16 research outputs found

    Impact of a system to assist in clinical decision-making in primary healthcare in Catalonia : prescription Self Audit

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    Altres ajuts: Institut Universitari d'Investigació en Atenció Primària (IDIAP Jordi Gol). Scholarship to complete a PhD thesis in primary care.In 2008, in the context of a complete computerisation of medical records, the Institut Català de la Salut (ICS, Catalan Health Institute) implemented a system in its electronic clinical workstation (ECW) to assist decision-making at the prescription level. This system is known as Self Audit, and it supports physicians in reviewing the medication of their patients. Self Audit provides lists of patients presenting medication-related problems (MRPs) that have potential for improvement, and provides therapeutic recommendations that are easy to apply from the system itself. The aim of this study was to analyse the main results derived from the use of Self Audit in primary care (PC) in Catalonia, and the effect of an incentive-based safety indicator on the results obtained. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out to analyse variations in the MRPs detected by Self Audit during 2016, 2017, and 2018 in PC in Catalonia. The effect of a safety indicator on the results obtained was also studied. This safety indicator includes the most clinically relevant MRPs (i.e., therapeutic duplications, safety alerts from the Spanish Medicines Agency, and incidences of polymedication in patients over 65 years of age). Variation in the MRPs was measured using the differences between two evaluation points (initial and final). An MRP was considered resolved if the recommendation specified in the alert was followed. The prescriptions of 6411 PC doctors of the ICS who use the ECW and provide their services to 5.8 million Catalans through 288 PC teams were analysed. Analysis of the total safety-based MRPs detected by Self Audit gave overall resolutions from April to December of 9% (21,547) in 2016, 7% (15,924) in 2017, and 1% (2392) in 2018 out of the total number of MRPs recorded in April each year. Examination of the 3 types of MRPs with the highest clinical relevance that were linked to the safety indicator gave overall resolutions of 41% in 2016 (17,358), 20% in 2017 (7655), and 21% in 2018 (8135). The ICS Self Audit tool assists in reducing the number of safety-based MRPs in a systematic manner, and yields superior results for the MRPs linked to a safety indicator included in the incentives of PC physicians

    Impact of a system to assist in clinical decision-making in primary healthcare in Catalonia: prescription Self Audit

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    Clinical safety; Decision support system; Primary careSeguridad clínica; Sistema de soporte a la decisión; Atención primariaSeguretat clínica; Sistema de suport a la decisió; Atenció primàriaBackground In 2008, in the context of a complete computerisation of medical records, the Institut Català de la Salut (ICS, Catalan Health Institute) implemented a system in its electronic clinical workstation (ECW) to assist decision-making at the prescription level. This system is known as Self Audit, and it supports physicians in reviewing the medication of their patients. Self Audit provides lists of patients presenting medication-related problems (MRPs) that have potential for improvement, and provides therapeutic recommendations that are easy to apply from the system itself. The aim of this study was to analyse the main results derived from the use of Self Audit in primary care (PC) in Catalonia, and the effect of an incentive-based safety indicator on the results obtained. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out to analyse variations in the MRPs detected by Self Audit during 2016, 2017, and 2018 in PC in Catalonia. The effect of a safety indicator on the results obtained was also studied. This safety indicator includes the most clinically relevant MRPs (i.e., therapeutic duplications, safety alerts from the Spanish Medicines Agency, and incidences of polymedication in patients over 65 years of age). Variation in the MRPs was measured using the differences between two evaluation points (initial and final). An MRP was considered resolved if the recommendation specified in the alert was followed. The prescriptions of 6411 PC doctors of the ICS who use the ECW and provide their services to 5.8 million Catalans through 288 PC teams were analysed. Results Analysis of the total safety-based MRPs detected by Self Audit gave overall resolutions from April to December of 9% (21,547) in 2016, 7% (15,924) in 2017, and 1% (2392) in 2018 out of the total number of MRPs recorded in April each year. Examination of the 3 types of MRPs with the highest clinical relevance that were linked to the safety indicator gave overall resolutions of 41% in 2016 (17,358), 20% in 2017 (7655), and 21% in 2018 (8135). Conclusions The ICS Self Audit tool assists in reducing the number of safety-based MRPs in a systematic manner, and yields superior results for the MRPs linked to a safety indicator included in the incentives of PC physicians.The primary care component of this study was funded by the Institut Universitari d’Investigació en Atenció Primària (IDIAP Jordi Gol). Scholarship to complete a PhD thesis in primary care

    Prescripció farmacèutica segura (PREFASEG)

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    L'Organització Mundial de la Salut, mitjançant el seu programa especial "Aliança Mundial per a la Seguretat del Pacient", ha posat a l'agenda de les diferents organitzacions sanitàries de tot el món la seguretat clínica dels pacients en un lloc molt destacat. ..

