19 research outputs found

    Protamines i infertilitat en l'home

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    Les protamines són les proteïnes majoritàries del nucli de l'espermatozoide en moltes espècies i actuen empaquetant el genoma patern. En l'home s'han detectat alteracions en els nivells de les protamines P1 i P2 associats a infertilitat. Ratolins transgènics defectius en l'expressió de les protamines també presenten alteracions en l'estructura del nucli de l'espermatozoide i un grau variable d'infertilitat. Existeix també evidència que defectes en els nivells de protamines poden associar-se a un increment de lesió en el genoma de l'espermatozoide. En el present treball es revisen els principals articles disponibles sobre la relació entre protamines i infertilitat en l'home.Protamines are the major proteins present in the nuclei of the spermatozoa and they act packing the paternal genome. Changes in the expression of P1 and P2 protamines have been found to be associated with infertility in man. Transgenic mice defective in the expression of protamines also present several structural defects in the sperm nucleus and have variable degrees of infertility. There is also evidence that altered levels of protamines can be associated with an increase of injury in the genome of the spermatozoa. In the present work the main available papers on the relationship between protamines and infertility in man are revised

    Proteomics and the genetics of sperm chromatin condensation

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    Spermatogenesis involves extremely marked cellular, genetic and chromatin changes resulting in the generation of the highly specialized sperm cell. Proteomics allows the identification of the proteins that compose the spermatogenic cells and the study of their function. The recent developments in mass spectrometry (MS) have markedly increased the throughput to identify and to study the sperm proteins. Catalogs of thousands of testis and spermatozoan proteins in human and different model species are becoming available, setting up the basis for subsequent research, diagnostic applications and possibly the future development of specific treatments. The present review intends to summarize the key genetic and chromatin changes at the different stages of spermatogenesis and in the mature sperm cell and to comment on the presently available proteomic studies

    Insights into the sperm chromatin and implications for male infertility from a protein perspective

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    Male germ cells undergo an extreme but fascinating process of chromatin remodeling that begins in the testis during the last phase of spermatogenesis and continues through epididymal sperm maturation. Most of the histones are replaced by small proteins named protamines, whose high basicity leads to a tight genomic compaction. This process is epigenetically regulated at many levels, not only by posttranslational modifications, but also by readers, writers, and erasers, in a context of a highly coordinated postmeiotic gene expression program. Protamines are key proteins for acquiring this highly specialized chromatin conformation, needed for sperm functionality. Interestingly, and contrary to what could be inferred from its very specific DNA-packaging function across protamine-containing species, human sperm chromatin contains a wide spectrum of protamine proteoforms, including truncated and posttranslationally modified proteoforms. The generation of protamine knock-out models revealed not only chromatin compaction defects, but also collateral sperm alterations contributing to infertile phenotypes, evidencing the importance of sperm chromatin protamination toward the generation of a new individual. The unique features of sperm chromatin have motivated its study, applying from conventional to the most ground-breaking techniques to disentangle its peculiarities and the cellular mechanisms governing its successful conferment, especially relevant from the protein point of view due to the important epigenetic role of sperm nuclear proteins. Gathering and contextualizing the most striking discoveries will provide a global understanding of the importance and complexity of achieving a proper chromatin compaction and exploring its implications on postfertilization events and beyond. This article is categorized under: Reproductive System Diseases > Genetics/Genomics/Epigenetics Reproductive System Diseases > Molecular and Cellular Physiology

