8 research outputs found

    Path analysis of grain yield with ıts components in durum wheat under drought stress

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    This experiment was conducted in order to study the path analysis of grain yield with its components in durum wheat under potential and drought stress condition during 2005-2006 cropping season in Agriculture Research Station of Tabriz Islamic Azad University. 49 durum wheat line (6 line from Iran and 43line from other fount) was used for this purpose. Two separate simple lattic design (7 7) with two replications was conducted . In one experiment, the plants were commonly irrigated until physiological but in another experiment drought stress imposed in four different stages including; tillering, stem elongation, anthesis and grain filling. Correlations among traits after combining two experiments was calculated by SPSS software . Harvest index(r =0.849**), plant height(r =0.695**), and number of tiller (r =0.689**) had high correlation with grain yield. Back ward regressions was used for regressing grain yield on its components. Number of seeds per spike (0.432) , length of spike(0.407) and 1000 seed weight (0.385) had the highest direct positive effects on grain yield. Path analysis for 1000 seed weight, number of tillers per plant and number of seeds per spike showed that plant height (0.452), length of spike (0.857), days to flowering (0.345) were the most effective components of traits, respectively. Therefore, traits such as number of seeds per spike, spike length and 1000 seed weight could be used as a suitable indices in irrigated and dry farming conditions for obtaining durum wheat genotypes with high yield

    Evaluación del rendimiento de semillas de trigo duro (Triticum durum) bajo estrés por sequía y determinación de la correlación entre algunos componentes del rendimiento utilizando el análisis de senderos

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    Water deficit affects can have negative effects on grain formation. I investigated the relationships between the characters of durum wheat (Triticum durum) and yield under drought stress and identified the most effective components of yield. I used 49 durum wheat genotypes (43 exotic and 6 local lines), in a lattice design (7×7) replicated twice, during tillering, stem elongation, anthesis and grain filling. There were positive correlations among harvest index (r=0,849), plant height (r=0,695), tillering (r=0,689), peduncle length (r=0,466) and grain yield. The number of seeds per spike (0,432), spike length (0,410) and 1 000 seed weight (0,385) had the highest direct effect on yield.Los efectos del déficit hídrico pueden ser negativos en la formación del grano. Investigué las relaciones entre los caracteres del trigo duro (Triticum durum) y el rendimiento bajo estrés por sequía e identifiqué los componentes más efectivos del rendimiento. Utilicé 49 genotipos de trigo duro (43 exóticas y 6 locales), en un diseño de celosía (7×7) replicado dos veces, durante el macollamiento, elongación del tallo, antesis y relleno de grano. Hubo correlaciones positivas entre el índice de cosecha (r=0,849), la altura de la planta (r=0,695), número de macollas (r=0,689), la longitud del pedúnculo (r=0,466) y el rendimiento de grano. La cantidad de semillas por espiga (0,432), longitud de espiga (0,410) y 1 000 semillas de peso (0,385) tuvo el mayor efecto directo sobre el rendimient

    Evaluation of seed yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum) under drought stress and determining correlation among some yield components using path coefficient analysis

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    Water deficit affects can have negative effects on grain formation. I investigated the relationships between the characters of durum wheat (Triticum durum) and yield under drought stress and identified the most effective components of yield. I used 49 durum wheat genotypes (43 exotic and 6 local lines), in a lattice design (7×7) replicated twice, during tillering, stem elongation, anthesis and grain filling. There were positive correlations among harvest index (r=0,849), plant height (r=0,695), tillering (r=0,689), peduncle length (r=0,466) and grain yield. The number of seeds per spike (0,432), spike length (0,410) and 1 000 seed weight (0,385) had the highest direct effect on yield.Los efectos del déficit hídrico pueden ser negativos en la formación del grano. Investigué las relaciones entre los caracteres del trigo duro (Triticum durum) y el rendimiento bajo estrés por sequía e identifiqué los componentes más efectivos del rendimiento. Utilicé 49 genotipos de trigo duro (43 exóticas y 6 locales), en un diseño de celosía (7×7) replicado dos veces, durante el macollamiento, elongación del tallo, antesis y relleno de grano. Hubo correlaciones positivas entre el índice de cosecha (r=0,849), la altura de la planta (r=0,695), número de macollas (r=0,689), la longitud del pedúnculo (r=0,466) y el rendimiento de grano. La cantidad de semillas por espiga (0,432), longitud de espiga (0,410) y 1 000 semillas de peso (0,385) tuvo el mayor efecto directo sobre el rendimient

