37 research outputs found
Local Development and Social Capital: The Case of Sotkamo
The paper discusses the role of social capital in the dramatic structural change that has taken place in the rural municipality of Sotkamo in north-eastern Finland. The main approach of this study is to observe the formation and use of social capital in important local events. Earlier definitions of local development have been based on factors such as natural resources, labour force, machines and tools, technology, knowledge and skills. The explanation based on social capital focuses on factors which increase and improve co-operation. Important issues of social capital are the existing rules of behaviour, the networks mediating these rules, and the trust amongst members of society that these rules are respected. In the case of Sotkamo the change has been the rise of tourism. Simultaneously this has meant the rise of Vuokatti as the central place in regional and local development. The paper is based on a questionnaire study and key-person interviews in Sotkamo. The paper discusses the following themes: What kind of actors and networks are participating in local development? Which actors are regarded as trustworthy in local development? What kinds of changes have occurred in the local identity and image? What kinds of struggles and coalitions of local power can be recognised? Results are analysed in the framework of social capital and local development. The study concludes that 'balanced' local development may take place, if the locality has the capacity of building networks that can meet the challenges of the future. Such networks should unite actors using both traditional local resources and new resources from outside of the locality. An important challenge is to balance the demands of economic restructuring and those of local community cohesion. This paper is based on the Finnish national study RESTRIM (Restructuring in Marginal Rural Areas: the role of social capital in rural development), a project that is funded by the European Union (for more, see http://www.abdn.ac.uk/arkleton/RESTRIM/).
Local Development and Social Capital: The Case of Sotkamo
The paper discusses the role of social capital in the dramatic structural change that has taken place in the rural municipality of Sotkamo in north-eastern Finland. The main approach of this study is to observe the formation and use of social capital in important local events. Earlier definitions of local development have been based on factors such as natural resources, labour force, machines and tools, technology, knowledge and skills. The explanation based on social capital focuses on factors which increase and improve co-operation. Important issues of social capital are the existing rules of behaviour, the networks mediating these rules, and the trust amongst members of society that these rules are respected. In the case of Sotkamo the change has been the rise of tourism. Simultaneously this has meant the rise of Vuokatti as the central place in regional and local development. The paper is based on a questionnaire study and key-person interviews in Sotkamo. The paper discusses the following themes: What kind of actors and networks are participating in local development? Which actors are regarded as trustworthy in local development? What kinds of changes have occurred in the local identity and image? What kinds of struggles and coalitions of local power can be recognised? Results are analysed in the framework of social capital and local development. The study concludes that 'balanced' local development may take place, if the locality has the capacity of building networks that can meet the challenges of the future. Such networks should unite actors using both traditional local resources and new resources from outside of the locality. An important challenge is to balance the demands of economic restructuring and those of local community cohesion. This paper is based on the Finnish national study RESTRIM (Restructuring in Marginal Rural Areas: the role of social capital in rural development), a project that is funded by the European Union (for more, see http://www.abdn.ac.uk/arkleton/RESTRIM/)
Glycoprotein YKL-40 Levels in Plasma Are Associated with Fibrotic Changes on HRCT in Asbestos-Exposed Subjects
