Dependence of milk production of dairy sheep on climate conditions


Article Details: Received: 2020-10-14 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31 aim of the study was to determine the influence of selected climatic characteristics on the milk production of ewes during lactation. Data of ewes from sheep farm Liptovská Teplička located in moderate climate zone (latitude 48°57'50.3"N, longitude 20°04'31.0"E) were analysed. In period from 2017 to 2019, the following milk traits: total morning milk production (TMPM), total evening milk production (TMPE), total morning+evening production (TMPM+E) and average daily milk production per ewe (ADMP) were measured on a daily basis. Traditional (Carpatian) production system was applied: ewes were on pasture and machine milked twice a day. Climate characteristics were monitored in 10-minute intervals by standard weather station (supplier: firm PHYSICUS), located near sheep farm. The influence of air temperature - T (°C), of relative humidity - RH (%), of wind speed (m.s-1) and of total precipitation (mm)recorded daily between 5 a.m. and 4 p.m. in period from April to September on milk traits was analysed. Temperature-humidity index (THI) was calculated according to National Research formula. The influence of year, of month and of interaction year x month was also analysed. Covariance analysis and Pearson correlation coefficients using statistical programme SASv9.2 (procedures GLM and CORR) were employed. The influence of month and of interaction year x month, respectively, on milk traits was found (P40.0 and THI <= 68.0). Preliminary results suggest that milk production traits of dairy sheep may be significantly influenced by climate also in moderate climatic zone.Keywords:  sheep, thermal stress, milk yield, temperate zoneReferencesAl Dawood, A. 2017. Towards heat stress management in small ruminants – a review. Ann. Anim. Sci., 17(1), 59-88. DOI: 10.1515/aoas-2016-0068Finocchiaro, R., Van Kaam, J.B.C.H.M., Portolano, B., Misztal, I. 2005. Effect of heat stress on production of Mediterranean dairy sheep. J. Dairy Sci., 88, 1855-1864.Gauly, M., Ammer, S. 2020. Review: Challenges for dairy cow production systems arising from climate changes. Animal,. 14:S1, s196-s203. doi:10.1017/S1751731119003239Gauly, M., Bollwein, H., Breves, G., Brugemann, K., Danicke, S., Das, G., Demeler, J., Hansen, H., Isselstein, J., Konig, S., Loholter, M., Martinshon, M., Meyer, U., Potthoff, M., Sanker, C., Schroder, B., Wrange, N., Meibaum, B., von Samson-Himmelstjerna, G., Stinshof, Wrenzycki, C., 2013. Future consequences and challenges for dairy cow production systems arising from climate change in Central Europe – a review. Animal, 7, 843-859. doi:10.1017/S1751731112002352Ramón, M., Díaz, C., Pérez-Guzman, M.D., Carabaño, M.J. 2016. Effect of exposure to adverse climatic conditions on production in Manchega dairy sheep. J. Dairy Sci., 99, 5764-5779., S., Salama, A.A.K., Albanell, E., Such, X., Caja, G. 2013. Physiological responses and lactational performances of late-lactation dairy goats under heat stress conditions. J. Dairy Sci., 96, 6355-6365. 10.3168/jds.2013-6665National Research Council (NRC). 1971. A guide to envronmental research on animals. Washington, DC: National Academy of Science.Sánches-Molano, E., Kapsona, V.V., Ilska, J.J., Desire, S., Conington, J., Mucha, S., Banos., G. 2019. Genetic analysis of novel phenotypes for farm animal resilience to weather variability. BMC Genetics., 20-84., N., N. Koluman (Darcan). 2015. Impact of climate change on the dairy industry in temperate zones: predications on the overall negative impact and on the positive role of dairy goats in adaptation to earth warming. Small Rumin Res., 123, 27-34.

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