3,113 research outputs found

    Another Look at Confidence Intervals: Proposal for a More Relevant and Transparent Approach

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    The behaviors of various confidence/credible interval constructions are explored, particularly in the region of low statistics where methods diverge most. We highlight a number of challenges, such as the treatment of nuisance parameters, and common misconceptions associated with such constructions. An informal survey of the literature suggests that confidence intervals are not always defined in relevant ways and are too often misinterpreted and/or misapplied. This can lead to seemingly paradoxical behaviours and flawed comparisons regarding the relevance of experimental results. We therefore conclude that there is a need for a more pragmatic strategy which recognizes that, while it is critical to objectively convey the information content of the data, there is also a strong desire to derive bounds on models and a natural instinct to interpret things this way. Accordingly, we attempt to put aside philosophical biases in favor of a practical view to propose a more transparent and self-consistent approach that better addresses these issues.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Measuring the competence-quality of vocational teachers: An advocatory approach

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    Using a sample of 110 persons, this study examined the ”advocatory approach” for predicting the quality of (VET) teacher’s competency profiles. The participants (teachers, experts, non-teachers) observed a concrete teaching behavior using a film vignette, and judged it by means of different quality criteria. The hypothesis that differences in the groups, who evaluate, elicit differing sensitivity about the quality of specified teaching competencies (and not teaching performance) was mostly confirmed. We suggest that teachers can individually compare their values with expert values and non-teacher values, and thus use the discrepancies in quality sensitivity for the purposes of self-guided in-service training. (DIPF/Orig.

    Stellar orbits in cosmological galaxy simulations: the connection to formation history and line-of-sight kinematics

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    We analyze orbits of stars and dark matter out to three effective radii for 42 galaxies formed in cosmological zoom simulations. Box orbits always dominate at the centers and zz-tubes become important at larger radii. We connect the orbital structure to the formation histories and specific features (e.g. disk, counter-rotating core, minor axis rotation) in two-dimensional kinematic maps. Globally, fast rotating galaxies with significant recent in situ star formation are dominated by zz-tubes. Slow rotators with recent mergers have significant box orbit and xx-tube components. Rotation, quantified by the λR\lambda_R-parameter often originates from streaming motion of stars on zz-tubes but sometimes from figure rotation. The observed anti-correlation of h3h_3 and V0/σV_0 / \sigma in rotating galaxies can be connected to a dissipative formation history leading to high zz-tube fractions. For galaxies with recent mergers in situ formed stars, accreted stars and dark matter particles populate similar orbits. Dark matter particles have isotropic velocity dispersions. Accreted stars are typically radially biased (ÎČ≈0.2−0.4\beta \approx 0.2 - 0.4). In situ stars become tangentially biased (as low as ÎČ≈−1.0\beta \approx -1.0) if dissipation was relevant during the late assembly of the galaxy. We discuss the relevance of our analysis for integral field surveys and for constraining galaxy formation models.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figure

    Negatives Wissen und Moral

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    In seiner Untersuchung zum VerhĂ€ltnis von "Negativem Wissen und Moral" zeigt der Autor, dass "negatives moralisches Wissen" in biografischer und entwicklungslogischer Hinsicht fĂŒr die Ausbildung moralischer UrteilsfĂ€higkeit konstitutiv ist. Dabei unterscheidet er zwischen orientierenden, Sicherheit stiftenden, Sanktionen interpretierenden und Schutz gewĂ€hrenden "Funktionen" negativen moralischen Wissens, welche zusammen "mehr als ein Normsystem" ausmachen, nĂ€mlich die Einsicht formulieren, dass wir aus der "Geschichte des Bösen" eine Vorstellung davon gewinnen können, "was das Gute sein könnte". HierfĂŒr sind als "erzieherische Komponenten" Konzepte hilfreich, die ein "Umlernen" ermöglichen, mit sittlichen Missbilligungen in der Form von "EntrĂŒstung" argumentieren und Praktiken einer "Just Community" kultivieren. (DIPF/Orig.

