158 research outputs found

    Dog tales: mindful dog interactions evoke similar experiences to dog assisted mindfulness meditations

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    Stay-at-home regulations in response to COVID-19 have put humans at increased risk of loneliness. Some studies support dog ownership as a protection against loneliness, while other studies have suggested the lockdowns can be used to reflect upon the similar restrictions owners impose on their pets on a daily basis. This study evaluated two novel ways to enrich the lives of pet dogs in the home, while also providing benefits to owners. It was hypothesized that a six-week Dog Assisted Mindfulness (DAM) intervention and a Dog Interactions (DI) intervention would positively impact owner-rated loneliness, mindfulness, and owner–dog emotional attachment, compared to a control group. Seventy-three participants were randomly assigned to each group. Mixed methods ANOVAs found no significant main effects of group, nor any group × time interaction effects. Qualitative analyses revealed common experiences among participants in the two active interventions, including enhanced owner–dog connection, and feelings of relaxation, happiness and engagement both during and after participating in the weekly activities. There was also an added benefit of ‘dog happiness’ in the interactions group. Future studies should investigate this in a more objective manner and in the meantime, regular owner–dog interactions should be encouraged, especially during times of extended lockdown

    Puppy love in the time of Corona: dog ownership protects against loneliness for those living alone during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many countries enforcing a ‘lockdown’, whereby people are instructed to stay at home. Aim: The aim of this study was to capture the experience of such a lockdown in Australians living alone, with and without a dog or a cat. Method: Three hundred and eighty-four participants completed an online survey evaluating their levels of loneliness, mindfulness and mood. For participants who owned a dog or a cat, a measure of dog/cat interactions was also administered as well as two open-ended questions about how being a pet owner affected their experience of COVID-19 and how COVID-19 affected their pet. Results: Contrary to expectations, cat owners were found to be less mindful than non-owners and pet interactions did not account for levels of loneliness or levels of mindfulness. In line with our expectations, however, stress and depression positively predicted loneliness, while mindfulness and being a dog owner were protective against it. Insights from qualitative responses suggest that this might be due to the fact that dogs encourage a routine which involves getting out of the house and walking, which itself offers opportunities to socialise with other people doing the same thing. Conclusion: These findings add to the emerging literature on mental well-being during a lockdown and the unique role that pets play in their owners’ experiences

    From Puppy Love to Pet Peeve: What Causes Second/Successor Dog Syndrome in Assistance-Dog Handlers and Companion-Dog Owners?

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    In a Guide Dog population, there is a higher return rate of handlers’ second dog compared with any prior or subsequent dog pairings. This phenomenon is called Second Dog Syndrome (SDS). Qualitative studies have identified defining features of this syndrome in Guide Dog handlers; however, there has been no peer-reviewed study into the experience of SDS in companion-dog owners or handlers of other assistance dogs. As such, this exploratory study aimed to define the SDS experience in companion-dog owners and assistance-dog handlers. Ten participants, all women, were recruited to participate in focus groups for companion-dog owners (n = 5) and assistance-dog handlers (n = 5). Transcripts were analyzed using thematic analysis. SDS was characterized by a strong bond with the previous dog, ongoing bereavement related to the previous dog loss, negative emotions related to the successor dog, and inability to bond with them. This appeared to be due to comparisons made between the successor and previous dog and unmet expectations of the new dog. For companion-dog owners it was also characterized by a fear of getting hurt again; for assistance-dog owners it was an inability to trust the successor dog, differences in work ability, and a threat to their independence. Time since the loss of the previous dog, awareness of the phenomenon of SDS, and support from the community also influenced the SDS experience. One unexpected finding was that SDS was not exclusively linked to second-paired dogs and that it may be more aptly named “Successor Dog Syndrome.” Given that poor outcomes associated with unsuccessful dog–owner bonding may result in relinquishment, this study provides an important first step to being able to quantify the experience of SDS to develop interventions in the future

    Paws for thought: the importance of dogs in a seniors social intervention

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    As Australia faces an aging population with an unprecedented life expectancy, it is the community’s obligation to ensure seniors are offered resources to support their well-being. Studies investigating loneliness in aged-care facilities attest to the therapeutic properties of dogs for residents’ sense of well-being. Consequently, this study aimed to ascertain the effectiveness of a community-based dog lover’s initiative for the self-management of well-being among senior citizens. Our qualitative research investigated whether community gatherings including dogs would produce greater feelings of subjective well-being among senior citizens compared to community gatherings without dogs. A conventional content analysis provided support for the supposition that dogs address some of the unmet needs of senior citizens by increasing well-being. The multitude of benefits provided by this human-animal friendship undeniably merits inclusion as a community initiative aimed at improving both the well-being of our senior citizens and the health of the community at large. It is anticipated that these findings will inspire a new field within social gerontology dedicated to promoting the human-animal bond via community initiatives

