284 research outputs found

    Arteterapia en el ámbito educativo hospitalario

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020El Arteterapia es un modo de intervención que con el paso del tiempo va despettando interés entre los profesionales de los ámbitos educativos y sanitarios. Es por ello, que muchos autores como Bassols (2006), Callejón (2003), López Martínez ( 2000) y Pacheco (2003), entre otros mencionan los beneficios que provoca el uso de esta terapia en sus usuarios. En este trabajo trato de conocer y revisar desde el nacimiento de esta corriente hasta las técnicas utilizadas en el contexto educativo y sanitario. Realizando así una revisión bibliográfica desde la historia y los antecedentes del AT en el mundo además de la historia de nuestro país y conociendo cómo se trabaja en los centros educativos y sanitarios. El objetivo general de este TFG es el de conocer con mayor ímpetu el AT y comprender los fines y aplicaciones que puede tener en el campo educativo

    Time domain analysis of partial discharges envelope in medium voltage XLPE cables

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    Partial discharge (PD) analysis has been widely used to detect premature degradation of power cables. Although there are recognized techniques for PD analysis, there is still lack of knowledge about measuring and modeling this phenomenon. This paper proposes a new model based on time domain parameters of the PD signal envelope. The proposed variables (time duration, and rising and falling slopes of the envelopes), together with conventional PD analyses focused on PD amplitude and phase resolved patterns, will provide a better understanding of this phenomenon. Based on this model, a new technique to reshape the PD signal envelope is also proposed that compensates the negative effect of dispersion in the location techniques that estimate the time of arrival (TOA). Experimental results were obtained in the lab, where a power cable has been artificially damaged in order to produce PD. To this end, a specific PD on-line acquisition system has been developed. In the first set of experiments, we illustrate how the cable attenuates and disperses the PD signal envelope. In the second one, we show how the proposed variables are useful to distinguish among different types of PD sources. Finally, an accurate estimation of the PD source location is achieved by measuring the time of arrival of the PD signal envelopes at both cable ends, and reshaping one of the signals captured. This technique improves the accuracy of the estimated location of the PD sources, both in simulation and in experimental results

    Detección automática de faltas empleando lógica borrosa

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    Presentamos a continuación una herramienta para la detección y clasificación de faltas en circuitos analógicos a partir de un reducido conjunto de medidas. Se emplea una estructura formada por neuronas borrosas, que permite el reconocimiento de regiones de clasificación de forma arbitraria. Permitiendo la realización de tests tanto funcionales como paramétricos

    Selección automática de topologías

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    Se presenta una herramienta para la selección de topologías a partir de unas especificaciones de entre un conjunto de topologías alternativas fijas empleando lógica borrosa. Las reglas de decisión empleadas pueden proceder del conocimiento de un diseñador experto o ser generadas automáticamente mediante un procedimiento de aprendizaje a partir de los resultados de la optimización de una rejilla de especificaciones. Se muestran una serie de ejemplos que reflejan la capacidad de la herramienta para aprender la elección de celdas analógicas

    A collection of fuzzy logic-based tools for the automated design, modelling and test of analog circuits

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    We have developed a collection of tools for the design, modeling, and test of analog circuits. Sharing a common fuzzy-logic based framework, the tools are part of FASY (Fuzzy-Logic-Based Analog Synthesis), an analog design package developed at the University of Seville. The first tool uses fuzzy logic for topology selection of analog cells. It follows decision rules directly entered by a human expert or automatically generated from its experience with earlier designs. Second, a performance-modeling tool provides a qualitative description of a circuit's behavior. Alternatively, it can use a learning process to accurately model circuit performance. Finally, an analog testing tool uses a fuzzy-neuron classifier to detect and classify faults in analog circuits

    Modeling Airfield Ground Lighting Systems for Narrowband Power-Line Communications

