2,398 research outputs found

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Results of the white stork (ciconia ciconia) nests census in the communes: Poddębice, Uniejów, Pęczniew and Zadzim in 1984

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    The white Stork (Ciconia ciconia) bred in the communes Poddębice, Uniejów, Pęczniew and Zadzim (Central Poland) in 1984 at a density of 12.8 pairs/100 km2. The mean number of nestlings per nest occupied by a pair was 1.40 and the mean number of nestlings per nest with nestlings was 2.49. 85% of nests were situated on trees and 99% were up to 100 m from buildings. Corrected formulas for calculating values of JZG and JZa were given.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Środki leksykalne w elektronicznych protokołach rozpraw sądowych z 2013 r. (analiza wypowiedzi wnioskodawców)

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nickel-Free and Nickel-Containing Stainless Steel Orthodontic Wires

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    Introduction: In orthodontics, contact dermatitis caused by nickel allergy should be of concern with the number of nickel-containing appliances and wires used. Stainless steel archwires are commonly used throughout orthodontic treatment. With the release of nickel from these wires, some manufacturers have turned to nickel-free stainless steel alternatives. The goal of this research was to compare nickel-free stainless steel with traditional stainless steel archwires with regard to mechanical properties and microstructure. Materials and Methods: Nickel-free stainless steel and regular stainless steel archwires from four companies were included. Five random samples of each wire, vertically mounted in fast-set acrylic, were indented three times to determine their Vickers microhardness. Force deflection properties were investigated with the three point bending test in which fifteen random samples of each wire were tested. Wire samples were horizontally mounted in fast-set acrylic, acid-etched for variable amounts of time, and then analyzed with a metallurgical microscope to assess microstructure. All quantitative data were compared using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a 0.05 significance level with a Tukey\u27s HSD (honest significant difference) test post hoc analysis, when necessary. Results: Vickers microhardness number, activation stiffness, elastic recovery, and activation bending force values were calculated for each sample. Activation modulus showed no significant differences between Dentaurum wires. All wires were statistically different when considering percent recovery. Scheu and Dentaurum stainless steel wires were statistically similar to the respective nickel-free alternatives when investigating activation stiffness. Scheu Chromium bending force values were always greater than Scheu Menzanium. Acme Monaco\u27s nickel-free alternative had force values greater than Acme stainless steel. Force values for Dentaurum wires through 1.0 mm of deflection showed no significant differences. Nickel-free alternatives and stainless steel wires manufactured by Scheu, Acme-Monaco, and Pozzi/Leone showed no statistical significant difference with regards to microhardness values. Microstructure analysis revealed differences between grain structure and sizes between all wires. Conclusions: Dentaurum Remanium and Noninium archwires appear to have the most similarities with regards to the mechanical and microstructure properties investigated in this study. With regards to the mechanical properties tested, nickel-free stainless steel may be a viable alternative to traditional stainless steel archwires

    George Herbert’s Metaphorical Textures

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    Der Aufsatz untersucht Struktur und Funktion der konzeptuellen Metapher (conceit) in der metaphysischen Dichtung des 17. Jahrhunderts. Am Beispiel zweier Gedichte von George Herbert, „Love (3)“ und „Easter Wings“, wird gezeigt, wie poetische Texte mit ihrer äußersten, paradoxen Herausforderung umgehen: „mit anderen Worten“ das zu sagen, was sich als Verborgenes und Transzendentes der sprachlichen Verfügung, zugleich jeder räumlichen Repräsentation entzieht

    Oppressions and turning points in the fate of the contemporary migrant – Polish-German writer-wanderer Artur Becker and his novel ,Chopin’s Heart’