    The perceptions and experiences of Australian pet owners as a result of easing COVID-19 restrictions: Insights from an online survey

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    The majority of Australian dog and cat owners living alone during the first COVID‑19 lockdown endorsed the idea that their pet made the isolation easier, reduced feelings of loneliness, and provided companionship. More companionship/a>ention was also the most highly endorsed way pet owners perceived that the lockdown affected their pets. With the advent of the removal of the first lockdown restrictions and an a>empt to return to a ‘COVID normal’ lifestyle, the aim of the current study was to elucidate how pet ownership affected the experience of the easing of restrictions in Australia, and how returning to a state of ‘normalcy’ might have impacted pets. A total of 208 pet owners from Australian states and territories completed an online questionnaire. Participants included 101 dog owners and 107 cat owners. Results revealed that despite official easing of restrictions, ongoing concern of contracting COVID‑19 played a role in participant tendency to continue a reduced level of socialising and going outside the house. As a result, there was minimal perceived behavioural and/or emotional impact on most pets. However, for those who were returning to work and/or a life more outside the home, there were reports that both owners and their pets experienced separation anxiety. Participants also reported that they benefited from interaction with pets while working from home, and therefore implementing more pet‑friendly policies in workplaces should be considered

    A qualitative insight into the removal of the Australian COVID-19 lockdowns on dogs and cats, and their owners

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    The majority of Australian dog and cat owners living alone during the first COVID-19 lockdown endorsed the idea that their pet made the isolation easier, reduced feelings of loneliness, and provided companionship. More companionship/attention was also the most highly endorsed way pet owners perceived that the lockdown affected their pets. With the advent of the removal of the first lockdown restrictions and an attempt to return to a ‘COVID normal’ lifestyle, the aim of the current study was to elucidate how pet ownership affected the experience of the easing of restrictions in Australia, and how returning to a state of ‘normalcy’ might have impacted pets. A total of 208 pet owners from Australian states and territories completed an online questionnaire. Participants included 101 dog owners and 107 cat owners. Results revealed that despite official easing of restrictions, ongoing concern of contracting COVID-19 played a role in participant tendency to continue a reduced level of socialising and going outside the house. As a result, there was minimal perceived behavioural and/or emotional impact on most pets. However, for those who were returning to work and/or a life more outside the home, there were reports that both owners and their pets experienced separation anxiety. Participants also reported that they benefited from interaction with pets while working from home, and therefore implementing more pet-friendly policies in workplaces should be considered

    Paws for Thought: The Importance of Dogs in a Seniors Social Intervention

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    As Australia faces an aging population with an unprecedented life expectancy, it is the community’s obligation to ensure seniors are offered resources to support their well-being. Studies investigating loneliness in aged-care facilities attest to the therapeutic properties of dogs for residents’ sense of well-being. Consequently, this study aimed to ascertain the effectiveness of a community-based dog lover’s initiative for the self-management of well-being among senior citizens. Our qualitative research investigated whether community gatherings including dogs would produce greater feelings of subjective well-being among senior citizens compared to community gatherings without dogs. A conventional content analysis provided support for the supposition that dogs address some of the unmet needs of senior citizens by increasing well-being. The multitude of benefits provided by this human-animal friendship undeniably merits inclusion as a community initiative aimed at improving both the well-being of our senior citizens and the health of the community at large. It is anticipated that these findings will inspire a new field within social gerontology dedicated to promoting the human-animal bond via community initiatives

    New models of Family in socialization of students at the Catholic University Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo 2014

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    En la actualidad la familia está experimentando un sin número de problemas, por seudos conceptos y por el acentuado número de separación y divorcio de los cónyuges. La investigación de tipo cuantitativo, no experimental, con diseño descriptivo de corte transversal pretendió describir los modelos de familia que tienen los estudiantes de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Participaron 765 estudiantes a quienes se aplicó cuestionario con consentimiento informado. Los datos fueron procesados con el paquete estadístico SPSS para Windows versión 19.0, los cuales permitieron concluir que los nuevos modelos familiares no alcanzan su cumbre en relación a la familia nuclear de los estudiantes universitarios.Abstract : Today, the family is experiencing a number of problems, concepts and pseudo accentuated by the number of separation and divorce of the spouses. Quantitative research, not experimental, descriptive design with cross sectional tried to describe family models with students at the Catholic University Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, 765 students who participated questionnaire was applied with informed consent. The data were processed using SPSS for Windows version 19.0, which led to the conclusion that new family models do not reach their peak in relation to the nuclear family of college student