    Formation and evolution of massive early-type galaxies

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    Auf der Suche nach Licht: Was heisst Wissenschaftsorientierung einer neuen Lehrerbildung?

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    In den einzelnen Kantonen sind Kommissionen daran, die Lehrerbildung zu reformieren. Grundlegender Tenor ist a) die Erhöhung der PrimarlehrerInnen- und KindergĂ€rtnerInnenausbildung auf zwei Jahre nach der MaturitĂ€t, b) die Schaffung PĂ€dagogischer Hochschulen, c) die Schaffung von Berufseinstiegsphasen und d) die Wissenschaftsfundierung der Ausbildung. WĂ€hrend die Punkte a) bis c) durch vernĂŒnftige pĂ€dagogische Argumentation abgesichert sind, finden zu Punkt d), der Wissenschaftsorientierung, immer wieder Kontroversen statt. Der Aufsatz greift diesen Punkt auf

    You can "boo" AND vote: a new approach for studying how people combine political activities.

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    Do some people specialize only in electoral-oriented political participation such as voting, while others are active only beyond the electoral arena, participating in protests and demonstrations? In new research Jennifer Oser examines participatory inequalities by analyzing how people combine opportunities for political action in practice. She finds that most of those who are activists also vote, and that despite new opportunities for political activism, the majority of citizens are largely disengaged from politics

    Standards in der Lehrerbildung. Teil 1: Berufliche Kompetenzen, die hohen QualitÀtsmerkmalen entsprechen

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    Dieser Aufsatz hat zwei Teile. Im ersten werden Lehrerkompetenzen in der Weise beschrieben, dass sie hohen QualitĂ€tsansprĂŒchen auf der Handlungsebene entsprechen. Wenn die Bedingungen a) theoretische Fundierung, b) empirisches Wissen, c) evaluative Kriterien und d) Handlungstradition erfĂŒllt sind, sprechen wir von Standards in der Lehrerbildung. Standards sind mehr als pĂ€dagogisch-psychologische Wissenseinheiten. Sie liegen auf der Ebene wissenschaftlich reflektierter Handlungsmuster von Lehrpersonen in sich dauernd wandelnden Kontexten. Sie sind somit auch mehr als automatisierte Fertigkeiten (Skills), und sie sind dergestalt, dass sie nicht von Fachleuten anderer Professionen oder von Laien wahrgenommen werden können. Aufgrund von GesprĂ€chen mit Verantwortlichen der Lehrerbildung entwickelten wir 88 solcher Standards. Sie sollen hier vorgestellt werden. In der nĂ€chsten Nummer werden erste Ergebnisse zur Frage, mit welcher IntensitĂ€t die Lehrerbildungsanstalten der Schweiz die Standards ausbilden, vorgestellt

    How Citizenship Norms and Digital Media Use Affect Political Participation: A Two-Wave Panel Analysis

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    A centrally important question for researchers of media and communication is whether any type of individual-level behavior (e.g., digital media use) or normative attitude (e.g., norms of good citizenship) contributes to equalizing patterns of political participation, which often favor higher-status groups. Drawing on a two-wave repeated panel telephone survey that uses a nationally representative sampling frame, the study’s research design facilitates a robust analysis of how citizenship norms and digital media use affect political participation, with a focus on comparing higher- and lower-status groups. Specifically, the study analyzes a survey conducted in 2018 (Wave 1) and 2019 (Wave 2) among Israeli citizens, with a representative sampling of the generally higher-status Jewish majority and the lower-status Arab minority. The findings indicate that citizenship norms and digital media use in Wave 1 have a time-ordered positive effect on nonelectoral participation in Wave 2 for both Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel. However, the findings also show that for voting, the only statistically significant determinant is citizens’ Jewish or Arab identity. At a time when many democracies are facing severe challenges due to democratic erosion and social disintegration, this study contributes a normatively encouraging finding that key factors identified in the literature on citizenship norms and digital media use do not contribute to participatory inequalities between the Jewish majority and Arab minority in Israel. The findings also show, however, that it is essential to look beyond digital media use patterns to mobilize lower-status groups to become politically engaged in electoral-oriented politics