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    Airfield ground lighting (AGL) systems are responsible for providing visual reference to aircrafts in the airport neighborhood. In an AGL system, a large number of lamps are organized in serial circuits and connected to current regulators that supply energy to the lamps. Controlling and monitoring lamps (including detection and location of burnt-out lamps) are critical for cost-saving maintenance and operation of AGL systems. Power-line Communications (PLC) is an attractive technology to connect elements of the AGL, reusing the power distribution cable as a transmission medium. PLC technologies avoid the installation of new wires throughout the airport infrastructure. This paper proposes a new model for power-line communication links in AGL systems. Every element (isolation transformer, primary circuit cable, and lamps) has been analyzed in laboratory and modeled using SPICE. The resulting models have been integrated to build a complete power-line link model. Simulation results are compared to experimental results obtained in real conditions in the Airport of Seville (Spain)

    Adquisición de datos digitales con protocolo VME sobre FPGA

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    En este artículo se presenta la realización sobre FPGA de un circuito con 16 filtros digitales. Un cambio en la entrada es validado cada vez que tres muestras consecutivas toman el mismo valor. El dato muestreado es accesible mediante protocolo VME estándar, incluyendo daisy-cbain para la gestión de interrupciones. El circuito de acceso VME se ha descrito en lenguaje de comportamiento VERILOG-XL, y sintetizado usando SYNERGY. El resto del circuito ha sido capturado y simulado empleando el entorno de diseño Framework II de Cadence. El circuito ha sido programado en una FPGA 1020A de Texas Instrument. Como resultado se ha obtenido una tarjeta de adquisición de datos con una densidad de componentes muy baja, y que está siendo actualmente empleada en sistemas de control industriales

    Hybrid Mesoporous Nanocarriers Act by Processing Logic Tasks: Toward the Design of Nanobots Capable of Reading Information from the Environment

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    [EN] Here, we present the design of smart nano-devices capable of reading molecular information from the environment and acting accordingly by processing Boolean logic tasks. As proof of concept, we prepared Au-mesoporous silica (MS) nanoparticles functionalized with the enzyme glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) on the Au surface and with supramolecular nanovalves as caps on the MS surface, which is loaded with a cargo (dye or drug). The nanodevice acts as an AND logic gate and reads information from the solution (presence of glucose and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADI), which results in cargo release. We show the possibility of coimmobilizing GDH and the enzyme urease on nanoparticles to mimic an INHIBIT logic gate, in which the AND gate is switched off by the presence of urea. We also show that such nanodevices can deliver cytotoxic drugs in cancer cells by recognizing intracellular NAD(+) and the presence of glucose.A.L.-L. is grateful to "La Caixa" Banking Foundation for his Ph.D. grant. A.G.-F. and B.de L. thank the Spanish government for FPU fellowships. The authors are grateful to the Spanish Government (MINECO Projects MAT2015-64139-C4-1, CTQ2014-58989-P, and CTQ2015-71936-REDT) and the Generalitat Valencia (Project PROMETEOII/2014/047 and PROMETEOII/2014/061) for support. The Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/MIT-3029, Programme NANOAVANSENS) is also gratefully acknowledged.Llopis-Lorente, A.; De Luis-Fernández, B.; García-Fernández, A.; Jiménez-Falcao, S.; Orzaez, M.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Villalonga, R.... (2018). Hybrid Mesoporous Nanocarriers Act by Processing Logic Tasks: Toward the Design of Nanobots Capable of Reading Information from the Environment. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 10(31):26494-26500. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.8b05920S2649426500103

    Combination of palbociclib with navitoclax based-therapies enhances in vivo antitumoral activity in triple-negative breast cancer

