20 research outputs found
Vi har undersökt orsaken till de pÄgÄende kon!ikterna mellan skogsÀgare och skogsvÄrdande myndigheter angÄende tillÀmpningen av artskyddsförordningen. Vi konstaterar att myndigheterna i ett internt projekt har utvecklat en tillÀmp-ning av artskyddsförordningen som saknar stöd i gÀngse rÀttskÀllor, som lagtext, förarbeten och praxis. TillÀmpningen etablerades i internt framtagna riktlinjer för handlÀggning av artskyddsÀrenden. Vi konstaterar att den nya tillÀmpningen kon-sekvent Àr till nackdel för den enskilde skogsbrukaren. De viktigaste punkterna Àr a) en försÀmrad möjlighet att fÄ ersÀttning vid nekad skogsbruksÄtgÀrd, b) svÄrighet att av myndigheten fÄ svar pÄ vad som gÀller och c) en utökad börda för utrednin-gar och bevisföring för den enskilde
Insidesaktivism som en strategi att kontrollera produktionsmedlen? : - Ett exempel frÄn skogsbruket
I artikeln integreras begreppet insidesaktivism med det bredare begreppet rent-seeking och insikter i hur transaktionskostnaderna Àr avgörande för hur produktion organiseras. Ansatsen Àr att förstÄ vilken roll insidesaktivismen spelar för produktionens organisering. För att uppnÄ detta konstrueras en modell över produktionens organisering som utgÄr frÄn konsumenten som avgörande aktör och dÀr insidesaktivism ingÄr som en av flera möjliga strategier för konsumenten att komma i Ätkomst av önskad konsumtion. I arbetet utnyttjas som exempel aktuella konflikter i Sverige om hur skogsbruket ska bedrivas, vilket möjliggör en mer konkret framstÀllning av den framtagna modellen samt ger vissa insikter i konflikternas natur. Med hjÀlp av modellen kan ocksÄ insidesaktivsmens troliga effekter diskuteras, med utgÄngspunkt i den aktuella konflikten, och det konstateras att det finns tre olika slags risker med insidesaktivism, risker ur perspektiven av samhÀllsekonomisk effektivitet respektive demokratiska och rÀttsliga principer
IntrÄng i och reglering av ÀganderÀtten till mark : En metod och en studie av markÄtkomstregler i Sverige
Private property rights are a central and important institution in the society. These rights are a prerequisite for individuals to have incentives to invest in their properties, be able to trade with each other, economic growth and more. In some situations, private land ownership may have to be put aside for society to function adequately; since society needs to build housing, infrastructure and other frameworks to use the land according/suitable to societyâs needs. In addition to society's need for land for facilities, we also find the need to retain natural resources and similar values that entail their demands for land access.Ownership of real property differs from ownership of other normal goods. Land has some special properties that other normal goods often lack. Land is stationary in such a way that you cannot move land with you. This immobility then also means that the land is site-specific. These characteristics are one explanation to the fact that land use often has many laws and regulations to comply with.In Swedish law the possibility for both private and public actors to use land access has a long history. For a long time, real property owners in Sweden have had to carry the burden of being affected by land access. The possibilities in law to use land access have varied throughout history, with a common denominator that over time more purposes have become possible to implement with the use of compulsory land access laws.In Swedish law the possibility for both private and public actors to use land access has a long history. You can say that real property owners in Sweden for a long time have had to carry the burden of being affected by land access. The possibilities in law to use land access have varied throughout history, with a common denominator that over time more purposes have become possible to implement with the use of compulsory land access laws.There is an inherent conflict between private property rights and the society's need to sometimes restrict private property rights to real property. The dissertation aims to investigate and analyse how to enable land access in the most efficient way. How should the system for land access be designed to be efficient while not damaging real property ownership rights? How does the possibility of land access affect economic efficiency in the society? Is the land access system in Swedish law alongside the associated compensation system, a mutually coherent and efficient system?In order to achieve this purpose, the dissertation constructs a framework, based on economic theory and rights theories ascertaining whether a land access system is economically efficient. Four basic questions, as well as two sub-questions, construct the foundation of this approach:(i) Should land access be possible? (i.i) When should it be possible? (i.ii) Who should be able to resort land access?(ii) Should compensation be paid?(iii) How large should the compensation be?