9 research outputs found

    Ambient Intelligence

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou inteligentního prostředí. Popisuje jeho základní charakteristiku a požadavky pro jeho realizaci. Pojednává o současném stavu ve vývoji tohoto konceptu a představuje aktuální projekty. Dále se úžeji zaměřuje na téma inteligentních budov. V souvislosti s tím se věnuje tzv. vzorům chování osob v těchto budovách. Pro měření základních vzorů chování lidí jsou diskutovány různé metody a přístupy. Poté se práce zaměřuje na vlastní návrh systému pro počítání osob v kamerovém záznamu, který představuje jeden ze způsobů měření vzorů chování. Na závěr jsou diskutovány možnosti uplatnění takto měřených dat.Diploma thesis deals with Ambient intelligence issue. Represents its basic characteristic and demands for its realization. Describes actual stadium in this concept development and shows some present projects. Next focuses on Intelligent buildings issue. In connection with this addresses to so-called human behaviour patterns. Various methods of human behaviour patterns measurement are discussed there. Thesis then focuses on people counting system design, which is based on camera record. Such system represents way of human behaviour patterns measurement. Lastly, the using of this way obtained data is discussed.

    Advanced Rendering in OpenSceneGraph Library

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    Tato bakalářská práce má za úkol předvést knihovnu OpenSceneGraph a její použití v kombinaci se shadery psanými v OpenGL Shading Language. Práce se nejdříve věnuje právě základům jazyka GLSL. Následující kapitola představí základy práce s knihovnou OpenSceneGraph. Další kapitoly se pak věnují postupně jednotlivým shaderům. Prvně je to vertex displacement mapping, po něm následuje cartooning a posledním shaderem je vodní hladina.This bachelor's thesis presents OpenSceneGraph library and its use with shaders written in OpenGL Shading Language. First of all it presents the basics of GLSL. Next chapter introduces the basics of OpenSceneGraph library. Following chapters are about different shaders. First is vertex displacement mapping, followed by cartooning and the last one is water surface.

    Recognition of isolated words

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    Rozpoznávání lidské řeči v biometrických systémech je aktuální problematika, kterou se věda intenzivně zabývá. Mezi nejefektivnější metody spadá využití skrytých Markovových modelů. Při rozpoznávání izolovaných slov je pozornost zaměřena na získání charakteristických parametrů z řečových signálů umožňující co nejjednoznačnější identifikaci pomocí aplikace skrytých Markovových modelů. Tato práce se zabývá biometrickými systémy, jejich metodami a následně se zaměřuje na problematiku rozpoznávání izolovaných slov. Je navržen systém rozpoznávání metodou skrytých Markovových modelů, v němž jsou využity funkce systému Matlab. Návrh je zaměřen na získání charakteristických parametrů izolovaných slov, vytvoření kódové knihy prostřednictvím vektorové kvantizace, trénování modelů slov a nakonec vyhodnocení pravděpodobnosti shody pro pozorované slovo a daný model slova. Úspěšnost rozpoznání pro jednoho řečníka dosahuje 40%.Human speech recognition in biometric systems is an actual problem, which science intensively deals with. One of most used methods is the method of hidden Markovov’s models. Attention in isolated words recognition is focused on characteristic speech signal parameters obtaining, enabling most clear identification due to hiddem Markov model application. This work concentrates on biometric systems, its methods, and then is focused on isolated words recognition problems. The hidden Markov model recognition system with usage of some Matlab functions is designed. Concept focuses on characteristic speech signal parameters obtaining, code book making through vector quantization, words model training and finally probability of concrete model and obtained word similarity evaluation. Ratio for one speaker's spoken words recognition reaches 40%.

    The Prevention of Road Traffic Accidents in Terms of Transport Engineering.

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    At present the participant of the traffic is each of us and nearly for the whole lifetime. The effort of all organizations concerned about the road traffic safety is above all to decrease the number of accidents and its consequences. Up to date trend of the society is to focus more on the precausions to prevent the occurence of accidents than only on the repressive sanctions of the participants who break the rules. On one hand, the precausion consists of various meetings, lectures and trainings from small participants of the road traffic to so called professional drivers. On the other hand, the set of various arrangements directly on the roads has begun to have the great importance and its aim is by the construction activities or by the change of road signs settings or traffic facilities settings to decrease the real consequences of the accidents and to increase the safety of individual participants of the road traffic. The aim of this work is to find out the real stage of the road traffic safety, fluency and the consequences of accidents with regards to the data from past years, to find insecure places and suggest optimal way of modification

    Influences of the technical condition of road no 3 in the district of Czech Krumlov at preventing incidents on the road.

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    The creation of the safe traffic zone is a long term issue requiring often significant investments, which municipalities or regional governments are not able to cover within their own budget. Despite complex programs to initiate measures on increasing of the road safety have not been launched yet. One of significant parameters of the safe traffic zone is occurrence of solid obstacles in the immediate vicinity of a road (such as tall trees, billboards placed without a permit etc.), which afterwards influence the seriousness of consequences of the accident. The content and the aim of this diploma written assignment is to find out the actual impact of the transport and technical conditions of the first-class road No. 3 in the Český Krumlov District on the occurrence of incidents in the road traffic which can be found out by analysis of the causes and the effects of the incidents in the specific accidents sites and mapping of the current transport and technical conditions of this relatively loaded road due to heavy traffic. To fulfill the aim of the written assignment, the method of critical analysis, which studies the problem in more complex way and is not satisfied with the simple explanation, was used. With its application I tried to find an answer to the question whether the mentioned road fulfills the forgiving and the self-explanatory road function in all aspects and at those to propose an optimal solution to prevent eventually to mitigate of incidents. In case that the achieved goals of this diploma written assignment will be by the owner of the mentioned road respectively the property administrator and the competent road administration office used to make certain measures leading to lowering of the amount of accidents then the elaboration has fulfilled its purpose. By my opinion every driver has a right to move in the safe traffic zone. Duration and development of the state that we live in will not do without a functioning road system and that is why the current system should be first of all maintained by the state, renewed, expanded and made to perfection because feeling safe on roads is a right and a responsibility of each and one of us

    Methods for Soft Shadows Rendering

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    This thesis discusses two different methods for creating soft shadows. Shadow volumes and shadow mapping, more accurately Variance Soft Shadow Mapping. It presents theory for these shadow algorithms as well as theory for few others which are necessary for understanding. Further it describes how to implement these methods and evaluates these implementations. Shadow volumes are based on creating additional geometry to the scene which serves for specifying region of penumbra. VSSM algorithm is a improved version of classic shadow mapping


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    Netgraph is a graphically oriented client-server application for searching in linguistically annotated treebanks. The query language of Netgraph is simple and intuitive, yet powerful enough for treebanks with complex annotations schemes. The primary purpose of Netgraph is searching in the Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0, nevertheless it can be used for other treebanks as well


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    Netgraph is a graphically oriented client-server application for searching in linguistically annotated treebanks. The query language of Netgraph is simple and intuitive, yet powerful enough for treebanks with complex annotations schemes. The primary purpose of Netgraph is searching in the Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0, nevertheless it can be used for other treebanks as well