202 research outputs found

    Homojen Olmayan (FGM) Küresel Basınçlı Kaplarda İnhomejenlik Parametresinin Etkisi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2013Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2013Bu çalışmada sonsuz küçük elastisite teorisi kullanılarak, yalnızca iç basınca maruz kalan fonksiyonel dereceli küresel kaplarda meydana gelen gerilmeler ve şekil değiştirmeler için kuvvet serileri ile çözüm yapılmıştır. Malzeme özelliklerinin izotropik olduğu, elastiklik modülünün kalınlık boyunca üstel olarak değiştiği ve Poisson oranının sabit kaldığı kabul edilmiştir. Gerilme dağılımlarının inhomojenlik parametresine bağlı olarak değişimi hesaplanmış ve grafikler ile sunulmuştur. Bileşenlerin sürekli değişen hacim fraksiyonu içeren homojensizlik sabiti ampirik olarak belirlenir. Bu çalışmada kullanılan değerler inhomojenliğin gerilme dağılımı üzerindeki etkisini göstermek için keyfi olarak seçilmiştirUsing the infinitesimal theory of elasticity, power series solutions for stresses and displacements in functionally-graded spherical vessels subjected to internal pressure alone are obtained. The material properties are assumed to be isotropic with exponentially-varying elastic modulus through the thickness and the Poisson’s ratio is assumed constant. Stress distributions depending on an inhomogeneity constant are calculated and presented in the form of graphs. The inhomogeneity constant which includes continuously varying volume fraction of the constituents is empirically determined. The values used in this study are arbitrarily chosen to demonstrate the effect of inhomogeneity on stress distribution

    Postpartum Thyroiditis

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    DergiPark: 1020940tmsjPostpartum thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland seen in approximately 8% of women in the postpartum period. Postpartum thyroiditis is a triphasic disease consisting of hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, and euthyroid phases. The pathogenesis of postpartum thyroiditis is not known exactly. However, there are various mechanisms related to pathogenesis. One of these is related to the fetal cell/DNA circulating in the maternal blood to settle in the thyroid gland and the maternal immune system to develop an autoimmune reaction against the thyroid gland in the postpartum period. During pregnancy, fetal cells settle in the thyroid gland and no reaction occurs due to pregnancy-related immunosuppression. Postpartum thyroiditis occurs because immunosuppression disap- pears in the postpartum period. The method of examining fetal cell/DNA in maternal blood during pregnancy is a non-invasive prenatal test. The non-invasive prenatal testing is a screening test used to detect chromosomal anomalies and some other chromosomal defects. However, there is to our knowledge, not enough studies in the literature directly investigating the relationship between the number of fetal cells/DNA in maternal blood and the development of postpartum thyroiditis. Having reviewed the literature around this topic it can be assumed that there can be a difference in the level of damage in the thyroid gland in the postpartum period, depending on the level of difference in the number of fetal cells in the thyroid gland. In addition, future studies will pave the way for studies on the relationship between autoimmune diseases occurring in the post-pregnancy period and the number of fetal DNA/cells in maternal blood during preg- nancy. Therefore, an early diagnosis of pregnancy-related autoimmune diseases will be enabled

    Open Journal Systems (OJS): a system of open source software for journal management and publishing

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    Çelik, Sönmez (Dogus Author) -- Buğan, Onur (Dogus Author)Akademik dergiler, bilimsel araştırma sonuçlarının kısa sürede yayımlanmasına aracılık etmek suretiyle, bilginin paylaşılmasına, araştırma sonuçlarının kalıcılığının sağlanmasına ve bu yolla bilimin gelişmesine katkı sağlamada önemli rol oynayan bir yayın türüdür. Bilimin rehberliğinde dünyaya açılmak, içinde bulunduğu topluma ulaşabilmek, onların değişen ve gelişen taleplerine öncülük etmek için dergi yayımcıları, araştırmacıların özgün bilimsel makalelerini uluslararası yayımcılık ilkeleri doğrultusunda yayımlamak amacındadır. Dergilerin yayım sürecindeki iş ve işlemlerin, uluslararası alanda kabul görmüş bir dergi yönetim ve yayımlama sistemi aracılığıyla yapılması çok önemlidir. Bilginin paylaşımı için uygun ortamların geliştirilmesi ile akademik ve kamusal araştırmaların kalitesinin artırılması amacıyla Kamu Bilgi Projesi çerçevesinde geliştirilen Açık Dergi Sistemleri bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır.Academic journals help timely publish of scientific research results, share of information, help research results to be permanent and through these contribute the development of science. Journal publishers aim to publish original articles following international publishing principles in order to open to the world, reach the society, leading the changing demands of them. It is important that tasks and procedures are handled by a widely excepted journal publishing system. Open Journal Systems developed under Public Knowledge Project which are started in order to help the creation of appropriate environment and increase the quality of academic and public research developed within this framework is the main topic of this study