    Factors affecting agricultural characteristics of camelina sativa (L.) crantz under dry-summer subtropical and warm temperate climates

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    Camelina sativa is one of the alternative plants that can be used to meet exponential growing vegetable oil deficit in Turkey. The purpose of this study was to establish factors affecting crop yield and yield components of the C. sativa using eight genotypes at Ankara (Csa type of climate) and Haymana location (Csb type of climate), Turkey which were separated by a distance of 110 km during 2014. The results of the study showed a significant interaction between C. sativa genotypes and locations for all studied variables. The maximum length of plants was established as 60.95 cm using the line Number 402; the maximum seed yield was determined as 1549.0 kg·ha-1 using the CS-CR1670 population; and the maximum crude oil percentage was established as 51.25% using the CR- 476/65 population at Ankara location. Whereas, at the Haymana location, the maximum plant height of 56.57 cm was noted using the CS-CR1676 population; the maximum seed yield was determined as 1481.0 kg·ha-1 using the CS-163-2073-72 population; and the maximum crude oil percentage was established as 51.42% using the CS-163-2073-72 population in terms of plant height, seed yield and crude oil percentage: CR-476/65, CS-163-2073-72, CS-CR1670 and CSCR1676, Giessen No.3 and NE2006-1 were the best genotypes. Comparing the two locations, maximum seed yield was noted at Ankara location. It was concluded that both locations with Csa and Csb types of climates were appropriate climates for the cultivation of C. sativa under Anatolian conditions. © 2018, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved.Camelina está incrementando su popularidad como una planta de materia prima de biocombustibles, debido a las altas grasas insaturadas y poliinsaturadas (54,3%) y al contenido de aceite (28-40%) (Moser y Vaughn, 2010) y a su temporada de desarrollo que es muy corta (Moser y Vaughn, 2010; Obour et al., 2015). Es un cultivo que se propaga en tierras marginales. Es bien sabido que el porcentaje de los ácidos grasos insaturados del aceite de C. sativa (como el oleico, el linoleico, entre otros) es el más alto en comparación con el porcentaje de los ácidos grasos insaturados comunes a otros aceites vegetales (Kurt y Seyis, 2008); por lo tanto, C. sativa es excelente opcion para la produccion de aceite de cocina de calidad y una buena materia prima de biodiesel

    Effects humic acid application at different stages of growth on yield and yield components of winter rapeseed crops

