222 research outputs found

    International Migration and Real Wages

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    We provide an analysis of the impact of migration on the skilled- unskilled wage gap. In particular, we show the possibility of a rise in the wage gap following the migration of skilled (unskilled ) labor.

    Market Interconnection and Wages

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    We study the impacts of terms trade changes on absolute and the real wages of skilled and unskilled labor and their gaps for an economy specialized in export production. We show an interesting result where wage behavior as well as the skilled-unskilled wage gap depend on elasticity of import demand, unlike in 3x2 classical-neoclassical specic-factor model of trade. Although, our analysis is in the spirit of Stolper-Samuelson theorem, given the structure of our model, factor intensity plays no role in our results as in the specic-factor model.skilled-unskilled labor, wage gap, terms of trade

    A Simulation Experiment of a Customs Union

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    Here a numerical simulation model, implemented in Excel, that can be used to expand student understanding of the theory of customs unions is presented. The model allows examination of core customs union issues including trade creation, trade diversion, and the KempWan theorem. By responding to an experimental assignment that guides them through the simulation, students are able to learn the theory in a hands-on manner. We also attempt to measure the effectiveness of our approach, and find evidence to suggest exposure to simulation improves student outcomes.

    Mapping Immigrant Children’s Ethnoracialized Identities in Canada: K–5 Muslim Students Share Stories with their Mothers

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    This study investigates the schooling experiences of K–5 Muslim immigrant children to address the underexplored area of post-migration schooling within the Canadian context. Centered on the stories K–5 children share with their mothers, the study focuses on students’ identity formation, sense of belonging, and academic performance. Theoretically grounded in critical race theory and decolonial education as conceptual frameworks, the research explores the multi-dimensional experiences of immigrant children, moving beyond the monolithic narratives often enacted by dominant power structures. Utilizing a qualitative methodological approach, the study engages 10 Muslim-identifying mothers in semi-structured interviews, revealing insights about the role of mothers as knowledge holders and validating K–5 immigrant students’ schooling experiences. Findings indicate key themes including subtractive teacher practices, subversive allyship, racialization, marginalization, and the interplay of identity and religion. The study proposes targeted recommendations for school-based supports, teaching practice, and programs of teacher education to address post-migration schooling challenges.Cette Ă©tude analyse les expĂ©riences scolaires d’enfants immigrants musulmans, de la maternelle Ă  la 5e annĂ©e au Canada, axĂ©es sur la formation de l’identitĂ©, le sentiment d’appartenance et la performance scolaire. BasĂ©e sur la thĂ©orie critique de la race et l’éducation dĂ©coloniale, elle explore les expĂ©riences multidimensionnelles des enfants, allant au-delĂ  des rĂ©cits monolithiques vĂ©hiculĂ©s par les structures de pouvoir dominantes. Utilisant une approche mĂ©thodologique qualitative, l’étude implique 10 mĂšres musulmanes dans des entretiens semi-structurĂ©s, rĂ©vĂ©lant le rĂŽle des mĂšres en tant que dĂ©tentrices de savoir et validant les expĂ©riences scolaires des Ă©lĂšves immigrants. Les rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence des thĂšmes clĂ©s tels que les pratiques soustractives des enseignants, l’alliance subversive, la racialisation, la marginalisation, et l’interaction entre l’identitĂ© et la religion. L’étude propose des recommandations ciblĂ©es pour les soutiens scolaires, les pratiques pĂ©dagogiques, et les programmes de formation des enseignants afin d’aborder les dĂ©fis de la scolarisation post-migratoire

