821 research outputs found

    e-Counterfeit: a mobile-server platform for document counterfeit detection

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    This paper presents a novel application to detect counterfeit identity documents forged by a scan-printing operation. Texture analysis approaches are proposed to extract validation features from security background that is usually printed in documents as IDs or banknotes. The main contribution of this work is the end-to-end mobile-server architecture, which provides a service for non-expert users and therefore can be used in several scenarios. The system also provides a crowdsourcing mode so labeled images can be gathered, generating databases for incremental training of the algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Notes sobre el passat, el present i el futur de les pinedes de pi roig (Pinus sylvestris L.) de les Muntanyes de Prades: resultats d'un estudi dendroecològic

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    En aqucst treball s'analitza des del punt de vista de la successió ecològica l'estructura demogràfica, la producció i el vigor de la població de Pinus sylvestris que cobreix les parts altes del bosc de Poblet (Muntanyes de Prades, Serralada Prelitoral catalana). L'edat dels arbres revela que formen una sola cohort que va començar a envair la zona al voltant del 1848, cosa que denota la forta pertorbació a que devia ser sotmès el bosc pel temps de la desamortització (1835). L'absència de regeneració de P. Sylvestris i la seva producció i vigor extremament baixos suggereixen que la població d'aquesta espècie, malgrat ser la que ara domini el paisatge, es troba en una clara fase de decadència i es pot preveure la seva pròxima substitució per una ja abundant regeneració de Quercus ilex i Q. Pyrenaica, tolerants a l'ombra. A través de les sèries de creixements anuals dels arbres i de les distribucions d'edat i de diàmetres s'evidencien les diferents fases de desenvolupament per les quals ha passat el bosc, condicionades per la interacció entre la mateixa dinàmica de la vegetació i les diferents actuations de l'home. Finalment, el fet que un sol episodi de pertorbació permeti l'establiment i la persistència d'una pineda durant cent cinquanta anys o més es una dada d'interès més enllà de 1'entorn estricte de les Muntanyes de Prades i que pot servir per interpretar bona part del paisatge mediterrani actual de Catalunya.The demographic structure, primary production and tree vigor of the population of Pinus sylvestris covering the upper slopes of the Poblet forest (Prades mountains, in the precoastal Catalan range) is analyzed from a successional point of view. Tree ages reveal that they form a single cohort which started invading the site by 1848, thus indicating a severe disturbance period probably related to the 1835 disentailment law. The lack of regeneration of P. sylvestris and the extremely low production and vigor of adult pine trees suggest that the population of this species, although now dominant in the landscape, is actually undergoing a clear decline, and its replacement by two shade-tolerant species (Quercus ilex and Q. pyrenaica), now abundant in the understory, can be predicted to occur soon. The ring-width series of sampled trees and their age and size distributions indicate the different development stages undergone by the forest, which are a reflection of the interaction between the natural dynamics of the vegetation and the different types of human intervention. Finally, the knowledge that a single disturbance episode allows a pine population to establish and persist for at least 150 years may be of interest not only for the Prades mountains, and it may help in the interpretation of most of the present mediterranean landscape of Catalonia.En el presente trabajo se analiza desde el punto de vista de la sucesión ecológica la estructura demográfica, la producción y el vigor de la población de Pinus sylvestris que cubre la parte alta del bosque de Poblet (Montañas de Prades, cordillera prelitoral catalana). La edad de los árboles revela que constituyen una única cohorte que empezó a invadir la zona alrededor del año 1848, hecho que denota la fuerte perturbación a la que debía estar sometido el bosque después de la desamortización (1835). La ausencia de regeneración de P. sylvestris así como su producción y vigor extremadamente bajos sugieren que la población de dicha especie, a pesar de ser la que hoy domina el paisaje, se encuentra en una clara fase de decadencia y puede preverse su próxima sustitución por parte de la ya abundante regeneración de Quercus ilex y Q. pyrenaica, tolerantes a la sombra. A través de las series de crecimientos anuales de los árboles y de las distribuciones de edad y diámetro se ponen de manifiesto las distintas fases de desarrollo por las que ha transcurrido el bosque, condicionadas por la interacción entre la propia dinámica de la vegetación y las diferentes actuaciones del hombre. Finalmente, el hecho de que un único episodio de perturbación haya propiciado el establecimiento y la persistencia de una población de pinos durante 150 años o más es un dato cuyo interés va más allá del estricto entorno de las Montañas de Prades y puede ser útil para interpretar buena parte del paisaje mediterráneo actual de Cataluña

