22 research outputs found

    The Predictive Accuracy of Family and Community Demographic Factors on the 2011, 2012, and 2013, Grade 6 Connecticut Mastery Test

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    This study used a correlational, explanatory, longitudinal design with quantitative methods to predict the percentage of students who will score at or above Goal. Archival data from Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) Math and Reading scores from 2011, 2012, and 2013 in conjunction with five-year estimates of the U.S. Census data were examined. The study focused on 21 out-of-school demographic variables, grouped by family human capital and community social capital, to predict the percentage of students in Grade 6 who scored at or above Goal, the district level, on the CMT. The study examined 130 school districts in Connecticut who took the CMT in Grades 6 during the 2011, 2012, and 2013 testing cycles. Through simultaneous and hierarchical linear regression, between 70.7% and 73.7% of the variance in district, Grade 6 Math CMT scores were accounted for by out-of-school factors and between 64.6% and 72.7% of the variance in district, Grade 6 Reading CMT scores were accounted for by out-of-school factors. Two community variables, families earning under $35,000 per year and percentage of individuals 25 and older with a high school diploma, were identified as statistically significant predictors for all testing years. Using a predictive algorithm, the percentage of students performing at or above Goal on the Grade 6 2011, 2012, and 2013 CMT Mathematics was accurately predicted in 72.4% of Connecticut districts and in 68.2% of Connecticut districts in Reading. These findings strongly suggest that standardized tests are not assessing student achievement; they are more accurately assessing family and community demographic factors. This study calls into question the use of federal and state mandated standardized test scores, like the CMT, to drive school reform decisions. Key words: high-stakes testing, school reform, Connecticut Mastery Test, socioeconomic status, Ecological Systems Theory, human family capital, community social capital, trauma, toxic stres

    Respiratory Tissue Engineering: Current Status and Opportunities for the Future.

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    Currently, lung disease and major airway trauma constitute a major global healthcare burden with limited treatment options. Airway diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis have been identified as the fifth highest cause of mortality worldwide and are estimated to rise to fourth place by 2030. Alternate approaches and therapeutic modalities are urgently needed to improve clinical outcomes for chronic lung disease. This can be achieved through tissue engineering of the respiratory tract. Interest is growing in the use of airway tissue-engineered constructs as both a research tool, to further our understanding of airway pathology, validate new drugs, and pave the way for novel drug therapies, and also as regenerative medical devices or as an alternative to transplant tissue. This review provides a concise summary of the field of respiratory tissue engineering to date. An initial overview of airway anatomy and physiology is given, followed by a description of the stem cell populations and signaling processes involved in parenchymal healing and tissue repair. We then focus on the different biomaterials and tissue-engineered systems employed in upper and lower respiratory tract engineering and give a final perspective of the opportunities and challenges facing the field of respiratory tissue engineering

    Moderation and Mediation of an Effective HIV Risk-Reduction Intervention for South African Adolescents

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    Let Us Protect Our Future is a sexual risk-reduction intervention for sixth-grade adolescents in South Africa. Tested in a cluster-randomized controlled trial, the intervention significantly reduced self-reported intercourse and unprotected intercourse during a 12-month follow-up period. The present analyses were conducted to identify moderators of the intervention\u27s efficacy as well as, which theory-based variables mediated the intervention\u27s effects. Intervention efficacy over the 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up was tested using generalized estimating equation models. Living with their father in the home, parental strictness, and religiosity moderated the efficacy of the intervention in reducing unprotected intercourse. Self-efficacy to avoid risky situations and expected parental disapproval of their having intercourse, derived from Social Cognitive Theory, significantly mediated the intervention\u27s effect on abstinence. This is the first study to demonstrate that Social Cognitive variables mediate the efficacy of a sexual risk-reduction intervention among South African adolescents. --author-supplied descriptio

    The zebrafish xenograft platform-A novel tool for modeling KSHV-associated diseases

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    Kaposi\u27s sarcoma associated-herpesvirus (KSHV, also known as human herpesvirus-8) is a gammaherpesvirus that establishes life-long infection in human B lymphocytes. KSHV infection is typically asymptomatic, but immunosuppression can predispose KSHV-infected individuals to primary effusion lymphoma (PEL); a malignancy driven by aberrant proliferation of latently infected B lymphocytes, and supported by pro-inflammatory cytokines and angiogenic factors produced by cells that succumb to lytic viral replication. Here, we report the development of the firs

