29 research outputs found

    Aspectos metodológicos a considerar en las escuelas de iniciación al Fútbol

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    En el presente artículo veremos cómo ha de ser la iniciación deportiva en una escuela de fútbol para conseguir llegar con el mayor número de jugadores a fases avanzadas de rendimiento. El proyecto en la iniciación ha de basarse en aspectos pedagógicos de forma que entendemos el entrenamiento como un proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje siendo el entrenador el educador que lleva a cabo dicho proceso. Este proyecto formativo de las escuelas de fútbol no solo atiende a los aspectos relacionados específicamente con el fútbol (técnica, táctica, condición física) sino también a aspectos relacionados con valores de cooperación, respecto, aceptación… Una vez establecido el punto de partida valoraremos la toma de decisiones como un elemento fundamental del entrenador. Estas decisiones pueden darse en todo el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje y, por tanto, van desde antes de llevar a cabo el entrenamiento, hasta durante y después de finalizar el mismo. Finalmente, estableceremos una serie de recomendaciones para que la toma de decisiones en cada una de estas fases sea más productiva y garante de la calidad de la iniciación deportiva de nuestros niños

    An Internal and External Logical Analysis of Sant Mateu Traditional Games Played in the XX Century

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    Nowadays traditional games are disappeared of our streets and places. Social changes don’t help to keep the traditional games and the ludic culture: streets are paved; the number of children for family is fewer; technologic develop; and so on. Young people prefer other activities to spend their free time as sports, music, video games, social media. These activities and the social changes are modifying the ludic culture and the traditions of the people in the Maestrat Region and in other places in Spain. In this article we present a study about the traditional games and festive activities in a town called Sant Mateu (Spain). We studied these using visual sources, writing sources and, principally, oral sources. In order to find the ludic culture, we designed a questionnaire with internal and external logical questions. Internal logical asks about rules and regulations of the games and external logical asks about the social and cultural elements. With this questionnaire, we interviewed 48 people (26 men and 22 women) from 30 to 85 years. We interviewed people individually although, sometimes, we used discussion groups and workshops. Thus, after research, we found that the main source is the oral source. Visual sources and writing sources contributed with little information. It is so because until after middle XXth century people didn’t use usually them. We obtained 124 traditional games which have been played during the XX century: 61 games were played by 1st generation; 18 games by the 2nd generation; 35 games by the 3rd. Moreover, we found 10 games that were played in festivities. In conclusion, we may establish thatresearch of ludic culture is necessary to find and protect this intangible heritage, to know the relationship between people and traditional spaces of the games. With the qualitative information of this study, we wrote a book about the ludic culture and traditional games of the Sant Mateu town. This book was edited by Onada Editions and it’s called in Valencian languages “Els jocs I la tradició lúdica de Sant Mateu al segle XX” (Ortí, 2011). Translation to English would be: “Games and ludic tradition of Sant Mateu to XX century”

    Connecting students since physical education in the lockdown time. An e-learning service experience

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    The arrival of COVID-19 to Spain produced a lot of changes. Government announced alert state, people had to stay at home, people didn’t move outside, schools and universities were closed, etc. All changes did that teachers and students had to continue lessons but they couldn’t go to school. For this reason, teachers and students had to adapt to a new situation and to use other methodologies and new technologies. Physical Education teachers also had to change our methodologies: using mobile phones, computers and other technologies for trying to students did physical exercise and to continue the physical education lessons. After of some weeks of lockdown, we did a research using a form. Data revelated that students were doing physical exercise at home but they had other problems: students felt alone; they needed to stay with other students; they needed to do physical exercise with friends; etc. For this reason, we decided to change the methodology and use E-learning service. So, we offered the possibility to students of Compulsory Secondary Education to participate in this experience. In this experience the High School Students would offer to Compulsory Secondary Education students some physical activities for connecting and doing them together. These activities could be dance and rhythm, traditional games, motor games, relaxation techniques as yoga, stretching, muscle-strengthening activity and so on. Students decided their preferences. After three weeks doing physical activities at home, students and families gave a positive evaluation of the experience. High school students taught some activities to Compulsory Secondary Education Students, worked together and using technologies. These activities improved the mental and physical health of students