(iv) Who should pay the compensation?The conclusion of the constructed approach is that: 1. For efficient use of land, land access must be a possibility. In order for land access to take place, the legal system must contain rules that limit land access measures to situations that create a positive net benefit. Due to this requirement, the question of which actor can carry out land access with the support of compulsory law is less important.2. Compensation shall be paid in situations where land access does not affect a large number of individuals, where each individual damage is small. Compensation should also not be paid in situations where land access takes place to prevent, or stop, illegal activities.3. The compensation shall be based on a market value and be higher than the estimated market value or market value reduction that the procedure of land access causes.4. The party who applies land access is also the party who is to bear the costs of paying compensation.In this dissertation, I apply the framework I constructed to the Swedish system for land access with its associated compensation system. In order to achieve this, I first investigated how Swedish law is formulated today and how it has historically developed in terms of land access, property rights and compensation systems. The initial studies are carried out using legal dogmatic and legal historical methods.When applying the approach, the historical review shows that the Swedish land access system has not historically been efficient. The main reason for this is that the compensation for land access has been both too high and too low. Too high in the sense that society could not evolve efficiently and too low because real property owners suffered a loss of utility due to the compensation being below market value. Also, land access in the form of a restriction of usage was not something that entailed a direct right to compensation according to law until an amendment was made to the Constitution of Sweden in 1994. The reform of the compensation system in 2010, when an amendment to the Expropriation Act Chapter 4 Section 1 was added meaning that a surcharge of 25 % shall be paid for eligible land access, made the system more efficient.It also turns out that the bundle of property rights, i.e. which partial rights this bundle has included and allowed, varies with the right to compensation. During the time when the bundle of rights consisted of the largest number of sub-rights with the greatest powers, the compensation system was also the most generous. Over time, the property owner's great powers meant problems for the development of society, it was for example problematic to deal with the increased urbanization as land value levels forced cities to develop less suitable land for housing. The ownership of land was therefore subject to reforms of various kinds, such as reduced powers for the property owner. The reforms were implemented to make it easier to develop society and disrupt the strong position of the real property owners. At the same time as the powers of the real property owners decreased, the compensation system also became less generous. At its lowest point which remained for a period of time, the compensation could be below market value.The conclusions from applying my framework to Swedish law are that today, on an overall level, it is an efficient and coherent system. With regard to land access measures in the form of restrictions on the availability of buildings of culturally and historically valuable buildings, there is some support that these can be handled in a more efficient way by market mechanisms. One aspect not to forget in an alternative procedure is the difference in the consistency between government decisions and a market solution. Allowing market mechanisms to preserve cultural-historical values is probably less lasting than government decisions. In the long run, it is therefore uncertain whether the ''protection'' of the market solution will last to the same degree as an official decision. Future studies could empirically examine what the total cost of land access measures in order to preserve cultural-historical buildings is. Are the costs of such a magnitude that there are opportunities for streamlining conservation that seem to consider any disadvantages associated with durability.I also argue that a lack of compensation for land access measures in the form of revoked permits for businesses, where the decision to withdraw is based on conditions that the operator could not foresee and a continued business is not manifestly harmful, are not effective. It can for example be new research results that show that previous activities are more environmentally hazardous than previously known
Evolution of behaviour trees for AI-opponents in 2D shooters : Does an AI evolved by a single- or multi- objective genetic algorithm win more matches after evolution using the same number of individuals?
