414 research outputs found

    Voting for Committees in Agreeable Societies

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    We examine the following voting situation. A committee of kk people is to be formed from a pool of n candidates. The voters selecting the committee will submit a list of jj candidates that they would prefer to be on the committee. We assume that j≤k<nj \leq k < n. For a chosen committee, a given voter is said to be satisfied by that committee if her submitted list of jj candidates is a subset of that committee. We examine how popular is the most popular committee. In particular, we show there is always a committee that satisfies a certain fraction of the voters and examine what characteristics of the voter data will increase that fraction.Comment: 11 pages; to appear in Contemporary Mathematic

    Radon Transforms and the Finite General Linear Groups

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    Using a class sum and a collection of related Radon transforms, we present a proof G. James’s Kernel Intersection Theorem for the complex unipotent representations of the finite general linear groups. The approachis analogous to that used by F. Scarabotti for a proof of James’s Kernel Intersection Theorem for the symmetric group. In the process, we also show that a single class sum may be used to distinguish between distinct irreducible unipotent representations

    Reflections Acting Efficiently on a Building

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    We show how Radon transforms may be used to apply efficiently the class sum of reflections in the finite general linear group GLn(Fq) to vectorsin permutation modules arising from the action of GLn(Fq) on the building oftype An−1(Fq)

    Teaching Time Savers: Some Advice on Giving Advice

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    There are always a lot of questions that need to be answered at the beginning of a course. When are office hours? What are the grading policies? How many exams will there be? Will late homework be accepted? We have all seen the answers to these sorts of questions form the bulk of a standard course syllabus, and most of us feel an obligation (and rightly so) to provide such information

    Teaching Time Savers: Style Points

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    When I began as an assistant professor, I had a pretty good sense of how much time it would take for me to prepare for each class. After a few conversations with my new colleagues, I even had a good sense of how much time I should devote to tasks like office hours and committee work. Somewhere in the middle of grading my first exam, though, it became painfully clear that I had underestimated the amount of time I would need to grade exams

    Adequate and appropriate intelligence testing of moderately mentally retarded children

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    The intelligence of moderately mentally retarded (MR) children is difficult to assess because they often have concurrent physical or sensory impairments which adversely affect their test performance. The purpose of this study was to determine if necessary adaptations are made when assessing children who are moderately MR for educational placement in the State of Virginia.;A survey was sent to public school psychologists in the State of Virginia as identified by the 1990-91 roster obtained from the Virginia Department of Education. The survey inquired as to their normal methods of intelligence testing used with the moderately mentally retarded population. The results of the survey and a review of literature were used to determine methods of successful assessment of children who are moderately mentally retarded.;The results of the study indicate that more than one intelligence measure must be made to validate the results. The inclusion of adaptive behavior scales is necessary to satisfy the criteria for mental retardation. Modifications are often necessary to prevent physical handicaps from suppressing the child\u27s scores on standard intelligence tests. What is needed are precisely stated modifications, included with standard intelligence tests, which accommodate for the needs of moderately mentally retarded children

    Teaching Time Savers: The Exam Practically Wrote Itself!

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    When I first started teaching, creating an exam for my upper division courses was a genuinely exciting process. The material felt fresh and relatively unexplored (at least by me), and I remember often feeling pleasantly overwhelmed with what seemed like a vast supply of intriguing and engrossing exam-ready problems. Crafting the perfect exam, one that was noticeably inviting, exceedingly fair, and unavoidably illuminating, was a real joy

    Teaching Time Savers: A Recommendation for Recommendations

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    I admit it — I enjoy writing recommendation letters for my students. I likelearning about their hopes and dreams, where they have been and where they want to go. A recommendation letter is an opportunity to remind myself how much my students can grow while they are in college, and how much I have grown as an instructor, advisor, and mentor

    Two Quick Combinatorial Proofs

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    Presentation of two simple combinatorial proofs
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