45 research outputs found
Long term chemical and ecological recovery of Kinghorn Loch (Scotland, UK) following red mud pollution
The estimated global production of red mud, a by-product of alumina production, is
~120 million t per year. Little is known about the long-term chemical, physical and
ecological responses in aquatic ecosystems following pollution with red mud. To
date, no whole-lake assessment of the impact of red mud and recovery trajectories
has been conducted. Kinghorn Loch, Fife, Scotland, is an important example of a red
mud polluted aquatic ecosystem. This is due mainly to the availability of long-term
data documenting changes in the lake during the pollution and recovery following
diversion of red mud leachate in 1983 to date. Long-term data were assessed to
determine the time scale of recovery for a range of specific pollutants in the surface
waters of Kinghorn Loch, and field surveys and a laboratory controlled experiment
were conducted to investigate lake sediment-pollutant interactions and arsenic (As)
species bioaccumulation in aquatic plants.
Results showed recovery of the lake water column, with a significant decrease of pH
and the concentrations of all red mud constituents in surface water since the cessation
of pollution. Using generalised additive models the chemical recovery period was 5
years for pH and from 22 to 26 years for As, vanadium (V) and phosphorus (P), with
aluminium (Al) still not reaching the end-point recovery following this period. A 12-
month field survey showed that concentrations of phosphate (PO4-P), total
phosphorus (TP), dissolved and total As and V in lake water varied significantly
throughout the year, with depth of overlying water contributing to variation in P
concentrations in water above sediment. A range of physico-chemical factors,
including dissolved oxygen (DO), pH and concentrations of pollutant binding
element controlled seasonal and spatial variations in water column contaminant
concentrations. The behaviour of V differed from As and P concentrations in water,
with maximum V concentrations occurring in spring and the highest concentrations
of As and P in surface water and dissolved As and PO4-P in water above sediment
observed in summer. With the exception of V in deeper layers of the water column in
spring and winter, observed total As and V concentrations met standards for
Protection of Aquatic Life in the UK (50 and 20 μg L-1, respectively).
Sediment in Kinghorn Loch is still contaminated 30 years into the lake recovery
period. The highest seasonal mean concentrations in the upper (0-4 cm) sediment
layer were 231 mg kg-1 for V and 185 mg kg-1 for As, the latter considerably
exceeding Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life
for As (17 mg kg-1). Evidence from the laboratory experiment and the field
observations suggests that the lake still processes red mud contaminants, with
seasonal mobilisation of As and P from lake sediment under reducing conditions. In
contrast, release of V from sediment into overlying water appeared not to be driven
predominantly by redox conditions, but instead by interactions between pH,
competitive ion concentrations and DO. Higher pollutant concentrations observed
throughout the year in deeper layers of the water column compared to surface water
indicated that the impact of sediment on the water column is generally confined to
the bottom waters of the lake.
Macrophytes in Kinghorn Loch contained relatively high concentrations of As,
predominantly in the inorganic form which is most toxic to organisms. The highest
As content measured in roots of Persicaria amphibia (L.) Gray (40.4 – 218 mg kg-1)
greatly exceeded the 3 – 10 mg kg-1 range suggested as a potential phytotoxic level.
