67 research outputs found

    SNARE dynamics during melanosome maturation

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    Historically, studies on the maturation and intracellular transport of melanosomes in melanocytes have greatly contributed to elucidating the general mechanisms of intracellular transport in many different types of mammalian cells. During melanosome maturation, melanosome cargoes including melanogenic enzymes (e.g. tyrosinase) are transported from endosomes to immature melanosomes by membrane trafficking, which must require a membrane fusion process likely regulated by SNAREs [soluble NSF (N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor) attachment protein receptors]. In the present study, we review the literature concerning the expression and function of SNAREs (e.g. v-SNARE vesicle-associated membrane protein 7 and t-SNAREs syntaxin-3/13 and synaptosomal-associated protein-23) in melanocytes, especially in regard to the fusion process in which melanosome cargoes are finally delivered to immature melanosomes. We also describe the recent discovery of the SNARE recycling system on mature melanosomes in melanocytes. Such SNARE dynamics, especially the SNARE recycling system, on melanosomes will be useful in understanding as yet unidentified SNARE dynamics on other organelles

    The RAB2B-GARIL5 Complex Promotes Cytosolic DNA-Induced Innate Immune Responses

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    Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) is a cytosolic DNA sensor that induces the IFN antiviral response. However, the regulatory mechanisms that mediate cGAS-triggered signaling have not been fully explored. Here, we show the involvement of a small GTPase, RAB2B, and its effector protein, Golgi-associated RAB2B interactor-like 5 (GARIL5), in the cGAS-mediated IFN response. RAB2B-deficiency affects the IFN response induced by cytosolic DNA. Consistent with this, RAB2B deficiency enhances replication of vaccinia virus, a DNA virus. After DNA stimulation, RAB2B colocalizes with stimulator of interferon genes (STING), the downstream signal mediator of cGAS, on the Golgi apparatus. The GTP-binding activity of RAB2B is required for its localization on the Golgi apparatus and for recruitment of GARIL5. GARIL5 deficiency also affects the IFN response induced by cytosolic DNA and enhances replication of vaccinia virus. These findings indicate that the RAB2B-GARIL5 complex promotes IFN responses against DNA viruses by regulating the cGAS-STING signaling axis

    The RAB2B-GARIL5 Complex Promotes Cytosolic DNA-Induced Innate Immune Responses

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    Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) is a cytosolic DNA sensor that induces the IFN antiviral response. However, the regulatory mechanisms that mediate cGAS-triggered signaling have not been fully explored. Here, we show the involvement of a small GTPase, RAB2B, and its effector protein, Golgi-associated RAB2B interactor-like 5 (GARIL5), in the cGAS-mediated IFN response. RAB2B-deficiency affects the IFN response induced by cytosolic DNA. Consistent with this, RAB2B deficiency enhances replication of vaccinia virus, a DNA virus. After DNA stimulation, RAB2B colocalizes with stimulator of interferon genes (STING), the downstream signal mediator of cGAS, on the Golgi apparatus. The GTP-binding activity of RAB2B is required for its localization on the Golgi apparatus and for recruitment of GARIL5. GARIL5 deficiency also affects the IFN response induced by cytosolic DNA and enhances replication of vaccinia virus. These findings indicate that the RAB2B-GARIL5 complex promotes IFN responses against DNA viruses by regulating the cGAS-STING signaling axis

    Physiological function of phospholipase D2 in anti-tumor immunity: regulation of CD8+ T lymphocyte proliferation

