133 research outputs found

    Analysis of selected crime data in Nigeria

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    Crime isanactthatbringsaboutoffencesanditispunishable under thelaw.MajorcrimesinNigeriaincluderape,kidnapping, murder,burglary,fraud,terrorism,robbery,cyber-crimes,bribery and corruption,moneylaunderingandsoon.Accordingtothe statistics releasedbytheNigerianNationalBureauofStatisticsin 2016,Lagos,Abuja,Delta,Kano,Plateau,Ondo,Oyo,Bauchi,Ada- mawaandGombeStatesmadethetoptenlistofstateswithhigh number ofcrimes.Crimeisanimportanttopicanditisofinterest to usbecauseoftheconsequencesandpenaltiesitattracts(which rangesfrom fine todeath).Thisdataarticlecontainsthepartial analysis(bothdescriptiveandinferential)ofcrimedataset obtained between1999and2013.Theaimofthestudyistoshow the patternandrateofcrimeinNigeriabasedonthedatacollected and toshowtherelationshipsthatexistamongthevariouscrime types. Analyzingthisdatasetcanprovideinsightoncrimeactiv- ities withinNigeri

    The Generalized Inverted Generalized Exponential Distribution with an Application to a Censored Data

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    We propose a two parameter Inverted Generalized Exponential (IGE) and a three parameter Generalized Inverted Generalized Exponential (GIGE) probability models as generalizations of the one-parameter Exponential distribution and some other distributions in the literature. We explore the statistical properties of the GIGE distribution and its parameters were estimated for both censored and uncensored cases using the method of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). An application to a real data set is also provided to assess the flexibility of the GIGE distribution over some of its sub-models

    A Note on the Minimax Distribution

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    We introduce a one parameter probability model bounded on (0, 1) support called One Parameter Minimax distribution which is a special case of both the Kumaraswamy distribution and Beta distribution. Its statistical properties are systematically explored; we provide explicit expressions for its moments, quantile function, reliability function and failure rate. The method of maximum likelihood estimation was used in estimating its parameter. The proposed model can be used to model data sets with increasing failure rate

    The Transmuted Inverse Exponential Distribution

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    This article introduces a two-parameter probability model which represents another generalization of the Inverse Exponential distribution by using the quadratic rank transmuted map. The proposed model is named Transmuted Inverse Exponential (TIE) distribution and its statistical properties are systematically studied. We provide explicit expressions for its moments, moment generating function, quantile function, reliability function and hazard function. We estimate the parameters of the TIE distribution using the method of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). The hazard function of the model has an inverted bathtub shape and we propose the usefulness of the TIE distribution in modeling breast cancer and bladder cancer data sets

    On the Exponentiated Generalized Weibull Distribution: A Generalization of the Weibull Distribution

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    In this article, a generalization of the Weibull distribution is being studied in some details. The new model is referred to as the Exponentiated Generalized Weibull distribution. The aim is to increase the flexibility of the Weibull distribution. Methods: The concepts introduced in the Exponentiated Generalized family of distributions due to Cordeiro et al.11 were employed. Findings: Some basic mathematical properties of the resulting model were identified and studied in minute details. Meanwhile, estimation of model parameters was performed using the maximum likelihood method. Application/Improvement: The Exponentiated Generalized Weibull distribution was presented as a competitive model that would be useful in modeling real life situations with inverted bathtub failure rates. The R-code for the plots was also provided. Further research would involve applying the proposed model to real life data sets

    On the Sum of Exponentially Distributed Random Variables: A Convolution Approach

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    In this paper, Exponential distribution as the only continuous statistical distribution that exhibits the memoryless property is being explored by deriving another two-parameter model representing the sum of two independent exponentially distributed random variables, investigating its statistical properties and verifying the memoryless property of the resulting model

    Statistical Properties of the Exponentiated Generalized Inverted Exponential Distribution

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    We provide another generalization of the inverted exponential distribution which serves as a competitive model and an alternative to both the generalized inverse exponential distribution and the inverse exponential distribution. The model is positively skewed and its shape could be decreasing or unimodal (depending on its parameter values). The statistical properties of the proposed model are provided and the method of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) was proposed in estimating its parameters

    Some Basic Statistical Properties of the Transmuted Burr X Distribution

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    In this article, the Burr X distribution was extended using the transmuted family of distributions. Some basic statistical properties of the resulting Transmuted Burr X distribution were established while the method of maximum likelihood was proposed for parameter estimatio

    Theoretical Analysis of the Kumaraswamy-Inverse Exponential Distribution

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    The Kumaraswamy distribution being a viable alternative to the beta distribution is being used to propose a three-parameter Kumaraswamy-Inverse Exponential distribution and some of its statistical properties are identified

    A Comparative Study of the Use of Statistical Process Control in Monitoring Health Care Delivery

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    To control and improve on the quality of products and services is an important business strategy. Hence, the yearnings for quality services in all sector is not just a call from the consumers, clients or patients but an act to maintain the integrity of the manufacturer or service providers. In this research, the importance of statistical process control to health care delivery is being re-iterated with application to a real data set. The p-chart is being used and results compared with other results/findings in the literature. KEYWORDS: Health, Patients,
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