high T-cell polyfunctionality biased to IL-2 production and inversely correlated with anti-S IgG levels, combinations only including IFN-γ with the absence of perforin production predominated in severe disease. Seven months after infection, both non-hospitalised and previously hospitalised patients presented robust anti-S IgG levels and SARS-CoV-2 specific T-cell response. In addition, only previously hospitalised patients showed a T-cell exhaustion profile. Finally, combinations including IL-2 in response to S protein of endemic coronaviruses were the ones associated with SARS-CoV-2 S-specific T-cell response in pre-COVID-19 healthy donors’ samples. These results could have implications for protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and recurrent COVID-19 and may help for the design of new prototypes and boosting vaccine strategies

    Metallo-Liposomes Derived from the [Ru(bpy)3]2+ Complex as Nanocarriers of Therapeutic Agents

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    The obtaining of nanocarriers of gene material and small drugs is still an interesting research line. Side-effects produced by the toxicity of several pharmaceutics, the high concentrations needed to get therapeutic effects, or their excessive use by patients have motivated the search for new nanostructures. For these reasons, cationic metallo-liposomes composed by phosphatidylcholine (PC), cholesterol (CHO) and RuC1C19 (a surfactant derived from the metallic complex [Ru(bpy)3]2+) were prepared and characterized by using diverse techniques (zeta potential, dynamic light scattering and electronic transmission microscopy –TEM-). Unimodal or bimodal populations of spherical aggregates with small sizes were obtained depending on the composition of the liposomes. The presence of cholesterol favored the formation of small aggregates. ct-DNA was condensed in the presence of the liposomes investigated. In-vitro assays demonstrated the ability of these nanoaggregates to internalize into different cell lines. A positive gene transfection into human bone osteosarcoma epithelial cells (U2OS) was also observed. The RuC1C19 surfactant was used as sensor to quantify the binding of DNA to the liposomes. Doxorubicin was encapsulated into the metallo-liposomes, demonstrating their ability to be also used as nanocarriers of drugs. A relationship between then encapsulation percentage of the antibiotic and the composition of the aggregates has been established.Junta de Andalucía 2019/FQM-206, 2019/FQM-274Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RTI2018-100692-BI00, PI-0005-2018, P18-RT-127

    Fluorescent Calixarene-Schiff as a Nanovehicle with Biomedical Purposes

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    Gene therapy is a technique that is currently under expansion and development. Recent advances in genetic medicine have paved the way for a broader range of therapies and laid the groundwork for next-generation technologies. A terminally substituted difluorene-diester Schiff Base calix[4]arene has been studied in this work as possible nanovector to be used in gene therapy. Changes to luminescent behavior of the calixarene macrocycle are reported in the presence of ct-DNA. The calixarene macrocycle interacts with calf thymus DNA (ct-DNA), generating changes in its conformation. Partial double-strand denaturation is induced at low concentrations of the calixarene, resulting in compaction of the ct-DNA. However, interaction between calixarene molecules themselves takes place at high calixarene concentrations, favoring the decompaction of the polynucleotide. Based on cytotoxicity studies, the calixarene macrocycle investigated has the potential to be used as a nanovehicle and improve the therapeutic efficacy of pharmacological agents against tumors

    Host-guest interactions between cyclodextrins and surfactants with functional groups at the end of the hydrophobic tail

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of the incorporation of substituents at the end of the hydrophobic tail on the binding of cationic surfactants to α-, β-, and -cyclodextrins. The equilibrium binding constants of the 1:1 inclusion complexes formed follow the trend K1(α-CD)>K1(β-CD)>>K1(-CD), which can be explained by considering the influence of the CD cavity volume on the host-guest interactions. From the comparison of the K1 values obtained for dodecyltriethylammonium bromide, DTEAB, to those estimated for the surfactants with the substituents, it was found that the incorporation of a phenoxy group at the end of the hydrocarbon tail does not affect K1, and the inclusion of a naphthoxy group has some influence on the association process, slightly diminishing K1. This makes evident the importance of the contribution of hydrophobic interactions to the binding, the length of the hydrophobic chain being the key factor determining K1. However, the presence of the aromatic rings does influence the location of the host and the guest in the inclusion complexes. The observed NOE interactions between the aromatic protons and the CD protons indicate that the aromatic rings are partially inserted within the host cavity, with the cyclodextrin remaining close to the aromatic rings, which could be partially intercalated in the host cavity. To the authors´ knowledge this is the first study on the association of cyclodextrins with monomeric surfactants incorporating substituents at the end of the hydrophobic tai

    Metallo-Liposomes of Ruthenium Used as Promising Vectors of Genetic Material

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    Gene therapy is a therapeutic process consisting of the transport of genetic material into cells. The design and preparation of novel carriers to transport DNA is an important research line in the medical field. Hybrid compounds such as metallo-liposomes, containing a mixture of lipids, were prepared and characterized. Cationic metal lipids derived from the [Ru(bpy)3]2+ complex, RuC11C11 or RuC19C19, both with different hydrophobic/lipophilic ratios, were mixed with the phospholipid DOPE. A relation between the size and the molar fraction α was found and a multidisciplinary study about the interaction between the metallo-liposomes and DNA was performed. The metallo-liposomes/DNA association was quantified and a relationship between Kapp and α was obtained. Techniques such as AFM, SEM, zeta potential, dynamic light scattering and agarose gel electrophoresis demonstrated the formation of lipoplexes and showed the structure of the liposomes. L/D values corresponding to the polynucleotide's condensation were estimated. In vitro assays proved the low cell toxicity of the metallo-liposomes, lower for normal cells than for cancer cell lines, and a good internalization into cells. The latter as well as the transfection measurements carried out with plasmid DNA pEGFP-C1 have demonstrated a good availability of the Ru(II)-based liposomes for being used as non-toxic nanovectors in gene therapy.España Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Excelencia P12-FQM-1105, FQM-206 and FQM-274, and PI-0005-2018)España,, Universidad de Sevilla, VI Plan Propio Universidad de Sevilla (PP2018-10338)España Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-100692-B-I00