14 research outputs found

    Nutritional Composition of Strobilanthes Crispus Juice and its Effects on Hyperglycaemia, Hyperlipidemia, Wound Healing and Toxicity in Rats

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    Strobilanthes crispus juice is reported to have good medicinal properties for treating diabetes mellitus and wound healing. The first part of this study evaluated the effect of S. crispus juice on hyperglycaemic, hyperlipidemic and antioxidant enzymes in normal and STZ-induced hyperglycaemic male and female rats at dosages of 140, 210 and 280 mg/kg of body weight (bw) for 30 days. Serum glucose, lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol), antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) were determined on day 0, day 15 and day 30. The result showed that significant decrease of serum glucose levels in male and female diabetic rats with treated glibenclamide and all groups treated with 140, 210 and 280 mg/kg bw of S. crispus juice on days 15 and 30 when compared to control group and baseline data (zero day). The highest reduction of glucose level was 80.9 % on day 30 in male diabetic group treated with 280 mg/kg bw S. crispus juice, followed by 78.9 % reduction in group treated with 210 mg/kg bw, and 67.4 % reduction in group treated with 140 mg/kg bw of S. crispus juice. In female diabetic groups, reduction of glucose level was 78.2 %, 68.9 % and 68.6 % in groups treated with 140, 210 and 280 mg/kg bw of S. crispus juice respectively. Administration of S. crispus juice also reduced total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDLcholesterol; increased HDL-cholesterol, the activity of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in STZ-induced diabetic and normal rats. Second part of this study was to determine the effect of S. crispus juice on wound healing and antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) in normal and diabetic rats. Three levels of dosage (70, 100 and 140 mg/kg of body weight) were orally and repeatedly administered for 7 days. Mid-dorsal linear incisions of 2 cm in length were made on each animal. The results showed that supplementation of S. crispus juice enhances wound closure in normal and diabetic rats. Glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase were increased in diabetic group treated with S. crispus juice. Third part of this study investigated the proximate composition, vitamin and mineral contents of Strobilanthes crispus juice. The proximate analysis showed that S. crispus juice contained high moisture (75.01 %), carbohydrate content (33.47 %) and dietary fibre (12.29 g/100g). The contents of vitamin A, C and E in S. crispus juice were found to be 2.32 mg/100g, 9.37 mg/100g and 5.89 mg/100g respectively. S. crispus juice was found high in minerals including, sodium (37.21 mg/100g), potassium (124.99 mg/100g), calcium (172.88 mg/100g), ferum (0.57 mg/100g), phosphorus (8.18 mg/100g), magnesium (27.86 mg/100g), copper (0.14 mg/100g) and zinc (1.49 mg/100g). The fourth part of this study evaluated the acute toxicity of S.crispus juice. The LD50 was determined with four different dosages of S. crispus juice (700, 2100, 3500 and 4900 mg/kg of body weight) administered orally to normal female and male rats. The rats were treated with a single dose of juice and toxic effects were observed within 7 days. The results showed that no death or toxicity signs were observed in LD50 tested in normal rats. In the blood chemistry tests, no significant changes (p<0.05) were observed for most parameters (aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine and albumin) tested in normal rats. The 30 days toxicity effect were determined by the repeated dosing study using normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats of both sexes. Three level of dosage (140, 210 and 280 mg/kg of body weight) were orally and repeatedly administered for 30 days. The results showed that no significant changes in general behaviour, body weight and organ weight. No differences were noted between the test and control groups in haematological, macroscopic and histopathological findings. The administration of S. crispus juice to normal rats revealed insignificant change in liver and kidney functions, but significant reduction of aspartate aminotransferase (group female and male rats with administration 280 mg/kg b.w. of S. crispus juice), alanine aminotransferase (group female rats with 280 mg/kg b.w. of S. crispus juice) and alkaline phosphatase (group female rats with 210 mg/kg b.w. of S. crispus juice). In streptozotocin-induced diabetes, the rise in blood glucose is accompanied by an increase in serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and creatinine. After the administration of diabetic rats with S. crispus juice for 30 days, there was a significant reduction in AST, ALT, ALP and creatinine. In conclusion, S. crispus juice has high nutritional value and found non-toxic. It shows potential as an antidiabetic drink and additional nutraceutical supplement for wound healing for diabetic patients

    Sains Tumbuhan: Khasiat Belimbing Pasir

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    Malaysia negara tropika yang kaya dengan tumbuhan herba. Secara biasanya, herba digunakan dalam perubatan traditional

    Sains Permakanan: Makanan Berfungsi

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    Kebanyakan pakar farmakologi mengakui bahawa permakanan penting unluk kesihatan dan kesejahteraan. Pada tahun 500 sebelum masihi, hubungan antara farmakologi dengan pemakanan adalah rapat sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh Hippocrates, 'Biarkan makanan menjadi ubat anda dan biarkan ubat meniadi makanan anda. Hanya rawatan semulajadi yang memenuhi kritera tersebut.' Orang Yunan kuno membahagikan perubatan kepada tiga kategori, atau diet, farmasi dan perubatan surgeri. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa adalah makanan sebahagian daripada perubatan yang diamalkan. Dalam sistem perubatan tradisional seperti Ayurveda dan perubatan tradisional Cina, juga tidak ada perbezaan antara makanan dengan ubalan ialtu rnakanan adalah bahagan yang penting untuk mencegah penyakit dan menjaga kesihatan

