25 research outputs found

    Utjecaj stadija laktacije na dnevnu proizvodnju mlijeka, udjele mliječne masti i bjelančevina u ovaca pasmine cigaja i Valachian

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    The objective of this study was to analyse the effect of stage of lactation on daily milk yield, and milk fat and protein content in Tsigai and Improved Valachian ewes. Breed lactation curves for daily milk yield, and milk fat and protein content were modelled as a sub-model of the three-trait animal model based on repeated test-day records that were collected by the Breeding Services of the Slovak Republic between 1995 and 2010. Data included 188403 (Tsigai) and 352094 (Improved Valachian) ewe’s performance records. Pedigree file included 35484 (Tsigai) and 66994 (Improved Valachian) animals with genetic ties to ewes with milk performance data. The fixed part of the model included parity, litter size and stage of lactation. The effect of days in milk (i.e. stage of lactation) was fitted using Ali and Schaeffer lactation curve. The random part of the model included flock-test day effect, direct additive genetic effect, and permanent environmental effect of ewe nested within lactation. Due to limited number of test-day records in the first and the eighth month of lactation and related difficulties in modelling milk traits in these phases of lactation, the lactation curves were plotted between days 30 and 210. During lactation period the daily milk yield curves were decreasing, while milk fat and protein content were increasing. Because of higher changes at the beginning of lactation balanced with higher changes at the end of lactation in Tsigai and smaller changes at the beginning of lactation balanced with smaller changes at the end of lactation in Improved Valachian, 150d milk yield and average milk fat and protein content were almost the same in both breeds.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je analizirati utjecaj stadija laktacije na dnevnu proizvodnju mlijeka, udjele mliječne masti i bjelančevina u ovaca pasmine cigaja i Valachian. Laktacijske krivulje za dnevnu proizvodnju mlijeka, mliječne masti i bjelančevina modelirane su kao pod-model životinjskog modela (za 3 svojstva) temeljenog na testnim mjerenjima koje su prikupljene od uzgojne službe Republike Slovačke između 1995. i 2010. Ukupno je analizirano 188.403 podataka (za cigaja pasminu) i 352.094 podataka (za Valachian pasminu). Podaci o karakteristikama mliječnosti uzeti su za ukupno 35.484 ovaca pasmine cigaja, i 66.994 ovaca pasmine Valachian. Fiksni dio modela uključivao je redni broj laktacije, veličinu legla i stadij laktacije. Učinak stadija laktacije utvrđen je pomoću Ali-Schaeffer laktacijske krivulje. Nasumični dio modela uključuje utjecaj testnog dana, direktni aditivni genetski efekt i trajan utjecaj okoliša na laktaciju. Zbog ograničenog broja dnevnih kontrola u prvom i osmom mjesecu laktacije i sličnih poteškoća u modeliranju osobina mliječnosti u tim fazama laktacije, laktacijske krivulje prikazane su između 30 i 210 dana. Proizvodnja mlijeka prema laktacijskim krivuljama smanjivala se prema kraju laktacije, dok su se koncentracije mliječne masti i proteina povećavale. Tijekom 150-dnevne proizvodnje mlijeka, u obje pasmine je zabilježena gotova jednaka količina mlijeka, te koncentracija mliječne masti i proteina

    The effects of birth and calving seson and birth year on milk production and composition in first lactating cows

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of birth and calving season (spring, summer, autumn, and winter (astronomical)) and birth year on milk production and composition (content of lactose, fat, protein, and total fat and protein (kg, %)) of Holstein first lactating cows. The analysed data based on milk production records of the first lactation Holstein cows (n=158 and n=246 on farm 1 and farm 2, resp.) recorded within the years of 2013 to 2017 on two farms in west part of Slovakia. The birth season of heifers had no significant effect on the milk composition and production. The significant effect of birth year was observed on all parameters evaluated, except on total fat and protein content (%). Milk yield, depending on the birth year, increased from 7793.31±1629.31 kg (in cows born in year 2013) to 9628.76±1386.45 kg (in cows born in year 2017). Similarly, the content (kg) of all components evaluated was higher in cows born in year 2017 than in cows born in year 2013. The influence of the farm was evident in all parameters evaluated, except for total fat and protein and lactose content (%). Milk production and milk composition of first-lactation cows appear to be influenced by factors other than calving and birth season. The management practices implemented on the evaluated farms could be one of the influencing factor