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    Two major phospholipase D (PLD) isozymes in mammals, PLD1 and PLD2, hydrolyze the membrane phospholipid phosphatidylcholine to choline and the lipid messenger phosphatidic acid. Although their roles in cancer cells have been well studied, their functions in tumor microenvironment have not yet been clarified. Here, we demonstrate that PLD2 in cytotoxic CD8+ T cells plays a crucial role in anti-tumor immunity by regulating their cell proliferation. We found that growth of tumors formed by subcutaneously transplanted cancer cells is enhanced in Pld2-knockout mice. Interestingly, this phenotype was found to be at least in part attributable to the ablation of Pld2 from bone marrow cells. The number of CD8+ T cells, which induce cancer cell death, significantly decreased in the tumor produced in Pld2-knockout mice. In addition, CD3/CD28-stimulated proliferation of primary cultured splenic CD8+ T cells is markedly suppressed by Pld2 ablation. Finally, CD3/CD28-dependent activation of Erk1/2 and Ras is inhibited in Pld2-deleted CD8+ T cells. Collectively, these results indicate that PLD2 in CD8+ T cells plays a key role in their proliferation through activation of the Ras/Erk signaling pathway, thereby regulating anti-tumor immunity

    Arf6 in lymphatic endothelial cells regulates lymphangiogenesis by controlling directional cell migration

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    The small GTPase Arf6 plays pivotal roles in a wide variety of cellular events such as endocytosis, exocytosis, and actin cytoskeleton reorganization. However, the physiological functions of Arf6 at the whole animal level have not yet been thoroughly understood. Here, we show that Arf6 regulates developmental and tumor lymphangiogenesis in mice. Lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC)-specific Arf6 conditional knockout (LEC-Arf6 cKO) mouse embryos exhibit severe skin edema and impairment in the formation of lymphatic vessel network at the mid-gestation stage. Knockdown of Arf6 in human LECs inhibits in vitro capillary tube formation and directed cell migration induced by vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) by inhibiting VEGF-C-induced internalization of β1 integrin. Finally, we found that LEC-Arf6 cKO mice transplanted with B16 melanoma cells attenuated tumor lymphangiogenesis and progression. Collectively, these results demonstrate that Arf6 in LECs plays a crucial role in physiological and pathological lymphangiogenesis

    Regulation of HGF-induced hepatocyte proliferation by the small GTPase Arf6 through the PIP2-producing enzyme PIP5K1A

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    HGF and its receptor c-Met are critical molecules in various biological processes. Others and we have previously shown that the small GTPase Arf6 plays a pivotal role in HGF signaling in hepatocytes. However, the molecular mechanism of how Arf6 regulates HGF signaling is unclear. Here, we show that Arf6 plays an important role in HGF-stimulated hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration through the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2)-producing enzyme PIP5K1A. We find that knockdown of Arf6 and PIP5K1A in HepG2 cells inhibits HGF-stimulated proliferation, Akt activation, and generation of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) and its precursor PIP2. Interestingly, PIP5K1A is recruited to c-Met upon HGF stimulation in an Arf6 activity-dependent manner. Finally, we show that hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy are suppressed in Pip5k1a knockout mice. These results provide insight into the molecular mechanism for HGF-stimulated hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration: Arf6 recruits PIP5K1A to c-Met and activates it upon HGF stimulation to produce PIP2 and subsequently PIP3, which in turn activates Akt to promote hepatocyte proliferation, thereby accelerating liver regeneration after liver injury

    The small G protein Arf6 expressed in keratinocytes by HGF stimulation is a regulator for skin wound healing

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    The earlier step of cutaneous wound healing process, re-epithelialization of the wounded skin, is triggered by a variety of growth factors. However, molecular mechanisms through which growth factors trigger skin wound healing are less understood. Here, we demonstrate that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/c-Met signaling-induced expression of the small G protein Arf6 mRNA in keratinocytes is essential for the skin wound healing. Arf6 mRNA expression was dramatically induced in keratinocytes at the wounded skin, which was specifically suppressed by the c-Met inhibitor. Wound healing of the skin was significantly delayed in keratinocyte-specific Arf6 conditional knockout mice. Furthermore, Arf6 deletion from keratinocytes remarkably suppressed HGF-stimulated cell migration and peripheral membrane ruffle formation, but did not affect skin morphology and proliferation/differentiation of keratinocytes. These results are consistent with the notion that Arf6 expressed in skin keratinocytes through the HGF/c-Met signaling pathway in response to skin wounding plays an important role in skin wound healing by regulating membrane dynamics-based motogenic cellular function of keratinocytes