Genetiska algoritmer och beteendetrÀd Àr tvÄ populÀra AI-tekniker som anvÀnts i bÄde kommersiella produkter och forskningssyfte. Kombinationen av dem genom evolution av beteendetrÀd Àr dÀremot ett vÀldigt outforskat Àmne som denna rapport handskas med. Arbetet beskriver först bakgrunden av de individuella teknikerna samt de fÄ artiklar som relaterar till den specifika Àmneskombinationen. Sedan presenteras problemformuleringen vilket angÄr jÀmförelsen av en singel- och multimÄl genetisk algoritm i syftet att utveckla beteendetrÀd till ett 2d-skjutspel. En artefakt skapades för att sÀtta upp spelet, implementera algoritmerna och testa dem gentemot varandra. Progression och designval för implementationen beskrivs i detalj följt av en pilotstudie och sedan en slutgiltig utvÀrdering. Resultatet pekade pÄ att singelmÄlsalgoritmen lyckades vinna fler matcher. Detta faktum analyseras och diskuteras. Till slut avslutas rapporten med ett avsnitt om framtida arbeten vari Àmnen sÄsom utforskning av olika genomstrukturer och automatiskt genererad AI för företag föreslÄs
Evolution of behaviour trees for AI-opponents in 2D shooters : Does an AI evolved by a single- or multi- objective genetic algorithm win more matches after evolution using the same number of individuals?
Genetiska algoritmer och beteendetrÀd Àr tvÄ populÀra AI-tekniker som anvÀnts i bÄde kommersiella produkter och forskningssyfte. Kombinationen av dem genom evolution av beteendetrÀd Àr dÀremot ett vÀldigt outforskat Àmne som denna rapport handskas med. Arbetet beskriver först bakgrunden av de individuella teknikerna samt de fÄ artiklar som relaterar till den specifika Àmneskombinationen. Sedan presenteras problemformuleringen vilket angÄr jÀmförelsen av en singel- och multimÄl genetisk algoritm i syftet att utveckla beteendetrÀd till ett 2d-skjutspel. En artefakt skapades för att sÀtta upp spelet, implementera algoritmerna och testa dem gentemot varandra. Progression och designval för implementationen beskrivs i detalj följt av en pilotstudie och sedan en slutgiltig utvÀrdering. Resultatet pekade pÄ att singelmÄlsalgoritmen lyckades vinna fler matcher. Detta faktum analyseras och diskuteras. Till slut avslutas rapporten med ett avsnitt om framtida arbeten vari Àmnen sÄsom utforskning av olika genomstrukturer och automatiskt genererad AI för företag föreslÄs
Implementation of green infrastructure in sustainable urban planning
Framtidens stÀder stÄr inför betydande utmaningar relaterade till förlust av natur, klimatförÀndringar, urbanisering och miljöförstöring. Genom att integrera grön infrastruktur i stadsplaneringen kan man möta dessa utmaningar pÄ ett hÄllbart sÀtt som frÀmjar mÀnniskors vÀlbefinnande samt skyddar djur och natur. Det krÀvs en holistisk, tvÀrvetenskaplig och multifunktionell strategi för att skapa motstÄndskraftiga och integrerade stÀder som kan möta de komplexa utmaningarna som klimatförÀndringar och ökad urbanisering medför. Syftet med denna studie Àr att analysera och utvÀrdera hur olika kommuner integrerar grön infrastruktur i modern stadsplanering. Detta görs genom att undersöka tre pÄgÄende stadsutvecklingsprojekt i StockholmsomrÄdet: TÀby park, Norra DjurgÄrdsstaden och Kristineberg. Fokuset ligger pÄ att identifiera framgÄngsfaktorer och utmaningar i deras implementering av grön infrastruktur samt att bidra med förbÀttringsförslag för att frÀmja en mer hÄllbar och resilient framtida urban miljö.För att utföra denna studie anvÀndes en kvalitativ ansats, dÀr dokument- och litteratur studerades samt data som samlades in genom detaljerade fÀltstudier pÄ de tre undersökningsplatserna som var valda utifrÄn deras geografiska position, hÄllbarhetsfokus och deras liknade produktionsfaser. Litteraturstudien etablerade en teoretisk ram med fokus pÄ biodiversitet, livskvalitet och klimatanpassning dÀr fÀltstudierna verifierade informationen för att skapa större tillförlitlighet samt bidrog med djupare insikt. En komparativ analys genomfördes slutligen för att identifiera och jÀmföra framgÄngsfaktorer och hinder.Resultatet av studien visade att alla tre stadsdelars olika implementering av grön infrastruktur bidrog till hÄllbarhet inom de tre bedömningskriterierna; klimatanpassning och motstÄndskraft, biodiversitet och livskvalitet. Signifikanta förbÀttringar noterades inom ekosystemtjÀnster som dagvattenhantering och temperaturreglering. Kristineberg utmÀrkte sig genom sin nÀrhet till natur och innovativa lösningar för vattenlagring, men har problem med bullerljud frÄn ArningevÀgen. Norra djurgÄrdsstaden imponerade med sina ekologiska korridorer och trÀdplanteringar som frÀmjar biodiversitet och temperaturreglering, men