17 research outputs found

    Паразитофауна Coregonus sardinella реки Индигирка

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    The purpose of the research is studying fauna of Coregonus sardinella parasites of the Indigirka River.Materials and methods. The studies were carried out in August–September 2015–2017 in the lower reaches of the Indigirka River. A total of 421 specimens of C. sardinella were studied using partial parasitological autopsy method, of which: 227 specimens aged from 2+ to 12+ in 2015, 31 specimens aged from 4+ to 8+ in 2016, 163 specimens aged 2+ to 12+ in 2017. We used the determinant of parasites of fresh-water fish of the USSR fauna to determine the species affiliation of the revealed parasites. The infection intensity, and abundance index were assessed.Results and discussion. 12 species of parasites were found in C. sardinella of the Indigirka River, namely, 1 species of protozoa, 4 species of cestodes, 3 – nematodes, 1 species of scrubs, 1 species of leeches, 2 species of parasitic crustaceans. Among the parasitic diseases of C. sardinella that are dangerous to human health, diphyllobothriosis is registered, and trienophorosis is among those that affects the marketable appearance of fish. High infection of C. sardinella with Diphyllobotrium sp. in the water area of the Indigirka River has been observed for several decades, which suggests its leading role in the circulation of this helminth in the studied reservoir. The study of the fauna of C. sardinella parasites show the need for continuous monitoring of fish infection rates to prevent possible epizootics and even death of juvenile fish.Цель исследований: изучение паразитофауны сибирской ряпушки реки Индигирка.Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили в августе–сентябре 2015–2017 гг. в нижнем течении р. Индигирка. Всего методом неполного паразитологического вскрытия исследован 421 экз. ряпушки, из них: в 2015 г. 227 экз. в возрасте от 2+ до 12+, в 2016 г. 31 экз. в возрасте от 4+ до 8+, в 2017 г. 163 экз. в возрасте от 2+ до 12+. Для определения видовой принадлежности обнаруженных паразитов пользовались определителем паразитов пресноводных рыб фауны СССР. Рассчитывали показатели экстенсивности инвазии, интенсивности заражения и индекс обилия.Результаты и обсуждение. У сибирской ряпушки реки Индигирка обнаружено 12 видов паразитов: 1 вид простейших, 4 вида цестод, 3 – нематод, 1 – скребней, 1 –пиявок, 2 вида паразитических ракообразных. Из опасных для здоровья человека паразитарных болезней сибирской ряпушки зарегистрирован дифиллоботриоз, из влияющих на товарный вид рыб – триэнофороз. Высокая заражённость ряпушки дифиллоботриями в акватории р. Индигирки отмечена уже в течение нескольких десятков лет, что позволяет говорить о её ведущей роли в циркуляции этого гельминта в условиях изучаемого водоёма. Изучение паразитофауны сибирской ряпушки показывает необходимость проводить постоянный мониторинг за показателями заражённости рыб для предотвращения возможных эпизоотий и даже гибели молоди рыб

    Causes of the Decrease in the Number of Ermine (Mustela Erminea L., 1758) and Pelt Procurement in Yakutia

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    During the last four decades, a decrease in ermine pelt procurement has been noted in Yakutia. To determine the possible reasons for this, material on the ecology of ermine and sables in Northeast Yakutia was collected from 1980–1994. The study examined 2890 sable stomachs for feed, and 1167 ermine skulls for Skrjabingylus infection. It was revealed that ermine are hunted by sables, but their proportion of the diet is low (0.4–3.4%). It was found that sables displaced ermine from the taiga biocenosis. The most acute effects of this process occurred during the sable settlement in October–November and are exacerbated by small numbers of rodents and crop failure in the main taiga feed. The overall intensity of infestation with the Skrjabingylus nasicola nematode was 19%, suggesting that this parasite is unlikely to have significantly affected the number of ermine

    Fauna of <i>Coregonus sardinella</i> Parasites of the Indigirka River

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    The purpose of the research is studying fauna of Coregonus sardinella parasites of the Indigirka River.Materials and methods. The studies were carried out in August–September 2015–2017 in the lower reaches of the Indigirka River. A total of 421 specimens of C. sardinella were studied using partial parasitological autopsy method, of which: 227 specimens aged from 2+ to 12+ in 2015, 31 specimens aged from 4+ to 8+ in 2016, 163 specimens aged 2+ to 12+ in 2017. We used the determinant of parasites of fresh-water fish of the USSR fauna to determine the species affiliation of the revealed parasites. The infection intensity, and abundance index were assessed.Results and discussion. 12 species of parasites were found in C. sardinella of the Indigirka River, namely, 1 species of protozoa, 4 species of cestodes, 3 – nematodes, 1 species of scrubs, 1 species of leeches, 2 species of parasitic crustaceans. Among the parasitic diseases of C. sardinella that are dangerous to human health, diphyllobothriosis is registered, and trienophorosis is among those that affects the marketable appearance of fish. High infection of C. sardinella with Diphyllobotrium sp. in the water area of the Indigirka River has been observed for several decades, which suggests its leading role in the circulation of this helminth in the studied reservoir. The study of the fauna of C. sardinella parasites show the need for continuous monitoring of fish infection rates to prevent possible epizootics and even death of juvenile fish


