39 research outputs found

    Space dependent adhesion forces mediated by transient elastic linkages : new convergence and global existence results

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    In the first part of this work we show the convergence with respect to an asymptotic parameter {\epsilon} of a delayed heat equation. It represents a mathematical extension of works considered previously by the authors [Milisic et al. 2011, Milisic et al. 2016]. Namely, this is the first result involving delay operators approximating protein linkages coupled with a spatial elliptic second order operator. For the sake of simplicity we choose the Laplace operator, although more general results could be derived. The main arguments are (i) new energy estimates and (ii) a stability result extended from the previous work to this more involved context. They allow to prove convergence of the delay operator to a friction term together with the Laplace operator in the same asymptotic regime considered without the space dependence in [Milisic et al, 2011]. In a second part we extend fixed-point results for the fully non-linear model introduced in [Milisic et al, 2016] and prove global existence in time. This shows that the blow-up scenario observed previously does not occur. Since the latter result was interpreted as a rupture of adhesion forces, we discuss the possibility of bond breaking both from the analytic and numerical point of view

    An Extended Filament Based Lamellipodium Model Produces Various Moving Cell Shapes in the Presence of Chemotactic Signals

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    The Filament Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM) is a two-phase two-dimensional continuum model, describing the dynamcis of two interacting families of locally parallel actin filaments (C.Schmeiser and D.Oelz, How do cells move? Mathematical modeling of cytoskeleton dynamics and cell migration. Cell mechanics: from single scale-based models to multiscale modeling. Chapman and Hall, 2010). It contains accounts of the filaments' bending stiffness, of adhesion to the substrate, and of cross-links connecting the two families. An extension of the model is presented with contributions from nucleation of filaments by branching, from capping, from contraction by actin-myosin interaction, and from a pressure-like repulsion between parallel filaments due to Coulomb interaction. The effect of a chemoattractant is described by a simple signal transduction model influencing the polymerization speed. Simulations with the extended model show its potential for describing various moving cell shapes, depending on the signal transduction procedure, and for predicting transients between nonmoving and moving states as well as changes of direction

    Bimodality, prion aggregates infectivity and prediction of strain phenomenon

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    21 pagesWe consider a model for the polymerization (fragmentation) process involved in infectious prion self-replication and study both its dynamics and non-zero steady state. We address several issues. Firstly, we give conditions leading to size repartitions of PrPsc aggregates that exhibit bimodal distributions, as indicated by recent experimental studies of prion aggregates distribution. Secondly, we show stability results for this steady state for general coefficients where reduction to a system of differential equations is not possible. We use a duality method based on recent ideas developed for population models. These results underline the potential influence of the amyloid precursor production rate in promoting amyloidogenic diseases. Finally, we numerically investigate the influence of different parameters of the model on PrPsc accumulation kinetics, in the aim to study specific features of prion strains

    A viscous two-phase model for contractile actomyosin bundles

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    A mathematical model in one dimension for a non-sarcomeric actomyosin bundle featuring anti-parallel flows of anti-parallel F-actin is introduced. The model is able to relate these flows to the effect of cross-linking and bundling proteins, to the forces due to myosin-II filaments and to external forces at the extreme tips of the bundle. The modeling is based on a coarse graining approach starting with a microscopic model which includes the description of chemical bonds as elastic springs and the force contribution of myosin filaments. In a second step we consider the asymptotic regime where the filament lengths are small compared to the overall bundle length and restrict to the lowest order contributions. There it becomes apparent that myosin filaments generate forces which are partly compensated by drag forces due to cross-linking proteins. The remaining local contractile forces are then propagated to the tips of the bundle by the viscosity effect of bundling proteins in the filament gel. The model is able to explain how a disordered bundle of comparatively short actin filaments interspersed with myosin filaments can effectively contract the two tips of the actomyosin bundle. It gives a quantitative description of these forces and of the anti-parallel flows of the two phases of anti-parallel F-actin. An asymptotic version of the model with infinite viscosity can be solved explicitly and yields an upper bound to the contractile force of the bundle

    Convergence of the penalty method applied to a constrained curve straightening flow

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    We apply the penalty method to the curve straightening flow of inextensible planar open curves generated by the Kirchhoff bending energy. Thus we consider the curve straightening flow of extensible planar open curves generated by a combination of the Kirchhoff bending energy and a functional penalizing deviations from unit arc-length. We start with the governing equations of the explicit parametrization of the curve and derive an equivalent system for the two quantities indicatrix and arc-length. We prove existence and regularity of solutions and use the indicatrix/arc-length representation to compute the energy dissipation. We prove its coercivity and conclude exponential decay of the energy. Finally, by an application of the Lions-Aubin Lemma, we prove convergence of solutions to a limit curve which is the solution of an analogous gradient flow on the manifold of inextensible open curves. This procedure also allows us to characterize the Lagrange multiplier in the limit model as a weak limit of force terms present in the relaxed model

    Force generation and contraction of random actomyosin bundles.

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    Simulation of lamellipodial fragments

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    A steepest descent approximation scheme is derived for a recently developed model for the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton in the lamellipodia of living cells. The scheme is used as a numerical method for the simulation of thought experiments, where a lamellipodial fragment is pushed by a pipette, and subsequently changes its shape and position