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    In todayā€™s rapidly changing environment, lifelong learning is becoming an important part of education system. There is no comprehensive strategy or technological support for lifelong learning in the Latvian regions which could upgrade peopleā€™s competences and allow them to combine learning with workand family life. It is significant to develop a framework encompassing identification of required competencies, technological support for lifelong learning and make it as part of an ongoing process. The goal of the paper is to create a theoretical framework lifelong learning management technological model and prototype for the Vidzeme region. The focus of the paper is identifying the major steps and elements required to design and incorporate latter mentioned lifelong learning process and particularly adult education perspective supporting technological model in the Vidzeme region. Theoretical framework has been conducted regarding different adult education supporting technological platforms and adult education processing in European Unionā€™s regional context. The paper represents the theoretical preconditions for qualitative development of lifelong learning in the region and presents a technological model prototype which would provide the lifelong learning process with ongoing technological support

    PersonÄ«go zināŔanu pārvaldÄ«bas sistēmu izstrāde

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    Paaugstināta zināŔanu vērtÄ«ba un to lietoÅ”ana darba vidē un ikdienas dzÄ«vē rada pieprasÄ«jumu pēc labi izglÄ«totiem indivÄ«diem, kas spēj orientēties nestandarta situācijās un informācijas lielajā apjomā. LÄ«dz ar to ir nepiecieÅ”amas uz informācijas laikmeta tehnoloÄ£ijām balstÄ«tas izglÄ«tÄ«bas un ikdienas darbu veicinoÅ”as sistēmas. Eiropas kopienas komisijā 2000. gada martā tika pieņemta Lisabonas stratēģija. Tā ietver virkni Eiropas SavienÄ«bai bÅ«tisku izaugsmes virzienu uzstādÄ«jumus nākamajai desmitgadei: Eiropai jākļūst par viskonkurētspējÄ«gāko un dinamiskāko uz zināŔanām balstÄ«to ekonomiku pasaulē. Tomēr 2007. gadā veiktais pētÄ«jums liecina, ka pieauguÅ”o dalÄ«ba mūžizglÄ«tÄ«bas aktivitātēs Eiropas SavienÄ«bā vairāk stagnē nekā progresē. LÄ«dz ar to ir nepiecieÅ”ami jauni papildu risinājumi indivÄ«du atbalstam bÅ«t par ilgtspējÄ«giem dalÄ«bniekiem uz zināŔanām balstÄ«tā sabiedrÄ«bā un ekonomikā. ZināŔanu darbinieka individuālā lÄ«menÄ« nav pieejamas personÄ«go zināŔanu pārvaldÄ«bas atbalstam radÄ«ti tehnoloÄ£iski risinājumi jeb sistēmas, kas atbalstÄ«tu indivÄ«dus gan veicot darba pienākumus, gan iegÅ«stot izglÄ«tÄ«bu, gan ikdienas dzÄ«vē, un kuras ir mērogojamas un pielāgojamas konkrēta lietotāja vajadzÄ«bām. PersonÄ«go zināŔanu pārvaldÄ«bas sistēma ir sarežģīta un satur gan tehnoloÄ£isko, gan sociālo, gan arÄ« psiholoÄ£isko aspektu. No tehnoloÄ£iskā aspekta mobilo un aÄ£entu tehnoloÄ£ijas ir Ŕādu prasÄ«bu izpildes veicinātājs. Lai arÄ« ir pieejama mobilo un aÄ£entu tehnoloÄ£iju bāze un personÄ«go zināŔanu pārvaldÄ«bas pieeju atbalstoÅ”i rÄ«ki, tomēr lÄ«dz Å”im nav izstrādāta vienota personÄ«go zināŔanu pārvaldÄ«bas sistēma, kā arÄ« nav pieejamas Ŕādas sistēmas, kas ir balstÄ«tas uz mobilo un aÄ£entu tehnoloÄ£iju izmantoÅ”anu. Promocijas darbs apraksta Ŕādas personÄ«go zināŔanu pārvaldÄ«bas sistēmas konceptuālas izstrādes pieeju, kas ietver sociālo, psiholoÄ£isko un tehnoloÄ£isko aspektu, kā arÄ« dod risinājumus Å”o sistēmas aspektu atbalstam. Å ie risinājumi balstās uz pētÄ«jumiem saistÄ«tiem ar indivÄ«da vajadzÄ«bām, personÄ«go zināŔanu pārvaldÄ«bas jomas attÄ«stÄ«bu, mobilo un aÄ£enta tehnoloÄ£iju pielietojamÄ«bu Ŕādas sistēmas izveides kontekstā un personÄ«go zināŔanu pārvaldÄ«bas jomu pieejamo un atbalstoÅ”o rÄ«ku un sistēmu analÄ«zi. Par promocijas darba galveniem rezultātiem ir nolasÄ«ti 5 referāti starptautiskās konferencēs, kā arÄ« tie ir atspoguļoti 9 zinātniskajos rakstos. Darbs sastāv no ievada, 4 nodaļām un secinājumiem. Tajā ir 174 lappuses, 26 attēli un 10 tabulas, 272 nosaukumu literatÅ«ras saraksts un 5 pielikumi