Accumulation of toxic As species by plants suggested toxicological risk to higher
organisms in the food web and indicated that ecological recovery of the lake is still in
progress. The results of this research at Kinghorn Loch will help water resource
managers to understand not only the environmental and human health effects of
multiple pressures related to red mud pollution, but also the likely recovery time
scales in relation to water quality targets
Parental Involvement in Children’s Remote Education: Examining the Case of the COVID-19 Pandemic
This paper presents the results of a study that aimed to determine how parents were involved in their children’s remote education during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, with comparisons at the beginning and at the end of the sanitary regime, and by parents’ education, place of residence, mode of work during the pandemic, number of children they had and the level of education of their child/children. The study was conducted by means of an online survey using two independent measurements: at the beginning of the pandemic and during the fifth wave of the pandemic. A sample of N = 75 respondents was surveyed in Measurement I, and N = 306 in Measurement II. A mixed survey procedure was used. The research tool was a self-administered survey questionnaire. The research found that the introduction of distance learning forced new arrangements for the organisation of home life, existing habits and interaction patterns, with parental involvement in their children’s distance education differentiated by parents’ socio-demographic characteristics. It was also found that recurrent periods of remote learning about the ongoing pandemic were increasingly burdensome for working parents, who did not see the benefits of this education for their children.This paper presents the results of a study that aimed to determine how parents were involved in their children’s remote education during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, with comparisons at the beginning and at the end of the sanitary regime, and by parents’ education, place of residence, mode of work during the pandemic, number of children they had and the level of education of their child/children. The study was conducted by means of an online survey using two independent measurements: at the beginning of the pandemic and during the fifth wave of the pandemic. A sample of N = 75 respondents was surveyed in Measurement I, and N = 306 in Measurement II. A mixed survey procedure was used. The research tool was a self-administered survey questionnaire. The research found that the introduction of distance learning forced new arrangements for the organisation of home life, existing habits and interaction patterns, with parental involvement in their children’s distance education differentiated by parents’ socio-demographic characteristics. It was also found that recurrent periods of remote learning about the ongoing pandemic were increasingly burdensome for working parents, who did not see the benefits of this education for their children
Effects of hypoxia on tumor metabolism
Cechą charakterystyczną guzów litych jest ich niedotlenienie, które istotnie wpływa na biologię nowotworu orazodpowiedź na standardowe schematy leczenia (chemioterapię i radioterapię), co w konsekwencji decyduje o stopniuzaawansowania choroby nowotworowej pacjentów. Odpowiedź adaptacyjna komórek nowotworowych do warunkówhipoksji jest związana ze stymulacją angiogenezy i erytropoezy oraz zmianą metabolizmu komórek guza. W komórkachnowotworowych następuje przestrojenie metabolizmu, które prowadzi do wzrostu glikolizy, zahamowania fosforylacjioksydacyjnej i zwiększenia syntezy kwasów tłuszczowych de novo. Niedotlenienie powoduje aktywację czynnikatranskrypcyjnego HIF-1, który odgrywa kluczową rolę w przeprogramowaniu metabolizmu komórek nowotworowychpoprzez aktywację transkrypcji genów kodujących transportery glukozy i enzymy glikolityczne, co umożliwia zwiększenieglikolizy. Ponadto HIF-1 aktywuje kinazę dehydrogenazy pirogronianowej 1 (pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase1, PDK1), która powoduje zmniejszenie oddychania mitochondrialnego. Przesunięcie oksydacyjnego metabolizmuw stronę glikolizy beztlenowej pozwala na utrzymanie homeostazy redoks i umożliwia przeżycie oraz proliferacjękomórek nowotworowych w warunkach niedotlenienia.A major feature of solid tumors is hypoxia which affects cancer biology, increases resistance to treatment and patientprognosis. Adaptive responses of cells to hypoxia include stimulation of angiogenesis, erythropoiesis and alterationof cellular metabolism. Cancer cells are characterized by reprogramming of metabolism leading to increased glycolysis,attenuation of oxidative phosphorylation and de novo synthesis of fatty acids. Hypoxia-induced activation ofhypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1) plays an important role in the reprogramming of cancer metabolism by activatingtranscription of genes encoding glucose transporters and glycolytic enzymes leading to increased glucose uptake,and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDK1), which diminished mitochondrial respiration. The shift from oxidativeto glycolytic metabolism allows maintenance of redox homeostasis, survival and continued proliferation of cancercells under hypoxic conditions
Zastosowanie nanocząsteczek w leczeniu i diagnostyce nowotworów
Nanotechnologia jest nowym interdyscyplinarnym działem nauki, zajmującym się konstrukcją nanocząsteczek, i jejosiągniecia są wykorzystywane w farmacji i medycynie. Choroby nowotworowe są jedną z głównych przyczyń zgonówna świecie. Stosunkowo późne wykrycie zmian nowotworowych oraz mała skuteczność standardowych metodleczenia — ze względu na brak specyfi czności i dużą toksyczność — niekorzystnie wpływają na rokowanie pacjentów.Wykorzystanie nanocząsteczek w diagnostyce molekularnej umożliwia wczesne wykrycie guzów i tym samych rozpoczęciewcześniejszego leczenia. Nanocząsteczki mają również ogromne zastosowanie w terapii przeciwnowotworowejjako nośniki związków terapeutycznych, co powoduje wzrost ich biodostępności i akumulacji w obszarze guzówi zapewnia dostarczenie leków w efektywnych dawkach. Opłaszczenie nanocząsteczek specyfi cznymi ligandami lubprzeciwciałami umożliwia celowaną terapię, co nie tylko zwiększa skuteczność leczenia, ale także istotnie zmniejszacytotoksyczność na komórki prawidłowe. Na uwagę zasługują wielofunkcyjne nanoczasteczki, które są stosowanedo jednoczesnego wykrycia zmian nowotworowych i ich leczenia. Wykorzystanie nanocząsteczek w onkologii dajemożliwość wczesnej diagnozy, dostarczenia leków specyfi cznie do komórek nowotworowych w skutecznej dawceoraz monitorowanie postępów terapii
Myocarditis as a cause of neonate’s circulatory failure during delivery - case study
Myocarditis (MCI) is a heart pathology characterized by its rare occurrence and a possible fatal course. In the natural history of the disease inflammatory cell infiltrates are present. There are subtypes of MCI depending on the predominant cell type in the biopsy sampls. One of them is eosinophilic myocarditis. In eosinophilic myocarditis more that 50% of the cells are eosinophils. In the later phases of the disease the myocardium is infiltrated by fibrous tissue and the heart vessels are often affected by thrombosis. Cardiomyopathy is a common long-term complication of the MCI.