    El joc tradicional a la iconografia filatèlica

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    Des del Grup de Recerca i Investigació sobre Esport i Societat (GRIES) ha semblat escaient iniciar un projecte de recerca que permeti aprofundir en l’estudi de la “Cultura lúdica com a patrimoni”. Aquest projecte de recerca i la dedicada a “Esport i modernització a Catalunya en el segle XX” són els dos projectes que sostenen una de les quatre línies d’investigació desplegades per aquest grup de recerca, en concret aquella que fa referència a “Cultura, esport i patrimoni”. Doncs bé, el present article dóna a conèixer els resultats obtinguts en tres estudis en relació a la utilització d’una de les fonts iconogràfiques que al nostre entendre no ha merescut la suficient atenció per part dels investigadors malgrat disposar d’informacions força valuoses, si més no, en l’àmbit de l’estudi dels jocs populars i tradicionals. Ens estem referim a la iconografia filatèlica. El primer dels estudis mostra els resultats obtinguts en la investigació d’una emissió filatèlica que aplegava força manifestacions lúdiques, la “Serie Europa –Juegos infantiles – 1989”. El segon ha consistit en l’elaboració d’un catàleg filatèlic de jocs tradicionals d’Europa i el seu corresponent anàlisi. Per últim, el tercer, pretén consolidar aquest projecte, amb la realització d’una tesi doctoral que pretén estudiar els jocs i esports tradicionals d’arreu del món a través de la filatèlia

    Using the New Technologies in the Physical Education Lessons

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    All the subjects of the Spanish Educative System have to contribute to develop the key competences. They were established by the European Union and we have the concretion of them in the Spanish executive order called LOMCE (2013). Between the key competences we can find the Basic Science and Technology competence and the Digital competence.Physical Education is an obligatory subject in the Spanish Education System in Primary and Secondary School. For this reason, it has to help to get the different competences. In this article we will explain how we are going to develop those competences from the Physical Education

    Locked down at home during coronavirus: Physical exercise changes in students and teachers in Spanish high school

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    The arrival of coronavirus produced a lot of changes in some societies. One of them was that people stayed confine at home during some weeks and months. This situation changed a lot of life’s routines. Physical activity was one of them. This article presents a confine changes in the physical exercise in Spanish high school students and teachers. Study recovers the information after 1 month lockdown. We could find that some routines were changed as the frequency, the length, the kind of practice activities, the person with whom did exercise, etc. Students and teachers adapted their physical activities to this circumstance. Between the research data, we emphasize that people followed doing physical exercise (more frequency but fewer length), especially physical condition activities, alone and with their families. We differentiated students and teachers results

    Tándem : didáctica de la educación física

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    Resumen basado en el de la revista. Monográfico titulado: El placer de jugar. El placer de educarSe trata uno de los contenidos más vinculados al entorno cultural propio de la sociedad que rodea la escuela: los juegos tradicionales. Después de hacer una aproximación conceptual a los juegos tradicionales se darán una serie de ideas y de pautas para poder introducirlas en el entorno escolar, tanto en la enseñanza primaria como secundaria, y evitar así la desaparición y pérdida de estos juegos propios. Se propone además su uso como herramientas que conduzcan al desarrollo de aspectos motrices, cognitivos, afectivos y sociales, consiguiendo al mismo tiempo los diferentes objetivos establecidos por la LOGSE en cada una de las diferentes etapas, ciclos y niveles.CataluñaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Perspectiva escolar

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    Se exponen dos experiencias de acercamiento multicultural llevadas a cabo en el área de educación física. En el primer caso se explican los juegos cooperativos versus los juegos de lucha, y en segundo lugar se expone un juego multicultural en un aula de acogida.CataluñaUniversitat de Barcelona. Biblioteca de Ciències de l'Educació; Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171; 08035 Barcelona; +34934021035; +34934021034;ES

    Monitor educador

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    Se presentan dos juegos que permiten introducir a los participantes en deportes como el fútbol, el baloncesto, etc, que tiene aspectos tácticos comunes.País VascoES

    Tándem : didáctica de la educación física

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    Resumen basado en el de la revista. Monográfico titulado: La resolución de conflictos en el aula de educación físicaEn el presente artículo se efectúa una aproximación conceptual a los conflictos específicos del área de educación física y que generalmente se producen en el espacio natural de trabajo o la pista de polideportivo, para después tratar de buscar herramientas que permitan dificultar su aparición o bien, una vez aparecido el mismo, el tratamiento de forma constructiva para que esta situación pueda favorecer el aprendizaje y la convivencia. La resolución de conflictos, como corriente innovadora de pensamiento, favorece el estudio y el análisis para tratar de solucionarlo de una forma positiva. Esta corriente ha tratado determinados conflictos y problemas vinculados al mundo educativo aunque se ha centrado fundamentalmente en el aula, por lo que existen pocos artículos o materiales específicos referidos a la educación física.CataluñaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]