341 research outputs found

    Analysis of the consumption of energy drinks, fruit juices and other beverages among young athletes

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    Energy drinks are very popular among young people. The aim of the study was to analyze the consumption of energy drinks on a group of young athletes after nutritional education. The study was conducted on a group of 247 young athletes in two randomly chosen sports schools in Bydgoszcz. Studies carried out in two stages (before and after nutritional education) using author's questionnaire and FFQ. EDs were consumed by 66% (I stage) and 69% (II stage) of the young athletes. Most young athletes chose energy drinks based on taste (63.5%) and price (40%). Nutritional education have made that the number of young athletes consuming EDs quite often (i.e. daily, 1-3 times a week) decreased significantly from 28.3% to 19.7%. Nutritional education also influenced the good nutritional choices of young athletes. Of the drinks, the most young athletes consumed daily still mineral water (42%) and fruit juices (13%), with less consumption of cola-type caffeine drinks (7%). The study showed that nutritional education have reduced the frequent consumption of EDs among young athletes


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    Among many methods of strategic management, special attention should be put to the concept of core competences, which is an excellent and modern tool of competitiveness. Its essence comes to the belief that the differentiated framework of leading economic activities forces the use of different ways of achieving its objectives. Such is the way it is described by a set of unique, rare, and above all, personalized assets, which together form the specificity and nature of the organization. Taking into account the importance of the concept of core competences in strategic activities of the company, the purpose of the article was to identify and assess the basic attributes of the organization and present them in a comprehensive range. The theoretical part was developed on the basis of analysis of Polish and Englishlanguage bibliography, the empirical part was based on surveys conducted on a sample of 192 entities representing the industrial enterprises operating in Poland. Analysis of the answers allowed concluding that the main core competences of Polish enterprises are: the quality of product and services, staff qualifications, flexibility, clearly defined goals, and ability to adapt to the environment


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    Nowadays, the cooperation is considered as one of the basic paths of enterprise development. For many entities, it is a chance of improving or increasing competitiveness, for others it is a necessity because the lack of cooperation could cause serious perturbations. However, it is emphasized that the decision to cooperate must be conscious. The effect can be on one hand the benefits, on the other hand there is the possibility of generating losses. Due to the fact that most of the relations between the cooperating companies are antagonistic, it is worth considering the factors that guarantee the effectiveness of cooperation. This paper attempts to identify the key factors that favour and limit the effectiveness of inter-organizational collaboration. The first part of the paper presents theoretical reflections on the essence and nature of cooperation. The second one focuses on the result analysis of a survey on determinants of cooperation conducted during the year 2015 on a sample of 192 entities

    Dimension of circumflex branch according to type of heart vascularisation in foetal life of human

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    Typological differentiation of coronary arteries binds to various areas of vascularisation, which could suggest essential differences between vasculatory dimensions. There are not many papers analysing the influence of heart vascularisation on epicardial vessel dimensions during postnatal human life, furthermore, there are hardly any papers dealing with the prenatal period. The subject of examination was 188 human foetuses from 4th to 7th month of prenatal life. Foetuses were fixed for minimum 3 months in 9% formalin solution. They were taken from natural abortions and did not characterise any external malformations. There was a different number of foetuses in a variety of morphological age groups. Adachi classification was used to describe all types: type I - classical, with equal coronary arteries, type II - predominance of right coronary artery, type III - predominance of left coronary artery. Speed of circumflex branch growth in different types of vascularisation is various. Analysis of the differences among dimensions of artery in various types showed there are statistically crucial ones, especially between: types III and I or types III and II

    A Qualitative Approach to Trade Credit in Business Organisations

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    The aim of the paper is to present, in the cognitive aspect, the opinions, judgements and notions of entrepreneurs regarding financing of the current activity of enterprises with trade credit. The nature of the research problem determines the adoption of qualitative research as a research basis, in which direct interview with entrepreneurs has been used. These entrepreneurs, in transaction processes, represent both credit recipients as well as credit donors. Interviews were conducted in 2015, on a sample of 147 manufacturing companies of different nature and different business domain. The paper presents both positive, as well as negative aspects related to the use of trade credit. The possibility to purchase without having financial means, improving financial liquidity and production productivity; increase in revenue and competitive position and general use, open access and cheapness are particularly important in the first approach. Payment gridlock and high risk of activity, as well as increase in the cost in business activity were indicated in negative terms. Value - the authors try, through the prism of empirical research, to show and estimate positive and negative aspects of trade credit. This knowledge has a practical value as it could be used by other firms that implement or develop their trade credit policy

