The Prevention of Road Traffic Accidents in Terms of Transport Engineering.


At present the participant of the traffic is each of us and nearly for the whole lifetime. The effort of all organizations concerned about the road traffic safety is above all to decrease the number of accidents and its consequences. Up to date trend of the society is to focus more on the precausions to prevent the occurence of accidents than only on the repressive sanctions of the participants who break the rules. On one hand, the precausion consists of various meetings, lectures and trainings from small participants of the road traffic to so called professional drivers. On the other hand, the set of various arrangements directly on the roads has begun to have the great importance and its aim is by the construction activities or by the change of road signs settings or traffic facilities settings to decrease the real consequences of the accidents and to increase the safety of individual participants of the road traffic. The aim of this work is to find out the real stage of the road traffic safety, fluency and the consequences of accidents with regards to the data from past years, to find insecure places and suggest optimal way of modification

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