    Enhanced c-Fms/M-CSF Receptor Signaling and Wound-Healing Process in Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages of Signal-Transducing Adaptor Protein-2 (STAP-2) Deficient Mice

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    Signal-transducing adaptor protein-2 (STAP-2) is a recently identified adaptor protein as a c-Fms/M-CSF receptor-interacting protein and constitutively expressed in macrophages. In our previous study, we examined the role of STAP-2 in the c-Fms/M-CSF receptor signaling using a murine macrophage tumor cells line, Raw264.7. Overexpression of STAP-2 in Raw264.7 cells markedly suppressed M-CSF-induced activation of extracellular signal regulated kinase and Akt. In addition, Raw264.7 overexpressing STAP-2 affected cell migration in wound-healing process. These results suggest that STAP-2 deficiency influences endogenous c-Fms/M-CSF receptor signaling. Here we show that loss of STAP-2 expression in knockout mouse macrophages results in marked enhancement of the c-Fms/M-CSF receptor signaling and wound-healing process. We therefore propose that STAP-2 acts as an endogenous regulator in normal macrophages functions

    Rab35 promotes the recruitment of Rab8, Rab13 and Rab36 to recycling endosomes through MICAL-L1 during neurite outgrowth

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    Small GTPase Rab35 is an important molecular switch for endocytic recycling that regulates various cellular processes, including cytokinesis, cell migration, and neurite outgrowth. We previously showed that active Rab35 promotes nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells by recruiting MICAL-L1, a multiple Rab-binding protein, to Arf6-positive recycling endosomes. However, the physiological significance of the multiple Rab-binding ability of MICAL-L1 during neurite outgrowth remained completely unknown. Here we report that Rab35 and MICAL-L1 promote the recruitment of Rab8, Rab13, and Rab36 to Arf6-positive recycling endosomes during neurite outgrowth. We found that Rab35 functions as a master Rab that determines the intracellular localization of MICAL-L1, which in turn functions as a scaffold for Rab8, Rab13, and Rab36. We further showed by functional ablation experiments that each of these downstream Rabs regulates neurite outgrowth in a non-redundant manner downstream of Rab35 and MICAL-L1, e.g. by showing that knockdown of Rab36 inhibited recruitment of Rab36-specific effector JIP4 to Arf6-positive recycling endosomes, and caused inhibition of neurite outgrowth without affecting accumulation of Rab8 and Rab13 in the same Arf6-positive area. Our findings suggest the existence of a novel mechanism that recruits multiple Rab proteins at the Arf6-positive compartment by MICAL-L1

    Rab40C is a novel Varp-binding protein that promotes proteasomal degradation of Varp in melanocytes

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    Varp (VPS9-ankyrin repeat protein) was originally identified as an activator of small GTPase Rab21 through its VPS9 domain, but it has subsequently been shown to function as a Rab32/38 effector through its first ANKR1 domain. Although these functions of Varp are important for melanogenesis, Varp contains a second ANKR2 domain, whose function remained completely unknown. Here we identified Rab40C, an atypical Rab containing a SOCS box that recruits a ubiquitin ligase complex, as a novel ANKR2-binding protein and investigated its involvement in melanogenic enzyme trafficking in melanocytes. The results showed that overexpression of Rab40C in melanocytes caused a dramatic reduction in melanogenic enzyme Tyrp1 signals by promoting proteasomal degradation of Varp in a SOCS-box-dependent manner and that knockdown of Rab40C in melanocytes caused an increase in the amount of Varp. Intriguingly, Rab40C knockdown also caused a dramatic reduction in Tyrp1 signals, the same as Varp overexpression did. These findings indicated that Rab40C is a previously unexpected regulator of Tyrp1 trafficking in melanocytes through controlling the proteasomal degradation of Varp