    Numerical Computation of the Vibroacoustic Behaviour of an Oil-Immersed Power Transformer

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    This paper presents a numerical calculation method that allows for the simulation of the mechanical and acoustic behaviour of a transformer tank. In order to simulate the vibroacoustic behaviour of an oil-immersed power transformer, an acoustic-mechanical coupled three-dimensional finite-element method model of a transformer was setup. The simulation is performed in the frequency domain at frequencies adjacent to the driving frequency. A vibration source closely resembling the actual active part of the transformer is placed within the oil-filled tank that mechanically represents an acoustic cavity with flexible steel boundaries. Via a fluid-structure interface the vibration source generates acoustic waves in the oil medium which partly transmit through the tank wall structure and partly reflect within the steel transformer tank again via a fluid-structure interface. The vibrating tank is then coupled with the external acoustic air medium and the corresponding sound field is calculated and evaluated according to IEC 60076-10. This numerical computation allows for the direct calculation of the complete vibrational and acoustic behaviour of a transformer

    The source of phosphorus in a diet of 17-year-olds

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    Introduction. Phosphorus is an element which naturally occurs in food. However, much phosphorus is also added to food in the form of emulsifiers, stabilizers or raising agents. The growing popularity of highly processed foods is becoming a problem because of excessive phosphorus dietary intake by children and young people. The purpose of this work was to estimate the consumption of phosphorus and identify its sources in daily food rations of 17-year-old schoolchildren from the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Province. Material and methods. Information about the composition of ingested food ration was obtained by 24-hour recall. Based on the information on food consumption and the phosphorus content in 100 g of food products, the phosphorus content in a daily food ration was calculated. The values were compared with the norm for adolescents aged 16-18 years (EAR, Estimated Average Requirement = 1050 mg/person/day). Next, the percentage of phosphorus from six food groups in food rations for girls and boys were calculated, defining the structure of the element consumed. Differences in the phosphorus intake structure between the genders were assessed with the Mann-Whitney U test. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica. Results. The analysis showed that young people’s diets were characterized by a high content of phosphorus. The average content of phosphorus in the daily food ration of boys was 1939.8±62.7 mg/person/day, corresponding to 184.7% of the average demand for phosphorus (EAR). For girls, the phosphorus intake was significantly lower than for boys, i.e. 1245.7±38.4 mg/person/day, equal to 118.6% of the EAR. Over 80% of ingested phosphorus originated from 3 groups of food products. The main sources of phosphorus in the diet were grain products, potatoes and animal products (milk and dairy products, meat, sausages, fish and eggs). Conclusions. Excessive intake of phosphorus was found in the diet of adolescents.Wstęp. Fosfor jest pierwiastkiem naturalnie występującym w żywności. Spora ilość tego związku dodawana jest również do żywności m.in. jako emulgatory, stabilizatory i spulchniacze. Rosnąca popularność żywności wysokoprzetworzonej staje się problemem, gdyż w dietach dzieci i młodzieży obserwuje się nadmiar spożycia fosforu. Celem pracy była ocena spożycia fosforu i wyznaczenie głównych jego źródeł w całodziennej racji pokarmowej 17-letniej młodzieży z województwa kujawskopomorskiego. Materiał i metody. Informacje o składzie spożytej racji pokarmowej uzyskano metodą wywiadu z 24 godzin. Na podstawie informacji o spożyciu oraz zawartości fosforu w 100 g produktów spożywczych obliczono zawartość fosforu w całodziennej racji pokarmowej. Uzyskane wartości porównano z normą dla osób w wieku 16- 18 lat (Średnie zapotrzebowanie dla grupy, EAR ang. - Estimated Average Requirement = 1050 mg/osobę/dzień). Następnie obliczono procent fosforu z 6 grup żywności w racjach pokarmowych dziewcząt i chłopców, określając strukturę spożytego pierwiastka. Zróżnicowanie struktury spożytego fosforu związane z płcią przeprowadzono testem U Manna-Whitneya. Analizę statystyczną przeprowadzono przy pomocy programu Statistica. Wyniki. Analiza wykazała, że dieta młodzieży charakteryzowała się wysoką zawartością fosforu. Średnia zawartość fosforu w całodziennej racji pokarmowej chłopców wynosiła 1939,8±62,7 mg/osobę/dzień, co stanowiło 184,7% średniego zapotrzebowania na fosfor (EAR). W grupie dziewcząt spożycie fosforu było istotnie niższe niż u chłopców i wynosiło 1245,7±38,4 mg/osobę/dzień, co stanowiło 118,6% EAR. Źródłem ponad 80% spożytego fosforu były 3 grupy produktów spożywczych. Głównymi źródłami fosforu w diecie były produkty zbożowe, ziemniaki oraz produkty pochodzenia zwierzęcego (mleko i produkty mleczne, mięso, wędliny, ryby i jaja). Wnioski. Stwierdzono nadmierne spożycie fosforu w diecie młodzieży