Reported case presents a death of a male neonate. The neonate was delivered by vaginal delivery. Both prenatal development and all the prenatal tests indicated proper development of the fetus. At the delivery the neonate weight was 3900 grams and was evaluated with only 1 point on the Apgar score. Moreover, the neonate presented a complete acute cardiorespiratory failure at birth. Despite the 2 hour-long cardio-pulmonary resuscitation no return of spontaneous circulation was observed. The neonate’s remains were pathologically as well as histologically examined. The microscopic examination of the neonate’s heart samples contained many inflammatory cell infiltrations. Microabscesses with Charcot-Leyden crystals inside were also observed. Furthermore, the presence of atypical, polynuclear cells was noted. On the basis of the morphological image, it was recognized as an eosinophilic MCI
SGLT2 inhibitors - a breakthrough in treatment of heart failure and their multipotential beneficial role in cardiology, diabetology, nephrology and neurology
Inhibitors of the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2 inhibitors) are relatively new andinnovative antihyperglycemic drugs which by inhibiting sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 minimalisereabsorption of glucose in nephrones. Due to this process, SGLT2 inhibitors became a first-choicedrugs in diabetology. Flozins were a turning point in many clinical trials and currently consequentlyconquer pharmacoterapy in cardiology. In the past years, clinical studies proved vast role of SGLT2inhibitors in other fields of medicine. Flosins protect heart muscle and kidneys among patients with orwithout type diabetes mellitus type 2. They have positive effect on hypertension, arteries and braintissue.Cardiological condition with the lowest long-term outcome in patients is heart failure with reducedejection fraction. Until flozins, treatment in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction was based onfour groups of drugs: β-blocker, inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAA),including angiotensin converting enzyme ACE/ARB inhibitors, angiotensin and neprilysin receptorblockers (ARNI) and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRA). It was an appropriate HFrEFtreatment over the last years. However thanks to large-scale researches a role of flozins in cardiologyhave been established and they became hope for a change in the course of heart failure.The following article presents aspects of using flozins in treatment of patients with HFrEF,multipotential usage, vast benefits for patients, not solely cardiologic, and side effects of thesemiraculous group of drugs
One step closer – the impact of daily step count on health and how many steps should be taken per day
Introduction: Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Walking is an open-accessed form of physical activity that requires no specialized equipment and can be performed at practically any moment of the day. In recent years, it has gained increasing interest and stands out as one of the most widely recommended forms of exercise. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the number of studies focusing on the impact of mean daily step count on health has been growing each year, with a significant surge observed since 2017. Undoubtedly, this topic is relevant to current health trends. Hitherto, there are no evidence-based recommendations regarding the number of steps that should be taken per day. Within this review, we conducted an analysis on the impact of daily step count on the risk of death and the incidence of selected diseases.
Aim of the study: The aim of our study is to review of current literature on the influence of daily step count on both physical and mental health.
Materials and Methods: We reviewed the literature available in PubMed, using the key words: „daily step count”, „step count mental health”, „ physical activity”, „pedometr”.