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı; kışlık kolzaya farklı zamanlarda ve değişik dozlarda humik asit uygulamalarının verim ve verim öğelerine etkilerini belirlemektir. Ankara koşullarında 2013-2014 yılında Tesadüf Bloklarında Bölünmüş Parseller deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak kurulan denemede Bristol çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Humik asit dozları olarak (0, 250, 500, 1000 ml/da) 4 farklı doz uygulanmıştır. Humik asit uygulama zamanları olarak; çıkış, 6-8 yapraklı, sapa kalkma, çiçeklenme dönemleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada; bitki boyu, ana sapa bağlı yan dal sayısı, ana saptaki kapsül sayısı, kapsülde tohum sayısı, bin tohum ağırlığı ve tohum verimine ait ölçüm ve gözlemler yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda ele alınan özelliklerin tamamında humik asit uygulama zamanları ve dozları arasındaki farklılıklar istatistiki açıdan önemli bulunmuştur. En yüksek değerler, bitki boyunda 118.60 cm ile 6-8 yapraklı dönemde ve 250 ml/da humik asit uygulamasından, ana saptaki kapsül sayısı 30.77 adet ile sapa kalkma ve 500 ml/da humik asit dozundan, bin tohum ağırlığı 3.68 g ile 6-8 yapraklı dönemde ile kontrol uygulamasından ve tohum verimi değeri de 238.40 kg/da ile 6-8 yapraklı dönemde ve 250 ml/da uygulamalarından elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada genel olarak, humik asit dozlarından 250 ve 500 ml/da uygulamalarının ve uygulama zamanı olarak da 6-8 yapraklı ve sapa kalkma dönemlerinin incelenen özellikler bakımından daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği gözlenmiştirThe purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of durations of different doses of humic acids on yield and yield components of winter rapeseed. The study was carried out at Ankara, the experiment was established as split block design with three replications during 2013-2014. Cv. Bristol was used in the experiment. Humic acid doses of 0, 250, 500, 1000 ml/da were applied. Humic acid was applied at 6-8 leaves stage, bolting and flowering stages. In the study; plant height, number of branches on main stem, number of capsules per main stem, number of seeds per capsule, one thousand seed weight and seed yield were the parameters for which observations were taken. In all of the parameters, discussed in the results of the study statistically significant differences were noted between humic acid application stages and dose. The maximum plant height of 118.60 cm was noted at humic acid application at 6-8 leaf stage using 250 ml/da. The maximum number of 30.77 capsules were noted on main stem at when humic acid was applied at bolting stage using 500 ml/da humic acid. Thousand seed weight of 3.68 g was noted at 6-8 leaf stage on control treatment. Maximum seed yield (238.40 kg/da was noted at 250 ml/da humic acid application at 6-8 leaf stage. Generally, humic acid doses of 250 and 500 ml/da were more productive on all traits after their application at 6-8 leaves stage and bolting stage that resulted in better yields

    Determination of suitable sowing time for winter Rapeseed in Ankara conditions

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    Gürsoy, Mehtap ( Aksaray, Yazar )Bu araştırma, 2012 - 2013 yetiştirme sezonunda (2012 Eylül-2013 Haziran) Ankara koşullarında kışlıkkolzada farklı ekim zamanlarının verim ve verim unsurları üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla TesadüfBlokları Deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümüdeneme arazisinde yürütülmüştür. Kışlık kolza çeşidi olarak Capitol kullanılmış olup, 5 farklı ekim zamanında(2 Eylül, 16 Eylül, 30 Eylül, 14 Ekim, 28 Ekim) ekimler yapılmıştır. Araştırmada; bitki boyu, ana sapa bağlıyan dal sayısı, ana saptaki kapsül sayısı, kapsülde tohum sayısı, bin tane ağırlığı, tohum verimi, yağ oranıve yağ verimine ait gözlemler yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda ele alınan özelliklerin tamamında ekimzamanları arasındaki farklılıklar istatistiki açıdan önemli bulunmuştur. Ortalama değerlere bakıldığında; enyüksek bitki boyu (158.2 cm), en fazla yan dal sayısı (6.73), en fazla ana saptaki kapsül sayısı (47.53),kapsülde tohum sayısı (29.03), bin tane ağırlığı (2.85 g), tohum verimi (246.70 kg da-1) ile en yüksek yağoranı (% 45.0) ve en yüksek yağ verimi (107.20 kg da-1) de en erken ekimden (2 Eylül) elde edilmiştir. Gecikenekimler tohumdaki yağ oranının azalmasına neden olmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda; Ankara koşullarında kışlıkkolza için en uygun ekim zamanının eylül ayı başı olması gerektiği belirlenmiştirThis research was conducted to find out the effects of different sowing time on yield and yield componentsfor winter rape during growing seasons of 2012 and 2013 (September 2012 - June 2013). The experimentwas designed in randomized complete block design with 3 replications and carried out in the experimentalplots of Field Crops Department of Agricultural Faculty of Ankara University. Winter rape variety Capitol wassown in five different sowing time (September 2, September 16, September 30, October 14 and October 28).Observations and measurements for plant height, lateral stem number, capsule number on main stem, seednumber per capsule, thousand seed weight, seed yield, oil ratio and oil yield were made. According to theresults of the study; the differences were statistically important for all characters in the experiment. The longestplant stem height (158.2 cm), the highest lateral branch number (6.73), capsule number in main stem (47.53),number of seed per capsule (29.03), thousand seed weight (2.85 g), seed yield (246.70 kg da-1) weredetermined in at the earliest sowing time. The highest oil ratio (45.0 %) and oil yield (107.20 kg da-1) weresimilarly obtained in the earliest sowing date (September 2). Delayed sowing resulted in decreasing of oilratio. The best sowing time for winter rapeseed was at the beginning of September under Ankara condition