    Egg traits in Japanese quails

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    The objective of this study was to compare some internal and external egg quality traits between two meat lines of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Line 8 was the result of selection for high adult live body mass (three generations). Line 9 was the control. Birds were housed in four-stage cage technology at the NAFC-Research Institute for Animal Production Nitra. Feed mixture contained 11.7 MJ ME and 200.0 g crude protein. Feed and water were given ad libitum. Females of both lines had the same age. Egg-laying traits were observed daily during 5-day period. Eggs were analysed in the laboratory of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. The egg weight was significantly higher (P≤0.001) in selected line 8: 13.259 g vs. 12.203 g. The egg shell weight, egg width, length and shape index were also higher (P≤0.001) in selected line 8. The shell thickness on egg sharp region differed significantly (P≤0.01) between lines 8 and 9. However, the difference in overall shell thickness was insignificant. Eggshell percentages were 9.128 and 9.200 % in lines 8 and 9. Significant differences (from P≤0.001 to P≤0.05) were found in yolk weight, yolk width, yolk height and yolk percentage. In general, selected line 8 was of higher yolk values, except for yolk percentage - 29.358 % vs. 30.292 %. Significant differences in albumen weight (P≤0.001), albumen width (P≤0.01) and albumen height (P≤0.05) were found. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference in Haugh Unit (89.297 vs. 88.893)

    Economic Importance of the Traits for Slovak Pinzgau Breed Reared in Dairy and Cow-calf System

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    The bio-economic approach was used to calculate economic weights for twelve production (dairy and growth), functional and carcass traits of Slovak Pinzgau cattle raised in dairy (A) and cow-calf (B) system. The breeding heifers for own herd replacement with ten reproduction cycles at maximum was produced. The sale of surplus male and female calves was assumed after finishing of weaning period in both systems. Milk production is with quota limited in Slovakia, but the quotas limits aren’t filling up if the whole dairy population is taken into account. In the system A, the base price per milk value was corrected according to the fat and protein content and somatic cells count. The marginal economic weights were calculated as the numeric derivation of the profit function. Marginal values were standardized (multiplied by the genetic standard deviation of the appropriate trait) and expressed as relative values (percentage proportion). The marginal economic weight for milk yield (+0.20 €) and for dressing percentage (+0.39 €) were the lowest in both systems. The highest marginal importance was found for production lifetime of cows in system A (+69.26 € per year and cow), and in system B (+52.55 € per year and cow), respectively. Functional traits achieved the highest marginal values in both systems. But the relative economic values for the functional traits complex represent only 37.04% in system A, and 73.52% in system B, respectively. The proportion of functional, production and carcass traits complexes was 37.04: 62.73: 0.23 in system A, and 73.52: 26.07: 0.41 in system B. The highest relative economic importance was observed for the 305 d milk production (37.70%) in system A and yearling weight (25.35%) in system B, respectively. Subsidies in the calculations were of positive effect on the profitability in the system B but it was not sufficient for positive profitability in the system A. The system A achieves negative profitability irrespective on assigned subsidies. The system B has positive profitability after accounting subsidies