    Źródła fosforu w diecie 17- letniej młodzieży

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    Introduction. Phosphorus is an element which naturally occurs in food. However, much phosphorus is also added to food in the form of emulsifiers, stabilizers or raising agents. The growing popularity of highly processed foods is becoming a problem because of excessive phosphorus dietary intake by children and young people.The purpose of this work was to estimate the consumption of phosphorus and identify its sources in daily food rations of 17-year-old schoolchildren from the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Province.Material and methods. Information about the composition of ingested food ration was obtained by 24-hour recall. Based on the information on food consumption and the phosphorus content in 100 g of food products, the phosphorus content in a daily food ration was calculated. The values were compared with the norm for adolescents aged 16-18 years (EAR, Estimated Average Requirement = 1050 mg/person/day). Next, the percentage of phosphorus from six food groups in food rations for girls and boys were calculated, defining the structure of the element consumed. Differences in the phosphorus intake structure between the genders were assessed with the Mann-Whitney U test. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica.Results. The analysis showed that young people’s diets were characterized by a high content of phosphorus. The average content of phosphorus in the daily food ration of boys was 1939.8±62.7 mg/person/day, corresponding to 184.7% of the average demand for phosphorus (EAR). For girls, the phosphorus intake was significantly lower than for boys, i.e. 1245.7±38.4 mg/person/day, equal to 118.6% of the EAR. Over 80% of ingested phosphorus originated from 3 groups of food products. The main sources of phosphorus in the diet were grain products, potatoes and animal products (milk and dairy products, meat, sausages, fish and eggs).Conclusions. Excessive intake of phosphorus was found in the diet of adolescents.Wstęp. Fosfor jest pierwiastkiem naturalnie występującym w żywności. Spora ilość tego związku dodawana jest również do żywności m.in. jako emulgatory, stabilizatory i spulchniacze. Rosnąca popularność żywności wysokoprzetworzonej staje się problemem, gdyż w dietach dzieci i młodzieży obserwuje się nadmiar spożycia fosforu.Celem pracy była ocena spożycia fosforu i wyznaczenie głównych jego źródeł w całodziennej racji pokarmowej 17-letniej młodzieży z województwa kujawskopomorskiego.Materiał i metody. Informacje o składzie spożytej racji pokarmowej uzyskano metodą wywiadu z 24 godzin. Na podstawie informacji o spożyciu oraz zawartości fosforu w 100 g produktów spożywczych obliczono zawartość fosforu w całodziennej racji pokarmowej. Uzyskane wartości porównano z normą dla osób w wieku 16- 18 lat (Średnie zapotrzebowanie dla grupy, EAR ang. - Estimated Average Requirement = 1050 mg/osobę/dzień). Następnie obliczono procent fosforu z 6 grup żywności w racjach pokarmowych dziewcząt i chłopców, określając strukturę spożytego pierwiastka. Zróżnicowanie struktury spożytego fosforu związane z płcią przeprowadzono testem U Manna-Whitneya. Analizę statystyczną przeprowadzono przy pomocy programu Statistica.Wyniki. Analiza wykazała, że dieta młodzieży charakteryzowała się wysoką zawartością fosforu. Średnia zawartość fosforu w całodziennej racji pokarmowej chłopców wynosiła 1939,8±62,7 mg/osobę/dzień, co stanowiło 184,7% średniego zapotrzebowania na fosfor (EAR). W grupie dziewcząt spożycie fosforu było istotnie niższe niż u chłopców i wynosiło 1245,7±38,4 mg/osobę/dzień, co stanowiło 118,6% EAR. Źródłem ponad 80% spożytego fosforu były 3 grupy produktów spożywczych.Głównymi źródłami fosforu w diecie były produkty zbożowe, ziemniaki oraz produkty pochodzenia zwierzęcego (mleko i produkty mleczne, mięso, wędliny, ryby i jaja).Wnioski. Stwierdzono nadmierne spożycie fosforu w diecie młodzieży