    Preconditioning Treatments Affect Regeneration on Different Sized Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Corms

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    Safran (Crocus sativus L.) baharat, boya ve tıbbi amaçlarla kullanılan önemli ekonomik bir bitki olupvejetatif olarak çoğaltılmaktadır. Safran kormlarının hızlı ve kontrollü koşullarda çoğaltılması safran tarımındaönem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada ex vitro koşullarda safran çoğaltımı amaçlanarak, çevre uzunluğu 3.144.71 cm (küçük korm) ve 4.71-6.28 cm (büyük korm) olan safran kormlarının farklı hormon uygulamalarıneticesinde çoğalma durumları tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma serada, sıcaklık ve nemin kontrol edildiği şartlarda,plastik kasalarda torf içerisinde yapılmıştır. Her muamelede 15 adet korm üç tekerrürlü olacak şekilde 1-1.5cm derinliğe dikilmiştir. Her korm 50, 100, 150 ve 200 dk. 5 ng/µl BAP ve 5 ng/µl BAP 150 ng/µl GA3 ilemuamele edilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre, 5 ng/µl BAP ve 5 ng/µl BAP 150 ng/µl GA3 200 dakikalık önmuamelelerinde hem küçük hem de büyük kormlar %80 oranla yavru korm oluşturmuştur. Büyük çaplıkormlarda 200 dk, 5 ng/µl BAP muamelesinde yavru korm çevresinin en büyük olduğu (1.48 cm) tespitedilmiştir. Ana korm başına düşen yavru korm sayısına bakıldığında en fazla yavru korm (3.25 adet) büyükkormlarda 5 ng/µl BAP ile 150 dk muamelesinden elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar ile gelecekte safranüretiminin artırılmasında önemli ölçüde faydalanılacağı düşünülmektedirSaffron (Crocus sativus L.), spices, dyes, and is an economically important plant used for medicinalpurposes, is propagated vegetatively. Fast multiplication of saffron corms under controlled conditions hasgreat importance in agriculture. This study aimed to identify best hormon concentrations and times oftreatment suitable for propagation of saffron corms with circumference of 3.14 - 4.71 cm (small corms) and4.71 - 6.28 cm (large corms) under ex vitro conditions. The study was carried out in greenhouse undercontrolled conditions of temperature and humidity in plastic enclosures containing peat moss. Each treatmentcontained 15 korms divided in to three replications and each corm was planted at depth of 1 - 1.5 cm. Eachcorm was treated for 50, 100, 150 and 200 min with 5 ng/µl BAP and 5 ng/µl BAP 150 ng/µl GA3. Accordingto the results, 5 ng/µl BAP and 5 ng/µl BAP 150 ng/µl GA3treatment for 200 min induced 80% cormlets onboth small and large corms. Large corms treated for 200 min with 5 ng/µl BAP induced largest (1.48 cm)cormlets of the BAP treatment. Considering the number of offspring per mother corm maximum number ofcormlets (3.25 cormlets) were induced after 150 min treatment with 5 ng/µl BAP. It is contemplated that theresults obtained in this study will have far reaching effects on future saffron propagation practice