8 research outputs found

    Higher education during times of crisis in Türkiye

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    In this special issue, Yaprak Gürsoy and Özge Onsural-Beşgül bring together Turkish academics and scholars to discuss the recent and ongoing crises in Türkiye and their impact on the higher education secto

    Contesting the EU, contesting democracy and rule of law in Europe: conceptual suggestions for future research

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    In ECE countries, democratisation and Europeanisation seemed to exist in a mutually reinforcing relationship and both concepts provided the main analytical lenses for studying these states. In the light of recent illiberal and anti-EU politics, two different concepts have started to receive increasing scholarly attention, namely the concepts of de-Europeanisation and autocratisation. Their exact meaning, however, remains unclear and the causal link between these specific processes and the rule of law has largely remained understudied. Against this backdrop, this chapter first summarises the state-of-the-art research on autocratisation and de-Europeanisation, and then examines the interaction and causal link between these two phenomena in times of declining democracies in Europe and rule of law problems.Security and Global Affair

    Constructing the European Education Space : The case of Turkish Higher Educatıon

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    AVRUPA EĞİTİM ALANI’NIN OLUŞTURULMASI: TÜRK YÜKSEKÖĞRETİMİ ÖRNEĞİ Bu tezin temel sorunsalı, AB’nin doğrudan bir baskısı bulunmadığı politik alanlarda, ulusal düzeyde politika yayılımının nasıl gerçekleştiğidir. Bu çalışma Avrupa Eğitim Politikası alanına yoğunlaşmakta ve politikanın gelişimi özellikle, 1999 yılından beri yürürlükte olan Bologna Süreci’ne odaklanılarak incelenmektedir. Çalışmanın hedefi Avrupa Eğitim Alanı’nın nasıl oluştuğunu göstermek ve bu alanın ilkelerini tespit etmektir. Çalışma, politika yayılım sürecinin bir kaynağı olarak Avrupa Eğitim Alanı üzerinde durduktan sonra bir vaka çalışması olarak Türkiye’yi ele almakta ve eğitim alanı ilkelerinin bu ülkede nasıl yayıldığını tahlil etmektedir. Bu nedenlerle, çalışmada şu sorulara cevap aranmıştır: Avrupa Eğitim Alanı nasıl inşa edilmektedir? Hangi yollar ve sebeplerle alanın ilkeleri ulusal seviyeye nüfuz etmektedir? Teorik çerçevesi ‘sosyal yapısalcılık’ üzerine kurulmuş olan bu çalışmanın kavramsal çerçevesi Avrupalılaşma literatüründen yararlanmaktadır. Çalışmada, eğitim politikası alanında Avrupalılaşma’nın yatay bir süreç olduğu; değişim yönünde baskının nispeten daha az doğrudan olduğu savunulmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler : AB Eğitim Politikası, Bologna Süreci, Avrupalılaşma, Soysal İnşacılık, Türk Yükseköğretimi ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTING THE EUROPEAN EDUCATION SPACE: THE CASE OF TURKISH HIGHER EDUCATION The main concern of this dissertation is to explain how policy diffusion occurs in policy areas at the EU level when there is no direct pressure. The study focuses on European educational policy and traces the evolution thereof, specifically focusing on the Bologna Process that was launched in 1999. After focusing on the source of the diffusion process, which is the European educational space, the dissertation takes Turkey as a case study, analysing how the norms of the educational space have diffused in this country. Thus, the study aims at answering the following questions: How is the European educational space constructed? How and why the norms of the space diffuse to the national level? In terms of the theoretical framework, the study bases itself on social constructivism. The conceptual framework is drawn upon the literature on Europeanization. Europeanization in educational policy is argued to be a horizontal process, where pressure for change is less direct. Keywords: EU Educational Policy, Bologna Process, Europeanization, Social Constructivism, Turkish Higher Educatio

    Bilgi European Institute Newsletter 

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    36 pagesWe would like to welcome you all to the 12th Newsletter of the European Institute of İstanbul Bilgi University. This issue contains information on the Institute’s activities, publications, conferences, workshops, graduate programs, research, social outreach projects and opinions of our staff and interns. The Newsletter starts with the depiction of our ongoing projects and activities carried out in 2019 by the members of the European Institute. The first part mainly includes information about the new ERC Advanced Grant Research, and it uncovers the content of the research on youth radicalization in Europe. The Newsletter then continues to give a detailed coverage of the other Horizon 2020 projects and Jean Monnet projects conducted by the members of the European Institute. You will also find information on the new DAAD fellow, Dr. Deniz Güneş Yardımcı, who recently joined the Institute. The Newsletter also covers some news regarding the Academic Network for European Studies in Turkey (A-NEST), the Secretariat of which will be held by the Institute for the next two years. The second part of the Newsletter has news about the A-NEST Conference to be held at Istanbul Bilgi University in April 2020, conferences, roundtables, workshops, publications, Jean Monnet activities, our students as well as short news about the Institute. On this occasion we would like to express our appreciation to the Rectorate and the Board of Trustees of İstanbul Bilgi University for their constant endorsement of the Institute. But most importantly, we would like to express our gratefulness to you all for your interest in the European Institute. We wish you all a pleasant academic year

    Is Turkey De-Europeanising: Encounters with Europe in a Candidate Country

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    This comprehensive edited volume conceptually develops the notion of ‘de-Europeanisation’ as an important development in the literature on Europeanisation, and applies it specifically to the case of Turkey. ‘De-Europeanisation’ is defined as the loss or weakening of the EU/Europe as a normative/political context and as a reference point in domestic settings and national public debates of both candidate and member countries. ‘De-Europeanisation’ manifests itself in two basic ways: as the weakening of the appeal and influential capacity of European institutions, policies, norms and values, leading to a retreat of EU/ Europe as a normative/political context for society and politics in a candidate/member state; and as growing scepticism and indifference in a given society towards the EU/Europe, risking the legitimacy of the EU/Europe as a reference point in cases even where reform is incurred. Using this concept, the authors analyse the diminishing impact of the EU in Turkish governance and politics after the opening of accession negotiations in October 2005. The relevance of ‘de-Europeanisation’ is investigated through ten chapters focusing on key policy areas including education, migration, democracy, the rule of law and media freedoms, and a number of key actors including civil society organisations, political parties and political leaders. This book was originally published as a special issue of South European Society and Politics