124 research outputs found

    The status of Euaresta stelligera (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    Based on examination of morphological characters of specimens from throughout their ranges, Euaresta stelligera (Coquillett) is confirmed to be a distinct species from E. bellula (Snow). The diagnostic characters, distributions, and host plants of both species are discussed. New distribution records for E. aequalis (Loew) and E. tapetis (Coquillett) are also provided, and an error concerning the range of Valentibulla californica is noted

    Revision of the Anastrepha benjamini species group and the A. pallidipennis complex (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    The shape of the facial carina in Altastreplia is discussed. Although taxonomically useful, the protrudent form probably occurs by convergence in different species groups. Two species groups in which the carina is usually produced are revised. The belljamini species group includes: belljamini Lima (from southeastern Brazil), gigantea Stone (from Panama), magna, n. sp. (from Colombia and Venezuela), and superj1ua Stone (from Panama). Host data for this group are limited to only one record of benjamilli from a species of Pouteria (Sapotaceae). The pallidipennis complex, which is included in the pseudoparallela species group, is recognized to include: amnis Stone (from southern Brazil and possibly Trinidad), curitis Stone (from Colombia, Peru, and northern Brazil), pallida, n. sp. (from Panama), pallidipennis Greene (from Colombia and Venezuela), and vele::i, n. sp. (from Colombia). These species breed in fruit of Passij10ra (Passifloraceae) (P. ambigua Hems., ligularis Juss., Idtida H.B.K., quadrallgularis L., and seemannii Griseb.). The relationships of these Anastrepliaspecies are discussed, and diagnoses and ill ustrations are provided to permit their identification. A neotype is designated for A. consobrina (Loew), and the identity of this species is clarified.Se discute la forma de la carina de la cara en Anastreplia. Aunque esta caracteristica es util taxonomicamente, probablemente la forma producida ocurre por convergencia en varios grupos de especies. Se revisan dos grupos de especies que normalmente tiene una carina producida. EI grupo benjamini incluye: benjamini Lima (del sureste de Brasil), gigantea Stone (de Panama), magna, sp. n. (de Colombia y Venezuela), y superj1ua Stone (de Panama). Datos de huespedes del grupo belljamini incluyen solo un registro de benjamini en una especie de Pouteria (Sapotaceae). EI complejo pallidipennis, que es una parte del grupo pseudoparallela incluye: amnis Stone (del sur de Brasil y tal vez de Trinidad), curitis Stone (de Colombia, Peru, y el norte de Brasil), pallida, sp. n. (de Panama), pallidipennis Greene (de Colombia y Venezuela), y velezi, sp. n. (de Colombia). Estas cinco especies se alimentan de frutos de Passij10ra (passifloraceae) (P. ambiguaHemsJ., ligularisJuss., nitida H.B.K., quadrangularis L., y seemannii Griseb.). Se discuten las relaciones de estas Anastrepila especies y se proveen diagnoses e ilustraciones para su identificacci6n. Se designa un neotipo de A. consobrina (Loew) , y se establece la identidad de esta especie

    A new species of Anastrepha from Amazonia : with redescriptions of A. caudata Stone and A. hendeliana Lima (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    Three species of Anastrepha from upper Amazonia are described or redescribed and illustrated. They are considered closely related and are placed in the A. caudata species group. Anastrepha caudata Stone 1942 is redescribed based on the holotype, the only known specimen. Its type locality is probably São Paulo de Olivença in Amazonas, Brazil, not the state or city of São Paulo as previously assumed. Anastrepha hendeliana Lima 1934, new status, is removed from synonymy with A. longicauda Lima 1934 based on specimens from Brazil (Amazonas and Rondonia) and Colombia (Caquetá). The female is described for the first time. Anastrepha brunnealata, n. sp., is described from specimens from Venezuela (Amazonas) and probably Peru (Loreto). Anastrepha longicauda Lima is placed in the dentata species group.Se describen o redescriben e ilustran tres especies de Anastrepha del Amazonia. Ellas están consideradas cercanamente relacionadas y las ubican en el grupo de especies caudata. Se redescribe Anastrepha caudata Stone 1942 basado en el holotipo, el único especimen conocido. La localidad tipo probablemente es São Paulo de Olivença en el Amazonas, Brasil, no el estado o la ciudad de São Paulo como se asumió anteriormente. Se remueve Anastrepha hendeliana Lima 1934, stat. n., de la sinonómia de A. longicauda Lima 1934 basado en especimenes de Brasil (Amazonas y Rondonia) y Colombia (Caquetá). La hembra es descrita por primera vez. Se describe Anastrepha brunnealata, sp. n., de especimenes de Venezuela (Amazonas) y probablemente Peru (Loreto). Se ubica Anastrepha longicauda Lima en el grupo de especies dentata

    The status of \u3ci\u3eEuaresta stelligera \u3c/i\u3e (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    Based on examination of morphological characters of specimens from throughout their ranges, Euaresta stelligera (Coquillett) is confirmed to be a distinct species from E. bellula (Snow). The diagnostic characters, distributions, and host plants of both species are discussed. New distribution records for E. aequalis (Loew) and E. tapetis (Coquillett) are also provided, and an error concerning the range of Valentibulla californica is noted

    New genera of Tephritidae (Diptera) from Brazil and Dominican Amber, with phylogenetic analysis of the tribe Ortalotrypetini

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    The tribe Ortalotrypetini (Trypetinae) is expanded to include four genera, whose phylogenetic relationships are analyzed

