37,193 research outputs found

    Transfer-matrix study of a hard-square lattice gas with two kinds of particles and density anomaly

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    Using transfer matrix and finite-size scaling methods, we study the thermodynamic behavior of a lattice gas with two kinds of particles on the square lattice. Only excluded volume interactions are considered, so that the model is athermal. Large particles exclude the site they occupy and its four first neighbors, while small particles exclude only their site. Two thermodynamic phases are found: a disordered phase where large particles occupy both sublattices with the same probability and an ordered phase where one of the two sublattices is preferentially occupied by them. The transition between these phases is continuous at small concentrations of the small particles and discontinuous at larger concentrations, both transitions are separated by a tricritical point. Estimates of the central charge suggest that the critical line is in the Ising universality class, while the tricritical point has tricritical Ising (Blume-Emery-Griffiths) exponents. The isobaric curves of the total density as functions of the fugacity of small or large particles display a minimum in the disordered phase.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures and 4 table

    Roughness exponents and grain shapes

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    In surfaces with grainy features, the local roughness ww shows a crossover at a characteristic length rcr_c, with roughness exponent changing from α11\alpha_1\approx 1 to a smaller α2\alpha_2. The grain shape, the choice of ww or height-height correlation function (HHCF) CC, and the procedure to calculate root mean-square averages are shown to have remarkable effects on α1\alpha_1. With grains of pyramidal shape, α1\alpha_1 can be as low as 0.71, which is much lower than the previous prediction 0.85 for rounded grains. The same crossover is observed in the HHCF, but with initial exponent χ10.5\chi_1\approx 0.5 for flat grains, while for some conical grains it may increase to χ10.7\chi_1\approx 0.7. The universality class of the growth process determines the exponents α2=χ2\alpha_2=\chi_2 after the crossover, but has no effect on the initial exponents α1\alpha_1 and χ1\chi_1, supporting the geometric interpretation of their values. For all grain shapes and different definitions of surface roughness or HHCF, we still observe that the crossover length rcr_c is an accurate estimate of the grain size. The exponents obtained in several recent experimental works on different materials are explained by those models, with some surface images qualitatively similar to our model films.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures and 2 table

    Kinetic modelling of epitaxial film growth with up- and downward step barriers

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    The formation of three-dimensional structures during the epitaxial growth of films is associated to the reflection of diffusing particles in descending terraces due to the presence of the so-called Ehrlich-Schwoebel (ES) barrier. We generalize this concept in a solid-on-solid growth model, in which a barrier dependent on the particle coordination (number of lateral bonds) exists whenever the particle performs an interlayer diffusion. The rules do not distinguish explicitly if the particle is executing a descending or an ascending interlayer diffusion. We show that the usual model, with a step barrier in descending steps, produces spurious, columnar, and highly unstable morphologies if the growth temperature is varied in a usual range of mound formation experiments. Our model generates well-behaved mounded morphologies for the same ES barriers that produce anomalous morphologies in the standard model. Moreover, mounds are also obtained when the step barrier has an equal value for all particles independently if they are free or bonded. Kinetic roughening is observed at long times, when the surface roughness w and the characteristic length ξ\xi scale as w tβw ~ t^\beta and ξ tζ\xi ~ t^\zeta where β0.31\beta \approx 0.31 and ζ0.22\zeta \approx 0.22, independently of the growth temperature.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    The use of genes for performance enhancement: doping or therapy?

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    Recent biotechnological advances have permitted the manipulation of genetic sequences to treat several diseases in a process called gene therapy. However, the advance of gene therapy has opened the door to the possibility of using genetic manipulation (GM) to enhance athletic performance. In such ‘gene doping’, exogenous genetic sequences are inserted into a specific tissue, altering cellular gene activity or leading to the expression of a protein product. The exogenous genes most likely to be utilized for gene doping include erythropoietin (EPO), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), myostatin antagonists, and endorphin. However, many other genes could also be used, such as those involved in glucose metabolic pathways. Because gene doping would be very difficult to detect, it is inherently very attractive for those involved in sports who are prepared to cheat. Moreover, the field of gene therapy is constantly and rapidly progressing, and this is likely to generate many new possibilities for gene doping. Thus, as part of the general fight against all forms of doping, it will be necessary to develop and continually improve means of detecting exogenous gene sequences (or their products) in athletes. Nevertheless, some bioethicists have argued for a liberal approach to gene doping

    Fitting isochrones to open cluster photometric data III. Estimating metallicities from UBV photometry

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    The metallicity is a critical parameter that affects the correct determination fundamental characteristics stellar cluster and has important implications in Galactic and Stellar evolution research. Fewer than 10 % of the 2174 currently catalog open clusters have their metallicity determined in the literature. In this work we present a method for estimating the metallicity of open clusters via non-subjective isochrone fitting using the cross-entropy global optimization algorithm applied to UBV photometric data. The free parameters distance, reddening, age, and metallicity simultaneously determined by the fitting method. The fitting procedure uses weights for the observational data based on the estimation of membership likelihood for each star, which considers the observational magnitude limit, the density profile of stars as a function of radius from the center of the cluster, and the density of stars in multi-dimensional magnitude space. We present results of [Fe/H] for nine well-studied open clusters based on 15 distinct UBV data sets. The [Fe/H] values obtained in the ten cases for which spectroscopic determinations were available in the literature agree, indicating that our method provides a good alternative to determining [Fe/H] by using an objective isochrone fitting. Our results show that the typical precision is about 0.1 dex