18 research outputs found


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    This study estimates the economic cost of mining pollution on water resources for the years 2008 and 2009 based on the conceptual framework of Environmental Efficiency (Pittman, 1981.1983, Färe et al., 1989, 1993, 2003; Rao, 2000). This framework understands such costs as the mining companies trade-off between increasing production that is saleable at market prices (desirable-output) and reducing environmental pollution that emerges from the production process (output-undesirable). These economic costs were calculated from parametric and nonparametric production possibility frontiers to 28 and 37 mining units in 2008 and 2009, respectively, which were under the purview of the National Campaign for Environmental Monitoring of Effluent and Water Resources conducted by Energy and Mining Investment Supervisory Agency (OSINERGMIN) in those years. The results show that the economic cost of mining pollution on water resources raised to 814.7millionandU.S. 814.7 million and U.S. 448.8 million for 2008 and 2009, respectively. This economic cost was highly concentrated in a few mining units, within a few pollution parameters, and was also higher in mining units with average/low mineral production. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Tobit regressions were not able to identify a pattern that explains the economic costs by using institutional, spatial and operational variables, which may be noted that it could be explained by factors related to the environmental management of mining production process. Taking into consideration that at present the fine and penalty system in the mining sector is based on an administrative-criteria, which does not fine for the potential environmental damage generated, the results of this study highlight the need to redesign this system based on an economic-criteria in order to establish a preventive mechanism of the pollution process in order to generate the necessary incentives for mining companies to address negative externalities that emerge from their production process.Environmental Efficiency, shadow prices, production possibility frontiers, distance functions, environmental externalities, mining extractive companies

    El Inventario de Estrés Académico SISCO: análisis de sus propiedades psicométricas en una muestra peruana

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    Objetivo El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Estrés Académico SISCO en una muestra peruana. Método Se obtuvo información de 628 estudiantes universitarios pertenecientes a universidades privadas y públicas. Dos modelos fueron evaluados mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio: el modelo tridimensional estándar y un modelo de cinco factores. Además, se analizó la confiabilidad, la invariancia factorial en función del género y la validez relacionada con otras variables (apoyo social percibido y procrastinación académica). Resultados Los modelos se ajustaron adecuadamente a los datos y el instrumento probó ser invariante entre varones y mujeres. Además, se confirmó un índice de confiabilidad adecuado y se encontraron asociaciones significativas con variables relacionadas. Conclusiones Los hallazgos actuales revelan que el Inventario de Estrés Académico SISCO muestra evidencias de validez y confiabilidad en estudiantes universitarios peruanos.Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the SISCO Inventory of Academic Stress in a Peruvian population. Method: Information was obtained from 628 college students belonging to private and public universities. The standard three-dimensional model and a five-factor model were tested by means of confirmatory factor analyses. Furthermore, reliability, measurement invariance across gender and validity related to other variables (perceived social support and academic procrastination) was inspected. Results: Models fitted the data adequately and the instrument was invariant across genders. In addition, an adequate reliability index was confirmed and significant associations with related variables were found. Conclusions: The current findings reveal that the SISCO Inventory of Academic Stress shows evidence of validity and reliability in Peruvian undergraduate students. © 2019 Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés - SEA

    Coping Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Peru

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    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic has subjected people around the world to severe stress, evoking a variety of coping responses. Coping responses can be broadly classified into four strategies: 1) problem-focused coping; 2) emotion-focused coping; 3) socially supported coping; and 4) avoidance. While there is a wide variability of individual coping responses, to some extent they are also culturally specific. Objective. This study aimed to compare the differences in the prevalence and factor structure of coping responses during COVID-19 pandemic in three countries: Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Peru. Design. The sample included 501 participants from Russia, 456 participants from Kyrgyzstan, and 354 participants from Peru. The mean age of participants was 28 years in Russia (SD = 13.5); 24 years in Kyrgyzstan (SD = 10.0); and 30 years in Peru (SD = 12.3). In Russia and Kyrgyzstan, coping strategies were assessed with an abbreviated Russian adaptation of the COPE (Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced) questionnaire. In Peru, coping responses were assessed using the Spanish version of the Brief COPE questionnaire. The average scores from fifteen COPE scales were used as the input data for linear modelling and factor analysis. Results. The coping scores varied substantially within each country. Differences between countries accounted for 17.7% of the total variability in religious coping; 15.8% in acceptance; 13.9% in mental disengagement; and less than 7% in the other coping strategies. No difference in the prevalence of coping responses was found between Russian and Kyrgyz participants after accounting for age and gender. In all three countries the coping responses were associated with the same four coping domains: problem-focused coping, socially supported coping, avoidance, and emotion-focused coping. Four factors explained up to 44% of the total variation in the COPE scores. Religious coping and mental disengagement were classified into different coping domains in the three countries. Conclusion. The results suggest that during the COVID-19 pandemic, people from different countries apply the full range of coping responses within the four universal coping strategies. Religious coping and mental disengagement differed the most across the countries, suggesting that some coping behaviors can take on different roles within the system of coping responses to stressful events. We attribute these differences to differing cultural and socioeconomic characteristics, and the different measures taken by governments in response to COVID-19

