3,887 research outputs found


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    Pacientes  com  câncer  avançado  frequentemente  apresentam complicações  ósseas  que  podem  comprometer  consideravelmente  sua qualidade  de  vida.  Com  isso  os  bisfosfonatos  tornaram-se  a  principal  arma terapêutica  na  prevenção  de  complicações  ósseas  de  doença  maligna,  com eficácia  na  normalização  do  cálcio  sérico,  além  de  aliviar  a  dor  óssea.  Em contra  partida,  houve  um  aumento  de  osteonecrose  nos  maxilares  durante  o tratamento  odontológico  cirúrgico,  como  por  exemplo,  extrações  dentárias  e implantes  dentários

    The teacher who teaches mathematics as a focus of study in Brazilian professional masters.

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    Neste artigo analisam-se 96 disserta??es, cujo foco ? o professor que ensina Matem?tica, produzidas nos mestrados profissionais da ?rea de Ensino da Capes, entre 2001 e 2012. Procura-se compreender como o pesquisador, que ? um professor, percebe os participantes de seu estudo e se relaciona com eles. O corpus da pesquisa foi analisado a partir das seguintes categorias: perfil do professor pesquisador e dos participantes; motiva??o e foco das pesquisas; e rela??o pesquisador-participantes. Os resultados evidenciam que, em muitos estudos, o professor (ou futuro professor), participante da pesquisa, ? percebido pelo pesquisador como um aprendiz, mais que como um parceiro ou colaborador. Isso sugere um distanciamento entre ambos que n?o condiz com o fato de pelo menos metade dos estudos mencionar que sua motiva??o adv?m das pr?prias trajet?rias profissionais. Al?m disso, poucas pesquisas analisam a pr?pria pr?tica do pesquisador ou refletem acerca de sua aprendizagem profissional ao realizar sua pesquisa.In this article, we analyzed 96 dissertations produced between 2001 to 2012 focused on the mathematics teacher by Professional Masters in the Teaching area of the Capes. The objective is to understand how a researcher, who is a teacher, perceives and relates to the participants of his studies. The data was analyzed from the following categories: profile of the researcher professor and of the participants; motivation and focus of research; and researcher-participant relationship. The results show how, in many cases, the teacher (or future teacher), who participated in the study it?s perceived as an apprentice rather than as a partner or collaborator. This suggests a gap between the two that does not match the fact that at least half of the studies mention that their motivation comes from their own professional trajectories. In addition, few researches analyze the researcher's own practice or reflect on his professional learning when conducting his research

    The cyclic interaction between daytime behavior and the sleep behavior of laboratory dogs

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    Sleep deprivation has been found to negatively affect an individual´s physical and psychological health. Sleep loss affects activity patterns, increases anxiety-like behaviors, decreases cognitive performance and is associated with depressive states. The activity/rest cycle of dogs has been investigated before, but little is known about the effects of sleep loss on the behavior of the species. Dogs are polyphasic sleepers, meaning the behavior is most observed at night, but bouts are also present during the day. However, sleep can vary with ecological and biological factors, such as age, sex, fitness, and even human presence. In this study, kennelled laboratory adult dogs’ sleep and diurnal behavior were recorded during 24-h, five-day assessment periods to investigate sleep quality and its effect on daily behavior. In total, 1560 h of data were analyzed, and sleep metrics and diurnal behavior were quantified. The relationship between sleeping patterns and behavior and the effect of age and sex were evaluated using non-parametric statistical tests and GLMM modelling. Dogs in our study slept substantially less than previously reported and presented a modified sleep architecture with fewer awakenings during the night and almost no sleep during the day. Sleep loss increased inactivity, decreased play and alert behaviors, while increased time spent eating during the day. Males appeared to be more affected by sleep fragmentation than females. Different age groups also experienced different effects of sleep loss. Overall, dogs appear to compensate for the lack of sleep during the night by remaining inactive during the day. With further investigations, the relationship between sleep loss and behavior has the potential to be used as a measure of animal welfare

    Photosynthetic quantum efficiency in south‐eastern Amazonian trees may be already affected by climate change

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    Tropical forests are experiencing unprecedented high‐temperature conditions due to climate change that could limit their photosynthetic functions. We studied the high‐temperature sensitivity of photosynthesis in a rainforest site in southern Amazonia, where some of the highest temperatures and most rapid warming in the Tropics have been recorded. The quantum yield (F v /F m ) of photosystem II was measured in seven dominant tree species using leaf discs exposed to varying levels of heat stress. T 50 was calculated as the temperature at which F v /F m was half the maximum value. T 5 is defined as the breakpoint temperature, at which F v /F m decline was initiated. Leaf thermotolerance in the rapidly warming southern Amazonia was the highest recorded for forest tree species globally. T 50 and T 5 varied between species, with one mid‐storey species, Amaioua guianensis , exhibiting particularly high T 50 and T 5 values. While the T 50 values of the species sampled were several degrees above the maximum air temperatures experienced in southern Amazonia, the T 5 values of several species are now exceeded under present‐day maximum air temperatures