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    [EN] Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a very aggressive subtype of breast cancer with a poor prognosis and limited effective therapeutic options. Induction of senescence, arrest of cell proliferation, has been explored as an effective method to limit tumor progression in metastatic breast cancer. However, relapses occur in some patients, possibly as a result of the accumulation of senescent tumor cells in the body after treatment, which promote metastasis. In this study, we explored the combination of senescence induction and the subsequent removal of senescent cells (senolysis) as an alternative approach to improve outcomes in TNBC patients. We demonstrate that a combination treatment, using the senescence-inducer palbociclib and the senolytic agent navitoclax, delays tumor growth and reduces metastases in a mouse xenograft model of aggressive human TNBC (hTNBC). Furthermore, considering the off-target effects and toxicity derived from the use of navitoclax, we propose a strategy aimed at minimizing the associated side effects. We use a galacto-conjugated navitoclax (nav-Gal) as a senolytic prodrug that can preferentially be activated by ß-galactosidase overexpressed in senescent cells. Concomitant treatment with palbociclib and nav-Gal in vivo results in the eradication of senescent hTNBC cells with consequent reduction of tumor growth, while reducing the cytotoxicity of navitoclax. Taken together, our results support the efficacy of combination therapy of senescence-induction with senolysis for hTNBC, as well as the development of a targeted approach as an effective and safer therapeutic opportunityThis work was supported by the Spanish Government projects (RTI2018-100910-B-C41, RTI2018-101599-B-C22 and PID2020 -115048RB-I00 (MCUI/FEDER, EU) ) and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO 2018/024 and PROMETEO/2019/065) . A.E-F. is grateful to the Spanish Government for her Ph.D. grant (FPU17/05454) , A.L-V. is grateful to the Instituto de Salud Carlos III for her Ph.D. i-PFIS grant (IFI17/00039) . J.B. thanks to the Instituto de Salud Carlos III for his Sara Borrell contract (CD19/00038) . Thank the financial support from the FEDER found of European Union (IDIFEDER/2021/044) . The authors thank Alberto Herna?ndez for the confocal microscope, Alicia Martinez for flow cytometry, and Viviana Bisbal for veterinary assistance. The authors thank for the use of Biorender.com in the graphical abstract Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.Estepa-Fernández, A.; García-Fernández, A.; Lerida-Viso, A.; Blandez, JF.; Galiana, I.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Orzaez, M.... (2023). Combination of palbociclib with navitoclax based-therapies enhances in vivo antitumoral activity in triple-negative breast cancer. Pharmacological Research. 187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phrs.2022.10662818

    Preclinical antitumor efficacy of senescence-inducing chemotherapy combined with a nanoSenolytic

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    [EN] The induction of senescence produces a stable cell cycle arrest in cancer cells, thereby inhibiting tumor growth; however, the incomplete immune cell-mediated clearance of senescent cells may favor tumor relapse, limiting the long-term anti-tumorigenic effect of such drugs. A combination of senescence induction and the elimination of senescent cells may, therefore, represent an efficient means to inhibit tumor relapse. In this study, we explored the antitumor efficacy of a combinatory senogenic and targeted senolytic therapy in an immunocompetent orthotopic mouse model of the aggressive triple negative breast cancer subtype. Following palbociclib-induced senogenesis and senolysis by treatment with nano-encapsulated senolytic agent navitoclax, we observed inhibited tumor growth, reduced metastases, and a reduction in the systemic toxicity of navitoclax. We believe that this combination treatment approach may have relevance to other senescence-inducing chemotherapeutic drugs and additional tumor types. Significance: While the application of senescence inducers represents a successful treatment strategy in breast cancer patients, some patients still relapse, perhaps due to the subsequent accumulation of senescent cells in the body that can promote tumor recurrence. We now demonstrate that a combination treatment of a senescence inducer and a senolytic nanoparticle selectively eliminates senescent cells, delays tumor growth, and reduces metastases in a mouse model of aggressive breast cancer. Collectively, our results support targeted senolysis as a new therapeutic opportunity to improve outcomes in breast cancer patients.The M.O. laboratory members thank the financial support from the Spanish Government (project SAF2017-84689-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, EU)) and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO/2019/065). The R.M. laboratory members thank the financial support from the Spanish Government (projects RTI2018-100910-B-C41 and RTI2018-101599-B-C22 (MCUI/FEDER, EU) and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO 2018/024). Both I.G. and B.L-T. are grateful to the Generalitat Valenciana and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, respectively, for their Ph.D. grants. I.G. would like to thank I. Borreda and J. Forteza and the Instituto Valenciano de Patologia for their special collaboration and F. Sancenon for his appreciated helpGaliana, I.; Lozano-Torres, B.; Sancho, M.; Alfonso-Navarro, M.; Bernardos Bau, A.; Bisbal, V.; Serrano, M.... (2020). Preclinical antitumor efficacy of senescence-inducing chemotherapy combined with a nanoSenolytic. Journal of Controlled Release. 323:624-634. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2020.04.045S624634323Hernandez-Segura, A., Nehme, J., & Demaria, M. (2018). Hallmarks of Cellular Senescence. 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