15 research outputs found

    Itsemurha suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa

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    This study will examine the history of suicide in Finnish society. The approach to the problem will be through an examination of the legislation concerning suicide, of popular - beliefs, the attitude of the Church to suicide, the measures taken by officials, and the opinions on suicide during the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th century, with its concomitant factors: facts, attitudes and norms' The questions is one of how the problem posed by suicide was treated and experienced. The study will also treat the facts regarded as being at the background of the suicides. The principal source for the study is a body of statistics, on the surface exact and accurate, but in fact containing large scope for interpretation: statistics on cause of death (official Finnish statistics) and autopsy reports, oral tradition associated with popular beliefs, the classics of suicide research and official documents, both Church and secular. The study shows that the statistical reporting of suicide depends on the -attitudes of Church and civil authorities, their procedures and popular attitudes to suicide. Despite critical reservations about sources, the study shows that there was more than a fourfold increase in suicides in Finland during the period 1811-1920, and that it was not until the 1910s that Finland rose to the top of European suicide statistics. Suicide may also be regarded as a Finnish national cultural trait, associated with manliness. The backgrounds and living circumstances of those who had commited suicide indicated combinations of certain risk and personality factors, eagerly charted by the doctors, legal authorities and researchers of the time. "Secular authorities long regarded suicide as a crime. For the Church it was both a crime and a sin. Popularly the private tragedy was seen as a phenomenon arousing horror, fear and repulsion, due to the influence - of the Church. Furthermore, mystic aspects were appended to this phenomenon

    Suomalainen äärioikeisto maailmansotien välillä : ideologiset juuret, järjestöllinen perusta ja toimintamuodot

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    This study deals with the Finnish extreme right between the World Wars. A special attention has been given to the ideology and procedures of the extreme right, because they have not been dealt with systematically in earlier research. But the study also considers such aspects of the extreme right as the historical roots going back to the 19th century, the personal traditions and social-political characteristics. The Finnish extreme right was at no stage uniform. Between the World Wars it became organized into several separate associations. They were ideologically combinations of both national and international currents of ideas of that period. Their ideologies consisted of a very early romantic and expansive nationalism, and the new rightist conservatism born after the Parliament Reform (1906). The latter developed into antiparlamentarism, which was later adopted by the extreme right organizations in independent Finland. Also the emphasis on religions, the national cultural mission, the significance of the national unity, the language and the idea of kinship were inherited. While Finland was becoming independent, the militarist expansive tendencies met. The latter was most purely represented by the Academic Karelia Society (AKS) and before that by the group Direction (Suunta). The Lapua Movement, which began in 1929, introduced even stronger anti-communism. It also adopted foreign ideals, such as admiring a strong leader. On the other hand, this idea also had an old Finnish basis, a strong monarchist tradition. After the dissolution of the Lapua Movement (1932) the People's Patriotic Movement (IKL) was founded. It was a political party, which adapted obious foreign ideals (corporatism, leadership principle, idea of national unity). The extreme right tended to cut into Finnish society as a whole, but its organizations were mainly occupied by the intellectuals, peasants and young scholars. The Academic Karelia Society was an association of university students, whereas the Lapua Movement also appealed to peasants and some representatives of the upper classes of society. The peasants, however, abandoned the movement quite early and the IKL was mostly a party of young intelligentsia. The manoeuvres of the extreme right ranged from subtle educational activity to political terror including an attempted coup d'état. The attitude of the extreme right organizations towards e.g. the neighbouring country Russia and the Soviet Union depended completely on their own values. They were only interested in those aspects of the Soviet state which were important for them

    Itä-Karjalan pakolaiset 1917-1922

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    This research is dealing with the exiles (about 12 000 in number) who for political or equivalent reasons arrived at Finland from Russian and Aunus Karelia. None before has studied what this group of exiles was like in its composition. No analysis concerning the arrangement of the exile relief measures in Finland has been done, either. When looking for the answer to the question why the exiles were forced to leave their native region, the researchers have tried to shed light on the political conditions in East-Karelia and first of all on the basic features of the so-called East-Karelian Autonomy Movement as well as the later anti-Soviet Movement: i.e. the groups supporting the anti-Soviet Movement and the regions where resistance was heaviest. When searching the reason for resistance, the first thing to point out were the contacts of the various East-Karelian sectors to Finland and the Finns (Peddlars' trade, Rune-collecting). It was also important to investigate how the volunteers and the official organs of the Finnish state influenced on the circumstances and population in East-Karelia. The most essential targets of influence were found out. After this process the districts which most exiles came from were compared with the districts on which the Finns influenced most. As a result one may conclude that the exiles came from the district, which since long had close contacts with Finland and on which the Finns had influenced both in a political and a cultural way. Research also shows that the exiles did not belong to land-owing people or to the bourgeoisie but that they were predominantly peasants whose educational standard was the same as that of the East-Karelian population in general

    Miksi ovet eivät auenneet heille?