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    The damping ratio is an important parameter in dynamic analyses and plays a key role in the design of building structures. Elastic response spectra are widely used in this design to describe the earthquake action in specific site classes. 5% damped response spectra are generally used for most of the conventional structures. However, other types of structures may not have a damping ratio of 5% and can have much lower or much larger damping ratios. The damping ratio is recommended at about 5% for concrete structures whereas it is estimated at 2% for steel structures. Tall slender buildings may have much lower damping ratios and low-rise buildings may be designed using much larger damping ratios than 5%. For these types of buildings, elastic response spectra are modified to account for different levels of damping ratios. This study proposes the damping modification factors (DMFs) which are computed using 5% response spectra as the benchmark. A strong ground motion set has been selected for the stiff site class and the displacement, pseudo-velocity, and pseudo-acceleration response spectra have been computed for single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems. DMFs have been obtained in terms of these spectra and 3%, 10%, 20%, and 30% damping ratios have been considered. Variations of DMFs with different damping ratios have been obtained graphically. It can be seen from the results that DMFs are sensitive to the vibration period of the SDOF system

    Organik ve Standart Olarak Yetiştirilen Bazı Yüksek Boylu Maviyemiş (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Çeşitlerinin Fitokimyasal İçerikleri ile Antioksidan Kapasitelerinin Karşılaştırılması

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    Maviyemişler, ihtiva ettikleri yüksek antioksidan kapasiteleri ve diğer doğal bileşiklerinden dolayı insan sağlığı bakımından yararlı olan meyve türlerinden birisidir. Bu çalışmada Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde standart ve organik olarak yetiştirilmiş ‘Brigitta’, ‘Patriot’, ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Darrow’ ve ‘Bluejay’ kuzey orijinli yüksek boylu maviyemiş (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) çeşitleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Hasat meyvelerin %75’inin maviye dönüştüğü ilk hasat olgunluk döneminde (15 Haziran 2010) yapılmıştır. Meyve ağırlığı (g), SÇKM (%), organik asitler (tartarik, malik, askorbik ve sitrik asit), şekerler (fruktoz ve glikoz), toplam fenolik maddeler (μg GAE gta-1), toplam monomerik antosiyaninler (TMA, μg cy-3glu gta-1) ve toplam antioksidan aktivitesi (FRAP ve TEAC, μmol TE gta-1) belirlenmiştir. Maviyemiş çeşitlerinde askorbik asit miktarının 0.015-0.027 g kg-1 arasında, glikoz miktarının 3.793-4.745 g 100g-1 arasında, toplam fenoliklerin 1 593.3-2 362.4 μg GAE g ta-1 arasında, toplam monomerik antosiyanin miktarlarının 57.7-267.2 μmol TE gta-1 ve toplam antioksidan aktivitelerinin ise 3.80-6.51 FRAP μmol TE gta-1, 2.32-5.29 TEAC μmol TE gta-1 arasında değiştiği tespit edilmiştir. Yetiştirme şekline göre, standart olarak yetiştirilen çeşitlerde tartarik asit, sitrik asit, askorbik asit, glikoz, TEAC ve tane ağırlığı değerleri daha yüksek iken organik olarak yetiştirilen maviyemiş çeşitlerinde toplam fenolikler, TMA, FRAP ile malik asit değerleri daha yüksek bulunmuştur

