681 research outputs found
Analysis of the Effect of Visual Merchandising, Store Atmosphere and Sales Promotion on Impulse Buying Behavior
Consumer behavior undergoes a very dynamic and significant development, which is caused by various factors. Consumer behavior is related to the factors behind the interest and decision to buy. This study aims to determine the effect of visual merchandising, store atmosphere, and sales promotion on impulse buying behavior. The method used in this research is quantitative. The sample used is supermarket consumers in Demak. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression. The results showed that visual merchandising had a significant effect on impulsive buying behavior, store atmosphere has a considerable impact on impulsive buying behavior, and sales promotion significantly affected impulsive buying behavior. Therefore, in the future, if you want to optimize buyer interest, these three factors need to be considered
Sales promotion girl (SPG) is a profession that is engaged in the marketing or promotion of a product. This profession typically uses women who have interesting physical character as an attempt to attract the attention of consumers.SPG is required to have skills in offering goods/services of the company. Usually, the way product offering by SPG has some interesting characteristics in an attempt to attract the attention of consumers. With the promotion system using the services of a consumer not uncommon SPG gravitated towards these products but because of the physical appearance of the SPG looks sexy in that dress. This was done as an attempt to boost the product so well-known and was sold to the general public. This research is field research using the method of observation, interview, and documentation. This type of research is qualitative research that is data presented with words. By using a descriptive method. Islamic Economics perspective on marketing strategies using SPG is not allowed if the SPG sexy dress and exposes her body accentuating i.e., lest consumers buy goods, not because of the quality of its products
Perlu di bedakan antara siklus pengelolaan APBD dengan siklus penganggaran daerah. Siklus APBD lebih luas hingga prosedur pertanggung jawaban APBD. Sedangkan siklus penganggaran daerah merupakan bagian dari siklus APBD
yang mencakup penyusunan kebijakan umum APBD sampai dengan disusunnya rancangan APBD. APBD perubahan merupakan revisi terhadap APBD tahun anggaran berjalan yang meliputi komponen pendapatan, belanja, dan pembiayaan daerah yang harua dsetujui antara pemerintah dan legislatif.
Proses penyusunan APBD perubahan merupakan hal yang sangat teknis dan diatur oleh undang-undang dan peraturan menteri. Dimana proes penyusunan APBD perubahan meliputi 7 tahapan mulai dari penyusunan KUA PPAS sampai dengan penerbitan DPPA SKPD. Dimana dalam pelaksanaan prosesnya diatur dari berbagai unsur baik waktu maupun teknis penyusunan dengan undang-undang. Dimana APBD perubahan digunakan sebagai dasar dan gambaran buat masyarakat kegiatan yang akan dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah
Analysis of the Effect of Visual Merchandising, Store Atmosphere and Sales Promotion on Impulse Buying Behavior
Consumer behavior undergoes a very dynamic and significant development, which is caused by various factors. Consumer behavior is related to the factors behind the interest and decision to buy. This study aims to determine the effect of visual merchandising, store atmosphere, and sales promotion on impulse buying behavior. The method used in this research is quantitative. The sample used is supermarket consumers in Demak. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression. The results showed that visual merchandising had a significant effect on impulsive buying behavior, store atmosphere has a considerable impact on impulsive buying behavior, and sales promotion significantly affected impulsive buying behavior. Therefore, in the future, if you want to optimize buyer interest, these three factors need to be considered
Marketing Strategy on Hasanah Saving Products at KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah Semarang
AbstractPurpose - This study aims to find out what a hasanah savings product is and the marketing strategy implemented by KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah Semarang.Method - This research is a type of field research conducted at KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah Genuk Semarang to explore relevant data or primary and secondary data sources. The author collects data by interview, observation, and documentation. The collected data is then analyzed by analytical descriptive method.Result - The marketing strategy carried out by KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah is advertising by KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah in the form of brochures, internet, MMT and souvenirs. In addition to advertising, there is also personal selling, in practice marketing KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah serves and influences, offers, and directly disseminates its products to partners. There is also publicity carried out by KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah through tausiyah activities at the school foundation which is a mandatory activity once a month in the last week of the month accompanied by door prizes.Implication - This research can be used as a reference in marketing KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah hasanah savings products.Originality- The marketing strategy used in marketing KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah hasanah savings products in Semarang is through advertising in the form of brochures, internet, MMT and souvenirs, besides that there are tausiyah activities and door prizes.
Marketing Strategy on Hasanah Saving Products at KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah Semarang
AbstractPurpose - This study aims to find out what a hasanah savings product is and the marketing strategy implemented by KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah Semarang.Method - This research is a type of field research conducted at KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah Genuk Semarang to explore relevant data or primary and secondary data sources. The author collects data by interview, observation, and documentation. The collected data is then analyzed by analytical descriptive method.Result - The marketing strategy carried out by KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah is advertising by KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah in the form of brochures, internet, MMT and souvenirs. In addition to advertising, there is also personal selling, in practice marketing KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah serves and influences, offers, and directly disseminates its products to partners. There is also publicity carried out by KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah through tausiyah activities at the school foundation which is a mandatory activity once a month in the last week of the month accompanied by door prizes.Implication - This research can be used as a reference in marketing KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah hasanah savings products.Originality- The marketing strategy used in marketing KSPPS Berkah Mitra Hasanah hasanah savings products in Semarang is through advertising in the form of brochures, internet, MMT and souvenirs, besides that there are tausiyah activities and door prizes.
Entrepreneurship is the creative and innovative ability that is used as the basis, the tips and resources to find opportunities for success. Currently, many women are moved to create a variety of businesses that can be used as a foundation of life. Entrepreneurship is based on interest and family environment. Interest is the source of motivation that encourages a person to do the dream. Furthermore, the business experience of the family will provide an indirect experience to a person to have an entrepreneurial interest.The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of family interest and environment on the decision of Muslim women entrepreneurship. The population in this study is all Muslim women who entrepreneurship in the Village Sukodono Bonang District Demak District with a total sample of 30 respondents. Analytical techniques in this study using multiple linear regression analysis techniques.The results showed that the interest (X1) has a significant effect on the decision of Muslim women entrepreneurship with p value (sig) of 0.048 below 0.05. Similarly, the family environment variable (X2) has a significant influence on the decision of Muslim women entrepreneurship, this is indicated by p value (sig) of 0.004 below 0.05._________________________________________________________Kewirausahaan adalah kemampuan kreatif dan inovatif yang dijadikan dasar, kiat dan sumber daya untuk mencari peluang menuju sukses. Saat ini, wanita pun banyak yang tergerak untuk membuat berbagai macam usaha yang dapat dijadikan tumpuan hidup. Kewirausahaan dilatar belakangi oleh faktor minat dan lingkungan keluarga. Minat merupakan sumber motivasi yang mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan hal yang diimpikan. Selanjutnya, pengalaman usaha dari keluarga akan memberikan pengalaman secara tidak langsung kepada seseorang untuk memiliki minat berwirausaha.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh minat dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap keputusan wanita muslim berwirausaha. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh wanita muslim yang berwirausaha di Desa Sukodono Kecamatan Bonang Kabupaten Demak dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 responden. Teknik analisa dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisa regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Minat (X1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan wanita muslim berwirausaha dengan dengan p value (sig) sebesar 0,048 di bawah 0,05. Begitu juga variabel lingkungan keluarga (X2) memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan wanita muslim berwirausaha, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan p value (sig) sebesar 0,004 di bawah 0,05
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