416 research outputs found

    The infrared emission of carbonaceous particles around C-rich IRAS sources

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    The IRAS spectra of 23 carbon-rich sources have been fitted by means of an improved theoretical model based on the Leung-Spagna radiative transfer code and using extinction data obtained in our laboratory for different types of amorphous carbon and silicon carbide submicron particles. The agreement between observations and theoretical spectra is rather good. However, a comparison between the IRAS spectrum of the object 1244710425 (RU Vir) and that recently obtained at UKIRT, for the same object but with higher resolution, seems to open new problems

    Reproductive biology and food habits of Pseudoboa nigra (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) from the Brazilian cerrado

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    Neste trabalho fornecemos informações sobre tamanho corporal, dimorfismo sexual, ciclo reprodutivo e hábitos alimentares da serpente Pseudoboini Pseudoboa nigra, que ocorre no domínio do Cerrado na região central da América do Sul. Com base na dissecção de 147 espécimes preservados, mostramos que as fêmeas são em média maiores e atingem maturidade sexual com maior tamanho corporal que os machos. O dimorfismo sexual não foi significativo para o tamanho da cabeça, mas os machos possuem caudas relativamente mais longas que as fêmeas. A vitelogênese, a postura de ovos e a espermatogênese ocorrem durante todo o ano, e os machos não armazenam esperma no ducto deferente por longos períodos. A principal presa dessa espécie são lagartos; não há evidências de variação ontogenética ou de diferenças relacionadas ao sexo na dieta dessa espécie.Herein we provide data on body size, sexual size dimorphism, reproductive cycle, and food habits of the pseudoboini snake Pseudoboa nigra, which is distributed mainly in central South America throughout the Cerrado domain. Based on dissections of 147 preserved specimens, it is shown that females attain, and mature at, larger body sizes than males. There is no significant sexual dimorphism in head length, but males have longer tails relative to their body sizes. Vitellogenesis, egg-laying, and sperm production occur throughout the year, but males do not exhibit long-term sperm storage. The main prey of P. nigra is lizards; there is no evidence of ontogenetic change or sex differences in the diet of this species

    04/18/1997 - Collective Soul To Perform At EIU.pdf

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    International audienceâ–º We present a spectroscopic method to discriminate biotic from abiotic carbonates. â–º Infrared spectral modifications induced by thermal processing are investigated. â–º We analyse carbonate samples with no evidences of biomineralization. â–º Our method is a powerful tool for the search of life on Mars

    The increasing burden and complexity of multi-morbidity and polypharmacy in geriatric HIV patients: a cross sectional study of people aged 65 - 74 years and more than 75 years

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    Geriatric Patients Living with HIV/AIDS (GEPPO) is a new prospective observational multicentre cohort consisting of all the HIV-positive geriatric patients being treated at 10 clinics in Italy, and HIV-negative controls attending a single geriatric clinic. The aim of this analysis of the GEPPO cohort was to compare prevalence and risk factors of individual non-communicable diseases (NCD), multi-morbidity (MM) and polypharmacy (PP) amongst HIV positive and HIV negative controls at enrolment into the GEPPO cohort

    Investigating coping and stigma in people living with HIV through narrative medicine in the Italian multicentre non-interventional study DIAMANTE

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    : Antiretroviral therapy (ART) significantly reduced Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) morbidity and mortality; nevertheless, stigma still characterises the living with this condition. This study explored patients' coping experience by integrating narrative medicine (NM) in a non-interventional clinical trial. From June 2018 to September 2020 the study involved 18 centres across Italy; enrolled patients were both D/C/F/TAF naïve and previously ART-treated. Narratives were collected at enrolment (V1) and last visit (V4) and then independently analysed by three NM specialist researchers through content analysis. One-hundred and fourteen patients completed both V1 and V4 narratives. Supportive relationships with clinicians and undetectable viral load facilitated coping. Conversely, lack of disclosure of HIV-positive status, HIV metaphors, and unwillingness to narrate the life before the diagnosis indicated internalised stigma. This is the first non-interventional study to include narratives as patient reported outcomes (PROs). Improving HIV awareness and reducing the sense of guilt experienced by patients helps to overcome stigma and foster coping

    Durability, safety, and efficacy of rilpivirine in clinical practice: results from the SCOLTA project

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    Rilpivirine is associated with a good efficacy and safety profile. However, data from real-life settings are scarce. Methods: We investigated the durability, safety and efficacy of Rilpivirine-based antiretroviral therapy in a prospective, observational, multicenter study. Results: We enrolled 499 HIV-infected patients, 360 (72.1%) males, mean age 43.4\ub1 10.5 years, mean CD4 600\ub1 327 cell/\u3bcL, mean HIV-RNA 3.80\ub1 1.15 log10 cp/mL. After a median follow up of 16 months, 81 (16.2%) interruptions were reported, 36 (7.2%) of which for adverse events (16 of grade 653), most commonly neurological and gastrointestinal. We observed virological failures in only 8 (1.6%) patients. Naive patients showed a significant reduction in eGFR at week 24, 48 and 72 and in total cholesterol (TC)/HDL ratio at week 48 (p=0.007). In patients switching from PI we found a significant decrease at week 24 and 48 in TC and triglycerides at week 24, 48 and 72. eGFR showed a significant decrease at week 48 and 72. TC/HDL ratio showed a statistically significant decrease at week 24 (p=0.0008) and 72 (p=0.04). A significant increase at week 24 and 48 in AST and ALT values was observed. Patients switching from TDF/FTC/EFV showed a reduction in HDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides at week 24 and 48 and in eGFR at all follow up times. TC/HDL ratio showed a significant decrease at week 48 (p=0.01). CDC stage C and antiretroviral-experience (especially Protease Inhibitors) were associated with RPV discontinuation. Conclusion: In conclusion, our data confirm Rilpivirine efficacy, safety and tolerability with improvement in lipid profile. Although hepatic and renal events rarely caused discontinuation, liver and kidney parameters should be monitored
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