    Aproximando el costo de la contaminación minera sobre los recursos hídricos: metodologías paramétricas y no paramétricas

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    This study estimates the economic costs of mining pollution on water resources for the years 2008 and 2009 based on the conceptual framework of Environmental Efficiency. This framework identifies such costs as the mining companies’ trade-off between increasing production that is saleable at market prices (desirable output) and reducing the environmental pollution that emerges from the production process (undesirable output). These economic costs were calculated from parametric and non parametric production possibility frontiers for 28 and 37 mining units in 2008 and 2009, respectively, which were under the purview of the National Campaign for Environmental Monitoring of Effluent and Water Resources, conducted by the Energy and Mining Investment Supervisory Agency (Osinergmin) in those years. The results show that the economic cost of mining pollution on water resources rose to U.S. 814.7millionandU.S. 814.7 million and U.S. 448.8 million for 2008 and 2009, respectively. These economic costs were highly concentrated in a few mining units, within a few pollution parameters, and were also higher in mining units with average/low mineral production. Taking into consideration that at present the fine and penalty system in the mining sector is based on administrative criteria, this study proposes a System of Environmentally Efficient Sanctions based on economic criteria so as to establish a preventive mechanism for pollution. It is hoped that this mechanism will generate the necessary incentives for mining companies to address the negative externalities that emerge from their production process.En este estudio se aproximan los costos económicos de la contaminación ambiental minera sobre los recursos hídricos para 2008 y 2009 en el marco conceptual de la Eficiencia Medioambiental, que interpreta dichos costos como el trade-off de los empresarios mineros entre incrementar su producción que es vendible a precios de mercado (output deseable) yreducir la contaminación ambiental que se desprende de su proceso productivo (output no deseable). Dichos costos económicos fueron calculados a partir de fronteras de posibilidades de producción paramétricas y no paramétricas para 28 y 37 unidades mineras en los años 2008 y 2009 respectivamente, las que estuvieron bajo el ámbito de la Campaña Nacional deMonitoreo Ambiental de Efluentes y Recursos Hídricos que realizó el Organismo Supervisor de Inversión Energía y Minería (Osinergmin) en dichos años. Los resultados indican que los costos económicos de la contaminación ambiental minera sobre los recursos hídricos ascendieron, en promedio, para los años 2008 y 2009, a US814,7millones,yUS 814,7 millones,y US 448,8 millones, respectivamente. Dichos costos estuvieron altamente concentrados en pocas unidades productivas, así como en pocos parámetros de contaminación, y fueron mayores en unidades mineras con producción media/baja de minerales. Dado que en la actualidad el sistema de multas y sanciones en el sector minero se basa en criterios administrativos, el estudio propone un Sistema de Sanciones Ambientalmente Eficiente basado en criterios económico

    El enfoque administrativo-valorativo en la evaluación del impacto de reguladoras del mercado

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    Frente a mercados imperfectos, se hace necesaria la presencia de organismos reguladores (OR) que corrijan estas fallas y ayuden a alcanzar un mejor bienestar para los individuos. En este artículo, se revisa brevemente la metodología para evaluar el impacto de estos OR sobre el mercado y los agentes involucrados. Se menciona la necesidad de considerar varios enfoques de análisis y de estrategias empíricas, haciendo un breve desarrollo del enfoque denominado administrativo-valorativo

    Una clasificación de modelos de regresión binaria asimétrica: el uso del BAYES-PUCP en una aplicación sobre la decisión del cultivo ilícito de hoja de coca

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    En modelos econométricos clásicos de regresión binaria tradicionalmente se emplea la regresión logística, que se basa en el enlace simétrico logito. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar modelos de regresión binaria que, más bien, tengan enlaces asimétricos —aún no disponibles en software comercial—, cuando esta asimetría es más conveniente al investigador. Además, haciendo uso de un enfoque bayesiano con el programa WinBUGS, se implementa el programa BAYESPUCP, que facilitará la escritura de la sintaxis necesaria para implementar los modelos revisados. El BAYES-PUCP genera tanto las sintaxis de los modelos revisados así como de la estructura de los datos. El método es ilustrado con el caso de una muestra de agricultores que consideran la decisión de erradicar cultivos ilícitos de hoja de coca y, al mismo tiempo, se exploran factores asociados a esta decisión