11 research outputs found

    Hildreth Mei猫re: Connections to Spain Before and During the Spanish Civil War

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    The prestigious American Art Deco artist Hildreth Mei猫re provided humanitarian assistance to the victims of the Spanish Civil War and in the Second World War. Acting as the vice-president of the American Spanish Relief Fund created in 1937 and run by P. Francis X. Talbot, S. J. with the goal of helping people affected by the war in the Franco zone, and to also deliver medicine and medical supplies from the United States through diplomatic channels. She visited Spain in 1925, 1938 and 1961. On the first trip she came to see the works of Spanish painters and made contact with important aristocratic families of the time (the Duke of Sotomayor, the Marquises of La Romana and Arcos, the Duchess of Vistahermosa, etc.). In 1938 she started humanitarian aid, collecting money and donations from New York society for orphans of the civil war and acted as a propaganda distributor for the Francoist cause in the United States. On this occasion she met with people familiar with the situation in Spain to solve the problems of humanitarian aid: Luis Bol铆n, Pablo Merry del Val, Cardenal Gom谩, Carmen de Icaza, and Mercedes Sanz Bachiller. Mei猫re actively participated in providing humanitarian aid in the Franco zone during the years of the civil war while also acting as a staunch supporter of the Francoist cause. After the civil war she continued her collaboration to alleviate aid deficiencies in Spain by facilitating the transport of anesthetics, medicines, surgical materials, etc, but her perspective towards Francoism was changing and gradually her ties to Spain weakened. It was only three years before her death in 1961 that she made one last trip to Spain

    Problemas del federalismo canadiense: Qu茅bec

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    Ayuda asistencial y ayuda al combatiente: Justicia Social y Dios, Patria y Rey

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    Analisys of the role performed by women linked to two specifics organitations: Auxilio Social and Margaritas, in the Franco zone during Spanish Civil War. Since both organizations were carried out two kinds of help: by the first assistance to children and disadvanteged and by the second to the Carlists that fought. This difference in the profile of the recipients wasn麓t the only one, in the study nuances of doctrinal character are adressed in each one organizations which give its particular visi贸n of the action they were taking. Some nuenaces that had been linked specially with the slogans that traditionally identifity both: Social Justice and God, Homeland, King. Also the differents origins, one of them was an organization borned in the begining of the war and the other worked in assistance to the soldiers in nineteenth century.An谩lisis del papel desempe帽ado por mujeres vinculadas a dos organizaciones concretas: Auxilio Social y Margaritas, en la zona franquista durante la guerra civil espa帽ola. Desde ambas organizaciones, se llevaron a cabo dos tipos de ayuda: asistencial a la infancia y desfavorecidos en general por parte de la primera y a los carlistas que combat铆an en el frente, por la segunda. Esta diferencia en el perfil de los destinatarios no fue la 煤nica, en el estudio se abordan matices de car谩cter doctrinal en cada una de las organizaciones que le confieren su particular visi贸n de la acci贸n que llevaban a cabo. Unos matices que se han vinculado fundamentalmente con los lemas que identifican tradicionalmente a ambas: Justicia Social, y Dios, Patria y Rey. Tambi茅n los diferentes or铆genes, una ellas era una instituci贸n surgida al iniciarse el conflicto y la otra ya hab铆a empezado a trabajar en labores de asistencia a los combatientes en el siglo XIX


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    Aquest estudi se centra en dues pel路l铆cules significatives del cinema de Hollywood: Ninotchka i Doctor Zhivago i, en la visi贸 que els dos films van oferir, en el seu moment, sobre la Uni贸 Sovi猫tica. Els diferents contextos hist貌rics que van envoltar els rodatges de totes dues o els or铆gens dels diferents guions estableixen una s猫rie de desigualtats entre els dos films que, tanmateix, mantenen una visi贸 molt similar sobre la imatge de la Uni贸 Sovi猫tica que volia transmetre's. A m茅s d鈥檃nalitzar-se aquesta q眉esti贸 sobre la perspectiva que Hollywood va voler difondre, a l鈥檈studi s'aborda tamb茅 el pes que representen les figures femenines protagonistes en el desenvolupament de les hist貌ries.The study analyses two meaningful Hollywood麓s films: Ninotchka and Doctor Zhivago and their view about Soviet Union. The different historic event where took place the film shooting did unevesness between both films. However the view that both presented about Soviet Union were very similar. Furthermore this analyse about the image that Hollywood presented, the study also presents the influence of female protagonists in the storytelling.   Este estudio se centra en dos pel铆culas significativas del cine de Hollywood: Ninotchka y Doctor Zhivago y, en la visi贸n que ambos filmes ofrecieron, en su momento, sobre la Uni贸n Sovi茅tica. Los distintos contextos hist贸ricos que rodearon los rodajes de ambas o los or铆genes de los diferentes guiones establecen una serie de desigualdades entre ambos filmes que, sin embargo, mantienen una visi贸n muy similar sobre la imagen de la Uni贸n Sovi茅tica que quer铆a transmitirse. Adem谩s de analizarse esa cuesti贸n sobre la perspectiva que Hollywood quiso difundir, en el estudio se aborda tambi茅n el peso que representan las figuras femeninas protagonistas en el desarrollo de las historias.  &nbsp

    La transici贸n en La Rioja: del despertar del regionalismo al estatuto de autonom铆a

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    El voluntariado femenino en La Rioja en los inicios de la guerra civil

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    La propaganda y la obra social del primer franquismo: auxilio social

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    "El Siglo Futuro": cauce para la acci贸n extraparlamentaria femenina en la Segunda Rep煤blica

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