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    The following article aims at presenting the main emigration-related interpretative aspects of Becker’s prose and attempts to put them in the context of the post-colonial theories. The characters created by Artur Becker, who calls himself a “Polish writer of German language”, roam continually between the old and the new fatherland and struggle with the feeling of not belonging to any of these worlds. The experience of alienation in foreign country stems from a “transition” in a double sense: on the one side a physical change of the place of residence to Germany which means crossing the “mystical” frontier between the East and the West and on the other a fruitful caesura: the crisis of the identity leads the protagonists of Becker to the conclusion that this hybridity constitutes an intellectual potential and an existential skill.In the introduction, the foundations of the Postcolonial Theories will be outlined, with the emphasis on the concept of Homi Bhabha which postulates that the fluidity of identity forming in a symbolic “third space”, enables the cultural hybridity. Subsequently, after a short presentation of the characters and the work of Artur Becker, the research will focus on the novel Das Herz von Chopin (Chopin’s Heart), in which the main character – a financially successful car dealer who emigrated from the communistic Poland to Germany almost 20 years ago while being internally conflicted begins to explore a zone betwixt-and-between to find his own way to happiness. The following article aims at presenting the main emigration-related interpretative aspects of Becker’s prose and attempts to put them in the context of the post-colonial theories. The characters created by Artur Becker, who calls himself a “Polish writer of German language”, roam continually between the old and the new fatherland and struggle with the feeling of not belonging to any of these worlds. The experience of alienation in foreign country stems from a “transition” in a double sense: on the one side a physical change of the place of residence to Germany which means crossing the “mystical” frontier between the East and the West and on the other a fruitful caesura: the crisis of the identity leads the protagonists of Becker to the conclusion that this hybridity constitutes an intellectual potential and an existential skill.In the introduction, the foundations of the Postcolonial Theories will be outlined, with the emphasis on the concept of Homi Bhabha which postulates that the fluidity of identity forming in a symbolic “third space”, enables the cultural hybridity. Subsequently, after a short presentation of the characters and the work of Artur Becker, the research will focus on the novel Das Herz von Chopin (Chopin’s Heart), in which the main character – a financially successful car dealer who emigrated from the communistic Poland to Germany almost 20 years ago while being internally conflicted begins to explore a zone betwixt-and-between to find his own way to happiness.

    Andrey Zvyagintsev’s Loveless as the remediation of Mikhail Bulgakov’s The heart of a dog. Towards the question of cultural memory

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    The article aims to examine the relationship between two texts: Loveless (Нелюбовь, 2017), the latest of Andrey Zvyagintsev’s feature films, and The Heart of a Dog (Собачье сердце, 1925), one of Mikhail Bulgakov’s most popular short stories. The studies are focused on finding the parallels showing the work of cultural memory, which is understood – following Aleida Assmann’s and Astrid Erll’s findings – as the process of continuous remediation, retranscription and negotiation of essential ideas in the space of culture. Consequently, the author is not interested in treating Zvyagintsev’s text as the illustration of Bulgakov’s plot, but rather in discussing certain topics which are deposited in Russian literature and constantly reused and reinterpreted, creating the framework for communication across ‘the abyss of time’. The analogies between the selected texts are sought in the area of their structure, some thematic overlapping, the authors’ approach to the issue of the authoritarian ideology and the role of technology as well as in exploring the function of space as one of the narrative mechanisms, in particular in the context of the category of home and anti-home.The article aims to examine the relationship between two texts: Loveless (Нелюбовь, 2017), the latest of Andrey Zvyagintsev’s feature films, and The Heart of a Dog (Собачье сердце, 1925), one of Mikhail Bulgakov’s most popular short stories. The studies are focused on finding the parallels showing the work of cultural memory, which is understood – following Aleida Assmann’s and Astrid Erll’s findings – as the process of continuous remediation, retranscription and negotiation of essential ideas in the space of culture. Consequently, the author is not interested in treating Zvyagintsev’s text as the illustration of Bulgakov’s plot, but rather in discussing certain topics which are deposited in Russian literature and constantly reused and reinterpreted, creating the framework for communication across ‘the abyss of time’. The analogies between the selected texts are sought in the area of their structure, some thematic overlapping, the authors’ approach to the issue of the authoritarian ideology and the role of technology as well as in exploring the function of space as one of the narrative mechanisms, in particular in the context of the category of home and anti-home