    Dependence of milk production of dairy sheep on climate conditions

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-14 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.85-88The aim of the study was to determine the influence of selected climatic characteristics on the milk production of ewes during lactation. Data of ewes from sheep farm Liptovská Teplička located in moderate climate zone (latitude 48°57'50.3"N, longitude 20°04'31.0"E) were analysed. In period from 2017 to 2019, the following milk traits: total morning milk production (TMPM), total evening milk production (TMPE), total morning+evening production (TMPM+E) and average daily milk production per ewe (ADMP) were measured on a daily basis. Traditional (Carpatian) production system was applied: ewes were on pasture and machine milked twice a day. Climate characteristics were monitored in 10-minute intervals by standard weather station (supplier: firm PHYSICUS), located near sheep farm. The influence of air temperature - T (°C), of relative humidity - RH (%), of wind speed (m.s-1) and of total precipitation (mm)recorded daily between 5 a.m. and 4 p.m. in period from April to September on milk traits was analysed. Temperature-humidity index (THI) was calculated according to National Research formula. The influence of year, of month and of interaction year x month was also analysed. Covariance analysis and Pearson correlation coefficients using statistical programme SASv9.2 (procedures GLM and CORR) were employed. The influence of month and of interaction year x month, respectively, on milk traits was found (P40.0 and THI <= 68.0). Preliminary results suggest that milk production traits of dairy sheep may be significantly influenced by climate also in moderate climatic zone.Keywords:  sheep, thermal stress, milk yield, temperate zoneReferencesAl Dawood, A. 2017. Towards heat stress management in small ruminants – a review. Ann. Anim. Sci., 17(1), 59-88. DOI: 10.1515/aoas-2016-0068Finocchiaro, R., Van Kaam, J.B.C.H.M., Portolano, B., Misztal, I. 2005. Effect of heat stress on production of Mediterranean dairy sheep. J. Dairy Sci., 88, 1855-1864.Gauly, M., Ammer, S. 2020. Review: Challenges for dairy cow production systems arising from climate changes. Animal,. 14:S1, s196-s203. doi:10.1017/S1751731119003239Gauly, M., Bollwein, H., Breves, G., Brugemann, K., Danicke, S., Das, G., Demeler, J., Hansen, H., Isselstein, J., Konig, S., Loholter, M., Martinshon, M., Meyer, U., Potthoff, M., Sanker, C., Schroder, B., Wrange, N., Meibaum, B., von Samson-Himmelstjerna, G., Stinshof, Wrenzycki, C., 2013. Future consequences and challenges for dairy cow production systems arising from climate change in Central Europe – a review. Animal, 7, 843-859. doi:10.1017/S1751731112002352Ramón, M., Díaz, C., Pérez-Guzman, M.D., Carabaño, M.J. 2016. Effect of exposure to adverse climatic conditions on production in Manchega dairy sheep. J. Dairy Sci., 99, 5764-5779. http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2016-10909Hamzaoui, S., Salama, A.A.K., Albanell, E., Such, X., Caja, G. 2013. Physiological responses and lactational performances of late-lactation dairy goats under heat stress conditions. J. Dairy Sci., 96, 6355-6365. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.3168/jds.2013-6665National Research Council (NRC). 1971. A guide to envronmental research on animals. Washington, DC: National Academy of Science.Sánches-Molano, E., Kapsona, V.V., Ilska, J.J., Desire, S., Conington, J., Mucha, S., Banos., G. 2019. Genetic analysis of novel phenotypes for farm animal resilience to weather variability. BMC Genetics., 20-84. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12863-019-0787-zSilanikove, N., N. Koluman (Darcan). 2015. Impact of climate change on the dairy industry in temperate zones: predications on the overall negative impact and on the positive role of dairy goats in adaptation to earth warming. Small Rumin Res., 123, 27-34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.11.00

    Lifetime performance and longevity traits in Slovak Spotted dairy cows in dependence on feeding system