    La formació dels professionals davant d'aquests repte

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    Nova via de biosíntesi de les hormones esteroides

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    Influence of Defects in Boron Nitride Nanotubes in the Adsorption of Molecules : Insights from B3LYP-D2* Periodic Simulations

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    The adsorption of H2O, NH3 and HCOOH as polar molecules and C6H6 and CH4 as non-polar ones on a series of zig-zag (6,0) single-walled boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) both being defect-free (P_BNNT) and containing defects at the nanotube walls has been studied by means of B3LYP-D2* periodic calculations. We focused on defects derived from monovacancies of B (N-rich_BNNT) and N (B-rich_BNNT) atoms and also on Stone-Wales defects (SW_BNNT). The adsorption of polar molecules with defective BNNTs is generally based on dative interactions and H-bonding, and their adsorption energies strongly depend on the type of BNNT. N-rich_BNNT is the most reactive nanotube towards adsorption of polar molecules, as in all cases deprotonation of the polar molecules is spontaneously given upon adsorption. The strength in the adsorption energies is followed by B-rich_BNNT, SW_BNNT and P_BNNT. Adsorption of non-polar molecules is mainly dictated by dispersion interactions, and, accordingly, the adsorption energies are almost constant for a given molecule irrespective of the type of nanotube

    Multicriteria decision-making method for sustainable site location of post-disaster temporary housing in urban areas

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    Many people lose their homes around the world every year because of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, the displaced people (DP) have to move to temporary housing (TH) and do not have the ability to choose the settlement dimensions, distributions, neighborhood, or other characteristics of their TH. Additionally, post-disaster settlement construction causes neighborhood changes, environmental degradation, and large-scale public expenditures. This paper presents a new model to support decision makers in choosing site locations for TH. The model is capable of determining the optimal site location based on the integration of economic, social, and environmental aspects into the whole life cycle of these houses. The integrated value model for sustainable assessment (MIVES), a multicriteria decision making (MCDM) model, is used to assess the sustainability of the aforementioned aspects, and MIVES includes the value function concept, which permits indicator homogenization by taking into account the satisfaction of the involved stakeholders.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sistema de control basat en microcontrolador

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    El reto educativo de El buen quehacer del médico

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    In March 2014 the General Council of Official Medical Associations (CGCOM) published a document entitled The Good Physician housework, which can be accessed at www.fundacioneducacionmedica.org. The document was drawn up by a small number of experts with the critical support of another 35 professionals and the Fundación Educación Médica (FEM), which assisted in the development of the idea, its execution, the drafting and revision of the document, and the consensus and eventual adoption by the medical profession within the CGCOM. The FEM is indebted to this institution, which has been the essential driving force allowing this task to be successfully completed..

    Variador de freqüència per al control d'un motor trifàsic

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    En aquest projecte es dissenya, descriu i construeix un variador de freqüència per a un motor trifàsic de baixa potència. Tot el sistema és controlat per un microcontrolador amb el qual l’usuari del producte podrà introduir la velocitat desitjada des d’un teclat. Es té a més, una senyalització d’alarma en cas que el corrent superi valors inacceptables. El sistema consta de tres parts clarament diferenciades ja que es treballen en diferents camps de l’electrònica. L’etapa de potència, la qual proporciona els nivells d’alimentació elèctrica necessaris per a cada component. L’etapa de driver ens donarà el control i l’aïllament requerit pel correcte funcionament dels transistor de commutació. I finalment l’etapa digital, que governarà i gestionarà a través d’un microcontrolador totes les entrades i sortides del sistema

    Education and the empowerment of women in household decision-making in Spain

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    It was analysed whether investment in the education of both women and men serves to empower wives resulting in more balanced household decisions being taken on matters related to consumption and financial management. They considered that household decision-making could be made by mainly the wife, mainly the husband or the couple acting jointly. They then applied multinomial probit models to the Spanish Living Conditions Survey of 2010. Results show that, when controlling for demographic, family and labour market characteristics, the level of education of both the husband and wife has a positive effect in terms of a more egalitarian decision-making process in relation to three areas of expenditure: daily shopping, expensive purchases of consumer durables and significant expenditure on children. However, only women's education has a positive effect on borrowing money and no effect of education is observed with regard to the use of savings. Results are less conclusive for households where decisions are taken primarily by the wife or husband, since men's education increases the role of husbands in the household making-decision process whereas no effect of wives' education is observed
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