    Modular Personal Knowledge Management System and Mobile Technology Cross-Platform Solution Towards Learning Environment Support

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    It is frequently noted that nowadays is the age of information. Despite vast amounts of information knowledge becomes the most important assest for individuals and organizations

    Agent and Mobile Technologies and Their Usage in Development of Learning Environment Supportive System

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    The progress in communication technologies dramatically influences a learning environment. Mobile technologies are advancing and thus are providing new opportunities for different type of learning. Usage of agent technology is one of the potentially important backbones for coming mobile device based application development for learning environment support. There has been noticeable success in agent development in last twenty years alongside the rapid development of mobile technologies. That has fostered the creation of FIPA agent technology standards. There have been some attempts to use them in mobile devices. However it is not a mainstream approach yet. This forms a basis for evaluating a contiguity of agent and mobile technologies, which then helps to evaluate a feasibility and usage of these technologies in development of learning environment supportive system (LESS) as a case study at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences. It is aimed to use the LESS prototype as a tool for enhancing a course grading system

    Agent Based Personal Knowledge Management System Supported by Mobile Technology Cross-Platform Solution

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    A historic transition from the industrial age to the information age has happened during several previous decades. Industrial age can be characterized by following standardized information routines, usage of fixed procedures, and creation of material goods and consumption of them. In opposite the information age is focusing on creation and consumption of information, usage of ad-hoc approaches and non-standardized information for decision making. During this time of transition the Web has developed very rapidly along with growth of information amounts. That has led to a notion of information overload. In organizations workspace environment and equipment is turning to be more sophisticated. Also learning environment is becoming more information and technology dense. As a result work is becoming increasingly complex (Wiig, 2004). That requires additional knowledge and skills to handle it. In turn that leads to recognition that knowledge has become a very important asset both for individuals and for organizations. Thus it more increasingly has been seen as an active area of research. Notions of knowledge work and accordingly of knowledge worker have strengthen their positions out of transition from information to knowledge. Much of attention is focused towards researching different knowledge related areas. Knowledge management (KM) is one of such areas. It was first defined by Wiig in 1986 (Wiig, 1997). As per (Tiwana 2002) KM has three basic processes: knowledge acquisition, sharing, and utilization. Knowledge is divided in two broad categories: tacit (i.e. tacit knowing) and explicit (i.e. explicit knowing) (Polanyi, 1966). There are also several other ways of classifying knowledge based on particular perspective of research (Maier 2004). Majority of research is connected with knowledge that we do know and with knowledge we know that we do not know. However per (Frappaolo 2004) there still remains knowledge which we do not know that we know and knowledge which we do not know that we do not know. Thus we propose a new concept of knowledge substance to encompass all knowledge elements (KE) as a basis for further research. New technological solutions such as mobile technology and accordingly different types of mobile devices have appeared in addition of transition to information age and development of the Web and the Internet. These devices have greatly influenced individualsā€™ habits and their ways of consuming, sharing and storing information. A large and growing variety of mobile devices and a number of new forms of communication have been developed to accommodate expanding needs of people. Thus, for example, based on (i2SMS 2008) almost every second person uses a mobile phone in 2008. But two years later as per (mobiThinking 2011) there are already 77% mobile subscribers of the world population in 2010. However that has its draw back by making it difficult to develop services and applications accommodating a vast array of mobile devices and their platforms. Accordant innovative services are lacking a momentum of development. Frequently they are still mainly based on rather old technologies such as text messaging despite this wide acceptance of mobile phones. Thus there is a necessity for new developments and technologies in the area of mobile device service and application creation. Per (Koch and Rahwan, 2004) agent technology promises to be as such within this domain. In particular Java agent development environment (JADE) besides other possibilities proposes a way to develop mobile device based cross-platform applications. By taking into account mobile and agent technologies possibilities we focus also on knowledge and especially on personal knowledge. As knowledge is increasingly valuated and used in business and in regular life situations then it points to a necessity for well educated people. Thus there is an implication for need of an effective personal knowledge management system (PKMS). Such system should la