    Fatty Acid Profiles and Cholesterol Composition of Venison from Farmed Deer

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    It is important to evaluate venison characteristics as a new high quality red meat in the meat marketing system. This information is vital to ensure their commercial success and dietary benefits. The aim of this study is to determine the venison quality from farmed deer according to cuts or muscles based on fatty acid profiles and cholesterol content and to do comparative study on venison quality between species of farmed deer (rusa, sarnbar, fallow and imported red deer) and feeding regimens, i.e., grass-fed vs concentrate-fed venison. The samples of venison were derived from javan rusa (Cervus timorensis russa), moluccan rusa (Cervus timorensis moluccensis), sarnbar (Cervus unicolor brookei), fallow (Dama dama) and imported red deer (Cervus elaphus). Moluccan rusa and red deer were grass-fed deer. Javan rusa, sambar and fallow deer were concentrate-fed deer. Cholesterol content in Longissimus Dorsi (LD) muscles of sambar, fallow and rusa deer were 75.36, 76.61 and 77.58 mg l00g- 1 of fresh venison, respectively. Cholesterol content in Biceps Femoris (BF) muscles of moluccan rusa, sambar, fallow and red deer were 56.61, 59.26, 86.37 and 98.44 mg 100g-1 of fresh venison, respectively. Concentrate-fed deer LD and Psoas Major (PM) muscles show higher C18:2 (n-6) than grass-fed deer. Grass-fed rusa deer shows the highest C18:3 (n- 3) percentages in PM muscle. Grass-fed rusa and red deer gave an ideal n-6:n-3 ratio of less than 5. Species of deer did not influence n-6:n-3 ratio and fatty acid composition in venison. Feeding regimens (grass-fed vs concentrate-fed) significantly (p<O.05) influence n-6:n-3 ratio, fatty acid profiles and cholesterol content in the venison of farmed deer in this study

    Fitokimia: Kunyit sebagai antikanser

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    Kunyit merupakan rizom daripada pokok Curcuma longa L Pokok ini ditemui di belukar dan semak samun. Kunyit berasal dari Asia Tenggara dan Asia Selatan, tetapi kini ditanam untuk tujuan komersial di India, China, Indonesia dan Indochina

    Kimia: kopi manfaat atau mudarat?

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    Pengambilan kopi merangkumi antara 70 % hingga 80 % populasi dunia. Menurut Pertubuhan Makanan dan Pertanian (FAO), pengambilan global kopi mencapai lebih kurang tujuh juta tan setahun. Popularitinya dapat dikaitkan dengan rasa aroma dan kesan kafein

    Jintan Bukan Sekadar Rempah Masakan

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    Masyarakat di Malaysia terutama kaum Melayu terkenal dengan penggunaan pelbagai rempah ratus dalam masakan mereka. Antara rempah ratus yang sering digunakan ialah Jintan. Terdapal empat jenis yang biasa digunakan, iaitu jintan, jintan hitam, jintan putih dan jintan manis. Jintan alau nama saintifiknya Carum carvi L. sejenis pokok herba yang tumbuh liar di tanah tinggi Pokok ini tumbuhan asli di Eropah dan Asia. Biji jintan secara tradisionalnya digunakan untuk merawat demam panas, masalah pembuangan air besar, kembung angin, sakit kepala, diurelik, sawan dan selesema

    Herba: Khasiat Buah Zaitun Sarawak

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    Buah dabai atau Canarium Odontophyllum Miq. merupakan satu daripada buah yang tidak asing di negeri Sarawak. Buah ini hanya ada di kawasan hutan hujan tropika di negeri Sarawak, khususnya di bahagian Sibu dan Kapit. Namun begitu, buah ini juga sering dijual dan boleh didapati di bahagian lain di seluruh Sarawak

    Sains Pemakanan: Kacang Lindungi Jantung?

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    Tidak banyak orang yang mengetahui bahawa kacang selalunya dimakan ketika bersantai mempunyai khasiat dan penawar pelbagai penyakit

    Masakan tradisional dan komposisi nutrien ikan air tawar di Homestay Kg Batu Ring, Beng, Lenggong, Perak; untuk pembangunan dan kesejahteraan pelancongan lestari

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    Konsep pembangunan pelancongan lestari menekankan keprihatinan penggunaan sumber, iaitu pemuliharaan sumber budaya (termasuk warisan) dan alam sekitar (Wanhill, 1997; Mowrorth dan Munt 1998). Makanan tradisonal sesebuah tempat, negeri atau negara merupakan sumber warisan yang seharusnya dipelihara daripada satu generasi kepada generasi yang lain. la juga seharusnya dipekenalkan kepada pe1ancong. Tambahan, apabila berada di sesebuah destinasi pelancongan, setiap pelancong memerlukan makanan dan minuman. Makanan dan minuman adalah salah satu elemen yang penting bagi sesebuah destinasi pelancongan. Mengikut Farzad (2011), salah satu faktor utama dalam pemilihan tempat pelancongan oleh pelancong ialah makanan. Makanan tradisional atau tempatan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam mempromosikan dan meningkatkan daya tarikan sesebuah rantau atau tempat (Skinner, 2002; Van Westering; Poria dan Liapis, 2000)