49 research outputs found

    Characterizing the tensile behavior of double wire-feed electron beam additive manufactured "copper-steel" using digital image correlation

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    The paper presents the results of the evaluation of the mechanical characteristics of samples of multi-metal “copper-steel” structures fabricated by additive double wire electron beam method. The global and local mechanical characteristics were evaluated using uniaxial tensile tests and full-field two-dimensional digital image correlation (DIC) method. DIC revealed the peculiarities of the fracture stages: at the first stage (0.02<ε≤0.08) the formation of V-shaped shear lines occurs; at the second stage (0.08<ε≤0.15) transverse shear lines lead to the formation of a block structure; at the third stage (0.15<ε≤0.21) the plasticity resource ends in the central part of the two necks cracks are formed, and the main crack is the cause of the fracture of the joint. It is found that shear lines are formed first in copper and then propagate to steel. Electron microscopy proves that uniformly distributed iron particles could always be found in the “Fe-Cu” and “Cu-Fe” interfaces. Additionally, the evolution of average strain rates and standard deviations were measured (calculated) in the regions of necks in copper and steel regions. New shear approach shows that the most of angles for parallel shears components are ±45°, rupture angles are about 0°, and combined account of these two types of shears provides us additional discrete angles


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    Information and mathematical models for risk assessment of reduced reliability professional personnel carrier hazardous industries are developed. A method of mathematical prognosis risk of reduced reliability of operators are proposed.Разработаны информационная и математическая модели оценки риска снижения надежности профессиональной деятельности операторского персонала опасных производств. Предложен метод математического прогнозирования риска снижения надежности операторов

    Syntenthesis and properties of fluorescent nanobiomarker complexes on the basis of semiconductor crystals CdSe/ZnS for cells and antigen visualization in biomedical diagnostics

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    Цель работы: разработка конструкций, технологий формирования и исследование свойств биосовместимых наноструктур на основе полупроводниковых флуоресцентных нанокристаллов селенида кадмия со слоем из сернистого цинка и создание нанобиомаркерных комплексов для биомедицинской диагностики. The research purpose: development of constructions, formation technology and study biocompatible nanostructures based on semiconductor fluorescent nanocrystals cadmium selenide covered with layer of zinc sulphide and creation nanobiomarker complexes for biomedical diagnosti

    Syntenthesis and properties of fluorescent nanobiomarker complexes on the basis of semiconductor crystals CdSe/ZnS for cells and antigen visualization in biomedical diagnostics

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    Цель работы: разработка конструкций, технологий формирования и исследование свойств биосовместимых наноструктур на основе полупроводниковых флуоресцентных нанокристаллов селенида кадмия со слоем из сернистого цинка и создание нанобиомаркерных комплексов для биомедицинской диагностики. The research purpose: development of constructions, formation technology and study biocompatible nanostructures based on semiconductor fluorescent nanocrystals cadmium selenide covered with layer of zinc sulphide and creation nanobiomarker complexes for biomedical diagnosti

    Virtual laboratory for testing of solar power plants in big data analysis

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    A virtual laboratory for Flash-tests of solar panels under standard field conditions has been proposed, implemented and tested. The results of testing showed the following. DT is able to provide STC data from field measurements. Forecasts can be done on real performance values. Virtual Flasher produces results that correlate better to the behavior of the module in the field

    Digital twin in the Analysis of a Big Data

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    The concept of monitoring of solar power plants` condition by creation of digital twins of solar panels including Photovoltaic Mathematical model, Big data analytics engine and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Knowledge engine is offered. PV Mathematical model is created and her primary approbation is carried out


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    There are given the research results of attention parameters under the influence stress sound using modified proofreading test «Landolt Rings». There are accomplished noise influence evaluation of subject error amount, nature and degree

    Processing of Large Amounts of Information for Reconstructive Facial Surgery

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    There is a possibility to obtain a 3-d model of the facial skull bones and a vector counter file of damaged bones based on a set of output files from an X-ray computed tomography to manufacture an individual implants

    Construction of semiconductor nanoparticles, compatible with stem cells

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    Исследованы полупроводниковые люминесцентные наночастицы селенида кадмия CdSe, покрытые слоем сульфида цинка ZnS. Изучено влияние конструкции внешней функционально-защитной оболочки наночастиц из органических лигандов на жизнеспособность стволовых клеток. В качестве оболочки, стабилизирующей наночастицы CdSe/ZnS в водных растворах, были использованы такие бифункциональные тиолы как цистеин, тиогликолевая кислота, меркаптоундекановая кислота и тиополиэтиленгликоль. Для придания наночастицам CdSe/ZnS биосовместимых свойств внешняя оболочка из меркаптоундекановой кислоты дополнительно была модифицирована белковыми молекулами. Показано, что наночастицы всех изученных конструкций достаточно хорошо проникают в стволовые клетки. Белковые покрытия уменьшают цитотоксичность и тем самым улучшают биосовместимость гидрофильных наночастиц со стволовыми клетками.Semiconductor luminescent nanoparticles cadmium selenide CdSe covered with layer of zink sulfide ZnS are researched. The influence of construction of external functional and protective cover made of organic ligands on the stem cells viability is studied. As a cover that stabilize nanoparticles CdSe/ZnS in water solution were used such bifunctional thiols as cysteine, thioglycolic acid, mer- captoundecan acid and thiopolyethylene glycol. In order to add biocompatible properties to nanoparticles CdSe/ZnS external cover made of mercaptoundecan acid was modified in addition by protein molecules. It is shown, that nanoparticles of all studied constructions have good stem cells penetration. Protein covers decrease cytotoxicity and thus improve biocompatibility of water-soluble nanoparticles with stem cells