    Advancements in Smartphone Technology and Applications in Personal Knowledge Management

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    Many times nowadays is emphasized the importance of access to up-to-date information. In general our era is regarded as the information age. In the same time there is a trend to couple information with an appropriate knowledge about particular area of research or interest. Thus knowledge becomes an increasingly important asset for individuals and organizations. With more upward intensity knowledge has been viewed as an active area of research. Accordingly there is a need for highly skilled knowledge workers utilizing knowledge management and personal knowledge management (PKM) approaches in particular for performing their job duties, engaging in lifelong learning activities or for managing their spare time things to do. Mobile devices are another phenomenon that has overtaken twenty first century society. Their initial purpose to serve as a voice communication enabler has been achieved already a while ago. Nowadays mobile devices such as smartphones possess far more diverse functionality. Personal digital assistants (PDAs) are another handheld devices equipped with a wide set of functions. However smartphones tend to be more frequently used both in business and in nonbusiness environments. Thus in this paper smartphone functionality and specifications are explored as well as the latest advancements and development trends in this area. Many times smartphones are used by knowledge workers as not infrequently their job duties require mobility. A classification has been developed that categorizes smartphone functionality and technical specifications in respect to applications in PKM. As follows smartphone technology applications towards knowledge management and PKM are also prospected. Finally the outcomes of this research are discussed and potential benefiting parties are identified

    Knowledge Management in Course Content Development and Teaching

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    Many times for an individual student or a knowledge worker in an organization education courses do not provide satisfactory learned education quality growth. Paper shows developing courses and followup management system utilizing a knowledge management approach using the potential of modern technologies. The paper represents the model of learning methods development using different Technologies for different type of classroom, which can be used in professorā€™s decision making process to choose the most effective e-learning methods. At this stage of the research a model of personal-knowledge based worker environment is viewed in the perspective of several-form learning methods using technologies and personal knowledge management integration in each special course accordingly to particular student group. A partial introduction of the developed system in the field and its results has been described

    Perspectives of Integration of M-learning and Personal Knowledge Management

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    Nowadays knowledge becomes the most important asset for individuals and organizations. Accordingly there is a need for highly qualified knowledge workers. That implies a necessity for on an effective technology based education system, which provides a foundation for lifelong learning strategy. Therefore in addition to already existing education approaches has appeared m-learning approach. In this paper perspectives of m-learning are explored in the framework of personal knowledge management (PKM). The central concept of the paper is a knowledge worker surrounded by several layers of agents. Then paper focuses on its ultimate objective by addressing implications of mobile devices in m-learning and PKM and what are the possible future opportunities in this respect by taking into account some latest achievements in regards to mobile devices and the rapid development of mobile device technologies in general. Finally the outcomes of this theoretical research are discussed and potential benefiting parties are identified