    Diseño del sistema de prevención de riesgos laborales en el área de producción del camal del • gobierno autónomo descentralizado municipal del cantón Otavalo

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    Diseñar un sistema de prevención de riesgos laborales en el área de producción del camal del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del Cantón Otavalo para prevenir accidentes laborales y enfermedades profesionales.El desarrollo del Sistema de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales está destinado para el Camal del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del Cantón Otavalo, empresa dedicada a brindar el servicio de faenamiento, procesado y distribución de productos y subproductos cárnicos, este estudio de investigación fue aplicado a los trabajadores que ejecutan actividades diarias, con el fin de prevenir riesgos o afecciones que se encuentran dentro de ellas evitando posibles accidentes o enfermedades profesionales, basado en normativas legales y vigentes. Para la identificación, medición, evaluación y propuestas de medidas de control se utilizó la matriz de riesgos INSHT, destinada a los faenadores en cada puesto de trabajo, de igual manera se utilizaron diferentes herramientas como Bizagi y Visio para la elaboración de organigramas, diagramas de flujos de los diferentes puestos de trabajo, SIPOC general y dimensiones de las diferentes áreas de la empresa, se usó el software actualizado Ergo Soft Pro-4.0 para la identificación de nivel de riesgos ergonómicos físicos, logrando obtener resultados de los riesgos a los que se encuentran expuestos, por lo que se desarrolló el sistema de prevención de riesgos, el cual cuenta con medidas de prevención, capacitaciones, equipos de protección personal, señalética adecuada al camal, contraincendios correspondiente a los desenlaces con el fin de eliminar, disminuir o prevenir accidentes laborales o enfermedades profesionales, con el propósito de que las actividades destinadas a cada persona sea elaborada de forma confiable y segura, alcanzado así grandes resultados y productos de buena calidad para satisfacción del cliente

    Implementación de un sistema de control interno basado en el informe Coso III y la gestión económica y financiera de la empresa Promaq Perú S.A.C Trujillo - 2018

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Implementación de un sistema de control interno basado en el informe COSO III y la gestión económica y financiera de la empresa Promaq Perú S.A.C., Trujillo - 2018”, tiene como objetivo demostrar que el sistema de control interno contribuye a la mejora de la gestión económica y financiera de la empresa. Este sistema, constituye un medio para proteger los bienes de la entidad, la fiabilidad de la información y promover la eficacia, el cual debe ser ejecutado por todas las personas que conforman una organización. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo se ha empleado el diseño cuasi – experimental donde se aplicaron encuestas y análisis documentario dirigidas al nivel administrativo, financiero y operativo, así mismo se utilizaron los indicadores financieros y el análisis horizontal para evaluar la situación económica y financiera de la empresa en el primer trimestre del año 2017 y 2018. Los hallazgos encontrados en esta tesis, muestran deficiencias como: diseño de políticas, procesos, control del efectivo, control de inventarios, los cuales se ha considerado en la propuesta de la implementación de un sistema de control interno, basado en los cinco componentes del Informe COSO. Finalmente, de los resultados obtenidos en nuestra investigación se demostró que la implementación de un sistema de control permite mejorar la gestión económica y financiera de la empresa.This research work entitled "Implementation of an internal control system based on the COSO III report and the economic and financial management of the company Promaq Perú SAC, Trujillo - 2018"", aims to demonstrate that the internal control system contributes to the improvement of the economic and financial management of the company. This system is a means to protect the assets of the entity, the reliability of information and promote efficiency, which must be executed by all the people who make up an organization. To carry out this work, the quasi - experimental design has been used, where surveys and documentary analysis aimed at the administrative, financial and operational level were applied, as well as financial indicators and horizontal analysis were used to evaluate the economic and financial situation of the company in the first quarter of 2017 and 2018. The findings found in this thesis show deficiencies such as: policy design, processes, cash control, inventory control, which has been considered in the proposal for the implementation of an internal control system, based on the five components of the Report COSO. Finally, the results obtained in our research showed that the implementation of a control system allows improving the economic and financial management of the company.Tesi