7 research outputs found


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    Sampah plastik merupakan salah satu ancaman serius bagi ekosistem laut. Sampah plastik yang tersebar dilautan mengakibatkan penyumbatan, komplikasi, hingga kematian organisme laut. Tujuan dilaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran kepada remaja desa tentang bahaya sampah plastik terhadap ekosistem laut, dan memberikan arahan serta pengetahuan kepada mereka tentang bahaya yang akan ditimbulkan. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6 Februari Tahun 2022 di Pulau Dua, Desa Ujong Pulau Reyeuk, Kabupaten Aceh Selatan. Pelaksanaan sosialisasi dilaksanakan dalam beberapa tahap sebagai berikut: (1) Tahap Persiapan meliputi kebutuhan bahan logistik meliputi hand sanitizer, trash bag, spanduk sebagai informasi mengenai bahaya sampah plastik bagi ekosistem laut, (2) Tahap kegiatan meliputi penyisiran dan mengelilingi pulau dua untuk mengambil/memungut sampah; pemberikan atensi terhadap relawan yang ikut membantu dalam pengambilan sampah di Pulau Dua, (3) Tahap Pembuangan sampah ke dalam bak sampah yang disediakan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Selatan; serta edukasi melalui pemasangan spanduk mengenai menjaga lingkungan laut dengan tidak membuang sampah. Sampah plastik yang telah ditemukan di Pulau Dua Aceh Selatan menunjukkan bahwa minimnya kesadaran masyarakat mengenai kebersihan pesisir dan pantai. Oleh karena itu, pemeliharaan wilayah pesisir dan pantai di Pulau dua Aceh Selatan perlu ditingkatkan melalui himbauan dan saran edukasi agar masyarakat lebih peduli dalam menjaga lingkungan dan produktif dalam pengembangan ekosistem laut yang berkelanjuta


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    Readability level of marine texts do influences cadets’ ability in comprehending Maritime English reading materials. This research investigates the readability level of texts in English for Mariners, an English Maritime coursebook published by Language Competence Certification Tools for the Vocations (LCCTV) used for first-year cadets at West Sumatera Merchant Marine Polytechnic. To this end, 10 selected texts from 10 units were analysed. The Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease was utilized as readability formula to assess the readability level of texts. The findings revealed that 10% text was categorized as extremely difficult, 30% texts were difficult, 30% texts were fairly difficult, 10% text was average, 10% text was fairly easy, and 10% text was easy to read. Thus, English for mariners coursebook is readable for cadets even though few texts are too easy to comprehend

    Minapadi productivity with a combination of legowo technology and local fish

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    Minapadi is a fish rearing system in rice fields that is carried out with rice plants. This study aims to increase the income of farmers with high productivity of rice yields and increase the production of endemic fish. The method used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) experiment with four treatments and 3 replications. PThe treatments are: A1B1 (Legowo 2:1 and giant prawns), A1B2 (legowo 2:1 and fish serukan), A2B1 (legowo 4:1 and giant prawns), and A2B2 (legowo 4:1 and fish serukan). This research was conducted for 90 days in the rice fields of Lango Village, Pante Ceureumen District, West Aceh Regency. Parameters observed were rice productivity, fish growth and business analysis.The results showed that the best treatment was A1B1 (4:1 legowo and giant prawns) with generate value rice productivity average as big as 5 kg/plot, and the average value of the growth of giant prawns is 3.62 g/head and fish serukan is 37.17 g/head. From the results of this study, the application of the Minapadi system with giant prawns and fish with legowo 4:1 gave a positive impact on the observed parameters (P<0.05), annd provide benefits to farmers

    The effect of different stock densities on the performance of giant prawns (

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    Minapadi is a prawn rearing system in rice fields that is carried out with rice plants. This study aims to increase the income of farmers with high productivity of rice yields and increase the production of giant prawns. The method used is a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) experiment with 3 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were : P1 = stocking density of 100 ind/plot, P2 = stocking density of 200 ind/plot, P3 = stocking density of 300 ind/plot. This research was conducted for 90 days. Parameters observed were rice productivity and growth. The results showed that the best treatment was P2 = stocking density of 200 ind/plot. By producing an average rice productivity of 5.5 kg/50 m2 and the average relative growth rate of 4.72%. From the results of this study, the application of the Minapadi system with giant prawns had a positive impact on the observed parameters (P<0.05) and thus will provide benefits for farmers


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    Masalah siswa tidak mampu berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris karena masalah linguistik dan psikologis masih banyak terjadi di kelas bahasa Inggris saat ini, seperti yang terjadi di SMPN 6 Kecamatan Meureubo, Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Para siswa memiliki kosakata bahasa Inggris dan waktu praktik yang terbatas serta tidak percaya diri untuk berbicara. Literatur menunjukkan bahwa teknik Information Gap dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk membantu memecahkan masalah berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa dengan menerapkan teknik Information Gap dalam kegiatan mengajar. Teknik tersebut diterapkan pada topik Pengenalan Diri untuk siswa Kelas VII. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada 19 Oktober 2021 selama satu hari. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah siswa menunjukkan semangat untuk berusaha berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, siswa setuju bahwa teknik ini bermanfaat bagi mereka untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara. Disarankan bagi para guru di SMPN 6 Meureubo untuk tetap menerapkan teknik Information Gap dalam pembelajaran berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas

    Probing the Impacts of MBKM Programs on Students’ Soft and Hard Skills

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    Both soft skills and hard skills are vital to competence graduates’ competence in developing their potential according to their respective interests and skills. In line with these demands, this research aimed at exploring the impact of implementing MBKM on the improvement of soft skills and hard skills of Teuku Umar University students. The object studied are aspects of soft skills including communication skills, responsibility, honesty, fairness, ability to work together, adaptation, tolerance, respect for others, decision-making abilities and problem-solving abilities. Meanwhile, the components of the hard skills studied were foreign language skills, IT skills, reasoning skills, problem-solving skills, collaboration skills, understanding skills and creative thinking skills. The subjects of this study were Teuku Umar University students who had taken the MBKM program. The data were analyzed descriptively by using the percentage of each aspect of soft skills and hard skills. It was found that after joining the MBKM Program, first: students’ soft skills regarding the ability to communicate, responsibility, honest attitude, ability to use technology, to adapt, to be fair, to have cooperative and tolerant attitude, attitude, o respect others, and to make decisions increased up to 98%. Second, regarding the hard skills such as the ability to understand, the ability to reason, problem-solving skills, the ability to connect with other people, the ability to think creatively, the increased is reaching 96.6%. It is concluded that after joining the MBKM programs, the students’ softskills excel as expected

    Persepsi Masyarakat Pesisir Tentang Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan

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    Covid-19 has hit the world, including Indonesia and Aceh in particular. This community dedication was carried out on the basis existence of positive cases in Nagan Raya area, Aceh. Meetings and direct banquets attended by many people, as well as community gatherings solely for togetherness to strengthen and build up friendships were still carried out without fully implement health protocol. Additionally, the marine beauty of beaches in Kuala Pesisir sub-district makes this coastal area still crowded even though in a pandemic condition. By considering these facts, the community dedication team held observations related to the perceptions of coastal communities about the implementation of health protocols. The target of this service was 30-50 years old households. The service was executed through observation, data collection and drawing conclusions. The results of the service showed that only 15% of coastal communities target service follow full implementation of health protocol. Therefore, it is highly recommended that coastal communities have the awareness to implement health protocols so that the spread of Covid-19 can be suppresse