YKL-40 is a chitinase-like glycoprotein produced by alternatively activated macrophages that are associated with wound healing and fibrosis. Asbestosis is a chronic asbestos-induced lung disease, in which injury of epithelial cells and activation of alveolar macrophages lead to enhanced collagen production and fibrosis. We studied if YKL-40 is related to inflammation, fibrosis, and/or lung function in subjects exposed to asbestosis. Venous blood samples were collected from 85 men with moderate or heavy occupational asbestos exposure and from 28 healthy, age-matched controls. Levels of plasma YKL-40, CRP, IL-6, adipsin, and MMP-9 were measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Plasma YKL-40 levels were significantly higher in subjects with asbestosis (n=19) than in those with no fibrotic findings in HRCT following asbestos exposure (n=66) or in unexposed healthy controls. In asbestos-exposed subjects, plasma YKL-40 correlated negatively with lung function capacity parameters FVC (Pearson’s r −0.259, p=0.018) and FEV1 (Pearson’s r −0.240, p=0.028) and positively with CRP (Spearman’s rho 0.371, p<0.001), IL-6 (Spearman’s rho 0.314, p=0.003), adipsin (Spearman’s rho 0.459, p<0.001), and MMP-9 (Spearman’s rho 0.243, p=0.025). The present finding suggests YKL-40 as a biomarker associated with fibrosis and inflammation in asbestos-exposed subjects
High alveolar nitric oxide is associated with steeper lung function decline in foundry workers
Occupational dust exposure induces inflammatory responses that often precede the onset of clinical disease. Inflammation in the peripheral part of the lung can be demonstrated by measuring the alveolar NO concentration (CANO) in exhaled breath. The aim of the study was to assess whether cumulative dust exposure affects the change in CANO during follow-up and whether baseline CANO can predict an impairment in lung function during follow-up in foundry workers. We examined 74 dust-exposed and 42 nonexposed foundry workers and measured CANO and lung function at baseline and after 7 years of follow-up. An increase in CANO during the follow-up period was positively associated with cumulative dust exposure in foundry work (p= 0.035). Furthermore, a higher baseline CANO was associated with an accelerated decline in the forced vital capacity (FVC) during the follow-up period (absolute decrease in FVCp= 0.021, relative decrease in FVCp= 0.017). Higher cumulative dust exposure in foundry work is associated with a greater increase in CANO during follow-up, suggesting ongoing pulmonary inflammation in these subjects. Importantly, a high baseline CANO is associated with an accelerated decline in lung function, suggesting that CANO measurements might serve as a screening tool for high-risk workers.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe
An Increase in Plasma Adipsin Levels Is Associated With Higher Cumulative Dust Exposure and Airway Obstruction in Foundry Workers
Objective The aim of the study was to assess whether plasma adipokine levels (adipsin, adiponectin, leptin, and resistin) are associated with pulmonary function in foundry workers. Methods We examined 65 dust-exposed foundry workers and 40 nonexposed controls and analyzed their lung function and plasma adipokine levels at baseline and after approximately 7 years of follow-up. Results A higher increase in plasma adipsin was associated with the development of airway obstruction in exposed subjects during follow-up after adjusting for body mass index changes during the follow-up period. Furthermore, the increase in adipsin levels was positively associated with cumulative dust exposure even after adjusting for smoking and body mass index changes during follow-up (P = 0.015). Conclusion The results suggest that plasma adipsin is involved in the pathogenesis of subclinical airway inflammation and the development of chronic obstruction and is induced by occupational dust exposure.Peer reviewe
Miksi ammattitaudit vähenevät?: Mitkä asiat selittävät alueelliset erot ammattitautien määrissä Suomessa ja kokonaismäärän muutokset?
Ammattitaudit kertovat työoloista ja siksi niiden lukumäärien muutokset ovat kiinnostavia. Rekisteriin ilmoitettujen tapausmäärien vaihteluiden syyt osoittautuivat kiinnostaviksi ja moninaisiksi. Suurimpia vaikuttajia olivat kuitenkin yhteiskunnan ja yritysten panostukset työolojen kehittämiseen ja työterveyshuoltoon.
Ammattitaudit ja ammattitautiepäilyt kertyvät Työperäisten sairauksien rekisteriin varsin kattavasti. Raportissa on ehdotuksia rekisterin kehittämiseksi avoimempaan ja analyyttisempään suuntaan, jotta työsuojelu- ja työterveystyö tehostuisivat entisestään
Työterveysyhteistyöllä vaikuttavuutta työkyvyn tukeen
Tavoitteellinen työturvallisuuden, terveyden ja työkyvyn edistämiseen tähtäävä toiminta luo mahdollisuuden työntekijöiden parempaan terveyteen ja työkykyyn.
Toiminnan avulla on saavutettavissa myös myönteisiä taloudellisia vaikutuksia.
Samalla luodaan hyvää ilmapiiriä sekä lisätään luottamusta ja työmotivaatiota.
Tavoitteet toteutuvat työpaikan, työterveyshuollon ja tarvittavien muiden toimijoiden yhteistyöllä. Onnistunut yhteistyö lisää keskinäistä luottamusta