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    Materials and methods. Epizootic situation and distribution of trichinellosis in carnivorous mammals (wolf, fox, white bear, brown bear, wolverine, lynx) in the territory of Yakutia were studied. Trichinellosis was detected in five of six examined animal species. Results and discussion. The extension of infection caused by Trichinella spp. was in wolf 15,2 % (13 regions of Yakutia were investigated), in red fox – 3,3 (10 regions), in brown bear – 19,7 (16 regions), in wolverine – 20 % (10 regions). The highest level of infeсtion of brown bear with Trichinella spp in Olekminsky region of Yakutia was 42,8 %. Trichinellosis was detected in three examined white bears of tundra zone. In examined lynx trichinellosis was not registered. Based on the genetic investigations, the authors presume that the species of Trichinella native is circulating on the territory of Yakutia

    Oswaldocruzia duboisi (Nematoda, Molineidae): Morphology, Hosts and Distribution in Ukraine

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    Oswaldocruzia duboisi Ben Slimane, Durette-Desset et Chabaud, 1993 previously known from France and Bulgaria is reported from Ukraine for the first time. The species was found in the material from 8 amphibian host species, of which Lissotriton montadoni, Triturus cristatus, Mesotriton alpestris, Pelophylax ridibunda, P. lessonae, and Hyla arborea are new host records. Newts (Salamandridae) and green frogs (Pelophylax) are considered to be typical hosts for O. duboisi. Illustrated morphological redescription of O. duboisi based on 141 specimens from various hosts is presented.Вид Oswaldocruzia duboisi Ben Slimane, Durette-Desset et Chabaud, 1993, ранее известный из Франции и Болгарии, впервые обнаружен в Украине. Вид найден в материале от 8 видов амфибий, из которых Lissotriton montadoni, Triturus cristatus, Mesotriton alpestris, Pelophylax ridibunda, P. lessonae и Hyla arborea являются новыми хозяевами O. duboisi. Предполагается, что основными хозяевами O. duboisi являются тритоны (Salamandridae) и зеленые лягушки (род Pelophylax). Представлено иллюстрированное описание O. duboisi по 141 изученному экземпляру от разных видов хозяев


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    Materials and methods. Epizootic situation and distribution of trichinellosis in carnivorous mammals (wolf, fox, white bear, brown bear, wolverine, lynx) in the territory of Yakutia were studied. Trichinellosis was detected in five of six examined animal species. Results and discussion. The extension of infection caused by Trichinella spp. was in wolf 15,2 % (13 regions of Yakutia were investigated), in red fox – 3,3 (10 regions), in brown bear – 19,7 (16 regions), in wolverine – 20 % (10 regions). The highest level of infeсtion of brown bear with Trichinella spp in Olekminsky region of Yakutia was 42,8 %. Trichinellosis was detected in three examined white bears of tundra zone. In examined lynx trichinellosis was not registered. Based on the genetic investigations, the authors presume that the species of Trichinella native is circulating on the territory of Yakutia. Изучена эпизоотическая ситуация и распространение трихинеллеза у хищных млекопитающих (волк, лиса, белый медведь, бурый медведь, росомаха, рысь) на территории Якутии. Материалы и методы. Обработку биоматериала проводили методом компрессорной трихинеллоскопии. Результаты и обсуждение. Трихинеллез выявлен у пяти из шести исследованных видов животных. Экстенсивность инвазии, вызванной Trichinella spp., составила у волка 15,2 % в 13 районах Якутии, у обыкновенной лисицы 3,3 % в 10 районах, у бурого медведя 19,7 % в 16 районах, у росомах 20 % в 10 районах. Максимальная зараженность бурого медведя трихинеллами достигала 42,8 % в Олекминском районе Якутии. Трихинеллез установлен у трех исследованных белых медведей тундровой зоны. У рыси трихинеллез не обнаружен. На основании генетических исследований авторы полагают, что на территории Якутии циркулирует вид Trichinella nativa