    Production of Fermentable Sugars from Energy Cane Bagasse

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    Lignocellulosic biomass contains cellulose and hemicellulose which are composed of hexose and pentose sugars. These sugars can be used in the sustainable production of fuels and chemicals. However, the recalcitrant nature of lignocellulosic biomass makes this conversion a challenging process. An effective pretreatment can remove lignin, solubilize the hemicellulose, decrease cellulose crystallinity, and prepare the biomass for enzymatic hydrolysis and conversion into green renewable chemicals. The research study presented in this dissertation addressed some of the challenges associated with the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into green fuels and chemicals. This study was divided into three main goals. The first goal was to optimize a liquid ammonium hydroxide pretreatment for energy cane bagasse for maximum sugar yields via Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Optimum pretreatment conditions for maximum glucose yield were 208°C, for 36 min and ammonium hydroxide to biomass ratio of 0.4:1. A yield of 30.77 g glucose and 3.99 g xylose was predicted per 100 g of untreated biomass (dry weight). The quadratic models were found reliable within the design space. The second goal of this study was to evaluate the interaction effect of cellulase (CellicŸ CTec2), xylanase (CellicŸ HTec2), and laccase along with a non-ionic surfactant (TweenŸ 80) on the cellulose digestibility of unwashed and post-washed pretreated substrate. Highest cellulose digestibilities observed were 84.30% and 97.10% for values set within the design range for the unwashed and washed biomass, respectively. Optimum enzymatic hydrolysis conditions for unwashed substrate were 19.39% CTec2, 12.04% HTec2, 46.32 IU/g laccase, and 10.15% TweenŸ 80; and for washed substrate were 16.90% CTec2, 14.17% HTec2, 34.64 IU/g laccase, and 14.86%TweenŸ 80. The third and last goal of this research study involved assessing six hydrophobic imidazolium-based ionic liquids in the liquid-liquid extraction and recovery of non-sugar compounds (i.e., phenolic compounds, organic acids, and furans) from enzymatically hydrolyzed dilute ammonia pretreated energy cane bagasse hydrolysates. Phenolic compounds were considerably removed from the hydrolysates by all six ionic liquids, followed by furfural and 5-HMF; however, formic acid and acetic acid failed to partition. No more than two regenerations of these ionic liquids are recommended

    The prognostic impact of EGFR, ErbB2 and MET gene amplification in human gastric carcinomas as measured by quantitative Real-Time PCR

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    Purpose: Identification of critical genes which play pivotal roles in controlling tumor growth and survival will establish the basis for developing therapeutic targets. In this study, we focused on frequencies of EGFR, ErbB2 and MET gene amplification in gastric cancer patients to develop personalized medicine to improve the treatment. Method: EGFR, ErbB2 and MET gene amplification, and mRNA expression were analyzed by the quantitative Real-Time PCR in paraffin-embedded samples from 115 patients with gastric cancer. Results: EGFR, ErbB2 and MET genes were amplified in 11.3 % (13/115), 6.1 % (7/115) and 19.1 % (22/115) of cancerous specimens, respectively. The correlation coefficient test clearly indicated that gene amplification in these three genes was positively correlated with mRNA transcription (EGFR: R = 0.631, p = 0.009; ErbB2: R = 0.652, p = 0.023; MET: R = 0.715, p < 0.001). EGFR and MET gene amplification was significantly associated with Ki-67 MI (p = 0.022 and p = 0.015). MET amplification was also significantly associated with age of ≄60 years (p = 0.021) and tumor size of ≄5 cm (p = 0.032). MET amplification, but not EGFR and ErbB2, was a significant prognostic factor in poor survival among patients with gastric cancer. Conclusions: EGFR, ErbB2 and MET genes are frequently amplified in gastric carcinoma. EGFR, ErbB2 and MET gene amplification is positively correlated with mRNA transcription. MET gene amplification correlates with a poor prognosis and poor survival in gastric carcinomas. © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Does Foreign Aid Impede Foreign Investment?

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    This paper investigates the impact of foreign aid on foreign investment when foreign aid is used to finance a public consumption good. By formulating and analyzing a three-good general equilibrium model, we show that such foreign aid could crowd out foreign investment, given a factor intensity condition

    Neoliberal Elements in Canadian Teacher Education: Challenges and Possibilities

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    This article offers a critical reflection of the changes experienced in teacher education across Canada in light of the neoliberal impact on educational spaces. It also seeks to disrupt the neoliberal narrative and problematize a rationality that has permeated teacher education programs. The article maintains that the neoliberal agenda is incompatible with critical educational practices. As a mode of critical resistance to educational instrumentalism, the paper offers recommendations as part of its critique on the deleterious impact of neoliberalism.Cet article offre une rĂ©flexion critique des changements dĂ©coulant de l’impact nĂ©olibĂ©ral sur les milieux Ă©ducatifs qui touchent la formation des enseignants partout au Canada. L’article veut Ă©galement perturber la thĂ©orie nĂ©olibĂ©rale et problĂ©matiser une rationalitĂ© qui s’est infiltrĂ©e dans les programmes de formation des enseignants. L’article affirme que le programme nĂ©olibĂ©ral est incompatible avec des pratiques Ă©ducatives cruciales. Comme Ă©lĂ©ment de sa critique de l’impact nĂ©faste du nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme, l’article propose des recommandations en guise de moyens de rĂ©sistance critique Ă  l’instrumentalisme en Ă©ducation.Mots clĂ©s : nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme, formation des enseignants justice sociale, instrumentalisme 

    Foreign Direct Investment, Non-Traded Goods and Real Wages

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    Using a three‐sector general equilibrium model with non‐traded goods, we investigate the impact of foreign direct investment on the real wages of skilled and unskilled workers. We show that foreign direct investment increases the real wages of skilled and unskilled workers alike, but widens the gap between the two under plausible conditions
