39 research outputs found

    Sp1-regulated expression of p11 contributes to motor neuron degeneration by membrane insertion of TASK1

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    Disruption in membrane excitability contributes to malfunction and differential vulnerability of specific neuronal subpopulations in a number of neurological diseases. The adaptor protein p11, and background potassium channel TASK1, have overlapping distributions in the CNS. Here, we report that the transcription factor Sp1 controls p11 expression, which impacts on excitability by hampering functional expression of TASK1. In the SOD1-G93A mouse model of ALS, Sp1-p11-TASK1 dysregulation contributes to increased excitability and vulnerability of motor neurons. Interference with either Sp1 or p11 is neuroprotective, delaying neuron loss and prolonging lifespan in this model. Nitrosative stress, a potential factor in human neurodegeneration, stimulated Sp1 expression and human p11 promoter activity, at least in part, through a Sp1-binding site. Disruption of Sp1 or p11 also has neuroprotective effects in a traumatic model of motor neuron degeneration. Together our work suggests the Sp1-p11- TASK1 pathway is a potential target for treatment of degeneration of motor neurons

    Oxidative stress in macrophages from spleen of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to sublethal concentration of endosulfan

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    Aging is a gradual, complex process in which cells, tissues, organs, and the whole organism itself deteriorate in a progressive and irreversible manner that, in the majority of cases, implies pathological conditions that affect the individual's Quality of Life (QOL). Although extensive research efforts in recent years have been made, the anticipation of aging and prophylactic or treatment strategies continue to experience major limitations. In this review, the focus is essentially on the compilation of the advances generated by cellular expression profile analysis through proteomics studies (two-dimensional [2D] electrophoresis and mass spectrometry [MS]), which are currently used as an integral approach to study the aging process. Additionally, the relevance of the oxidative stress factors is discussed. Emphasis is placed on postmitotic tissues, such as neuronal, muscular, and red blood cells, which appear to be those most frequently studied with respect to aging. Additionally, models for the study of aging are discussed in a number of organisms, such as Caenorhabditis elegans, senescence-accelerated probe-8 mice (SAMP8), naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber), and the beagle canine. Proteomic studies in specific tissues and organisms have revealed the extensive involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress in aging. " 2014 Daniel Ortuño-Sahagún et al.",,,,,,"10.1155/2014/573208",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/43453","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84896134437&partnerID=40&md5=11ca762be3c4c543601e9d0d704112e

    Ensheathing cell-conditioned medium directs the differentiation of human umbilical cord blood cells into aldynoglial phenotype cells.

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    Record Owner: From MEDLINE, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.; Status: MEDLINE; Publishing Model: Journal available in: Print-Electronic Citation processed from: Internet; NLM Journal Code: 8912329, ay1; Registry Number/Name of Substance: 0 (AC133 antigen). 0 (Antigens, CD). 0 (Antigens, CD34). 0 (Culture Media, Conditioned). 0 (Glycoproteins). 0 (Peptides).; Entry Date: 2013030

    Noncommutativity, Cosmology and ?

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    Despite their similarities to bone marrow precursor cells (PC), human umbilical cord blood (HUCB) PCs are more immature and, thus, they exhibit greater plasticity. This plasticity is evident by their ability to proliferate and spontaneously differentiate into almost any cell type, depending on their environment. Moreover, HUCB-PCs yield an accessible cell population that can be grown in culture and differentiated into glial, neuronal and other cell phenotypes. HUCB-PCs offer many potential therapeutic benefits, particularly in the area of neural replacement. We sought to induce the differentiation of HUCB-PCs into glial cells, known as aldynoglia. These cells can promote neuronal regeneration after lesion and they can be transplanted into areas affected by several pathologies, which represents an important therapeutic strategy to treat central nervous system damage. To induce differentiation to the aldynoglia phenotype, HUCB-PCs were exposed to different culture media. Mononuclear cells from HUCB were isolated and purified by identification of CD34 and CD133 antigens, and after 12 days in culture, differentiation of CD34+ HUCB-PCs to an aldynoglia phenotypic, but not that of CD133+ cells, was induced in ensheathing cell (EC)-conditioned medium. Thus, we demonstrate that the differentiation of HUCB-PCs into aldynoglia cells in EC-conditioned medium can provide a new source of aldynoglial cells for use in transplants to treat injuries or neurodegenerative diseases. " 2012 Japan Human Cell Society and Springer.",,,,,,"10.1007/s13577-012-0044-5",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/41239","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84862118784&partnerID=40&md5=13dc5afb2c358e59da984c736df6caa

    Two outer membrane lipoproteins from Histophilus somni are immunogenic in rabbits and sheep and induce protection against bacterial challenge in mice