    Human sperm tail proteome suggests new endogenous metabolic pathways

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    Proteomic studies are contributing greatly to our understanding of the sperm cell, and more detailed descriptions are expected to clarify additional cellular and molecular sperm attributes. The aim of this study was to characterize the subcellular proteome of the human sperm tail and, hopefully, identify less concentrated proteins (not found in whole cell proteome studies). Specifically, we were interested in characterizing the sperm metabolic proteome and gaining new insights into the sperm metabolism issue. Sperm were isolated from normozoospermic semen samples and depleted of any contaminating leukocytes. Tail fractions were obtained by means of sonication followed by sucrose-gradient ultracentrifugation, and their purity was confirmed via various techniques. Liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry of isolated sperm tail peptides resulted in the identification of 1049 proteins, more than half of which had not been previously described in human sperm. The categorization of proteins according to their function revealed two main groups: proteins related to metabolism and energy production (26%), and proteins related to sperm tail structure and motility (11%). Interestingly, a great proportion of the metabolic proteome (24%) comprised enzymes involved in lipid metabolism, including enzymes for mitochondrial beta-oxidation. Unexpectedly, we also identified various peroxisomal proteins, some of which are known to be involved in the oxidation of very long chain fatty acids. Analysis of our data using Reactome suggests that both mitochondrial and peroxisomal pathways might indeed be active in sperm, and that the use of fatty acids as fuel might be more preponderant than previously thought. In addition, incubation of sperm with the fatty acid oxidation inhibitor etomoxir resulted in a significant decrease in sperm motility. Contradicting a common concept in the literature, we suggest that the male gamete might have the capacity to obtain energy from endogenous pools, and thus to adapt to putative exogenous fluctuations

    Quantitative analysis of the seminal plasma proteome in secondary hypogonadism

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    In the grey zone of testosterone levels between 8 and 12 nmol/L, the usefulness of therapy is controversial; as such, markers of tissue action of androgens may be helpful in adjusting clinical decisions. To better understand the effect of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis on male accessory secretion, we performed a proteomic quantitative analysis of seminal plasma in patients with secondary hypogonadism, before and after testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Ten male patients with postsurgical hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism were enrolled in this study, and five of these patients were evaluated after testosterone treatment. Ten men with proven fertility were selected as a control group. An aliquot of seminal plasma from each individual was subjected to an in-solution digestion protocol and analyzed using an Ultimate 3000 RSLC-nano HPLC apparatus coupled to a LTQ Orbitrap Elite mass spectrometer. The label-free quantitative analysis was performed via Precursor Ions Area Detector Node. Eleven proteins were identified as decreased in hypogonadic patients versus controls, which are primarily included in hydrolase activity and protein binding activity. The comparison of the proteome before and after TRT comes about within the discovery of six increased proteins. This is the primary application of quantitative proteomics pointed to uncover a cluster of proteins reflecting an impairment not only of spermatogenesis but of the epididymal and prostate epithelial cell secretory function in male hypogonadism. The identified proteins might represent putative clinical markers valuable within the follow-up of patients with distinctive grades of male hypogonadism

    The Role of Testosterone in Spermatogenesis: lessons from proteome profiling of human spermatozoa in testosterone deficiency

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    Testosterone is essential to maintain qualitative spermatogenesis. Nonetheless, no studies have been yet performed in humans to analyze the testosterone-mediated expression of sperm proteins and their importance in reproduction. Thus, this study aimed to identify sperm protein alterations in male hypogonadism using proteomic profiling. We have performed a comparative proteomic analysis comparing sperm from fertile controls (a pool of 5 normogonadic normozoospermic fertile men) versus sperm from patients with secondary hypogonadism (a pool of 5 oligozoospermic hypogonadic patients due to isolated LH deficiency). Sperm protein composition was analyzed, after peptide labelling with Isobaric Tags, via liquid chromatography followed by tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) on an LTQ Velos-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. LC-MS/MS data were analyzed using Proteome Discoverer. Criteria used to accept protein identification included a false discovery rate (FDR) of 1% and at least 1 peptide match per protein. Up to 986 proteins were identified and, of those, 43 proteins were differentially expressed: 32 proteins were under-expressed and 11 were over-expressed in the pool of hypogonadic patients compared to the controls. Bioinformatic analyses were performed using UniProt Knowledgebase, and the Gene Ontology Consortium database based on PANTHER. Notably, 13 of these 43 differentially expressed proteins have been previously reported to be related to sperm function and spermatogenesis. Western blot analyses for A-Kinase Anchoring Protein 3 (AKAP3) and the Prolactin Inducible Protein (PIP) were used to confirm the proteomics data. In summary, a high-resolution mass spectrometry-based proteomic approach was used for the first time to describe alterations of the sperm proteome in secondary male hypogonadism. Some of the differential sperm proteins described in this study, which include Prosaposin, SMOC-1, SERPINA5, SPANXB1, GSG1, ELSPBP1, fibronectin, 5-oxoprolinase, AKAP3, AKAP4, HYDIN, ROPN1B, ß-Microseminoprotein and Protein S100-A8, could represent new targets for the design of infertility treatments due to androgen deficiency