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    Arvosteltu teos: Suljetut ovet: Pohjoismaiden romanipolitiikka 1500-luvulta EU-aikaan, Panu Pulma, Helsinki (2006

    Irtolaisuus ja sen kontrolli 1800-luvun alun Suomessa

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    In the present study, the investigation of social attitudes has been operationalized by studying the control directed by Finnish society towards one of its marginal groups, the vagrants, in the beginning of the 19th century. As vagrancy had not in fact been officed by legislation as a crime but as its consequences (deprivation of freedom) were much the same as those of actual criminality, 1t 1s Justifiable also from the point of view of the legal protection of the contemporary individual, to look into the question of how the decision of depriving a person of his freedom was reached. Because vagrancy, according to the existing servant and recruiting regulations, reformed in the beginning of the 19th century, rested within the scope of the Governor's administrative authority, it has been expedient to choose as the main subject of study a province where the minutes kept of the Governor's interrogations of vagrants have been preserved in the administrative archives. The choice of the provinces of Kymenkartano and Mikkeli, the latter from 1831 onwards, can also be defended on the basis of factors related to the form of settlement as well as the economic and social structure of their populations. Within the framework of one province - but also comparing the results with information from some other Finnish provinces - we have studied the sending of vagrants to the Governor's interrogations, the actions of the authorities responsible for the arrests, the outcome of the interrogations, the proportion of those sentenced to public labour, the groups of male and female vagrants in workhouses and the composition of these groups, as well as minor offences accompanying vagrancy. Because it was maintained at the time that vagrancy played an important part in the spreading of communicable diseases, especially venereal diseases, we have also studied the incidence of vagrants in the VD wards of provincial hospitals which were institutions through which society exercised control over persons who were deviant with regard to their health. The present study shows that about 2000 people suspected of vagrancy were annually arrested in Finland. However, only about 14 % of the arrested were sentenced to public labour and the rest were sent back to their home districts on condition that they find work for themselves. Of those arrested for vagrancy the proportion of women was 30- 40 %. In general, the number of vagrants seems to have varied in different provinces and this variation appears to have been caused partly by differences in the form of settlement and by economic and social factors but also by administrative practices. It was very seklum that mere vagrancy was a cause for condemning a person to public labour; usually minor offences were also involved. In the eyes of the public and the authorities, vagrancy seems to have been a social status but when it is considered from the point of view of the sentences it appears to indicate some sort of offence as well

    Etelä-Pohjanmaan järviseudun siirtolaisuus: taloudellisten vaikuttimien kautta joukkoliikkeen mukaiseen käyttäytymiseen

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    Siirtolaisuus on ollut ja on yhä Etelä-Pohjanmaan Järviseudun oleellisia väestöilmiöitä. Jo klassiseksi muodostuneessa tutkimuksessaan Anna-Leena Toivonen totesi, että voimakkaan siirtolaisuutensa vuoksi "järvikunnat" puolustaisivat erinomaisesti paikkaansa hänenkin tutkimuksessaan, mutta jätti lähinnä talousmaantieteellisten tekijöiden vuoksi alueen tehtävänsä ulkopuolelle. Ähtävänjoen seuduthan olivat vielä viime vuosisadan lopullakin rintamaiden jokilaaksoista katsoen takamaata, jonka yhteydet Etelä-Pohjanmaan keskusalueisiin ovat vähäiset. Järviseudun siirtolaisuuden systemaattinen tutkiminen jäi silloin ja on jäänyt edelleen suorittamatta, vaikka kuten jo Toivosen sanoista käy ilmi - "järvikunna" siirtolaisuutensa kannalta olivat ja yhäkin lienevät ovat "pohjalaisempia" kuin Etelä-Pohjanmaan maakunnan omat keskusalueet

    Monipuolinen historiantutkija ja vaikuttaja Mauno Jokipii

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    Puolue, valtio ja edustuksellinen demokratia : Pekka Nyholmille omistettu juhlakirja

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    Essays written in honour of Pekka Nyholm on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, 3 April 1986, concem party, state and representational democracy, which are also of central interest in Nyholm's scientific work. The eight contributors are Finnish scholars in political science