    Solid waste collection and transport services cost in Artvin

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    Hızlı nüfus artışı, endüstriyel gelişme ve kentleşme Türkiye’nin de içinde yer aldığı gelişmekte olan ülke kentlerinde katı atık sorununu da beraberinde getirmiştir. Toplumların kalkınmışlık düzeylerine, siyasal ve toplumsal örgütlenme özelliklerine bağlı olmayan çevre sorunlarından biri de, katı atık sorunudur. Katı atıklar, ev, iş yeri, okul vb. alanlardan işe yaramadığı gerekçesiyle atılan ancak çevre ve insan sağlığına zararları nedeni ile düzenli biçimde uzaklaştırılması gereken maddeler olarak tanımlanabilmektedir. Oluşan tonlarca katı atığın en uygun teknoloji ile bertaraf edilmesi çevre ve halk sağlığı açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Katı atık; toplanması, taşınması ve bertaraf edilmesi ekonomik anlamda yerel yönetimlere büyük yük olan ve toplum sağlığı açısından önemli olduğu kadar, aynı zamanda, uygun şekilde değerlendirilemediği takdirde kaybolan ekonomik bir değerdir. Katı atıkların yönetiminde, toplanmasından bertarafına kadarki süreçte gerçekleştirilecek tüm hizmetlerin maliyet ve sorumluluğu yerel yönetimlere düşmektedir. Her geçen gün artan katı atık miktarı karşısında zorlaşan katı atık yönetimi konusunda çözüm üretmek zorunda kalan yerel yönetimlere oldukça iş düşmektedir. Yerel yönetimlerin yeterli altyapıya sahip olmamaları, teknoloji eksikliği, yeterli mali kaynak ve bütçeye sahip olmamaları, çevresel sorunların nitelik ve nicelik bakımından artmasına ve derinleşmesine yol açmaktadır. Yerel yönetimlerin en önemli görevlerinden birisi katı atıkların uygun bir şekilde toplanması, taşınması ve bertarafıdır. Katı atıkların toplanması ve giderimi halen daha sağlıklı bir şekilde çözülememiştir. Bu problemin çözümü belediyelerin en önemli görevlerinden biridir. Ancak bu problemi çözümlerken toplama ve taşıma işlemlerinde teknik ve ekonomik problemlerle karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Artvin il merkezinde katı atıkların toplama ve taşıma hizmeti için yapılan masrafların ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştırRapid urbanization, industrial development and urbanization have brought solid waste problem of cities of developing countries in which Turkey has a part. One of the environmental problems which don’t depend on developmental levels of the nations, their political and social organization characteristics is the solid waste problem. The solid wastes can be defined as the materials which must be removed from the domains such as houses, business offices, and schools due to their health hazards. The elimination of the tons of solid wastes emerging is very important for environment and public health. As well as the collection, transportation and elimination of the solid wastes are very important for public health and create also important costs on local administrations, the solid wastes are important economic values which are lost unless being evaluated appropriately. In management of solid wastes, the process from collecting them to eliminating them, the responsibility and costs of the services belong to local governments. Solving the problems in solid waste management is getting harder day by day due to the increasing amount of solid wastes, and the load on the local governments also increases. Insufficient infrastructure of the local governments, technologic deficiencies, and insufficient financial sources and budgets lead the environmental pollutions to increase and deepen from the aspects of quality and quantity. One of the most important duties of the local governments is to collect, transport and eliminate the solid waste in appropriate way. The collection and removal of the solid waste has not been solved in healthy way to date. Solving this problem is one of the most important duties of the municipalities. But technical and economic problems emerge in collection and transportation phases while solving this problem. With this study, it was aimed to reveal the costs of services of solid waste collection and transportation within the city center of Artvin

    Opportunities for ballistic soft landing in binary asteroids

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    Remote sensing instrumentation onboard missions to asteroids is paramount to address many of the fundamental questions in modern planetary science. Yet in situ surface measurements provide the “ground truth” necessary to validate and enhance the science return of these missions. Nevertheless, because of the dynamical uncertainties associated with the environment near these objects, most missions spend long periods of times stationed afar. Small landers can be used much more daringly, however, and thus have already been identified as valuable assets for in situ exploration. This paper explores the potential for ballistic landing opportunities enabled by the natural dynamics found in binary asteroid systems. The dynamics near a binary asteroid are modeled by means of the circular restricted three-body problem, which provides a reasonable representation of a standard binary system. Natural landing trajectories are then sought that allow for a deployment from the exterior region and touchdown with minimum local-vertical velocity. The results show that, although landing on the main body of the system would require an effective landing system capable to dissipate excess of energy and avoid bouncing off the asteroid, the smaller companion offers the prospect of simple ballistic landing opportunities