    Off-label use of fixed-dose combination of tramadol and dexketoprofen in primary health care. Evidence-based or cause for concern?

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    Introduction: The use of the fixed-dose combination of tramadol/dexketoprofen in Spain and in other countries has increased considerably. The authorized therapeutic indication for this medicinal product is the short-term symptomatic treatment of moderate to severe acute pain in adult patients. The objective of this study was to describe the pattern of use of tramadol/dexketoprofen in the field of primary health care. Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive and multicenter study was carried out. The study population included all patients from a Primary Care Department (53 Primary Care teams) with an active prescription of tramadol/dexketoprofen on March 28, 2018. The target population was those patients who were prescribed tramadol/dexketoprofen. dexketoprofen for >20 days. Results: A total of 176 patients had an active prescription for tramadol/dexketoprofen. All patients (100%) had a duration of treatment greater than 5 days and 72.7% (N=128) greater than 20 days. The mean duration of treatment was 14±160.9 days in patients who had less than 20 days of treatment and 224±160.8 days in patients who had more than 20 days of treatment. 35.1% of the patients were treated with >2 pain medications and concomitantly with tramadol/dexketoprofen. The general practitioner initiated 65.6% of the prescriptions. Conclusions: The fixed-dose combination of tramadol/dexketoprofen was frequently used off-label, according to the product characteristics and the available scientific evidence. This study warns about the potential risks associated with the use of this drug in clinical practice, such as lack of effectiveness and/or the appearance of adverse effects

    Off-label use of fixed-dose combination of tramadol and dexketoprofen in primary health care. Evidence-based or cause for concern?

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    Introduction: The use of the fixed-dose combination of tramadol/dexketoprofen in Spain and in other countries has increased considerably. The authorized therapeutic indication for this medicinal product is the short-term symptomatic treatment of moderate to severe acute pain in adult patients. The objective of this study was to describe the pattern of use of tramadol/dexketoprofen in the field of primary health care. Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive and multicenter study was carried out. The study population included all patients from a Primary Care Department (53 Primary Care teams) with an active prescription of tramadol/dexketoprofen on March 28, 2018. The target population was those patients who were prescribed tramadol/dexketoprofen. dexketoprofen for >20 days. Results: A total of 176 patients had an active prescription for tramadol/dexketoprofen. All patients (100%) had a duration of treatment greater than 5 days and 72.7% (N=128) greater than 20 days. The mean duration of treatment was 14±160.9 days in patients who had less than 20 days of treatment and 224±160.8 days in patients who had more than 20 days of treatment. 35.1% of the patients were treated with >2 pain medications and concomitantly with tramadol/dexketoprofen. The general practitioner initiated 65.6% of the prescriptions. Conclusions: The fixed-dose combination of tramadol/dexketoprofen was frequently used off-label, according to the product characteristics and the available scientific evidence. This study warns about the potential risks associated with the use of this drug in clinical practice, such as lack of effectiveness and/or the appearance of adverse effects

    Productions and technical knowledge in the Early Neolithic in Catalonia

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    The development of the economic activities inherent to the establishment of Neolithic farming activities entails an increasing technical specialization. This is often visible through the exploitation of specific resources, the development of suitable techniques for the manufacture of consumption goods as well as new ways of using and consuming them. We briefly present the main features of the technical productions carried out by the first Neolithic populations in the northeast of Iberia, trying to characterize the technical knowledge spent on all of them and making their signs of specialization clear.[FR] Le développement des activités économiques inhérent à l’implantation des activités agricoles et d’élevage du Néolithique entraîne une spécialisation technique croissante. Cela se traduit souvent par l’exploitation de ressources spécifiques, le développement de techniques appropriées pour la fabrication de biens de consommation, et de nouvelles façons de les utiliser et de les consommer. Nous présentons brièvement les principales caractéristiques des productions techniques réalisées par les premières populations néolithiques du nord-est de la péninsule ibérique, en essayant de caractériser les connaissances techniques dépensées dans chacune d’elles et en mettant en évidence leurs indications de spécialisation