    New species and phylogenetic analysis of Cryptodacus, Haywardina, and Rhagoletotrypeta (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    The genera Cryptodacus, Haywardina, and Rhagoletotrypeta are revised, and the cladistic relationships among their species are analyzed. Cryptoplagia Aczel is synonymized with Haywardina, and Lezca Foote with Cryptodacus. Twenty-one species, including ten new species, are recognized. Keys, diagnoses, and illustrations to identify them are presented. Solanum trichoneuron is reported as a host plant of H. cuculi, and Celtis iguanaea as a host of R. pastranai

    A revision of the New World species of Norrbomia (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), including all American species previously placed in Borborillus

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    The New World species formerly placed in Borborillus Duda (Sphaeroceridae: Copromyzinae) are transfemdto Norrbomia Papp. These are: N. lacteipennis (Malloch), n. comb., N. fumipennis (Stenhammar), n. comb., N. frigipennis (Spuler), n. comb., N. scripta (Malloch), n. comb., and N. sordida (Zetteretedt). Norrbomia fulvipennis, N. singusta, N. mexicana, N. triglabra, and N. yukonensis are described as new. Borborus articus Malloch is synonymized with N. fumipennis, and Borborus singularis Spuler is synonymized with N. scripta. All ten New World species of Norrbomia are keyed, illustrated and described. Their relationships are discussed and a cladogram is provided. Species in two of the defined clades are kleptoparasitic on dung rolling scarab beetles

    Tephritidae flies associated with Chuquiraga avellanedae (Asteraceae) in Patagonia, Argentina

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    In Patagonia, knowledge about the interaction among tephritids and the native flora is very scarce. In this study we identified for the first time two tephritid species (Cecidochares sp. and Neosphaeniscus m-nigrum) associated with the capitula of Chuquiraga avellanedae. This is the first record of a host plant for the genus Neosphaeniscus. Cecidochares sp. was more abundant and had a shorter development time than N. m-nigrum. Also, two families of parasitoid wasps (Pteromalidae and Eurytomidae) were registered. Further studies are needed to understand the impact of these tephritids on C. avellanedae fitness and their potential to control its populations.Fil: Martínez, Fernando Joaquín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico para el Estudio de los Ecosistemas Continentales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; ArgentinaFil: Norrbom, Allen L.. United States Department of Agriculture; Estados UnidosFil: Schliserman, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Catamarca. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Catamarca; ArgentinaFil: Campanella, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico para el Estudio de los Ecosistemas Continentales; Argentin

    Description of a new species of the Anastrepha curvicauda species group (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    Las moscas del género Anastrepha, se consideran plagas de gran importancia económica, no solo por el daño directo que causan a la producción de fruta sino, también, por las restricciones de cuarentena impuestas a los países exportadores de fruta. Por lo tanto, preparar descripciones y generar herramientas de identificación taxonómica, que permitan un reconocimiento adecuado y oportuno de las especies de importancia agrícola, es una actividad básica para la sanidad de las plantas en los países productores y exportadores de frutas. En este trabajo, se describe e ilustra Anastrepha ligiae, una nueva especie del grupo Anastrepha curvicauda, capturada con trampas McPhail, en los municipios de Albán y Anolaima (Cundinamarca) y Vélez (Santander), Colombia y criados en la fruta de la papayuela Vasconcellea pubescens A. DC. (Caricaceae). V. pubescens, se registra por primera vez como una planta hospedante para el género Anastrepha.Fruit flies of the genus Anastrepha are considered pests of great economic importance because they do not only cause direct damage to the fruit production, but also due to the quarantine restrictions imposed to fruit exporting countries. Therefore, preparing descriptions and generating taxonomic identification tools that allow an appropriate and accurate recognition of the species of agricultural importance are basic plant health activities in the fruit producing and exporting countries. In this work, we describe and illustrate Anastrepha ligiae , a new species of the Anastrepha curvicauda group captured with McPhail traps in the municipalities of Albán and Anolaima (Cundinamarca) and Vélez (Santander), Colombia, and reared from mountain papaya Vasconcellea pubescens A. DC. (Caricaceae). V. pubescens is the first time recorded as a host plant of the genus Anastreph

    Exceptional Larval Morphology of Nine Species of the Anastrepha mucronota Species Group (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    Anastrepha is the most diverse and economically important genus of Tephritidae in the American tropics and subtropics. The striking morphology of the third instars of Anastrepha caballeroi Norrbom, Anastrepha crebra Stone, Anastrepha haplacantha Norrbom & Korytkowski, Anastrepha korytkowskii Norrbom, Anastrepha nolazcoae Norrbom & Korytkowski, and three newly discovered and as yet formally unnamed species (Anastrepha sp. Peru-82, Anastrepha sp. nr. protuberans, and Anastrepha sp. Sur-16), and the more typical morphology of Anastrepha aphelocentema Stone, are described using light and scanning electron microscopy. To contribute to a better understanding of the interspecific and intraspecific variation among species in the mucronota species group and facilitate phylogenetic studies, we integrate molecular and morphological techniques to confirm the identity and describe third instars. Larva-adult associations and the identification of described larvae were confirmed using DNA barcodes. We provide diagnostic characters to distinguish larvae among these nine species of the mucronota group and separate them from those of the 29 other Anastrepha species previously described. We introduce the vertical comb-like processes on the oral margin as a novel character, and the unusual character states, including position and shape of the preoral lobe, and dentate or fringed posterior margins of the oral ridges and accessory plates. Our comparative morphology concurs with most previously inferred phylogenetic relationships within the mucronota group
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