    On the Efficacy and Mediation of a One-on-One HIV Risk-Reduction Intervention for African American Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    We examined the efficacy and mediation of Being Responsible for Ourselves (BRO), an HIV/STI risk reduction intervention for African American men who have sex with men (MSM), the population with the highest HIV diagnosis rate in the US. We randomized African American MSM to one of two interventions: BRO HIV/STI risk reduction, targeting condom use; or attention-matched control, targeting physical activity and healthy diet. The interventions were based on social cognitive theory, the reasoned-action approach, and qualitative research. Men reporting anal intercourse with other men in the past 90 days were eligible and completed pre-intervention

    Socioecological factors influencing women\u27s HIV risk in the United States: qualitative findings from the women\u27s HIV SeroIncidence study (HPTN 064).

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    BACKGROUND: We sought to understand the multilevel syndemic factors that are concurrently contributing to the HIV epidemic among women living in the US. We specifically examined community, network, dyadic, and individual factors to explain HIV vulnerability within a socioecological framework. METHODS: We gathered qualitative data (120 interviews and 31 focus groups) from a subset of women ages 18-44 years (N = 2,099) enrolled in the HPTN 064 HIV seroincidence estimation study across 10 US communities. We analyzed data from 4 diverse locations: Atlanta, New York City (the Bronx), Raleigh, and Washington, DC. Data were thematically coded using grounded theory methodology. Intercoder reliability was assessed to evaluate consistency of team-based coding practices. RESULTS: The following themes were identified at 4 levels including 1) exosystem (community): poverty prevalence, discrimination, gender imbalances, community violence, and housing challenges; 2) mesosystem (network): organizational social support and sexual concurrency; 3) microsystem (dyadic): sex exchange, interpersonal social support, intimate partner violence; and 4) individual: HIV/STI awareness, risk taking, and substance use. A strong theme emerged with over 80 % of responses linked to the fundamental role of financial insecurity underlying risk-taking behavioral pathways. CONCLUSIONS: Multilevel syndemic factors contribute to women\u27s vulnerability to HIV in the US. Financial insecurity is a predominant theme, suggesting the need for tailored programming for women to reduce HIV risk. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00995176

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Use of folk healing practices by HIV-infected Hispanics living in the United States

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    In the absence of a medical cure for AIDS, HIV-infected individuals may seek alternative treatments that are consistent with cultural and social beliefs. This paper examines beliefs about, and use of, folk healing practices by HIV-infected Hispanics receiving care at an HIV/AIDS clinic in inner-city New Jersey. Anonymous individual interviews were conducted with 58 male and 18 female HIV-infected Hispanics aged 23-55, primarily of Puerto Rican origin (61%) or descent (29%). The majority of respondents believed in good and evil spirits (73.7%); among the 56 believers, 48% stated that the spirits had a causal role in their infection, either alone or in conjunction with the AIDS virus. Two thirds of the respondents engaged in folk healing (spiritualism and/or santeria). The main desired outcomes of folk healing included physical relief (44%), spiritual relief (40%), and protection from evil (26%). A number of respondents (n = 9) stated that they hoped to effect a cure by engaging in folk healing. These results indicate that health care professionals treating HIV-positive Hispanics should be aware of the prevalence of folk beliefs and alternative healing practices in this population

    Imaging with diffuse photon density waves

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    Diffusing photons can be used to probe and characterize optically thick turbid samples such as paints, foams and human tissue. In this work, we present experiments which illustrate the properties of diffuse photon density waves. Our observations demonstrate the manipulation of these waves by adjustment of the photon diffusion coefficients of adjacent media. The waves are imaged, and are shown to obey simple relations such as Snell\u27s Law. Next we present images of heterogeneous turbid media derived from measurements of diffuse photon density waves. These images are the first experimental reconstructions based on frequency-domain optical tomography. We demonstrate images of both absorbing and scattering homogeneities, and show that this method is sensitive to the optical properties of a heterogeneity. The algorithm employs a differential measurement scheme which reduces the effect of errors resulting from incorrect estimations of the background optical properties. In addition to imaging absorption and scattering changes, we are also able to image the lifetime and concentration profile of heterogeneous fluorescent media