    Guia farmacoterapèutica: atenció a la salut sexual i reproductiva

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    Guia farmacoterapèutica; Atenció maternoinfantil; Atenció a la salut sexual i reproductivaGuía farmacoterapéutica; Atención maternoinfantil; Atención a la salud sexual y reproductivaPharmacotherapeutic guide; Maternal and child care; Sexual and reproductive health careAquest document, aprovat per la Comissió Farmacoterapèutica (CFT) de l’ICS, té com a objectiu adequar a la darrera evidència científica disponible els tractaments que es porten a terme en la pràctica clínica diària amb la finalitat d’orientar els professionals en la presa de decisions durant la tasca assistencial diària. És una eina d’orientació actualitzada i adaptable a la major part de les situacions que es produeixen en l’atenció maternoinfantil i en l’atenció a la salut sexual i reproductiva

    Tapentadol and Oxycodone/Naloxone Prescribing Patterns in Primary Health Care in Catalonia, Spain: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: To characterize the use of tapentadol and the combination oxycodone/naloxone in primary health care. Data on their use and possible misuse will allow the identification of risk factors and to design protocols to reduce and prevent avoidable harm to patients being treated for pain. Design: A descriptive, cross-sectional and multicenter study was performed. Setting: Fifty-three primary health care teams, which provides healthcare for 1,300,000 inhabitants. Patients: A total of 1840 patients had active prescriptions of tapentadol and 985 of oxycodone/naloxone. Methods: Demographic (age, sex) and clinical (glomerular filtration rate; active liver disease; dosing and duration of treatment), prescribed daily dose (according to age, sex, length of treatment), concomitant analgesic treatment and diagnosis. Patient information was obtained from medical records. Results: Most of the patients were women (>74.0% in both cases), and the average age was 69.3 years (women: 70.1±13.2; men: 66.7±13.9 years) in the case of tapentadol and 70.6 years (women: 64.0±13.6; men: 72.6±14.3 years) in the case of oxycodone/naloxone. Only 12.2% of patients taking tapentadol and 12.1% taking oxycodone/naloxone had a normal renal function. In both cases, 4.1% of patients had active liver disease. The average length of treatment was 246.4 days in oxycodone/naloxone and 199.0 days in tapentadol. It was recorded that 85.1% of patients in the case of tapentadol and 89.0% in the oxycodone/ naloxone had at least another drug prescribed for pain. About 42.2% of patients treated with tapentadol and 34.4% of patients treated with oxycodone/naloxone had associated neuralgia as a diagnosis. Conclusion: The pattern of use and profile of patients with tapentadol and oxycodone/ naloxone had more similarities than differences, and suggested that prescribing practice, and monitoring should be assessed regularly to ensure patient safety and effective management of pain. Keywords: clinical practice pattern, chronic pain, opioids, oxycodone/naloxone, primary health care, culture, tapentad

    Safer prescription of drugs : impact of the PREFASEG system to aid clinical decision-making in primary care in Catalonia

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    In 2008, the Institut Català de la Salut (ICS, Catalan Health Institute) implemented a prescription decision support system in its electronic clinical workstation (ECW), which automatically generates online alerts for general practitioners when a possible medication-related problem (MRP) is detected. This tool is known as PREFASEG, and at the time of beginning a new treatment, it automatically assesses the suitability of the treatment for the individual patient. This analysis is based on ongoing treatments, demographic characteristics, existing pathologies, and patient biochemical variables. As a result of the assessment, therapeutic recommendations are provided. The objective of this study is to present the PREFASEG tool, analyse the main alerts that it generates, and determine the degree of alert acceptance. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out to analyse the generation of MRP-related alerts detected by PREFASEG during 2016, 2017, and 2018 in primary care (PC) in Catalonia. The number of MRP alerts generated, the drugs involved, and the acceptance/rejection of the alerts were analysed. An alert was considered "accepted" when the medication that generated the alert was not prescribed, thereby following the recommendation given by the tool. The MRP alerts studied were therapeutic duplications, safety alerts issued by the Spanish Medicines Agency, and drugs not recommended for use in geriatrics. The prescriptions issued by 6411 ICS PC physicians who use the ECW and provide their services to 5.8 million Catalans through 288 PC teams were analysed. During the 3 years examined, 67.2 million new prescriptions were analysed, for which PREFASEG generated 4,379,866 alerts (1 for every 15 new treatments). A total of 1,222,159 alerts (28%) were accepted. Pharmacological interactions and therapeutic duplications were the most detected alerts, representing 40 and 30% of the total alerts, respectively. The main pharmacological groups involved in the safety alerts were nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and renin-angiotensin system inhibitors. During the period analysed, 28% of the prescriptions wherein a toxicity-related PREFASEG alert was generated led to treatment modification, thereby helping to prevent the generation of potential safety MRPs. However, the tool should be further improved to increase alert acceptance and thereby improve patient safety. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12911-021-01710-