356 research outputs found

    Beam-Ion Acceleration during Edge Localized Modes in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak

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    The acceleration of beam ions during edge localized modes (ELMs) in a tokamak is observed for the first time through direct measurements of fast-ion losses in low collisionality plasmas. The accelerated beamion population exhibits well-localized velocity-space structures which are revealed by means of tomographic inversion of the measurement, showing energy gains of the order of tens of keV. This suggests that the ion acceleration results from a resonant interaction between the beam ions and parallel electric fields arising during the ELM. Orbit simulations are carried out to identify the mode-particle resonances responsible for the energy gain in the particle phase space. The observation motivates the incorporation of a kinetic description of fast particles in ELM models and may contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for particle acceleration, ubiquitous in astrophysical and space plasmas.H2020 Marie- Sklodowska Curie programme (Grant No. 708257)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. FIS2015-69362-

    Three-dimensional non-linear magnetohydrodynamic modeling of massive gas injection triggered disruptions in JET

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    JOREK 3D non-linear MHD simulations of a D2 Massive Gas Injection (MGI) triggered disruption in JET are presented and compared in detail to experimental data. The MGI creates an overdensity that rapidly expands in the direction parallel to the magnetic field. It also causes the growth of magnetic islands (m=n ¼ 2=1 and 3/2 mainly) and seeds the 1/1 internal kink mode. O-points of all island chains (including 1/1) are located in front of the MGI, consistently with experimental observations. A burst of MHD activity and a peak in plasma current take place at the same time as in the experiment. However, the magnitude of these two effects is much smaller than in the experiment. The simulated radiation is also much below the experimental level. As a consequence, the thermal quench is not fully reproduced. Directions for progress are identified. Radiation from impurities is a good candidate.EURATOM 63305

    Unconventional magnetism in the 4d4^{4} based (S=1S=1) honeycomb system Ag3_{3}LiRu2_{2}O6_{6}

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    We have investigated the thermodynamic and local magnetic properties of the Mott insulating system Ag3_{3}LiRu2_{2}O6_{6} containing Ru4+^{4+} (4dd4^{4}) for novel magnetism. The material crystallizes in a monoclinic C2/mC2/m structure with RuO6_{6} octahedra forming an edge-shared two-dimensional honeycomb lattice with limited stacking order along the cc-direction. The large negative Curie-Weiss temperature (θCW\theta_{CW} = -57 K) suggests antiferromagnetic interactions among Ru4+^{4+} ions though magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity show no indication of magnetic long-range order down to 1.8 K and 0.4 K, respectively. 7^{7}Li nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shift follows the bulk susceptibility between 120-300 K and levels off below 120 K. Together with a power-law behavior in the temperature dependent spin-lattice relaxation rate between 0.2 and 2 K, it suggest dynamic spin correlations with gapless excitations. Electronic structure calculations suggest an S=1S = 1 description of the Ru-moments and the possible importance of further neighbour interactions as also bi-quadratic and ring-exchange terms in determining the magnetic properties. Analysis of our μ\muSR data indicates spin freezing below 5 K but the spins remain on the borderline between static and dynamic magnetism even at 20 mK.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures. accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Superconducting order parameter of the nodal-line semimetal NaAlSi

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    Nodal-line semimetals are topologically non-trivial states of matter featuring band crossings along a closed curve, i.e. nodal-line, in momentum space. Through a detailed analysis of the electronic structure, we show for the first time that the normal state of the superconductor NaAlSi, with a critical temperature of TcT_{\rm c} \approx 7 K, is a nodal-line semimetal, where the complex nodal-line structure is protected by non-symmorphic mirror crystal symmetries. We further report on muon spin rotation experiments revealing that the superconductivity in NaAlSi is truly of bulk nature, featuring a fully gapped Fermi-surface. The temperature-dependent magnetic penetration depth can be well described by a two-gap model consisting of two ss-wave symmetric gaps with Δ1=\Delta_1 = 0.6(2) meV and Δ2=\Delta_2 = 1.39(1) meV. The zero-field muon experiment indicates that time-reversal symmetry is preserved in the superconducting state. Our observations suggest that notwithstanding its topologically non-trivial band structure, NaAlSi may be suitably interpreted as a conventional London superconductor, while more exotic superconducting gap symmetries cannot be excluded. The intertwining of topological electronic states and superconductivity renders NaAlSi a prototypical platform to search for unprecedented topological quantum phases

    Canted antiferromagnetic order in the kagome material Sr-vesignieite

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    We report 51 V NMR, muon spin rotation, and zero-applied-field 63 , 65 Cu NMR measurements on powder samples of Sr-vesignieite, SrCu 3 V 2 O 8 ( OH ) 2 , a S = 1 / 2 nearly kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Our results demonstrate that the ground state is a q = 0 magnetic structure with spins canting either in or out of the kagome plane, giving rise to weak ferromagnetism. We determine the size of ordered moments and the angle of canting for different possible q = 0 structures and orbital scenarios, thereby providing insight into the role of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in this material