    The Source of Phosphorus in Diet of 17 Year Old Youth

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    Introduction. Phosphorus is an element naturally occurring in foods. A large amount of this compound is also added to foods such as emulsifiers, stabilizers, and rippers. The growing popularity of high-processed foods is becoming a problem, because in the diets children and young people followed excess phosphorus intake. Thepurpose of this work was an evaluation of consumption of phosphorus and showing its sources in daily food ration of school children of age 17 years from Kuyavian-Pomeranian province. Materials and methods. Information about the composition of ingested food ration was obtained by interview of 24 hours. On the basis of information on consumption and a phosphorus content in 100 g of food products, phosphorus content in daily food ration was calculated. The values obtained were compared with the norm for people aged 16-18 years old (EAR = 1050 mg/person/day). Next the percentage of phosphorus from the six food groups in food rations for girls and boys were calculated, defining the structure of the element consumed. Differentiation of gender-related phosphorus intake was conducted by Mann-Whitney U test. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica. Results. The analysis showed that the diet of young people was characterized by a high content of phosphorus. The average content of phosphorus in the daily food ration of boys was 1939.8±62.7 mg/person/day, representing 184.7% of the average demand for phosphorus (EAR). In the group of girls, phosphorus intake was significantly lower than in boys - 1245.7±38.4 mg/person/day, representing 118.6% of the EAR. The main sources of phosphorus in the diet were grain products, potatoes and animal products (milk and dairy products, meat, sausages, fish and eggs). Conclusions. Excessive intake of phosphorus was found in the diet of young people. 3 groups of food products were the source of over 80% of ingested phosphorus.Fosfor jest pierwiastkiem naturalnie występującym w żywności. Spora ilość tego związku dodawana jest również do żywności m.in. jako emulgatory, stabilizatory i spulchniacze. Rosnąca popularność żywności wysokoprzetworzonej staje się problemem, gdyż w dietach dzieci i młodzieży obserwuje się nadmiar spożycia fosforu. Celempracy była ocena spożycia fosforu i wyznaczenie głównych jego źródeł w całodziennej racji pokarmowej 17-letniej młodzieży z województwa kujawskopomorskiego. Materiał i metody. Informacje o składzie spożytej racji pokarmowej uzyskano metodą wywiadu z 24 godzin. Na podstawie informacji o spożyciu oraz zawartości fosforu w 100 g produktów spożywczych obliczono zawartość fosforu w całodziennej racji pokarmowej. Uzyskane wartości porównano z normą dla osób w wieku 16-18 lat (EAR=1050 mg/osobę/dzień). Następnie obliczono procent fosforu z 6 grup żywności w racjach pokarmowych dziewcząt i chłopców, określając strukturę spożytego pierwiastka. Zróżnicowanie struktury spożytego fosforu związane z płcią przeprowadzono testem U Manna- Whitney’a. Analizę statystyczną przeprowadzono przy pomocy programu Statistica. Wyniki. Analiza wykazała, że dieta młodzieży charakteryzowała się wysoką zawartością fosforu. Średnia zawartość fosforu w całodziennej racji pokarmowej chłopców wynosiła 1939,8±62,7 mg/osobę/dzień, co stanowiło 184,7% średniego zapotrzebowania na fosfor (EAR). W grupie dziewcząt spożycie fosforu było istotnie niższe niż u chłopców i wynosiło 1245,7±38,4 mg/osobę/dzień, co stanowiło 118,6% EAR. Głównymi źródłami fosforu w diecie były produkty zbożowe, ziemniaki oraz produkty pochodzenia zwierzęcego (mleko i produkty mleczne, mięso, wędliny, ryby i jaja). Wnioski. Stwierdzono nadmierne spożycie fosforu w diecie młodzieży. Źródłem ponad 80% spożytego fosforu były 3 grupy produktów spożywczych

    Correlation of heart external dimensions with body external dimensions of human foetuses

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    In an evaluation of foetal hearts in II and III pregnancy semester, correlation with exterior foetal dimensions should be taken into consideration. It is interesting also if all exterior heart dimensions are correlated at the same level with overall body dimensions. The subject of examination was 204 foetuses of both sexes, including 106 males and 98 females, in 5th and 6th month of foetal life. Foetuses were fixed for minimum 3 months in 9% formalin solution. They were taken from natural abortions, without exterior features of developmental malformations. Examined material was evaluated in month groups of morphological age. The number of foetuses in different groups was various. Exterior heart dimensions were considered: height, width, heart depth, and also heart circumference in coronary sulcus (atrial-ventricular). Exterior dimensions of foetuses were: vertex-plantare, vertex-tubulare. All exterior dimensions of heart are closely and strongly correlated with both exterior dimensions of foetuses