2,772 research outputs found

    Activation volumes in CoPtCr-SiO2 perpendicular recording media

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    CoPtCr-SiO2 perpendicular recording media with varying levels of SiO2 were examined by two different methods to determine the activation volume. The first is based on the sweep-rate dependence of the remanence coercivity using Sharrock's equation. The second is based on the measurement of the fluctuation field from time-dependence data, determined using a magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) magnetometer. The values of V-act measured at the coercivity for both methods are almost the same, with the fluctuation field and activation volumes increasing with the SiO2 content. The difference between V-act and the grain volume measured directly from bright-field TEM images decreases as the SiO2 content increases due to the reduction of intergranular exchange coupling. The experimental results indicate that values of V-act obtained from single- and double-layered media are consistent. It was also found that the coercivity and normalized hysteresis loop slope at coercivity varied with SiO2 content, with the coercivity peaking at 8 at % SiO2 (nearly 26 vol% SiO2)

    Growth rate effects in soft CoFe films

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    We report on growth rate effects in sputter-deposited CoFe films prepared using high target utilization sputtering technology (HiTUS). We find that the grain structure of these polycrystalline films is closely related to the growth rate. By changing the growth rate, samples were prepared with different grain structure, which in turn had the effect of changing the magnetic properties of the films. We demonstrate control of the coercivity, which varied by a factor of more than ten. This was achieved via grain size control in CoFe films of thickness 20 nm. Furthermore, by employing a two-step sputtering process, in which two extreme growth rates are used sequentially, we were able to tune the saturation magnetization

    Policy Ideology in European Mass Publics, 1981–2016

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    Using new scaling methods and a comprehensive public opinion dataset, we develop the first survey-based time-series–cross-sectional measures of policy ideology in European mass publics. Our dataset covers 27 countries and 36 years and contains nearly 2.7 million survey responses to 109 unique issue questions. Estimating an ordinal group-level IRT model in each of four issue domains, we obtain biennial estimates of the absolute economic conservatism, relative economic conservatism, social conservatism, and immigration conservatism of men and women in three age categories in each country. Aggregating the group-level estimates yields estimates of the average conservatism in national publics in each biennium between 1981–82 and 2015–16. The four measures exhibit contrasting cross-sectional cleavages and distinct temporal dynamics, illustrating the multidimensionality of mass ideology in Europe. Subjecting our measures to a series of validation tests, we show that the constructs they measure are distinct and substantively important and that they perform as well as or better than one-dimensional proxies for mass conservatism (left–right self-placement and median voter scores). We foresee many uses for these scores by scholars of public opinion, electoral behavior, representation, and policy feedback

    Early Austronesian loans in Pama-Nyungan?

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    New skeletal tuberculosis cases in past populations from Western Hungary (Transdanubia)

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    The distribution, antiquity and epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) have previously been studied in osteoarchaeological material in the eastern part of Hungary, mainly on the Great Plain. The purpose of this study is to map the occurrence of skeletal TB in different centuries in the western part of Hungary, Transdanubia, and to present new cases we have found. Palaeopathological analysis was carried out using macroscopic observation supported by radiographic and molecular methods. A large human osteoarchaeological sample (n = 5684) from Transdanubian archaeological sites ranging from the 2nd to the 18th centuries served as a source of material. Spinal TB was observed in seven individuals (in three specimens with Pott's disease two of which also had cold abscess) and hip TB was assumed in one case. The results of DNA for Mycobacterium tuberculosis were positive in seven of the eight cases identified by paleopathology, and negative in the assumed case of hip TB. However, the molecular results are consistent with highly fragmented DNA, which limited further analysis. Based on the present study and previously published cases, osteotuberculosis was found in Transdanubia mainly during the 9th–13th centuries. However, there are no signs of TB in many other 9th–13th century sites, even in those that lie geographically close to those where osteotuberculous cases were found. This may be due to a true absence of TB caused by the different living conditions, way of life, or origin of these populations. An alternative explanation is that TB was present in some individuals with no typical paleopathology, but that death occurred before skeletal morphological features could develop

    Long-term results after liver transplantation for primary hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma

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    Background: Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (PHEHE) is a multifocal, low-grade malignant neoplasia characterized by its epithelial-like appearance and vascular endothelial histogenesis. The outcome of 16 patients treated with orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is the subject of this report. Methods: A retrospective study of 16 patients with HEHE (7 men, 9 women) with ages ranging from 24 to 58 years (mean 37 ± 10.6 years). Follow-up intervals ranged from 1 to 15 years (median of 4.5 years). Results: Actual patient survival at 1, 3, and 5 years was 100, 87.5, and 71.3%, respectively. Disease-free survival at 1, 3, and 5 years was 81.3, 68.8, and 60.2%, respectively. The 90-day operative mortality was 0. Involvement of the hilar lymph nodes or vascular invasion did not affect survival. The 5-year survival of HEHE compares favorably with that of hepatocellular carcinoma at the same stage (stage 4A): 71.3 versus 9.8% (p=0.001) Conclusions: The long-term survival obtained in this series justifies OLT for these tumors even in the presence of limited extrahepatic disease. © 1995 The Society of Surgical Oncology, Inc

    Review of multi-hazards research and risk assessments

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    The work described in this report is a “Review of environmental multi-hazards research and risk assessment approaches” for the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) through a UKRI contract for services (CR18075) and was compiled and led by a BGS consortium, supported by Natural Hazard Partnership (NHP) partners (HSE, CEH, and Met Office). Multi-hazard research is in its infancy, despite the growing attention it has received in the last years. Climate change, natural and anthropogenic hazards result in multi-hazard environments characterized by complex, interacting processes that generate impacts on the built environment and people, which are different to those incurred from the individual hazards happening in isolation. The recently developed methodologies for multi-hazard risk assessment processes represent an advancement in our understanding of these complexities, but they also pose specific challenges to policy makers and practitioners due to the cross-disciplinary nature required to undertake these assessments. This review strives to present an impartial and well-evidenced report of current developments in research, policy and industry with respect to multi-hazard processes and risk assessments. The need for such studies is now more apparent than ever, given the expected effects of climate change on the frequency and magnitude of weather-related hazards
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