Results: The daily step count can prominently impact the improvement and maintenance of human health and significant health benefits can be achieved by taking 4000-10000 steps per day.
Summary: Research has shown that individuals who take more steps throughout the day are less prone to certain diseases, experience milder symptoms, exhibit better overall physical fitness, and have a lower risk of all-cause mortality. In the upcoming years, we can expect further studies aimed at identifying the most optimal daily step count
Physical activity of patients with chronic kidney disease
Introduction: The main causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) are diabetic and hypertensive nephropathy. The incidence of civilization diseases is increasing, which also indirectly affects the increase in the incidence of CKD. The patient's therapy after the diagnosis should include the care of a multi-specialist therapeutic team that will remove as many restrictions as possible in everyday functioning and ensure a high quality of life. In addition to the selection of individual renal replacement therapy, i.a. physical rehabilitation. Despite the fact that in the course of chronic kidney disease physical activity is impaired by numerous pathophysiological processes, the patient should be encouraged to undertake physical activity in order to reduce the risk of death due to cardiovascular diseases, as well as to eliminate many other adverse health effects of the disease. The following paper aims to analyze the impact of physical activity on CKD patients and the pathophysiological causes of low physical activity in this group of patients and the possibility of implementing rehabilitation as an element of comprehensive therapy.
Aim of the study: To review the current literature on the physical activity of patients with chronic kidney disease
Materials and Methods: A review of the publications available in PubMed, using the key words „chronic kidney disease”, „psychical activity in chronic kidney disease”, physical activity”, „kidney failure”, „dialysis”, „renal rehabilitation”, „quality of life
Etiology, Epidemiology, and Therapeutic Approaches for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis in the Context of Concurrent Non-specific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Introduction: Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic, idiopathic disease characterized by persistent and progressive inflammation of the intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic bile ducts. This leads to fibrosis, cholestatic complications, and liver failure. In over 70% of patients, non-specific intestinal inflammations coexist, particularly ulcerative colitis, and sporadically Crohn's disease.
Aim: Our study aimed to assess current literature on primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), covering its causes, symptoms, treatment methods, and the connection between PSC and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) co-occurrence.
Materials and methods: We conducted a PubMed literature review using keywords like "primary sclerosing cholangitis pathogenesis," "primary sclerosing cholangitis and inflammatory bowel disease," and "primary sclerosing cholangitis and ulcerative colitis.”
Results: Our research extensively covered PSC epidemiology, pathogenesis, and treatment options. Emphasis was placed on the heightened prevalence of inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis, among PSC patients.
Summary: Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a disease causing gradual damage to bile ducts within or outside the liver. Over 70% of patients also experience inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), mainly ulcerative colitis. The exact causes of PSC and its connection to IBD remain unclear. The theories involve hyperactive "intestinal" T cells or the impact of gut microbiome on their growth. Presently, a liver transplant stands as the sole remedy
Indications of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Dermatology
Introduction: PRP is an autologous serum containing high concentrations of platelets and growth factors. It is used in dermatology for a variety of purposes, including hair growth, skin renewal, the removal of acne scars, dermal augmentation, and the treatment of striae distensae. The origins of PRP trace back to the 1970s, originating within the field of hematology as a treatment for patients grappling with thrombocytopenia. The subsequent decades, specifically the 1980s and 1990s, witnessed the integration of PRP into surgical procedures, notably in maxillofacial and plastic surgeries. The rationale underlying the employment and therapeutic potential of a concentrated platelet solution hinges upon their remarkable ability to furnish elevated levels of vital growth factors, thus instigating a regenerative impetus that facilitates repair in tissues characterized by limited innate healing capabilities. This comprehensive review delves into the multifaceted facets of PRP, encompassing mechanisms of action, prevailing indications, existing clinical substantiation, safety considerations, and the burgeoning spectrum of potential applications within the domain of skin condition treatments.
Aim of the study: To review the current literature on the use of PRP in the field of dermatology
Materials and Methods: We reviewed the literature available in PubMed, using the key words “platelet rich plasma”, “prp”, “autologous platelet rich plasma”, “alopecia”, “anti-aging”
Results: PRP has a lot of potential in dermatology and its therapeutic uses are growing. Future research should standardize PRP therapy procedures for particular reasons.
Summary: The versatile action of PRP has made it the subject of intense research. However, the reports in the literature to date on its use require further studies on larger groups of people to confirm its effects