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    Histophilus somni is an economically important pathogen of cattle and other ruminants and is considered one of the key components of the bovine respiratory disease (BRD) complex, the leading cause of economic loss in the livestock industry. BRD is a multifactorial syndrome, in which a triad of agents, including bacteria, viruses, and predisposing factors or "stressors," combines to induce disease. Although vaccines against H. somni have been used for many decades, traditional bacterins have failed to demonstrate effective protection in vaccinated animals. Hence, the BRD complex continues to produce strong adverse effects on the health and well-being of stock and feeder cattle. The generation of recombinant proteins may facilitate the development of more effective vaccines against H. somni, which could confer better protection against BRD. In the present study, primers were designed to amplify, clone, express, and purify two recombinant lipoproteins from H. somni, p31 (Plp4) and p40 (LppB), which are structural proteins of the outer bacterial membrane. The results presented here demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time, that when formulated, an experimental vaccine enriched with these two recombinant lipoproteins generates high antibody titers in rabbits and sheep and exerts a protective effect in mice against septicemia induced by H. somni bacterial challenge. Copyright © 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved

    Microarray analysis of striatal embryonic stem cells induced to differentiate by ensheathing cell conditioned media

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    The mammalian central nervous system contains well-defined regions of plasticity in which cells of the aldynoglia phenotype promote neuronal growth and regeneration. Only now are the factors that regulate the production of new cells from multipotential neural precursors (MNP) starting to be identified. We are interested in understanding how differentiation towards the aldynoglia phenotype is controlled, and to study these events we have induced the differentiation of embryonic MNP towards this phenotype in vitro. Accordingly, we have used microarrays to analyze gene expression in three different cell populations: olfactory bulb ensheathing cells (EC), a prototypic aldynoglia cell type; undifferentiated MNP; and MNP differentiated in vitro for 24 hr in EC-conditioned media. The expression profiles identified support the idea that the EC are more closely related to Schwann cells and astrocytes than to oligodendrocytes. Following MNP differentiation, more strongly expressed genes define a neuroglial cell phenotype. RT-PCR confirms that S100a6, Mtmr2, and Col5a were highly expressed by EC, whereas Pou3f3 were more strongly expressed in MNP than in EC, and SafB1 and Mash1 expression were induced in MNP by EC-conditioned media. The profile of gene expression after differentiation suggests that Wnt signaling may be inactivated during this process, while activation of the BMP pathway may be elicited through the BMPr1A. These results provide us with a starting point to study the genes involved in the induction of aldynoglia differentiation from MNP. � 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Tumor necrosis factor ?-308 and -238 polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis. Association with messenger RNA expression and sTNF-?

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    Histophilus somni is an economically important pathogen of cattle and other ruminants and is considered one of the key components of the bovine respiratory disease (BRD) complex, the leading cause of economic loss in the livestock industry. BRD is a multifactorial syndrome, in which a triad of agents, including bacteria, viruses, and predisposing factors or "stressors," combines to induce disease. Although vaccines against H. somni have been used for many decades, traditional bacterins have failed to demonstrate effective protection in vaccinated animals. Hence, the BRD complex continues to produce strong adverse effects on the health and well-being of stock and feeder cattle. The generation of recombinant proteins may facilitate the development of more effective vaccines against H. somni, which could confer better protection against BRD. In the present study, primers were designed to amplify, clone, express, and purify two recombinant lipoproteins from H. somni, p31 (Plp4) and p40 (LppB), which are structural proteins of the outer bacterial membrane. The results presented here demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time, that when formulated, an experimental vaccine enriched with these two recombinant lipoproteins generates high antibody titers in rabbits and sheep and exerts a protective effect in mice against septicemia induced by H. somni bacterial challenge. Copyright " 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.",,,,,,"10.1128/CVI.00451-12",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/45516","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84868245648&partnerID=40&md5=f6b1e1b0296c9ddddd09094747254a4

    Anti-aging properties of melatonin in an in vitro murine senescence model: Involvement of the sirtuin 1 pathway

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    Sirtuin 1 is a member of the sirtuin family of protein deacetylases, which have attracted considerable attention as mediators of lifespan extension in several model organisms. Induction of sirtuin 1 expression also attenuates neuronal degeneration and death in animal models of Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease. In this study, an in vitro model of neuronal aging was used to test in several ways whether melatonin acts as a sirtuin 1 inducer and if this effect could be neuroprotective. It is shown that melatonin is able to increase the level of this deacetylase in young primary neurons, as well as in aged neurons. We also observed an increase in the deacetylation of several substrates of sirtuin 1, such as p53, PGC-1?, FoxO1, ADAM10 and NF?B. In addition, there was a reduction in its nuclear translocation and, subsequently, an improvement in transcriptional activity. Sirtinol, a sirtuin 1 inhibitor, was used to correlate these effects with sirtuin. It is shown that sirtinol reduces sirtuin 1 expression and impairs the beneficial action of melatonin on cell viability and apoptosis prevention. Moreover, some of the sirtuin 1 substrates studied also reversed the melatonin effect when sirtinol is added to the cells, mainly p53. Globally, these results add weight to the findings of previous reports, indicating a new role for melatonin in improving cell function gated to an increased neuroprotective role for the sirtuin 1 pathway. Zapotitlán 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S