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-23 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.114-117The objective of this study was to analyse eight milk yield and longevity traits in dependence on feeding (grazing) system. Data of purebred Slovak Spotted dairy cows (35,812 heads) culled in the period between 2006 and 2019 were evaluated. Only herds those feeding (grazing) system was known were taken into account. Dairy cows were assigned to four groups: (1) heifers not grazed, cows not grazed (17,628 heads), (2) heifers grazed, cows not grazed (13,056 heads), (3) heifers not grazed, cows grazed (156 heads) and (4) heifers grazed, cows grazed (4,972 heads). The highest average 305-day milk yield (6,139.22 kg) and lifetime milk yield (18,606.78 kg) were found in animals of group (1). Contrariwise, longevity traits were found more favourable in animals of group (4). Their productive life was by 102.78 days longer and average parity was by 0.14 higher in comparison to group (1). The differences between groups were found significant.Keywords: milk yield, longevity, grazing, heifers, cows, Slovak Spotted cattleReferencesBujko, J. et al. (2020). Changes in production and reproduction traits in population of the Slovak spotted cattle. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 23(3), 161–166, https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2020.23.03.161-166.Čanji, V. et al. (2008). Effect of conformation traits on longevity of cows of Slovak simmental breed. Slovak Journal of Animal Science, 41(2), 83–90.Fuerst–Waltl, B. et al. (2019). Mountain pasturing of rearing stock reduces the culling rist as dairy cows. Animal, 13(1), 209–212, doi: 10.1017/S1751731118001465.Krogmeier, D. et al. (2015). The effect of alpine pasturing of heifers on the longevity and on different yield traits of cows in Simmental and Brown Swiss cattle. Züchtungskunde, 87(2), 107–119.Petrović, M. et al. (2009). The effect of systematic factors on milk yield in Simmental cows over complete lactations. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 25(1-2), 61–71, DOI: 10.2298/BAH0902061P.Ludovic-Toma, C. et al. (2017). Comparative study on production, reproduction and functional traits between Fleckvieh and Braunvieh cattle. Asian – Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 30(5), 666-671, doi: 10.5713/ajas.16.0588.SAS Institute Inc.: SAS/STAT ® 9.2User’s Guide, Second Edition, Cary, NC USA, 2009.Strapák, P. et al. (2008). Effect of selected factors on the lenght of productive life of cows. Slovak Journal of Animal Science, 41(2), 77–82.Strapák, P. et al. (2010). Relation of the length of productive life and the body conformation traits in Slovak Simmental breed. Archives Animal Breeding, 53, 393–402. https://doi.org/10.5194/aab-53-393-201

    Vplyv pasenia na celoživotnú úžitkovosť a dlhovekosť dojníc holštajského a slovenského strakatého plemena

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    The objective of the study was to analyse longevity and lifetime performance traits in dependence on access to grazing (G). Data of Holstein and Slovak Spotted dairy cows (143,566 and 30,412 heads culled between 2006 and 2019) were included. Within each breed, three groups of cows were considered: (1) cows not grazed throughout their entire life, (2) cows seasonally grazed as heifers (in summer), (3) cows seasonally grazed throughout their entire life (in summer). Eight (four longevity and four lifetime milk performance) traits were analysed. General Linear Model with fixed factors: G, herd nested within G, culling year, and cow’s age at first calving as covariate was applied. Cows of group (1) had the highest 305-day milk yield: 8,005.0±7.1 kg (Holstein) and 5,985.3±13.0 kg (Slovak Spotted) and lifetime milk yield: 18,408.5±59.4 kg (Holstein) and 18,237.2±129.1 kg (Slovak Spotted). Holstein cows of group (1) had the highest length of productive life (882.4±2.5 days) and number of lactations (2.37±0.01). The highest length of productive life (1,298.0±16.4 days) and number of lactations (3.46±0.04) were found in Slovak Spotted cows of group (3). The best lifetime performance (regardless of breed) was expected in cows not grazed; whereas, the best longevity traits were expected in Slovak Spotted cows seasonally grazed throughout their lives. Surprisingly, in Holstein cows, the best longevity traits were found in animals that were not grazed. This suggests that the living conditions of housed Holstein cows did not negatively affect their longevity.Cieľom tejto práce bolo analyzovať dlhovekosť a celoživotnú úžitkovosť dojníc v závislosti od toho, či dojnice mali alebo nemali prístup k pastve. Využili sme záznamy o mliekovej úžitkovosti dojníc holštajnského a slovenského strakatého plemena (143 566 and 30 412 kráv zabitých v rokoch 2006 až 2019). V rámci plemena sme kravy rozdelili na tri skupiny: 1) kravy bez celoživotného prístupu k letnej pastve, 2) kravy v lete pasené ako jalovice, 3) kravy s celoživotným prístupom k letnej pastve. Analyzovali sme osem ukazovateľov dlhovekosti a celoživotnej úžitkovosti. Použili sme štatistický model s pevnými faktormi: prístup k pastve, stádo v rámci prístupu k pastve, rok vyradenia a vek kravy pri prvom otelení (sprievodná premenná). Dojnice zaradené do skupiny 1) dosiahli najvyššiu produkciu mlieka za normovanú laktáciu (305 dní): 8 005,0±7,1 kg (hojštajnské) a 5 985,3±13,0 kg (slovenské strakaté) a celoživotnú produkciu mlieka: 18 408,5±59,4 kg (holštajnské) a 18 237,2±129,1 kg (slovenské strakaté). Holštajnské dojnice skupiny 1) mali najdlhší produkčný život (882,4±2,5 dní) a najvyšší počet laktácií (2,37±0,01). Naopak, najdlhší produkčný život (1 298,0±16,4 dní) a najvyšší počet laktácií (3,46±0,04) mali slovenské strakaté dojnice zaradené do skupiny 3). Skutočnosť, že dojnice bez prístupu k pastve (obe plemená) mali najlepšie výsledky ukazovateľov mliekovej úžitkovosti bola v súlade s očakávaním. Podobne boli v súlade s očakávaním najlepšie výsledky ukazovateľov dlhovekosti slovenských strakatých dojníc skupiny 3). Prekvapujúce bolo zistenie, že najlepšie ukazovatele dlhovekosti dosiahli holštajnské dojnice skupiny bez prístupu k pastve. To naznačuje, že životné podmienky ustajnených holštajnských dojníc neovplyvnili ich dlhovekosť negatívne