    Verbs Associated with the Time Focused Adverbs in Turkish Course Books

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    Time adverbs are represented by words or phrases more than morphemes in Turkish. Many studies in the literature have revealed that the frequency of the usage of adverbs of time is higher than the frequency of the usage of other adverbs by Turkish speakers of all ages. In this study, by using path/connection analysis method, the usage frequency of time adverbials in Turkish course books and which verbs these adverbs are associated with, is brought into focus. For this purpose, all the texts in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade Turkish course books were examined. At the end of the study, it was seen that the time adverbials in the Turkish coursebooks are mostly associted to the stative verb "to be". In Turkish course books, time shows a frequency order from the general to the specific. The adverbs "year" and "time" are used more frequently than the adverbs such as "month" and "week".The fact that "second" and "minute" are used so rarely in comparison to "hour" also supports the view that the texts in these books have a general sense of time. Keywords: time adverbials, acquisition of vocabulary, Turkish education, coursebooks

    Opportunities for ballistic soft landing in binary asteroids

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    Remote sensing instrumentation onboard missions to asteroids is paramount to address many of the fundamental questions in modern planetary science. Yet in situ surface measurements provide the “ground truth” necessary to validate and enhance the science return of these missions. Nevertheless, because of the dynamical uncertainties associated with the environment near these objects, most missions spend long periods of times stationed afar. Small landers can be used much more daringly, however, and thus have already been identified as valuable assets for in situ exploration. This paper explores the potential for ballistic landing opportunities enabled by the natural dynamics found in binary asteroid systems. The dynamics near a binary asteroid are modeled by means of the circular restricted three-body problem, which provides a reasonable representation of a standard binary system. Natural landing trajectories are then sought that allow for a deployment from the exterior region and touchdown with minimum local-vertical velocity. The results show that, although landing on the main body of the system would require an effective landing system capable to dissipate excess of energy and avoid bouncing off the asteroid, the smaller companion offers the prospect of simple ballistic landing opportunities

    Pandemics and Domestic Violence during Covid-19

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    The year 2020 met us with the COVID-19 pandemic. The covid-19 pandemic has gone past a mere health challenge. Its effect can be felt in the economy and society in general. Women form a large chunk of the response efforts geared at flattening the curve of the COVID-19 scourge. As the first point of contact, caregivers, medical personnel, volunteers, logistics facilitators, researchers and scientists and other professionals critical to the fight against the virus, women are making profound contributions in the fight against the spread of the outbreak. Most of the caregivers found in our homes and communities today are women. Furthermore, women stand a higher risk of infection and loss of their sources of livelihood, and as the outbreak continues to spread, there is all likelihood that they may not be able to access programs vital to their reproductive and sexual health. There is also a rise in cases of domestic violence against women in this crisis period. This study will be exploring a wide range of literature about pandemics that have happened in the past and previous public health emergencies and crisis, to enable it to ascertain patterns by which pandemics can further heighten the different kinds of violence against women. Evidence gathered from this study will be used to make recommendations to governments, civil society organizations, community-based agencies, and international donor agencies to help make women and children’s health priority, keeping them safe and preparing them adequately for another possible pandemic.The year 2020 met us with the COVID-19 pandemic. The covid-19 pandemic has gone past a mere health challenge. Its effect can be felt in the economy and society in general. Women form a large chunk of the response efforts geared at flattening the curve of the COVID-19 scourge. As the first point of contact, caregivers, medical personnel, volunteers, logistics facilitators, researchers and scientists and other professionals critical to the fight against the virus, women are making profound contributions in the fight against the spread of the outbreak. Most of the caregivers found in our homes and communities today are women. Furthermore, women stand a higher risk of infection and loss of their sources of livelihood, and as the outbreak continues to spread, there is all likelihood that they may not be able to access programs vital to their reproductive and sexual health. There is also a rise in cases of domestic violence against women in this crisis period. This study will be exploring a wide range of literature about pandemics that have happened in the past and previous public health emergencies and crisis, to enable it to ascertain patterns by which pandemics can further heighten the different kinds of violence against women. Evidence gathered from this study will be used to make recommendations to governments, civil society organizations, community-based agencies, and international donor agencies to help make women and children’s health priority, keeping them safe and preparing them adequately for another possible pandemic