    'In vitro' Effect of Different Follicle¿Stimulating Hormone Preparations on Sertoli Cells: Toward a Personalized Treatment for Male Infertility

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    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), a major regulator of spermatogenesis, has a crucial function in the development and function of the testis and it is extensively given as a fertility treatment to stimulate spermatogenesis. We analyzed the effects of different FSH preparations (α-follitropin, β-follitropin, and urofollitropin) in combination with testosterone on porcine pre-pubertal Sertoli cells. To study the effect of the different FSH treatments in the Sertoli cell function we performed Real Time PCR analysis of AMH, inhibin B, and FSH-r, an ELISA assay for AMH and inhibin B, and a high-throughput comparative proteomic analysis. We verified that all three preparations induced a reduction of AMH in terms of mRNA and secreted proteins, and an increase of inhibin B in terms of mRNA in all the FSH formulations, while solely α-follitropin produced an increase of secreted inhibin B in the culture medium. Comparative proteomic analysis of the three FSH preparations identified 46 proteins, 11 up-regulated and 2 down-regulated. Surprisingly, the combination of testosterone with β-follitropin specifically induced an up-regulation of eight specific secreted proteins. Our study, showing that the three different FSH preparations induce different effects, could offer the opportunity to shed light inside new applications to a personalized reproductive medicine

    H4K5 butyrylation coexist with acetylation during human spermiogenesis and are retained in the mature sperm chromatin

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    Male germ cells experience a drastic chromatin remodeling through the nucleo-histone to nucleo-protamine (NH-NP) transition necessary for proper sperm functionality. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of H4 Lys5, such as acetylation (H4K5ac), play a crucial role in epigenetic control of nucleosome disassembly facilitating protamine incorporation into paternal DNA. It has been shown that butyrylation on the same residue (H4K5bu) participates in temporal regulation of NH-NP transition in mice, delaying the bromodomain testis specific protein (BRDT)-dependent nucleosome disassembly and potentially marking retained nucleosomes. However, no information was available so far on this modification in human sperm. Here, we report a dual behavior of H4K5bu and H4K5ac in human normal spermatogenesis, suggesting a specific role of H4K5bu during spermatid elongation, coexisting with H4K5ac although with different starting points. This pattern is stable under different testicular pathologies, suggesting a highly conserved function of these modifications. Despite a drastic decrease of both PTMs in condensed spermatids, they are retained in ejaculated sperm, with 30% of non-colocalizing nucleosome clusters, which could reflect differential paternal genome retention. Whereas no apparent effect of these PTMs was observed associated with sperm quality, their presence in mature sperm could entail a potential role in the zygote

    Two novel ligand-independent variants of the VEGFR-1 receptor are expressed in human testis and spermatozoa, one of them with the ability to activate SRC proto-oncogene tyrosine kinases

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    The vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (VEGFR-1) family of receptors is preferentially expressed in endothelial cells, with the full-length and mostly the soluble (sVEGFR-1) isoforms being the most expressed ones. Surprisingly, cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) express, instead, alternative intracellular VEGFR-1 variants. We wondered if these variants, that are no longer dependent on ligands for activation, were expressed in a physiological context, specifically in spermatogenic cells, and whether their expression was maintained in spermatozoa and required for human fertility. By interrogating a human library of mature testis cDNA, we characterized two new truncated intracellular variants different from the ones previously described in cancer cells. The new isoforms were transcribed from alternative transcription start sites (aTSS) located respectively in intron-19 (i19VEGFR-1) and intron-28 (i28VEGFR-1) of the VEGFR-1 gene (GenBank accession numbers JF509744 and JF509745) and expressed in mature testis and spermatozoa. In this paper, we describe the characterization of these isoforms by RT-PCR, northern blot, and western blot, their preferential expression in human mature testis and spermatozoa, and the elements that punctuate their proximal promoters and suggest cues for their expression in spermatogenic cells. Mechanistically, we show that i19VEGFR-1 has a strong ability to phosphorylate and activate SRC proto-oncogene non-receptor tyrosine kinases and a significant bias toward a decrease in expression in patients considered infertile by WHO criteria