hade möjlighet till större integrering av gröna tak. TÀby park fokuserade pÄ rekreation genom sin stadspark och gröna slingor, men stÄr inför utmaningar för att bÀttre balansera rekreation och biodiversitet. Integreringen av vÀxtbeklÀdda fasader i TÀby park och Norra DjurgÄrdsstaden var ifrÄgasÀttande dÄ de var placerade i solbegrÀnsade omrÄden och dÀrför frÀmst fyllde ett estetiskt syfte istÀllet för att ocksÄ fungera temperaturreglerade.I framtiden rekommenderas det att gröna lösningar integreras tidigt i stadsplaneringen och att nya innovationer inom grön infrastruktur förbÀttrar sociala och miljömÀssiga aspekter ytterligare, för att uppnÄ ett hÄllbart och resilient samhÀlle.Future cities face significant challenges related to the loss of nature, climate change, urbanization, and environmental degradation. By integrating green infrastructure into urban planning, these challenges can be addressed in a sustainable manner that promotes human well-being and protects animals and nature. A holistic, interdisciplinary, and multifunctional approach is required to create resilient and integrated cities capable of meeting the complex challenges posed by climate change and increasing urbanization. The aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate how different municipalities integrate green infrastructure into modern urban planning. This is done by examining three ongoing urban development projects in the Stockholm area: TÀby Park, Norra DjurgÄrdsstaden, and Kristineberg. The focus is on identifying success factors and challenges in their implementation of green infrastructure and providing improvement suggestions to promote a more sustainable and resilient future urban environment.To conduct this study, a qualitative approach was used, involving document and literature reviews as well as data collected through detailed field studies at the three selected research sites. These sites were chosen based on their geographic location, sustainability focus, and similar stages of development. The literature review established a theoretical framework focusing on biodiversity, quality of life, and climate adaptation, while the field studies verified the information to ensure greater reliability and provided deeper insights. A comparative analysis was then conducted to identify and compare success factors and obstacles.The results of the study showed that the different implementations of green infrastructure in all three districts contributed to sustainability within the three assessment criteria: climate adaptation and resilience, biodiversity, and quality of life. Significant improvements were noted in ecosystem services such as stormwater management and temperature regulation. Kristineberg stood out due to its proximity to nature and innovative water storage solutions but faced issues with noise from ArningevÀgen. Norra DjurgÄrdsstaden impressed with its ecological corridors and tree plantings that promote biodiversity and temperature regulation but had room for greater integration of green roofs. TÀby Park focused on recreation through its urban park and green trails but faced challenges in better balancing recreation and biodiversity. The integration of vegetated facades in TÀby Park and Norra DjurgÄrdsstaden was questionable as they were placed in areas with limited sunlight and therefore primarily served an aesthetic purpose rather than also functioning for temperature regulation.In the future, it is recommended that green solutions be integrated early in urban planning and that new innovations in green infrastructure further improve social and environmental aspects to achieve a sustainable and resilient society
A new method for estimation of critical speed for railway tracks on soft ground
This paper presents a new method, ETL (EBER Track Lab), which allows for estimation of critical speed from measurements from a running train at normal speeds. Hence, large distances can be covered in short time. The method is based on the idea that the dynamic amplification, and the change of shape of the displacement curve under the loaded axle, starts already at speeds well below the critical speed. By observing the change in the displacement curve and comparing it with the results from a theoretical model one can derive an estimate of critical speed. The method has been validated by calculations and test runs. Both the measurements and the calculations show that ETL can give a reasonable estimate of the critical speed from a measurement speed of 0.4 times the critical speed or higher. The method has been applied for inventory measurements on the main network in Denmark.publishedVersio