    Utjecaj polimorfizma DGAT1 i LEP gena na osobine mlijeka holštajnskih prvotelki

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    The genes encoding the diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase (DGAT1) and leptin (LEP) became a functional candidate genes for lactation traits in cows. Several studies associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in these genes with fat and protein content in milk, fat and protein yield, milk yield and some reproductive traits. Three reported SNPs in these genes were investigated in our study (DGAT1-K232A, LEP-R25C, LEP-A80V). One hundred and sixty-three primiparous dairy cows from one farm were genotyped. The milk yield, fat and protein yield, fat and protein content and the age at first calving were recorded. The frequencies of alleles and genotypes were assessed. The effect of genotypes on milk traits and age at first calving were studied using linear models. The assumption of the different allele frequencies resulting from selection aimed at milk yield was proved in DGAT1 and LEP-A80V. The significant effect (P<0.01) of DGAT1 polymorphism was estimated only for the fat content. No significant effect of individual LEP polymorphism on milk trait or age at first calving was estimated. No significant effect of combination of LEP polymorphisms was estimated for those traits. The effect of DGAT1 on the age at first calving was indicated.Geni koji kodiraju diacilglicerol O-aciltransferazu (DGAT1) i leptin (LEP) su funkcionalni geni za mliječne osobine krava. U nekoliko istraživanja povezani su polimorfizmi na pojedinačnim nukleotidima (SNP) tih gena sa sastavom i koncentracijom masti i proteina u mlijeku, količinom mlijeka, te nekim reproduktivnim svojstvima. U ovom su radu istraživani SNPs u tim genima (DGAT1-K232A, LEP-R25C, LEP-A80V). Ukupno je genotipizirano 163 krava prvotelki s jedne farme. Istraženi su sljedeći parametri: količina mlijeka, koncentracija i sastav masti i proteina, starost (dob) nakon prvog teljenja, frekvencije alela i genotipovi. Utjecaj genotipa na osobine mlijeka i dob kod prvog teljenja analizirani su linearnim modelom. Dokazana je pretpostavka različitih alelnih frekvencija u DGAT1 i LEP-A80V što je posljedica selekcije na količinu mlijeka. Signifikantan utjecaj (P<0,01) DGAT1 polimorfizma je utvrđen samo za sastav masti. Nije utvrđen signifikantan utjecaj pojedinačnih niti kombiniranih LEP polimorfizama na osobine mliječnosti, niti dob kod prvog teljenja. Postoje indikacije da DGAT1 gen utječe na dob prvog teljenja